I Will Assign You Ten Female Secretaries And Build A Space Carrier On The Spot.

Chapter 21 Powerful Braking System! Escape From The Traffic Police!

In a Volvo.

The instrument panel showed that the speed of the vehicle had reached 340 kilometers.

inside the car.

The four people felt the strong push on their backs.

Xiao Huo advised with fear: "Sister, why don't you take a break. If there is an accident at this time, we will end up with a car crash and death."

Wang Xiaoxiao curled his lips, still a little unconvinced, and shouted: "Su Hao! Is my dad catching up?"

"No, he's hanging in the back and eating exhaust fumes!"

Wang Xiaoxiao felt much better immediately: "That's good!"

"Su Hao, how high can our car go?"

"five hundred!"

"Can it really reach 500? Don't lie to me."

"I rarely lie to people."


Wang Xiaoxiao looked at the steering wheel in his hand and took a deep breath.

Hit the accelerator!

"It can reach five hundred, right?"

"Then let's have sex today!"

"Just right, let's just use it as a test!"

"Today I will also be the female car goddess of Qiu Mingshan!"


Buzz! ! !

Volvo keeps accelerating! accelerate!



The moment the speed reaches 500 kilometers per hour.

Everyone felt a strong push on their backs and was embedded in their seats!

And at this time.

A6 has long since disappeared!

I can’t even eat the exhaust fumes!


Inside the A6 car.

"What an international joke!"

Wang Aiguo's eyes almost popped out.

When the A6 reaches 360.

Volvo can actually get away from the A6.

"This is a fucking rocket!"

Sitting in the car.

Wang Aiguo's eyes were a little distracted.

Was he wrong?


“Cool cool cool cool!!”

Inside a Volvo.

Wang Xiaoxiao exclaimed.

Eyes are brighter than ever!

The feeling of pushing back after five hundred kilometers!


It’s so exciting!

"Buzz buzz!"

The roar of the accelerator continued.

Volvo's speed was maintained at 500 kilometers.

At this speed, everything seems to be passing backwards at the speed of light!


The unrestricted road section is coming to an end.

at this time.

Su Hao suddenly reminded: "There is a traffic police! Slow down!"

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Wang Xiaoxiao stepped on the brakes, and the speed immediately began to decrease rapidly!

It doesn't matter how fast you drive on roads with no speed limit.

But it won’t work beyond this section.

at the same time.

Xiao Huo caught a glimpse of the traffic policeman holding a speedometer on the side: "Damn! This is a drag racing officer. We accidentally bumped into each other!"

They came here to investigate the racing gang.

But aren't they just racing now?

Lin Wanran also became worried: "Can it be reduced?"

Now it’s five hundred kilometers!

It was only a few hundred meters away from the end of the unrestricted road.

With such a small distance, can the speed be slowed down?

"Brake the brakes and press hard!"

Su Hao said loudly.

Wang Xiaoxiao responded loudly: "What? If we step on it hard, we will overturn!"


Su Hao said word by word: "I have thought about this a long time ago. I have processed the brake program and just step on it!"


Wang Xiaoxiao pressed the brakes with all his strength. The Volvo's tires stopped and began to draw a long black trail on the ground, making a sizzling sound!


The traffic policemen lurking outside the unrestricted road section became excited.

"I'm coming!"

"The racing gang is coming!"

"Why is there only one car?"

"So fast!"

"Oh my god, this speed is too fast. It must be at least four hundred kilometers, right?"

"NND, is this a rocket? It's so fast!"

The Volvo is so fast.

Even the traffic police captain Wang Li was shocked!

"I'll go! This speed must be at least more than 400, right?"

"Looks like we caught a big guy!"

Wang Li noticed that the Volvo seemed to have noticed them and was braking.

He wanted to laugh!

"Why don't you think about slowing down when you're racing?"

"It's only a few hundred meters away now. If you drive so fast, can you get down?"

If you can slow down your speed, I'll take it...then you're strong!


Volvo cars are constantly decreasing in speed.

The display data on the instrument panel decreases rapidly.



The speed was successfully reduced to 40 kilometers!


Wang Xiaoxiao was so excited that she wanted to jump up in the car.

Xiao Huo also cheered: "Awesome! Awesome!"

At this critical moment.

Successfully reduced the speed to a safe speed!

Lin Wanran was also very excited, waving her fists: "Exciting! So exciting!"

Su Hao said to Wang Xiaoxiao: "Give me the mobile phone."


"Of course I'm calling your dad."

Su Hao said matter-of-factly: "You don't want to see Director Wang stay in the bureau for a few days, right?"

Wang Xiaoxiao was silent for a while and nodded: "It's in my left pocket. I want to drive, so come and get it."

Drag racing is drag racing, this is the "angry" stage.

But she still loves her father very much.

Su Hao took a look and saw that Wang Xiaoxiao's left pocket... was a bit far away from him.

That’s all.

He lowered his head and placed it on Wang Xiaoxiao's thigh. He put his right hand into his pocket and got the mobile phone. He straightened up again and dialed Wang Aiguo's number.


"Ring ring ring, ring ring ring!"

The phone rings.

Wang Aiguo took a look and found that the call was from Wang Xiaoxiao.

Immediately slow down and stop on the roadside and answer the phone.

"Hello? What's wrong?"

"Lao Wang? It's me. Su Hao!"

"Your daughter asked me to remind you that there are traffic police arresting speed racing gangs outside the unrestricted road. Drive slowly and come here!"

Wang Aiguo was stunned for a moment.

A wry smile appeared on his face: "Okay, I understand."


Outside sections with no speed limit.

The traffic police were dumbfounded.

"Damn it, have you really slowed down?"

"This car's braking system is awesome."

"It's visually estimated that the speed is more than 400 kilometers per hour. Can this thing be slowed down?"

"This braking system is really awesome, I admire it."

Wang Li was a little disappointed: "Did the brakes really come down?"

Yes, there is no way to make meritorious service.

After a while.

An A6 also drove over slowly.


Wang Aiguo got out of the car, walked in front of Wang Xiaoxiao, and was silent for a long time.

He glanced at Volvo, then at Su Hao, and finally at his daughter.

Nothing more was said.

Wang Aiguo first gave him a hug.

"Daughter, I apologize for what I said before."

"you are right."

Wang Xiaoxiao was stunned. He didn't expect his father to apologize to him.

Wang Aiguo sighed and said to Su Hao: "Su Hao, I have to apologize to you too."

"I always thought you were just a little talented."

"But this time you proved to me that you are a very talented person!"

"I apologize for my rash judgment of you before."

Su Hao shrugged: "It doesn't matter. You're not saying bad things about me in front of me anyway."

Wang Aiguo: "..." He was about to be defeated by Su Hao's brain circuit.

Look at his daughter.

Wang Aiguo's voice was very soft: "This time I understand a truth. I will never interfere in your affairs again. Smile."

"You can do whatever you like from now on."

Maybe while racing.

Maybe it was when that phone call came.

Wang Aiguo suddenly understood a truth.

My daughter has grown up and has her own set of mature consciousness.

She knows what is good and what is bad.

There is no need for him to make too many arrangements for his daughter.

Being a parent makes your daughter unhappy. Is this how a father behaves as a parent?


Therefore, Wang Aiguo understood this truth and said something very sincere to Wang Xiaoxiao.

Su Hao took the lead in applauding: "What a happy ending! It's better than the TV series!"

Xiao Huo nodded seriously: "Yes, that's right. Many TV dramas nowadays like to have some joys and sorrows. This kind of happy ending plot is much better than TV dramas."

The atmosphere is broken.

Veins popped up on Wang Aiguo's forehead!

He also decided that from now on he would be at odds with this guy Su Hao!

Traffic police captain Wang Li also had veins popping out on his forehead.

You lucky racing gangsters, don't be too embarrassed!

Acting out some kind of father-daughter love scene in front of them, I thought it would be great!

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