I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 80 Intensified Contradictions, Unruly And Willful Little Girl!

It can be said that the situation at this time is quite urgent!

As long as the seventh-rank titled knight Baqiang makes a move, then the city lord of Xingyue City, Heiguang, and the president of the Mage Association, Felton, will also make a move.

Under the premise that the seventh-level magister North chooses to watch, it will instantly become a terrible situation where three seventh-level powerhouses attack at the same time!


At such an urgent moment, Eldest Princess Huiyue stood up, shouted loudly, and stopped everyone's movements.

"Xiao Qi, how long are you going to mess around!"

Eldest Princess Huiyue scolded Princess Qiyue directly:

"With the joint supervision of two seventh-level magisters, how could he use magic props?!"

As soon as these words came out, North and Felton, the seventh-level magisters, nodded slightly:

Indeed, Princess Qiyue accused Wang Zibin of cheating, using magic items with instant spells or "three zero zeros" as spell scrolls. Such behavior completely treated the two of them as idiots.

Could it be that two seventh-level magisters still can't tell whether a sixth-level archmage is cheating?

This was also the reason why Nuo Si didn't want to ignore Princess Qiyue's order at all, he still wanted to show some face.

After confirming Wang Zibin's innocence with one sentence, Princess Huiyue continued:

"For this battle, the rules before the battle were agreed upon. Don't hold back, life or death is irrelevant, so no matter who wins, they should not be held accountable!"

After showing justice with these words again, Eldest Princess Huiyue solemnly said:

"As the eldest princess of the Royal Family of the Full Moon Empire, I announce that this exchange battle will be won by the sixth-rank master representing Star-Moon City!"

As soon as these words came out, it was equivalent to Princess Huiyue making a final conclusion about this battle.

The seventh-rank titled knight Ba Lance stretched out the hand behind the spear and retracted it. The hand of Xingyue City lord Hei Guang who was holding the sword hilt was loosened.


A possible battle between the seventh-order powerhouses disappeared invisibly.

For Princess Qiyue, she could only stamp her little feet angrily, and sat down unwillingly:

No matter how unwilling she was, she understood that the Royal Family Exchange Group was dominated by Princess Huiyue, and even she had to agree with Princess Huiyue's speeches in public.

Because the eldest princess Huiyue is the one who truly represents the royal family and has the right to make decisions!

If she makes a fuss again, it will be 100% damaged to the face of the royal family.

For Grand Duke Huiyue, to stop Princess Qiyue's nonsense and maintain the fairness of the exchange meeting is to protect the face of the royal family!

After all, if Princess Qiyue continues to make trouble, Eldest Princess Huiyue can already imagine how "ugly" the information about the royal family exchange group spread from Xingyue City will be!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the seventh-rank titled knight Ba Qiang really makes a move, it will be tantamount to telling everyone that the royal family cannot accept failure and openly oppresses common mages!

Although Wang Zibin is already a sixth-rank great mage, if he has not registered with the mage association, he is not included in the official information of the empire, and naturally he will not be canonized as a nobleman.

Therefore, Wang Zibin is still a civilian.

This means that oppressing Wang Zibin is equivalent to oppressing civilians!

This is definitely a huge blow to the royal family's reputation!

Therefore, it is impossible for Eldest Princess Huiyue to let the situation develop like this, otherwise even she will be punished by then!

After Eldest Princess Huiyue appeared, the incident caused by this battle quickly subsided.

But has it really calmed down?

No, of course not!

Everyone knows that what is calming down now is only the superficial phenomenon, and the hidden contradictions are actually getting deeper!

This is different from the language conflict between Wang Zibin and Princess Qiyue before, this time it is a real big conflict, because the royal exchange team is dead!

Once it involves life and death, then the contradiction cannot be so easily resolved!

Even if the one who died was just an accompanying guard knight.

But behind this knight is Princess Qiyue!

When Wang Zibin killed this knight, it meant that he slapped Princess Qiyue directly on the face!

This is also the reason why Princess Qiyue did not hesitate to frame Wang Zibin and let Ba Qiang kill him!

She, Princess Qiyue, has never suffered such a great humiliation since she was a child!

The contradiction has intensified to the point of irreconcilability!

After getting off the arena, Wang Zibin left the Xingyue Knight Academy first on the grounds that he was too tired from fighting, got in a luxurious carriage, and headed for the manor.

When Wang Zibin left the exchange meeting, many people stared at his back either explicitly or secretly, with different thoughts...

Gu Jin and Oswald were both thankful that Wang Zibin was not harmed, but also worried about Princess Qiyue's next move.

The seventh-level magician North has been paying attention to Wang Zibin, and Wang Zibin has aroused his great interest.

Zhao Yuanbai, deputy city lord of Xingyue City, looked at Wang Zibin's back, feeling both scared and excited:

What he was afraid of was the strength shown by Wang Zibin. If he could kill the sixth-level sky knight with the scar on his face in seconds, he could also kill him in seconds.

What he was excited about was the intensified conflict between Wang Zibin and Princess Qiyue. He knew that in the future, many people like him would choose to attack Wang Zibin in order to establish a relationship with Princess Qiyue.

If it is said that when Zhao Yuanbai made a move, the others were still holding a wait-and-see attitude, fearing that Wang Zibin would suddenly give in to Princess Qiyue and cause them to draw water from the bamboo basket in vain.

So from now on, when the contradictions intensify, this possibility will no longer exist.

Therefore, what is certain is that those who hold a wait-and-see attitude will all end up!

On the way back, Wang Zibin reflected on the gains and losses of the battle:

For killing that knight, Wang Zibin didn't have any special feelings.

After all, for him with Tier 4 strength, in that case, either the knight would die, or he would die!

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist.

So Wang Zibin can only ask the knight to die 4.8.

The death of that knight is not a big deal, what really lies in front of Wang Zibin is to deal with the intensified conflict with Princess Qiyue!

Fortunately, with the violent bear Volibear around, Wang Zibin didn't worry much about his personal safety.

What Wang Zibin is worried about is the troubles that will continue to arise.

He had already thought that he would become a "Xiang Momo", a "stepping stone" who could get closer to Princess Qiyue by stepping on him!

"Hey, the kind of unruly and willful little girl should be hung up, buttocks are whipped, and the skin is ripped apart!"

On the carriage, Wang Zibin, who felt troublesome just thinking about it, sighed.

Next, Wang Zibin estimated that he was going to kill many people.

Killing is not what he wants, Prince Enhe doesn't have so much time to "play" with people

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