I will be crowned king

Chapter 1007 The source of extreme confidence

Regarding Anson's extreme confidence, Viscount Bognar's expression was obviously disapproving, and even a little uneasy.

In his opinion, at least for now, even if Anson successfully captures the "Whisper", the best result will only be support from the church, which is far from enough to shake the deterrent power of the Ministry of War in Clovis City, let alone Winning the trial prevented the entire Army Department from resigning.

To put it bluntly, even if the Storm Legion was innocent and the "Whisper" gang and the Army Department were involved, what would happen?

With the power of the latter, it is easy to find a qualified scapegoat to bear all the charges, and at the same time it does not prevent Anson Bach from continuing to accuse Anson Bach of colluding with gangsters in the outer city and treason. Obviously, the latter is the one who must not be accused. The one who forgives.

However, Anson Bach did not seem to notice that "seizing the War Department's handle does not mean that the other party will really admit defeat", which made Viscount Bognar very worried; he did not deny that Anson was a qualified commander, and also recognized that The other party is tossing and turning among various forces, fighting for the strength of opportunities. But often the more successful a person is, the easier it is for him to be overconfident in the areas he is not good at and fall short of success.

Because the War Department is not an "enemy", it is not the lords and petty nobles of the vast land, it is not the unpopular Yser Thirteen Council, it is not the colonists of the New World, it is not the Imperial Expeditionary Force, and it is not the Holy War Army.

It is bureaucratic, corrupt, hierarchical, collusive, frequently infighting, hilly, cowardly and arrogant, impractical and overly stable...

It is Clovis.

It is not only a microcosm of the entire Clovis, but also the greatest common denominator of the entire Clovis; anyone can be a noble, a businessman, a farmer, a worker... from any place, any class; but when you enter this group, you are a A glorious soldier.

Maybe the starting point is high or low, maybe there are differences between soldiers and officers, but as long as you successfully get the establishment and enter the standing army, then at least in theory you are equal. The rank and position of the person you salute, maybe one day you will also can have.

In Hantu, Iser, and the New World, Anson Bach could recruit the vast majority of people to fight against a small number of enemies, or divide the enemies and find the weakest among them to concentrate on annihilating them; but this time the War Department was absolutely To fight against them is to fight against the largest group in the entire Kingdom of Clovis. What can you do?

Divide and collapse? Why should hundreds of thousands of standing troops believe in a traitor instead of the senior officials of the War Ministry who hold the "Kingdom Loyal News" and say what they say; unite the nobles? Not to mention the conservatives, even if many members of the reformists have family members who have joined the army, their futures are still in the hands of the War Department;

As for the "support of public opinion"... how effective this invisible and intangible thing can be, Viscount Bogner is very pessimistic; in particular, although the Ministry of War does not have a good impression in the minds of the public, it has It is definitely much better than a "traitor" they have never heard of.

With several layers of support, Viscount Bognar did not think that Anson and the Storm Legion could win the trial on their own; even if they took ten thousand steps back, at least it would not be as easy as he showed.

But he would not say such words, and he even hoped that the other party would maintain his current mentality; after all, no matter how unconditionally confident he was, it was better to be timid and shrinking when the strength of the Army Department was revealed.

As for how to defeat the War Department, you just need to figure it out yourself.

With the strength of the reformists in Clovis City, it might be difficult to handle if the conservatives in the Privy Council and the War Department join forces; but if we just maintain the balance between the various forces, we are still fully assured.

The War Department wants to seize power, so the deep-rooted conservatives are a more formidable enemy than the new revolutionary faction; if the conservatives want to continue to control the Privy Council and control the politics of Clovis, then they absolutely do not want to see the War Department "return the big power" happened that day.

This is also the reason why Viscount Bogner insists on coming back... As long as he is here, he can continue to maintain this terrifying balance of "you want to kill me, but you will be killed by another person when you shoot", and the situation will not be Completely out of control.

As for completely destroying the other two parties, allowing the reformists to control the real power of the Privy Council and become the de facto "ruling" of the Kingdom of Clovis... Viscount Bognar does not have the ability to predict the future in such a long time.

Or maybe it was precisely because he didn't think it was that far away that he chose to support a "traitor" like Anson... After all, compared with other generals who hold military power, they are almost cut off from the mainland. The "new arrival" of the Storm Legion is already the least threat, and the last The one who cannot seize power through an armed coup can be controlled by the reformists whose ambitions have not yet expanded.

Abilities and achievements are all false. The biggest weakness of Anson and his legion is the lack of foundation. In the eyes of Viscount Bognar, this weakness is precisely the greatest advantage.

"Since you are so confident, it is not convenient for me to say anything more." Viscount Bognar nodded calmly: "Leave it to me to handle the matters related to the court session. You only need to concentrate on thinking about how to do it." Just kill 'Whisper'."

Killing... is not capturing alive, let alone resolving such ambiguous terms. Bogner's attitude cannot be more obvious. Whispering can kill, but it must not be used as a weapon to attack the Army Department - the intelligence in the opponent's hands is enough to influence the Kremlin. Lowe City's current balance.

"I understand." An Sen, who raised the corners of his mouth slightly, smiled knowingly:

"Don't worry, he won't be anyone's problem soon."

Viscount Bogner's eyes were pleased, and he was obviously very satisfied with the answer.

The two enjoyed afternoon tea leisurely. The steaming black coffee was delicious with date paste cake and crispy red bean pie. The only regret was that Lisa was not here. The girl could not leave the Inquisitor easily now due to Anson's personal reasons. Base camp - the truth-seeking club.

To gain Cole Dorian's trust, "friendship" and "commitment" alone are not enough, you must at least add one or two hostages; Wilhelm Gottfried is one of them, But there is no other person besides Lisa who can really make them believe that "Anson Bach will keep his promise."

After seeing off Anson Bach, Viscount Bognar looked at the clock in the living room, and it happened to be 5:30 in the afternoon; he had not told anyone about this matter since he returned to Clovis City, considering it was Shouldn't he take the opportunity to go to Franz's house and discuss countermeasures with the archbishop?

As a representative of the reformist faction, I am indeed obliged to do this, but at the same time, the Franz family's goals are too big, and a rash visit can easily expose their whereabouts and thoughts, and can easily cause unexpected consequences.

Just when Viscount Bogner was still hesitating, the panicked butler suddenly walked in and said that someone from the Renard family was visiting.

"Reynard? It's the one and the old god..."

Viscount Bogner, who suddenly woke up, suddenly stopped talking. At the same time, he looked up at the winning bid again. The pointer had just reached the six o'clock position.

This... how did they know that they were back, and they happened to come to the door half an hour after Anson Bach left - there couldn't be any connection, right?

After just thinking for a second, Viscount Bogner was amused by his ridiculous idea; the opposite was a famous wealthy family in Clovis, and it was also an old god sect with a long history; it was just not the same as Rune's kind of spellcasting with an apostle sitting in charge. Unlike other families, the Renard family's background lies in operating an underground market for Old God Sect items.

With a long family history and complete information records, the Renard family not only masters many historical materials before the founding of the Kingdom of Clovis, but also knows a lot about the older Dark Ages; the family even maintains an ancient relationship between the Three Kingdoms. Belief in the Old Gods - In that era when the Ring of Order had not yet taken control of the world, this kind of thing was not uncommon.

These historical materials also contributed to their understanding of the origin and history of many items. As a knowledge and skill, it was passed down from generation to generation within the family. While serving the royal family, they also made a lot of money.

In short, this is the number one contraband smuggler in Clovis City, but they are lucky enough to have the double guarantee of royal approval and church acquiescence - because they really only deal with money and never cause trouble.

How could such a low-key ancient family, which was basically the cardinal card of the conservatives in the Privy Council, suddenly come to visit me?

With confusion that could not be concealed, Viscount Bogner welcomed the other party into the living room and arranged for the butler to open a bottle of aged wine in the wine cellar to entertain him, but was stopped by the other party gently raising his hand.

"There's no need for wine tasting or anything like that. I didn't come here today to bother you, who just returned home from your trip, for such a boring thing."

The haggard head of the Renard family, who was leaning on a brass crutch, seemed to have no idea of ​​sitting down. He stared at Bogner with a pair of dim eyes: "I have only one purpose...about the War Department's investigation of Anson Bach." The accusation, what is your point of view?”


Viscount Bognar was about to answer, but was intercepted directly by the other party: "If I guess correctly, you must also think that this is a complete slander, right?"

"...That's right."

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought." The head of the Renard family nodded confidently, and even asked the stunned Bogner to sit down:

"In fact, we all know in our hearts that it doesn't matter whether it is slander or not. What is really important is that this matter will determine Clovis's attitude towards the Free Confederacy."

"I personally believe that the alliance between the Free Confederation and Clovis will be greatly beneficial to the prosperity of the kingdom. It will be a source of cheap raw materials and a dumping ground for goods. It will be a near-pressure for the Kingdom of Clovis, which is currently in an unstable economic situation. What do you think of the existence like a cabin rock?"

"...I thought what you said...is so correct."

Viscount Bognar paused hesitantly and looked at the other party with some anxiety: "But as far as I know, the Renard family does not engage in ocean trade, and it has been written down in the family tree."

"Ah... I haven't announced this matter to the public yet." The head of the Renard family said very calmly: "To put it simply, our understanding of the ancestral teachings in the genealogy has recently come one step closer, and we have confirmed that the family Our ancestors did not prohibit future generations from engaging in ocean-going trade, but they only had relatively strict restrictions on the objects of trade."


"Our entire Renard family unanimously believes that the Free Confederation is not within the scope of restrictions, so we all want to promote this great cause as soon as possible and participate in trade - and when it comes to mastery of trade, no one is better than Bo Viscount Gener, you are even more powerful." The head of the Renard family looked at him seriously:

"How about it? If you still have doubts, we can invite the deceased family heads to come and let them explain it to you personally."

"No, no, no...then, that's not necessary!"

Although he didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not, Viscount Bogner was still frightened into a cold sweat: "This, this little thing is not worth alarming the ancestors of the Renard family!"

"That's it. In short, our Renard family will stand with you and support Anson Bach to clear his name." The head of the Renard family said solemnly:

"As for the ocean trade, I'll take care of everything."

After saying that, regardless of whether the latter agreed or not, the head of the Renard family, who was leaning on crutches, slowly turned around and left.

Before Viscount Bogner, who was stunned, could wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, he saw the butler holding a wine bottle come in again in a panic, saying that Mrs. Caterina was visiting.

"Mrs. Caterina of the Railway Board, why did she..."

Just half of what he said, the latter walked straight into the living room and looked at the helpless Viscount Bogner with an unkind expression: "My Lord Viscount, it sounds like you don't welcome me as a guest."

"No, no, no, no...there is absolutely no such thing!"

Viscount Bognar smiled bitterly and waved his hands, looking very embarrassed: "It's just that I just returned to Clovis City today. I really didn't expect that you would actually..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not here to be polite to you." Mrs. Catalina waved her hand impatiently: "To put it simply, I have something to ask you."

"But before I speak, I still want to confirm - where do you stand on the War Department's accusation that Anson Bach is a traitor?"


After being silent for half a minute, Viscount Bognar looked at Lady Caterina righteously: "I personally think this is an unabashed slander. Of course, this attitude can only represent me personally."

"That'll do!"

Mrs. Catalina nodded slightly: "I just confirmed with my colleagues on the Railway Commission before coming here that I am prepared to stand on the side of Anson Bach during the trial."

"Of course, this has nothing to do with him personally. It's just that Sophia is too clingy. He can't defeat her at all, so he can only be forced to agree... Can you understand?"

"...I can totally understand." Viscount Bogner nodded:

"Rather, I finally understand now!"

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