I will be crowned king

Chapter 999 Good thing? bad thing?

"It seems that you have really realized that you are an enemy of the family."

Looking at the nervous Julien aiming his gun at him, "Father" said coldly: "Storm Legion...that organization that is about to be eradicated by the Ministry of War, is it so attractive to you?"

"Will not!"

Julien pursed his lips and blurted out, the revolver in his hand trembling slightly with his mood: "As long as Brigadier General Anson Bach is here, Chief of Staff Karl, Deputy Commander Fabian... I am here, and Julien Renard is here , the Storm Legion will never be easily dismissed by the Ministry of War!"

The moment he spoke, a flash of disgust appeared on his face.

"Ah...I finally said it. The surname I gave you is the most precious inheritance I inherited from your grandfather." "Father" on the bed smiled proudly:

"The great Renard family, inherited from the ancient bloodline of the noble Black Apostle Renard, has a history of thousands of years. As early as the Osteria family ruled Clovis... No, it should be as early as 'Clovis' Before this land was inhabited, there were already creatures roaming the continent..."


Julien's expression obviously lost the firmness at the beginning: "I am Julien, Lieutenant Colonel Julien of Clovis. I have nothing to do with the so-called family Renard, let alone the old god sect! I, I... I am Talented people are blessed by the Ring of Order and are the blood descendants of the Seven Knights!"

"But your surname is Renard and you are my son. None of us can change this." The "father" on the bed sneered lightly: "As for whether you are from the old god sect... I think it is better to let the judges of the false gods It’s more appropriate to evaluate.”


"Furthermore, you are now seeking help from me, your father and your family, but you don't even dare to admit your identity. Then why should we help a traitor from a family who is not even willing to admit the true god? , an apostate who surrendered to a false god?”


"But even so, out of the inescapable father-son relationship, I am still willing to help you."

Looking at Julien who was speechless, "Father" suddenly changed the topic: "Of course, this is definitely not without cost... It is impossible to mobilize the resources of the Renard family to help the Storm Legion and become the enemy of the Ministry of War without sufficient benefits. .”

"Humph, of course I thought of this." Julien raised his head proudly:

"From Hantu to the New World, if all my allowances, trophies, and internal dividends from the legion are converted into cash, it will be about... well, it should be about 150,000 gold coins!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand……"

"Father" on the bed smiled: "It is indeed not a small number, but if you want to get the full support of the Renard family, you still have to..."

"I, I still have shares in the New World Company. It's not much, but it should be enough to use as a bargaining chip." Julien stressed desperately:

"This is the only and largest bank in the New World. It also has a mercenary army of more than 10,000 indigenous people under its name. It controls more than half of the foreign trade of the New World. It is absolutely guaranteed to make profits!"

"Really, it sounds really good." The indifferent "Father" changed the subject again: "But if Clovis cannot form an alliance with the Free Confederacy, these shares will be meaningless... I said Is it right?"

Julien was speechless, and the revolver he held in his hand silently hung by his leg.

"What's more, no matter how arrogant you are, it's just a chamber of commerce. If the upper-level adults of the Free Confederacy want to take it away, isn't it just a matter of words?" Looking at his son who obviously has no confidence, "father" continued to sarcastically say :

"In addition, you are no longer in the new world. Why do you believe that those people will continue to fulfill their agreement and give you your share of the dividends exactly..."

"Impossible!" Julien raised his head suddenly:

"The real controller of the New World Company is Brigadier General Anson's fiancée, the head of the Rune family, Miss Thalia August Rune! She will never do such a thing..."

"Just wait a moment!"

The moment he heard the name "Lun", "Father" who was still lying on the bed suddenly sat up and stared at Julien: "You, you repeat that name just now!"


Julien was startled and his face was full of shock. He didn't understand what happened to his father: "Did I say something wrong?"

"Thalia...Rune, no, it should be Thalia August Rune, right?" The deep voice was trembling slightly, and "Father"'s face suddenly became serious: "You said Anson... Bach’s fiancée, is she?”

"That's right." Julien nodded first, and then suddenly hesitated again: "Uh... that should be it."

"What is should?"

"How to describe it...The relationship between the two of them is very subtle. It is difficult for me, an outsider, to determine what kind of relationship the Commander-in-Chief has with Miss Talia."


After being silent for nearly half a minute, "Father" took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the shocked expression on his face: "You don't need to explain anymore. Don't mention this to anyone, especially anyone in our family." You know, that would be bad for you.”

"As for what you just mentioned, about how to assist Anson Bach and completely destroy the War Department, I suddenly had a very good idea..."


"Oh, you might as well tell me."

Looking at Hank sitting opposite him, Anson said with some curiosity.

Almost a quarter of an hour ago, when he was surrounded by the cheering crowd, surprised that the other party actually used army logistics supplies to bribe the poor people in the outer city, the military chief of the Storm Legion suddenly appeared behind him without any recruitment, without saying a word. He dragged Anson into a nearby shabby tavern and quickly explained the whole story.

Regarding the matter between the Army Department and you, everyone in the Army is already aware of it. Lieutenant Colonel Carl Bain and Deputy Commander Fabian have convinced everyone to mobilize the strength, resources and connections of the entire Army to fight against the Army Department. You... are not alone. fighting!

Unlike those descendants of wealthy families, or those who are good at managing connections, the rejuvenated military doctor only has one "Good Wife Veterinary Hospital" in Clovis City, and privately runs a business of bounty hunting, using people's money to eliminate disasters for others. , using the "experience" accumulated on prisoners to treat illnesses and injuries of pet cats and dogs, and has accumulated a good reputation.

In addition to improving his skills in "veterinary surgery", the military surgeon in his spare time has also not forgotten to improve his skills in side jobs - such as how to sneak into the target's home more easily, and what if the other party has guards or is himself a How can the gang leader make it easier to infiltrate?

"To put it simply, you must not be discovered by the other party, and at the same time, you must have enough patience. The first point is the most important." Hank said with a beaming face: "I have accumulated rich experience in this aspect, dealing with gang leaders, Especially for the leader of a big gang with a backer and background, patience is definitely the most important thing.”

"These guys who have a large number of subordinates and control a territory will not show up easily most of the time, especially in public places where there are many people, and they can hide and hide; because they know very well that they His position is not stable, and every gang boss is surrounded by at least a dozen cronies who hope to replace him!"

"So these guys spend most of their time hiding in one or several places that they consider to be absolutely safe, surrounded by at least two digits of personal thugs for protection; so there are two ways to kill them - wait patiently They show up in public, cause chaos and then kill them with one strike, or they have to sneak into one of his 'safe houses' and kill them on the spot before the goons can react!"

"As long as he dies, even if those thugs wanted to cut us into pieces just a second ago, they will immediately stop and let us go; because even if they kill us, the second-in-commands who are preparing to compete for the position of the boss will not let them Live again." Hank smiled "hehehe":

"That's how I invested in opening a veterinary store."

“…what a useful empirical tip.”

Anson really didn't know how to evaluate it, so he could only pick up the wine glass on the table and take a sip. As a result, he was almost vomited out due to the irritation of the low-quality beer mixed with water: "So, you suggested that I find a way to sneak into the 'whisper' safe house and then killed him on the spot?”

"No, my suggestion is that it's best to kill with one strike in public, when there are the most people." The military doctor gave a thumbs up and made a neck-cutting motion:

"Killing him is not our purpose. Our purpose is to help you and the whole army wash away the stigma of 'apostasy', and at the same time, make a big news that no one can deny to trouble the War Department - a silent assassination. , does not meet our needs.”

"But the court date seems to be not far away, so we have to kill this 'whisperer' as soon as possible... Then we must find a way to create some trouble so that he has to show up in public."

"Any suggestions?" Anson silently pushed the wine glass in front of the military surgeon.

"This... there are many methods, but not many of them are suitable for us." Hank's expression seemed a little discouraged: "Whisper this guy, I have dealt with him once before, he is timid, cautious, and terribly afraid of death. ——As long as there is even the slightest suspicion that something is wrong, he will hide in the hole dug in advance like a weasel and never let himself take the slightest risk!"

"If you want this gray grandson to be exposed, you have to either have someone with high authority and control over his life speak out, or it is no longer safe to hide and you must appear in public to avoid dying without a burial place."

The more the military doctor talked, the more headache he got: "To be honest, the former one is very difficult... I heard from the girl called by the clerk that even the inquisitor seemed to have missed it; and the outer city area has been cleared by the police on Whitehall Street. I’ve done it many times, and the environment is so different from the original one that it’s hard to do it again.”

"So, we can only use the second method." Anson raised his eyebrows: "To make him feel threatened, he must always appear in crowded places to feel safe?"

"Yes, but I think this may be more difficult than the first one."

The military doctor picked up the cup and took a big sip. His expression instantly changed from bitter to twisted: "However, I should be able to help you."

"How to help?"

"It's very simple. You tell me the information you got from the Inquisitor, and I go to the safe house of Whisper to ambush him. After two or three attempts, he won't continue to hide like this."

The military doctor who slammed the cup on the table and tried his best to swallow the contents of his mouth was relieved, and his face regained the expression of a technician who is extremely confident in his own hands and experience:

"Don't worry, I've done this kind of thing more than once. Among the customers who have passed by me, 'Whispering' is not even in the top ten; knowing a little bit about black magic can't stop me from giving him my shotgun. Surgery on his chest."

Looking at the military doctor who was completely ready to go, Anson fell into silence.

This is not just because today's "whispers" are completely different from those in the past. It is difficult to say whether the military doctor who is not even a genius can really succeed as easily as he said; but also because this is a beginning, a vague opportunity for him to succeed. The beginning of some fear.

In the past, the Storm Legion was just a very simple organization, a group of cannon fodder that no one wanted, and a group of officers with no future who formed a group to survive on the battlefield and make money on the way; as the commander-in-chief of this legion, all Anson needed to ensure was each of them. The salary, future and establishment are just there.

In the new world, these people became the bargaining chip for him to open up the situation, struggle to survive, and even confront the church, the empire, and Clovis; but even so, Anson still tried his best to ensure the interests of each of them, even if he lost It won't leave everyone without a way to survive.

But now, back in the once familiar city of Clovis, the Storm Legion, which was originally only unilaterally obeying its orders to ensure its interests, has begun to take active actions to assist itself and become the enemy of the Ministry of War...

Of course, there is an incentive for the Army Ministry to bully others too much, and it is a result that they have indeed fallen into passivity, and it is difficult to fully take into account the interests of the legion, and they need to save themselves to a certain extent; but it is very obvious that this organization that I personally created has already I began to have independent thoughts and was no longer satisfied with passively accepting orders and waiting for results to happen.

If it's just a certain school of thought, or an organization among officers like the "Blood Bayonet Club", it doesn't really matter. The problem is that there is no so-called consensus in the entire Storm Legion: there is the Old God Sect, there is the Truth Society, and there is the Firm There are followers of the Circle of Order, including royal spies with dubious loyalty, descendants of wealthy families, and ordinary officers from the countryside...

The reason why they are so united is only because of the Storm Legion and only because of themselves.

Is this a good thing or...

bad thing?

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