I will be crowned king

Chapter 1004 He knows everything

For this scholar who is wanted by the church, neither Cole nor Serra can believe his nonsense.

But it must be admitted that his knowledge is indeed something that is urgently needed by the Truth-Seeking Cult at the moment. Even if he knows that lending the difference engine to him will definitely be used for some dangerous experiments, at this time, he can only accept it with pinched noses. .

There is also an episode here, that is, Cole has only now finally figured out that the "ancient runes" studied by William Gottfried are not weird knowledge that allows ordinary people to use magic, but pure symbols. Learning can be regarded as a relatively complex language.

The bad news is that this is not something to be relieved about, because according to William, the runes that can use magic are "really too low-level" and cannot be compared with what he is studying. He just uses magic. It can be done in minutes.

"I know it may seem a bit incredible to you, but the 'dangerous knowledge' you call is actually...out of date for a long time. Among the people I know, at least Saint Isaac has done some research in this area. It’s not difficult, it’s just that the price/performance ratio is too low.”

"What, what is cost-effectiveness? Let me put it another way. Using 'magic' to kill people is extremely inefficient under any circumstances. It is not as cost-effective as the power of blood."

"Magic is a by-product of 'evolution'. The reason why it looks so bluffing is that the two parties have different ways of existence. There is just a difference in information. In other words, the life levels of both parties are completely different. An advanced spellcaster can crush an ordinary person no more than drinking." Water difficulties...it depends on how you understand it."

No matter how William understood it, Cole couldn't understand it anyway, and he didn't intend to understand it at all - William Gottfried was an extremely dangerous guy and must be monitored at all times. This was his current understanding.

Sierra believed that the other party was probably doing this intentionally. The opposite of being monitored was to be under absolute protection. There was even someone responsible for his three meals a day, so that this crazy guy could continue his work without any distractions. Research that has gone beyond ordinary people's understanding.

No matter what the outcome is, both parties have achieved each other's needs, and it can be said that everyone is happy and happy.

Of course, the War Department was definitely not happy.

When Crown returned to the office in despair, the news spread throughout the Army Department, and the chaos caused by the failure to suppress the Storm Legion was further amplified.

Regardless of whether it is the outer city gangs, the people who really know the reason why they must accuse and destroy the Storm Legion are only a few among the top few in the Army Department. The vast majority of people do not know and cannot know the whole story.

But due to repeated failures, the news that must not be leaked has spread quietly.

Once the seeds of leaks are planted, it is impossible to stop them. The problem lies with the Army Department. To be more precise, the Army Department cannot afford the consequences of leaks. In order to prevent trouble, it must take preemptive strikes.

The first thing to do is of course to clear the suspicion, and then turn around and create a pure image of the Army Department that is pure and loyal to the country, but has been framed... Of course, whether everyone believes it or not is another matter.

Therefore, even if it knew that the consequences would be serious, the Army Department had to cut off funding for "Whispers" and at the same time eliminate several middlemen responsible for liaison.

In five days, twelve officers directly under the Ministry of War died unexpectedly, with military ranks ranging from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel. Their wills and obituaries did not even appear in the folder of the "Kingdom Loyalist".

At the same time, representatives were sent to the Ostria Palace to report to Carlos II about the "abnormal situation" in the outer city, and requested the Privy Council to lift the ban as soon as possible and allow the standing legions stationed outside to enter the town to suppress it, thus avoiding the 100th anniversary of the Saints Calendar. A repeat of the Clovis riots of 2006.

"The War Department is already panicking!"

In the private newspaper office, Sophia, who was holding the latest information, was so excited that she could not speak coherently. She said to Christian Bach, who was specially invited to be a "guest":

"Just a few hours ago, the Privy Council had officially approved their order to send troops into the city to suppress the rioters in the outer city. They even gave the War Department a clear time and staffing structure!"

"That's great." Holding the hot coffee served by the little maid, Christian smiled gently:

"In this way, they lose their biggest trump card, and they even have to face the risk of their dark side being exposed to the eyes of middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers. At the same time, it will also put huge pressure on the Privy Council, and they must mobilize an army that can compete with the War Department as soon as possible. Strength, otherwise the troops entering the city will not return to the military camp obediently."

"With the strength of the Whitehall Street police, they may be able to resist in numbers, but their strength is obviously not comparable to the army that has actually participated in the war. The Privy Council has no choice. The Storm Legion is the only foreign aid they can get."

"Once they realize this, and wait until Viscount Bogner returns to Clovis City, everything will fall into place."

Christian breathed a sigh of relief. During this time, he had been busy. While assisting Sophia, he was also mobilizing the strength of the entire Bach family to gain some connections for Anson.

A small rural family, in terms of scale and reach, obviously cannot be compared with a wealthy family like Franz; but on the other hand, in the real bottom and unappreciated corners, their actions are far more powerful than those of Franz. This kind of wealthy family is much more hidden, and it is easier to create a good image of someone among ordinary people.

Even if someone finds out, it doesn't matter. After all, speaking for one's family is a matter of course at all times, and no one can blame anyone.

During this period, Christian also assisted the Free Confederation mission and completed its mission of meeting Carlos II for the first time; it was also at his suggestion that the originally grand meeting ceremony was changed to a private, low-key, small-scale banquet. Not only were there almost no important officials of the kingdom except the king, but the total number of people attending the banquet was only double digits.

It is of course impossible to reach a covenant with this small-scale audience ceremony, but it can quickly eliminate the barriers between the two parties, exchange opinions and ideas, pave the way for the real audience ceremony and build momentum, so that everyone can be somewhat mentally prepared. .

In Christian's opinion, this step is simply more important than the actual audience ceremony.

Afterwards, the Free Confederation Ambassador, Little Baekeland, excitedly told him that the matter was exactly as he imagined. Carlos II really didn't care about the Ice Dragon Fjord. It was because the opposition was too loud that he had to not express his position.

Intersecting in a useless colony, Carlos is more concerned about the output of various raw materials of the Free Confederation, as well as how open the market can be, and whether it has the strength to protect its own coastline, which is really important.

The result also made him very satisfied - although the Free Confederation is a parliamentary system in name, on the surface Marshal Louis Bernard directly controls tens of thousands of troops, and secretly the Rune family controls the behemoth New World Company. The standard dual-heads of state system is completely Don’t worry about troublesome things like changing your order day and night.

Little Baekeland also told Carlos another good news, that is, if the two sides reach an agreement, there is a high probability that the Free Confederation will make Beluga Port its capital.

Ice Dragon Fjord is the sphere of influence of the Clovis people in the New World. The capital here is undoubtedly a show of goodwill to Clovis, silently telling everyone that the Free Confederacy will move closer to Clovis regardless of economics or politics.

This result is undoubtedly what Clovis hopes to see most. Trading a colony for raw material markets and important allies can also weaken the influence and authority of Emperor Herred. This kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone is really not easy to achieve.

After all, the Empire is different from Clovis. The latter is highly centralized. Even if the Privy Council and the Ministry of War can be arrogant, their power endorsement comes from the Osterian royal family. No matter how powerful a powerful minister is, he will lose power. Lost ground.

The former is completely different... The composition of the emperor's strength is very complex, but the strength he possesses is undoubtedly an important part; losing the entire colony of the New World at once and being sealed, there is no possibility of a comeback in the short term, and the authority has plummeted. That's an optimistic statement.

A private interview was needed to make Carlos II "realize all this by himself", and the Free Confederation mission could not even appear too enthusiastic...

Christian, he deserves all the credit - at least Sophia thinks so.

"Mr. Christian, you are really a genius at negotiating with people." Sophia couldn't help but sigh:

"It's a real loss to Clovis that someone like you can't hold an official position in the Privy Council and can only sit idle in a country manor."

"No, no, an ordinary little nobleman cannot withstand such ridiculous praise from you."

Christian calmly put down the coffee in his hand, not forgetting to thank the little maid, and sighed:

"After I clear Anson's grievances, it's time for me to go home. I won't cause any trouble to you and the adults."

"Oh, go back?" The girl was stunned: "Why? And... cause trouble, I don't understand what you mean."

"You don't need to understand. Everyone has his own place. I still understand this rule."

Christian smiled: "Now is an extraordinary period, the situation is unstable, many things must be done specially, otherwise..."

"Why do you think I, a little country noble, am allowed to come in and out of the Osteria Palace and deal with such a big shot as Viscount Bogner, the eldest daughter of the Franz family and a famous member of the Privy Council?"


Sophia's confused face gradually calmed down, and after a brief thought she came up with the answer:

"Are you saying that someone is tacitly agreeing to this?"

"Acquiescence? You can say that, but I feel a little too wronged to the adult who has helped you a lot secretly."

The smiling Christian turned his eyes and looked at the little maid aside: "Am I right?"

In the quiet office, the air seemed to have become colder.

Sophia, who finally reacted, took a slight breath and followed Christian's gaze:


"M-Miss!" The little maid trembled all over and raised a trembling smile that was extremely forced to please: "An-Angelica...she..."

"Don't speak for now, just nod and shake your head." The girl stared at the little traitor hatefully:

"He knows everything, right? You know who I'm talking about!"

The aggrieved little maid struggled for a while, but finally nodded affirmatively.

"Did he also tell you that this matter was completely within his plan, so as long as there are no major changes, he can continue to provide me with all the conveniences I want - this is the police on Whitehall Street, The real reason why those committees of the Privy Council are willing to help?”

This time the little maid was not so sure, but finally nodded.

"But as long as I finally harvest the results, or when I am about to disrupt his plan, all these conveniences will be taken away, and they will even become my enemies and directly block my plan completely, right?!"

The girl stood up angrily: "Okay, you don't need to answer, I already know the answer!"


"Now that you know everything, why did you make a special trip to ask me?"

Looking at his son expressionlessly, Archbishop Luther silently put down the pen in his hand: "You may not know, but I am actually very busy."

"Yes, while maintaining the normal operation of Clovis Parish, you also interfere in the politics of the kingdom. You are definitely the busiest person in Clovis City!"

Ludwig sneered and stared at his father: "So I have to figure out what exactly you want to do?!"

"I originally thought you just wanted to keep Anson and the Storm Legion, so I wouldn't stop him. After all, he is my friend, and he will help no matter how difficult it is."

"But what you have to do now is not just as simple as helping... Letting the standing army enter the city will directly destroy the current balance of Clovis City. No one knows whether some passionate officer will launch a coup and directly destroy the city. Privy Council!”

"……can you?"

"...This, what I said is very commendable..."

"I mean, can you?"

Archbishop Luther did not give his son a chance to finish what he said, and directly interrupted: "If you were given an army with weapons that could completely destroy the Whitehall Street police and occupy the royal capital, would you launch a coup and kidnap the royal family? "


Ludwig, whose pupils shrank suddenly, was stunned for a few seconds: "What good will this do to the Franz family? Why should I do this?!"

"Yes, you are right, this will not do any good to the Franz family." Archbishop Luther nodded:

"So I don't recommend you to do this. It's better to stay as far away from this matter as possible, and don't have anything to do with work."

"This..." Ludwig raised an eyebrow:

"Which thing?"

This time the archbishop did not answer his question directly, but directly opened the newspaper at hand, and a line of eye-catching large characters caught Ludwig's eyes:

"——An explosion occurred in a slum in the outer city, a suspected gang fight?!——"

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