I will be crowned king

Chapter 1019 Trial, opening

Although he was full of sincerity in front of the Archbishop, after walking out of the main entrance of Clovis Cathedral, Anson quickly called a carriage and went to the camp where the Storm Legion was stationed. Er Dorian reported it, without even giving a notice, and continued to play missing for the other party.

Three days... Luther Franz has made it extremely obvious that if he cannot overturn the various accusations imposed on him by the War Department on the spot when the other party is caught off guard, then he will be prepared to regret coming back!

Not only that, the alliance agreement between the Free Confederation and Clovis will definitely not be reached by then, and the power of the War Department will also increase. It is not a bad idea to dissolve the Privy Council and establish a "junta" that will isolate the royal family.

What, wouldn’t this cause harm to the interests of the Franz family?

Of course not... First of all, the Franz family's biggest reliance is the Archbishop. The church is independent of the kingdom's power system and will not be affected; secondly, dissolving the Privy Council does not mean that the Privy Council ceases to exist, not to mention that even if it does The committees and departments that really maintain the operation of the kingdom still exist, but the leadership has changed. Everyone is still doing what they are supposed to do, and they are still functioning normally.

Taking ten thousand steps back, the heir of the Franz family, Ludwig Franz, is also a major general in the army. Even if he is ostracized, his actual status will not be affected at all; coupled with the Iser Punishment War and the New World Holy War After two great victories, even if I can't answer ninety-nine calls in the army, at least I can answer a hundred calls.

Those who are really afraid of the "junta" are faction leaders like Viscount Bognar and those upper-class wealthy families who are engaged in business and politics and have almost no involvement in the military; and those who don't know how to end it and are really likely to be sidelined. The Royal Family of Stelia.

But for the royal family, the reverse is also true. The noble members of the Privy Council are always thinking about weakening the royal power and making the Privy Council the master of the Kingdom of Clovis... Even judging from the current progress, they are the ones who will soon A "traitor" who wants to succeed.

It was precisely because the Privy Council became more and more presumptuous that Carlos II took advantage of the truce with the Empire and acquiesced to the Ministry of War to mobilize the legions to the capital. For a time, he indulged the other party's unabashed ambition and took away the rights of Clovis's upper echelons. The battle has changed from a two-pole collision to a tripartite confrontation.

Since the trial date has been brought forward and His Majesty the King personally made the decision, Anson can only think that he realized that the power of the reformists in the Privy Council was too weak and needed to be strengthened to curb the rapidly expanding ambitions of the War Department.

After figuring out the key to the problem, it is of course clear what to do next... The first step must be to get in touch with the leader of the "renovation faction", Viscount Bognar, to inform the other party of the situation, and then continue to mobilize all the Storm Legion's current resources. Personal connections, determine the members of the jury, and the identity of the judge who will lead the trial when it opens.

But on the surface, in the next few days, the Storm Legion must be as restrained as possible, and even completely comply with the other party's requirements, hiding in the military camp behind closed doors, to avoid any unnecessary accidents, and at the same time confuse the other party's judgment.

Facts have proved that the War Department did not let down Anson's wishes, and successfully took the corpse of "Whisper" who came to the door, coupled with the low profile of the Storm Legion, as a sign of surrender and compromise, and proudly ran to the Osteria Palace to express his gratitude to Anson. Carlos II asked for credit, demonstrating the unshakable position of the War Department in Clovis.

The compromise with the War Department is obviously a betrayal of the "renovators" headed by Viscount Bognar. By doing so, Anson is almost telling the other party that I will not act completely according to your ideas, and I will die as soon as possible. Let’s stop treating the Storm Legion as tool men!

It was impossible for Viscount Bogner not to be angry when he was suddenly "betrayed" by his allies. But the problem is that now almost half of the forces in Clovis City have been mobilized and are in the "support Anson Bach" camp. The people among them are no longer just him and his reformists.

So after careful consideration, he chose to accept the result, and even comforted the dissatisfied "renovationist" members on his side... No way, now the whole Clovis has been divided over the issue of "whether to ally with the Free Confederacy" The various forces in the country have divided into two factions. If they do not continue to support the commander-in-chief of the Storm Legion, can the "renovation faction" still stand in the same camp as the Ministry of War?

Obviously it's impossible. This is why Anson Bach is so arrogant - it's not that they tied the Storm Legion to their chariot, but that they have been completely coerced by the Storm Legion who are strongly resisting the Ministry of War. .

Not only him, but when she learned that the trial would be held in three days, Mrs. Catalina also suddenly understood and cursed the archbishop who was responsible for a certain organization at home.

Why shorten the time from half a month to three days? In her opinion, this question is really easy to answer: in order to prevent some people from thinking that the momentum is wrong, there is still a chance to choose a side!

As the top person in charge of the Railway Committee, Lady Catalina holds the largest and most powerful logistics system and means of transportation in Clovis, and even in the entire Order World. There is no doubt about the value of Lady Catalina. She and her entire committee have no regard for any force. In other words, they are all beings who must please and win over.

Previously, because of Sophia Franz, Mrs. Caterina chose to shut out the overly powerful War Department, but this was only temporary; as long as the other party was not stupid enough, she would definitely visit again and bring her with her. on better conditions.

Luther Franz's approach directly cut off this possibility... In three days, even if it is extended to a week, both parties may not be able to reach an agreement on the distribution of benefits, and it is really too late to change their minds. .

And because it was too hasty, and the person she was actually negotiating with was not Anson Bach at all, but Sophia, it meant that the Commander-in-Chief and the entire Storm Legion did not owe her anything at all; the Railway Commission fully supported it, which was completely Come show love!

"...In other words, is this all the plan of Lord Luther Franz?"

In the cafe's private room, Bogner put down his cup and looked at the angry Mrs. Catalina, with a wry smile on his lips: "He is worthy of the name Archbishop Clovis. No matter whether he succeeds or fails in anything, I don't want him to be satisfied." It’s impossible to get whatever you want.”

"He has to use means to force others to comply with his ideas when he can clearly explain things in two sentences. What a disgusting guy!" Mrs. Catalina was still angry:

"No! Why should I make him happy? The Railway Commission also has its own interests!"

"That's right." Viscount Bogner blinked at the side: "So... you will choose to side with the Ministry of War?"

As if she realized something, Mrs. Catalina did not answer immediately. Instead, she was silent for a while and then stared at Bogner coldly:

"……And you?"

"Me? There is no doubt that I support Anson Bach." Viscount Bognar spread his hands: "The alliance with the Free Confederacy is in the interests of the kingdom, strengthens the development of many domestic enterprises, and restores economic order...change In short, it is very beneficial to us reformists."

"Hahaha... He really doesn't hide his political ambitions at all. He is indeed a man who can even give up his most beloved woman in exchange for power."

Mrs. Catalina sneered contemptuously: "I am completely different...Although you may get more by supporting the Ministry of War, there is no other way. I have promised Sophia to fight for her Storm Legion; to the children, we As an elder, you can't go back on your word, it's really frustrating."

"Yes, yes, children are always the most important thing... If the economy is not good, I'm afraid thousands of Clovis's children will suffer because of this, right?"

"If you say that, it does seem to make sense." Mrs. Catalina sighed and looked at the other party helplessly:


"So." Viscount Bogner raised his coffee cup:

"It seems that we are going to let our Lord Archbishop get his wish once again!"


Three days later, the Storm Legion was stationed in the outer city.

early morning.

With a hint of fatigue from just waking up, Anson walked out of the bedroom and looked up to see Carl Bain in disheveled military uniform, smoking a cigarette and leaning against the wall, waiting for him.

"Only you?"

"My Commander-in-Chief, it's half past five in the morning. Are you still going to let everyone see you off at the gate of the military camp?" The chief of staff rolled his eyes and shook the pocket watch in his hand:

"Except for people like me who are looking for trouble for themselves, who would have the leisure to stand at the door of your room and suffer from the cold!"

That's right. After all, it's quite a distance from the outer city to the courthouse of Osteria Palace... Anson couldn't help but said in his heart, and at the same time looked at his chief of staff who was shivering with cold: "Thank you very much. ”

"You're welcome. I wish I could have a cup of hot coffee next time." Carl, who closed the watch cover, stretched out his hand to stop Anson, who was about to leave: "Your dedicated secretary is going to prepare a carriage for you. Fabian and Ah Lexie has also taken the lead and contacted the royal family and the Northern Chamber of Commerce, as well as that boy Julien... Well, in short, wait a few minutes."

Karl had an impatient expression on his face, as if he was very distressed by being asked to do things by too many people, so much so that the ash from his cigarette almost reached his knuckles, and he didn't even think of shaking it off.

Anson nodded calmly... All preparations have continued. Next, it will be up to the unprepared Army Department to produce some "irrefutable" ironclad evidence to nail him to the pillar of shame as a traitor.

"Speaking of...I'm really curious. Didn't they receive even a little bit of news from the Army Department?" Karl suddenly asked:

"It's not that I suspect there's anything wrong with your plan, but... that's the all-pervasive Army Department. It shouldn't be difficult to know this kind of information, right?"

"It is precisely because this kind of information is not difficult to obtain that it does not attract the attention of the Army Department."

Anson shook his head and said with a slightly contented tone: "Think about it, why do we put so much effort into trying to get the Army Department's troops to enter the city?"

"This...of course is to put pressure on those in the Privy Council and make them realize that the police in Whitehall Street are of no use. The War Department can rush in and overthrow them at any time if they want."

"Yes, in this case, do you think the members of the Privy Council will tell this information to the War Department?" Anson asked: "Taking a step back, even if they will not deliberately conceal it, who will Will you take the initiative to tell them?"

"This..." Carl Bain thought for a moment: "Then... they won't take the initiative to ask?"

"Yes, but this actually brings the question back - since you have already been notified of the exact time, who would take the initiative to ask a second time to confirm?"

Anson smiled: "Of course, in fact, it doesn't matter even if they know this information in advance. Even if I guessed correctly, Lieutenant Colonel Crown should already know it."

"But what's the point? This decision was made by His Majesty Carlos II himself, just like allowing the troops of the Ministry of War to enter the town to suppress the riots in the outer city-last time they readily accepted it, this time if there is a strong protest, then How else can they flaunt their status as 'loyal ministers'?"

"That's it..." Karl suddenly realized:

"Then what would you do if you were the Army Department?"

"Me? This kind of chaos must be caused by slander and slander, and deceived His Majesty! We should immediately call on people with lofty ideals to come to the city to serve the King!"

Anson said without hesitation, he took out his pocket watch and looked at it: "It's almost time, I'm going to leave now."

"You?" Karl was stunned for a moment: "What about me?"

"You stay, let Fabian accompany me to court for this trial."

Anson said in a deep voice: "Karl, I have a more important task for you, and this matter can only be left to you - do you remember the map of Clovis City on my desk?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"I have marked a factory in the outer city on the map. You can find time to go there and transport a certain machine from the factory." Ansen pressed his shoulder: "Remember, don't be discovered by anyone, even more Don’t reveal your whereabouts.”

"I can only leave this matter to you, so I won't say much more. If something unexpected happens... just pretend you don't know anything and just say I asked you to do it."

Looking at his serious expression, Karl couldn't help but frown. He pursed his lips before he could speak, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Machine, right? I understand, don't worry."

"Well, I'm leaving then."

"Hey wait..." Karl raised his hand to stop him again: "Wait...five more minutes, just five minutes."

This time Anson was really stunned: "Why?"

"No, it's nothing." The chief of staff with a weird look sighed and scratched his head as if helpless:

"That's it... everyone in the legion has prepared a farewell ceremony for you at the gate of the military camp. There are two other regiments gathering. Please... cooperate a little bit!"

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