I will be crowned king

Chapter 1001 Brigadier General

From the beginning, at least Fabian did not pin all his hopes on his "connections" in the War Office and Whitehall Street.

Birds of a feather flock together and people belong to groups. No one knows better than him what kind of things his former friends are - as long as there is even a slight chance, they will not give up the possibility of climbing up. Selling one's own people is simply worse than Breathing is easy.

Yes, Fabian used to be this kind of person...at least he used to be.

It is precisely because of their understanding that they know best how to use this kind of people... Without any deliberate instructions, they will send today's "eavesdropped" information to the desk of the upper management of the Army Department, and it will be organized and logically consistent. A fool's version that doesn't require the big shots to use their brains at all.

Of course, a truly smart person might choose a more tactful approach, overtly or covertly reminding the adults that they are sowing discord, and that the data and intelligence within the Army Department are completely untrustworthy... But such people often cannot climb high and cannot win over those Colleagues who have completely given up thinking.

The information Fabian gave to the royal family about the Storm Legion was mixed with a lot of water. The direct result of this was that the Ministry of War greatly underestimated the true level of the Storm Legion and mistakenly thought that it was a cannon fodder army - of course It's true to say that - all the members of the officer corps are insignificant scraps and not worthy of attention at all.

Even the royal family's understanding of the situation is incomplete, so you can only imagine what kind of information the War Department can obtain.

For the Storm Legion, the real critical moment is only a few hours after getting off the bus in Clovis City; if the War Department can blockade the station with heavy troops in advance, forcibly arrest all the officers, and lock the leaderless soldiers into the barracks, then they will be There is really nothing we can do.

But the inquisitors of the Truth Seeking Order took away the Commander-in-Chief first... From that moment on, the Ministry of War had zero restraint on the Storm Legion.

Now they have just realized this. What Fabian has to do is to let them see clearly the true strength of the Storm Legion - the Storm Legion that can lead the Free Confederacy's New Continental Army and fight head-on with the Holy War Army relies on more than just luck.

To make the Army Department self-doubt and self-deny... let them realize that the Storm Legion is not an existence that can be manipulated at will, so that the harmony and unity that is already on the surface will be destroyed.


Alexey excitedly clenched his fist and smashed it against the wall: "I have long disliked those superior guys from the War Department... They obviously didn't help at all when the colony was in danger, and they made it seem like we had done something wrong. !”

"What did we do wrong? The Ice Dragon Fjord cannot be defended in the first place. If it is not left to the Free Confederacy and Clovis still has his own interests in the New World, can the Empire and the Holy See agree to reconcile? Then there is something wrong. !”

"That's true." Norton Crosell replied absently, looking at the crowded streets around him.

This is Friedrich Street. The two people who had just been running around all day happened to meet on the side of the street and planned to have a cup of coffee before going back.

It's just that Alexei has received an affirmative reply from the Roland family, and even promised to lend a helping hand without paying any price; Norton looked worried, and there was no hint of joy in his eyes.

The reason for his return was not only to seek intelligence help from the Truth Society, but also to learn more about the current situation in Clovis City. The reply he received was completely beyond his expectation.

The falsely prosperous economy, the urban security disrupted by rioting workers and returning soldiers, the sudden rise of "whispers"...

According to the information Norton has obtained, the Truth Society seems to be planning something big, but it has kept silent about himself, who is also a member of the Truth Society. He has said overtly and covertly that it is best not to interfere, but to keep an eye on the actions of the Storm Legion and call for help when the situation is critical. That’s it.

This made Norton feel a little panicked, because the last incident he participated in but did not receive any information about was the rebellion of the Thirteenth Council of Israel.

So what the Truth Society plans this time is the same as last time, even less sure... This is Norton's only understanding.

"Having said that, the Roland family originally planned to side with the Free Confederation Mission and the Storm Legion, so whether I go or not, the outcome seems to be similar."

After taking a sip of coffee with sugar, the relaxed Alexey looked very comfortable: "It is true that they have such huge interests in the New World Company, and it is indeed unjustifiable not to help."

"In the final analysis, the interests of the Roland family and those northern wealthy families are different from those of the emperor. Of course, they definitely don't like Clovis either. It's just the lesser of two evils, what do you think?"

"I... think what you said makes sense." Norton withdrew his gaze and looked at Alexey, who was still very interested: "Well... did you get any special information when you chatted with the head of the Northern Chamber of Commerce? "

"Special intelligence, does it count if being followed by people from the Army Ministry?"

Alexei put down the cup and looked at Norton: "What's wrong? There's been something wrong with you since just now."

"No, it's nothing, I'm just a little worried." Norton forced a smile and put the cup he had just picked up back down:

"I don't know how the others are progressing. I hope everything goes well...especially Julien. He is probably the person who respects the Commander-in-Chief the most in the entire army."

Alexey said nothing and silently looked away; he could vaguely sense that Norton had something on his mind, but since the other party refused to say it, it was not convenient for him to ask.

As for a certain fanatical admirer of the Commander-in-Chief, he had vaguely heard that the relationship between him and his family was not very good. He really didn't know how much sacrifice this guy had to make in order to help the legion.

Just as the two of them remained silent, a loud noise suddenly came from the nearby street.


Along with the smoke and dust rising into the sky, Friedrichstrasse, which was noisy and lively just a second ago, instantly became more lively. Harsh screams and shouts came and went among the panicked crowd, rolling around like an uncontrolled flood, leaving behind a crowd full of people. The mess of the ground.

Before the two people who looked at each other could figure out what was going on, the only things around them were each other and the chairs under them. Even the table in front of them had been moved away.

"This...what the hell..."

The astonished Norton was still talking to himself when he saw the shocked Alexei suddenly raised his right hand and pointed in the direction behind the two of them and was speechless, so he had to look along:

"Ah...Jason? What is..."

"Why are you guys?!"

The cavalry battalion commander who was running all the way here looked more surprised than them, and almost threw him down: "Why, Captain Leo also asked the two for help?!"

"Leo? Isn't that guy with you..." Before Alexey had time to finish, he heard the siren of the Whitehall Street police suddenly rang in the distance, and his expression suddenly changed: "Hey, what's going on? !”

"It's too complicated, and I can't explain it for a while!" The cavalry battalion commander, who was blushing and out of breath, said without any nonsense: "Remember, it's still the same time, gather at the same place!"

Before the words were finished, the two people who didn't even have time to ask questions could only see his back as he ran away.

Looking at the cavalry company commander disappearing from sight, and then at the Whitehall Street policemen who followed him, Alexei took a breath and turned his eyes to Norton: "What...what should I do?!"

"It's very simple. If we are caught here, the Army Department will have sufficient reasons to imprison us all. They will even use the issue to attack the legion and the commander-in-chief. It will be very difficult to take any further actions." Norton Still calm and unhurried:

"So...listen to him and run!"


Alexey was shocked: "But we don't know what happened, and we don't know exactly what time or place those guys were talking about. What on earth is going on... eh?!"

Before he could come back to his senses after finishing his words, he saw that Norton had already rushed to the cafe, climbed over the street from the flat roof with great agility, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Listening to the increasingly rapid sound of the iron whistle behind him, Alexei, who was crying out for injustice in his heart, could only roll his eyes while climbing over the wall in full view of the police and running in the direction of the cavalry battalion commander. .


Inner city, shotgun club.

After anxiously assigning the task of "Assassination Whisper" to the military medical chief, Anson originally planned to return directly to the Truth Seeking Order to wait for news, or to continue to lurk around to see the situation. After thinking about it again and again, Anson finally gave up on this plan.

On the one hand, even if I continue to stay, the help I can provide is very limited...According to the information obtained from Norton, I, the military medical chief, is a standard lone wolf with no habit or experience of cooperating with others. It is very possible to intervene forcibly. Counterproductive.

On the other hand, it doesn’t matter even if he fails, since the most important information has been obtained anyway... The backer of "Whisper" is the Ministry of War, which is enough to explain why no one can find out the source of the gang's funds, and why they always get ahead of the trial Action among officials.

After all, no matter how mysterious and fast the Inquisition is, their main scope of activities is Clovis City and its surroundings, so they can never escape the eyes of the Whitehall Street police and the army; the action trajectories of both parties are completely one-way and transparent , it is not entirely unreasonable for Cole Dorian to miss again and again.

On the other hand, the other party can catch the tail of the Truth Society, which is a bit powerful... Excluding the possibility of accidents, the Truth Society is probably the most pervasive and mysterious organization of all the organizations Anson has ever seen; the one who caught them Members, the difficulty is comparable to jumping left and right in a circle surrounded by ten times the number of troops, and finally retreating without injury... or even counterattack!

If this is really the case, then it will be meaningless for me to continue to stay here... After all, all the information obtained was provided by the trial, and a certain chief inquisitor does not know that he has been unilaterally disclosed. It is difficult to say how much of the information is The plan deliberately released by the other party for fishing, and based on uncertain information, is bound to not be perfect.

So how do you know whether the War Office and the police on Whitehall Street are really cultivating gang forces for their own use?

The easiest way, of course, is to let them speak on their own.

As a social place frequented by school teachers and ordinary military officers, the Shotgun Club is located on the slightly remote west side of Garden Avenue in the south of the White Lake Park community, about 40 minutes away from the red brick street where Clovis Cathedral is located. The driving distance must be when there are not many people on the street.

Although the entire White Lake can only be regarded as a "mass community" in the inner city of Clovis, and residents' incomes are basically in the median or even lower range, it is obvious that there are differences between the middle classes. The most intuitive way to distinguish them is The closer you are to Red Brick Street, the more expensive the rent is.

That's right, Anson didn't know until quite late that Viscount Bogner had actually tricked him; the Boleman Street he recommended, which was the house under Mrs. Bogner's name, was almost the third largest house in Clovis City. , and even second-tier high-priced townhouses.

The advantage is that the community has private security, a reliable sewer system, and a complete range of shops. It is very close to commercial areas such as Friedrich Street and the red brick street where Clovis Cathedral is located, which really saves you a lot. time.

The Shotgun Club obviously does not have such capital... The noisy and lively streets reveal a hint of dilapidation, the street lights on the roadside are missing, and there are not a few taxis willing to stop to solicit customers. Only passers-by on foot pass by in a hurry. I don't even want to stop in front of the shops and pubs on the roadside.

As soon as I walked into the hall, a strong smell of tobacco mixed with alcohol hit my face. There was a faint, translucent smoke floating in the air, making the old furnishings and dim lights look extremely mysterious.

Soldiers in uniform can be seen everywhere at the bar, in the windows, and on the coffee table in the corner of the room; some look young and energetic; some have their collars open, their hats casually pinned to their epaulettes, and their faces look decadent. Smoking a pipe, drinking wine or playing cards with a few people he obviously knows well.

Perhaps it was because it happened to be in the afternoon and the club was so busy that Anson, who was dressed like an unemployed worker, became the target of everyone's attention as soon as he walked in.

"This... Your Excellency, you may have come to the wrong place." A young lieutenant with dark skin and piercing blue eyes came forward and stopped him with a frown:

"We are the Army Officers Club here. If you are looking for a place to drink, I can recommend it to you."

"You're right, I did want to find a place to drink." Anson pushed the hat on his head and chuckled at the lieutenant: "But I am indeed an officer."

"That's it. Please forgive me for being rude, but it seems that you didn't wear the military uniform as required - in a club of this size, it is also a bit impolite behavior." The lieutenant suddenly became serious:

"Then may I ask whether your military rank is warrant officer, or..."


Anson said solemnly.

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