I will be crowned king

Chapter 1035 Visiting

Friedrichstrasse, Truth Club.

Cordorian, who was in a depressed mood, was holding the latest information about the outer city with a grimace on his face. The coffee on the table did not move even after it had cooled down.

Since the end of the trial, the source of information about the mysterious old god sect behind "Whispers" has been cut off. Even though he had tried every means to collect information everywhere, he could only find the secret base of "Whispers" in a certain garbage treatment plant—— Moreover, the building was deserted, and there were obvious signs that things had been moved on the ground. Nothing was left for the inquisitors.

Cole was very excited at first when he discovered this information. The other party dealt with it in a hurry, proving that he had caught their tail. As long as he works harder, he should be able to uncover the true identity of the other party and even reveal the mysterious person. The Old God Sect organization was annihilated on the spot.

And then...and then nothing more.

Who moved it, when it was moved, and how it was moved, no one knows. The Inquisitor has his own spies in the outer city. Logically speaking, such a big movement of clearing out a factory in a short period of time is impossible to avoid being exposed. But they couldn't find any information.

Even inside the factory, they couldn't find any clues... The other party emptied not only the secret base of "Whispers", but also the entire factory, leaving nothing behind.

After realizing that he had met his opponent, Cole Dorian still did not give up. He continued to search the surrounding area more intensively, and sent inquisitors to patrol near the target for a long time, constantly reporting on the situation and progress. The other party must also be observing the situation and looking for ways to continue to Clovis City. The timing of penetration, sooner or later, I still have a chance!

One day, two days, three days... Today is already the third day.

"Looking at your expression, there isn't much progress, right?"

The expressionless Sierra Vigil came up from behind him holding a cup of coffee, and paused seriously: "Oh no... there should be no progress."

"I said, can't you take a day off to not damage my self-confidence?" Without looking back, Cole Dorian rolled his eyes: "The situation is already very bad, you will only make me lose my confidence." Feeling even worse."

"Oh, so your self-confidence has completely bottomed out, right?" The female judge raised her eyebrows: "As expected of your Excellency, the chief judge, you are really impressive."

This time, Cole didn't even have the energy to roll his eyes, and turned his head away, expressionlessly pretending that he didn't care about someone's cynicism.

But Sera Virgil obviously had no intention of giving up. He sat down opposite Cordorian without any haste and slid his fingers on the rim of the coffee cup with interest, causing the foam in the cup to sway.

"You know... Cole, I will never question your decisions; although you are often overly impulsive and do things without thinking, relying almost entirely on instinct, but... in most cases, your judgments are surprisingly accurate. "The female judge said softly:

"It is precisely because of this that you are more suitable than any of us inquisitors to become the chief of the Truth-Seeking Order... In the forest full of wild beasts in Clovis City, animal instincts can often overwhelm pretense of cleverness. Use the simplest method to find the target you want to capture."

"what do you want to say in the end?!"

Cole Dorian's tone was quite irritable, he was almost driven crazy by the current situation.

"I mean, you are right - the target we are looking for must not be far away, it is near that factory." The expressionless female judge changed him to a cup of steaming coffee:

"The reason why we haven't been able to find clues for so long may be because the scope of the lock is too narrow."

This... the chief judge's pupils shrank suddenly, as if a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he blurted out with a stern expression:

"What's the meaning?!"

"It means..." This time it was Sera Vergil's turn to roll his eyes: "Our opponent may not be as simple as the Old Gods."

"If you recall for a moment, why are the 'Whispers' always able to detect our actions, but not Anson Bach's? Why are they always aware of our plans, but are told by a military chief of the Storm Legion... Oh , he is not even a gifted person, but he can easily kill several leaders? Why did the important witness who had obviously tried his best to protect him still die at the gunpoint of the other party's pursuit? "

"If it's really just a gap in ability, I have nothing to say; but is it really just a matter of ability, or...some people are well aware of the actions of the Truth-seeking Order, but they can't provide information about the Storm Legion ?”

The Chief Inquisitor pursed his lips tightly and stared at the wafting steam.

Of course he understood what Serra Virgil was alluding to, and he didn’t really think that some people in the upper echelons of Clovis were innocent in this incident; without those people’s tip-offs, the Truth Seeking Order It is absolutely impossible to achieve nothing until now and be in a dilemma.

But...the Inquisitor is an organization of the Holy See. There is a price to pay for rashly intervening in secular affairs, and there will be a strong chain reaction - a head-on confrontation with the Ministry of War today will arouse the vigilance of others tomorrow, and they will always worry about whether Become the Inquisitor's next target...and it won't be long before they have no support left.

It would be okay if it were placed in a trial court in other areas. After all, there is the existence of the Holy See. If necessary, you can ask the people above to come forward directly; but Qiu Zhen Cult is Clovis's inquisitor organization, regardless of Clovis. The relationship between the Diocese of Wei or Clovis and the Holy See... can only be said to be understood.

Therefore, Cole Dorian must not force the other party too much, at least before he really has the evidence, he must not arrest the other party on charges of "suspected collusion with the Old Gods".

"But...he can." The female judge suddenly said:

"If it is not suspected of colluding with the Old God Sect, but the most common and common factional disputes in secular affairs, causing some people to expose the details behind them, and strong enough evidence is found by one of the parties, So……"

"It's a legitimate arrest. No one will make irresponsible remarks, right?"

Cole Dorian's brows twitched.

To be honest, the Chief Inquisitor doesn't want to do this if there are other options, but now... Cole took a deep breath: "Do you think he will agree?"

"Him?" The female judge looked out the window and narrowed her eyes slightly:

"Don't you think he is already waiting for us to come to him and beg him?"


After dinner at Franz's residence, Anson put on his coat early the next morning, said goodbye to the little maid, and left quietly.

As soon as he reached the intersection, a carriage stopped in front of him, and Carl Bain's helpless head emerged from the window. He gestured with his right thumb to hurry up and get in the carriage.

Opening the door calmly, Anson sat directly opposite the chief of staff. There were only two of them in the spacious carriage; Karl yawned and closed the door while knocking on the top of the carriage.

The carriage drove slowly towards the city shrouded in thick fog.

"I said, how did you know that the Archbishop would keep you until the next morning?" Before he had gone far, Karl couldn't help but ask.

"If I said it was an accident, would you believe it?"

Anson shook his head: "It's not that the Archbishop will keep me here for one night, but if nothing else goes wrong, I will find a way to find out from the Archbishop what the relationship between Osteria Palace and Kremlin is during the trial. What happened at Lowy Cathedral; and who gave the signal to the judges to rule in our favor?”

"I guess the royal family must be involved, but Carlos II did not appear immediately. His Majesty's arrival seemed more like a rescue. So before that, who led the court's decision?"

"Very important?"

"Very important for...certain reasons."

"So...got the answer?"

"No." Anson shook his head: "But I learned something even more remarkable."

"...Should I ask?"

"I'll tell you, but not now."


The chief of staff understood and immediately changed the topic: "By the way, when are you going to make a public appearance?"

Appearing in public... Anson looked stunned and subconsciously said: "What's wrong?"

However, these words were like a time bomb that was suddenly detonated. Karl laughed angrily: "Why...you asked me what's wrong?!"

"My Lord Commander-in-Chief, have you forgotten how this trial was won and what the purpose of winning was?!"

"Do you know that from the moment you did not return to the military camp immediately but went to Franz's residence, how many people came to me and asked you where you went, and how many people wanted to know what the Storm Legion planned to do next. , how many people are going crazy, thinking that you have been kidnapped by the Ministry of War and preparing to rescue you?!"

"Fabian disappeared, the little secretary disappeared, and a bunch of officers ran to do their own things... They could only chase me and ask... Do you know how many people were so anxious that they wanted to kill me? ?!”

"You don't know! You only know that I'm still there alone, surrounded by dozens or hundreds of people, racking your brains to make up all kinds of outrageous reasons for you, even if these reasons even I think Unreliable!"

"But I survived. I helped you cope with everything. I pushed away everything I could and didn't let them cause you any trouble! And you, my Commander-in-Chief, the first thing you said when you saw me was What's a sentence - not a thank you, but an answer to a boring question I asked!"

After shouting hysterically, Carl Bain collapsed on the chair like a balloon that had been drained of air. His chest was rising and falling as if an engine was installed on it.

After a full five minutes, Ansen, who was silent and did not dare to speak, saw that the other party's mood seemed to have finally calmed down, and then he chuckled with a somewhat flattering expression: "Well...I'm sorry, thank you so much."

"The facts have proven that Lieutenant Colonel Carl Bain, your ability is worthy of your position; I dare to swear to the Circle of Order that there will never be a better deputy... um, Legion Chief of Staff in this world than you!"

"By the way! Speaking of chief of staff, I think it's time for you to consider promotion... According to the Clovis military system, the chief of general staff of the army does not seem to be at the level of general, but if he is a colonel, he might still be able to fight for it. Fight..."

"Come on."

Waving his hands feebly, Karl let out a long sigh of relief: "We just won the trial. If anyone else is promoted to military rank at this time, wouldn't he become a target?"

"What you said makes sense." Anson nodded seriously: "Then where are we going now, the legion station?"

"No, we can't go now."

The chief of staff shook his head: "Let's go find William."


"William Gottfried, your technical advisor." Karl's expression became serious: "It's time."

Anson was slightly stunned and lowered his voice slightly: "If I remember correctly, didn't he say three days later?"

"Don't ask me about this kind of thing, ask him instead." Karl said solemnly: "William asked a young man to come over and tell me that what you want is ready."

Anson said nothing, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

From the moment he got it from Little Périgord, Anson felt ecstatic at first, because he finally had a difference engine of his own; but then he felt very troubled, because this kind of machine must be registered within the Holy See. It's the latest prototype on the books, using a new type of memory card.

For him, the Difference Engine has two functions. One is that if he finds memory cards related to "The Great Magic Book" or Saint Isaac in the future, he will no longer have to be blackmailed by some people; the other is Just reversely study the way the Holy See uses it, and try to see if it can provide you with more help at the intelligence level.

Now the first one no longer exists, which means that the use value has been directly halved; and Anson himself has no understanding of the principle of this machine, so he can only entrust it to William Gottfried, a technical consultant, to see if there is any reverse Reference value.

While thinking, Anson suddenly noticed that the scenery outside the car window was becoming more and more familiar, and couldn't help but ask: "Where are we going?"

"Where to go, of course to find William?"

"I know I'm looking for William, but..." Anson pointed to the street outside: "You mean...he is in the outer city now?"

"Exactly." Karl nodded: "And it's in a factory."

"Factory? You, you can't..."

"How can you do such a troublesome thing without causing any commotion? And if you use your brain, it's not difficult to imagine how many informants must be ambushing around that factory... I'm afraid they are just about to take action, they are like sharks that smell the smell, swarming Jump forward." The corners of Karl's mouth raised slightly:

"That's right, I haven't moved the things you want at all. They are still in their original places."

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