I will be crowned king

Chapter 1038 Which side does it belong to?

Why did Anson Bach suddenly appear in the fake warehouse basement, and why did the Truth Seeking Order find "key clues" like the Difference Engine in another identical garbage treatment plant... Cole Dorian is not a fool, he You have probably guessed what happened.

It’s just that the clearer the truth of the matter becomes, the more the Chief Inquisitor understands that it is better not to completely break his face about this matter; in any case, being willing to hand over this difference machine is probably Anson Bach’s biggest compromise and concession. No matter how much useful information can be dug out if we dig deeper, there is definitely no need to count on future cooperation.


"That's right, and it's a win-win cooperation."

Outside the gate of the garbage treatment plant, Sierra Vergil looked at the inquisitors who were carefully moving the difference machine in the distance, and said in a rare happy mood: "We are sure...ah, it should be the chief inquisitor who is planning to take advantage of this time to completely This is an opportunity to destroy the 'Whisper' gang and completely eradicate the Old God sect forces in Clovis City."

"You know, since the Luen family left Clovis, the Old God Sect organizations and spellcaster families, who were originally intimidated by the apostles, have begun to pour into Clovis City one after another, trying to occupy the extra power vacuum."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the past, these guys were entrenched in large and small manors and villages. Every time the inquisitors worked hard to perform their tasks, the final harvest was often just someone who had just come into contact with the power of the old gods. The pests... now they have gathered themselves, and we can finally catch them all!"

"Yes, it is always easier to deal with enemies gathered in cities than those in the wilderness." Anson agreed: "I really don't understand why they have to do this."

"What's wrong with this? Of course it's because of money."

The female judge glanced at him: "The wealth you can earn in a year in a manor in the wilderness is less than that in Clovis City in a month; a guy like you who has been to everywhere should not pay attention to such a kind of wealth." Feeling things more deeply, right?”

"Indeed, it is true, but the Old God Sect organization and family...I mean, they don't care about money, right?" Anson raised his eyebrows: "The Old God Sect organization is for the 'big plan' they have in mind. , the caster family values ​​evolution and inheritance more... I really don’t know who would worry about money."

"That's because the Old God Sect organization you came into contact with is either a conspirator like Mace Honard, or an ancient wealthy family like the Rune Family that has been passed down for thousands of years."

Sera said coldly: "Let's leave aside the latter for now. The former is not only sponsored by the Luen family, but I am also a top-notch history professor at St. Isaac's College."

"How can the vast majority of the Old God organizations be as good as them? It is very difficult to own a medium-sized manor and gather dozens or hundreds of cult believers; the wealth at hand is often obtained from those who follow them The little profit and water extracted from the hands of farmers is not comparable to the profit of a fruit shop in the inner city, and there is also the risk of being hunted down by the inquisitor."

Anson Bach: "..."

"More importantly, the prosperity of the city of Clovis came at the expense of the desolation of the surrounding countryside - wheat fields turned into cotton fields and tobacco fields, and farms turned into factories. Farmers without land could only go to the city to work. Try your luck - the soil that once allowed those Old God organizations to survive no longer exists."

The female judge suddenly turned her gaze over with a meaningful look in her eyes: "In this case, the only choices before them are to enter the city and develop, or to die together with the withered village... Obviously, most people They will all choose the latter.”

Anson, who was staring at her closely, felt a little nervous in his heart. He subconsciously wanted to open his "field" and simulate black magic to read his mind to see what the other person was thinking, but he realized that she was a genuine black mage and had no choice but to give up.

"Um...ahem, I can understand that it is indeed a good opportunity for the Truth-Seeking Cult, but what does it have to do with a win-win situation?"

"Although I don't understand why the 'Whisper' was able to obtain the difference engine, there must be support from some people at the top of the Army Department behind him." Serra Vigil's expression softened slightly: "They were able to get the 'Whisper' 'If you cooperate, you will definitely cooperate with other Old God Sect organizations, this is almost inevitable."

"But... even though we are absolutely sure, if there is no concrete evidence that can be produced, it is impossible for the Truth-seeking Cult to arrest people from the Ministry of War in a fair and just way - especially those who hold high positions and have prominent family backgrounds; if they conduct an honest investigation, And it will definitely arouse the other party’s vigilance, so…”

"You want me to collect evidence that the upper echelons of the Army Ministry are involved with the Old God Sect?!"

Anson raised his eyebrows deliberately and pretended to be surprised: "Did I hear you correctly?"

"You heard it right, and there is no need to show an expression of 'I didn't expect things to develop like this' anymore." Sierra Virgil snorted softly:

"Isn't it just to wait for this moment to spend a lot of time to silence the "whisper" and voluntarily give up the extremely precious difference machine? If you want to destroy the upper echelons of the Army Ministry in an honest and upright manner, is there any other way than to turn them all into old gods? Is there a better way to sect elements?”

Facing the other party's gaze that seemed to pierce through his chest, Anson couldn't hold himself back and sneered twice: "Um...is this your idea or Cole Dorian's idea?"

"What do you think?" The female judge, with her arms folded across her chest, looked at him coldly, with an expression that seemed to say, "You are asking questions knowingly."


Anson understood and his expression gradually became serious: "That means you should also know the possible origin of this difference machine and the consequences of continuing to investigate this matter, right?"

This time the female judge didn't speak, and nodded imperceptibly.

"Now that you know it, why do you do it?"

"There is no reason... I have to say, I just hope that some people can really wake up." Sera Virgil turned his head and looked at Cole Dorian who was happily directing everyone to move the difference machine in the distance:

"Only when you face many things, do you know how to choose and which side you belong to. The sooner you face it, it is better than always being confused and in a dilemma... What do you think, the Luen family? His fiancé and Miss Sophia Franz’s sponsor, Your Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion?”

Anson Bach: "...I think what you said makes so much sense!"


Inner city, Friedrichstrasse, Iris restaurant.

The expressionless Croun was sitting at the dining table, playing with a glass goblet. The waiters beside him were diligently serving fine wine and delicacies to this generous guest.

Sizzling pan-fried fish fillet, imperial-style chowder salad, toasted waffles garnished with cream lace and cherries, beef stew with potatoes and thick soup, as well as crispy-fried chicken legs, roasted lamb chops with green onions, and tomato sauce meat ball……

Friedrich Street is a place frequented by wealthy people in the inner city of Clovis. The famous dishes are mainly based on the imperial style, which is most unpalatable to Clovis people. The heavy seasoning and meat-based Clovis taste is often criticized. People despise it, and it is considered a "low-level enjoyment" for the lower class. You will not see these dishes on the menu.

But obviously if the guests are generous enough, the arrogant restaurant and chefs are not unwilling to change their stance - the messenger in a high-end dress bowed slightly, poured two glasses of dark beer for Crown like opening wine, and then followed the other party's instructions He put a bottle of wine on the table and left, his eyes never leaving the tip in the collar of his coat.

Facing the table full of delicious food, Kroun showed no sign of wanting to eat. He still stared at the main entrance of the restaurant thoughtfully, waiting quietly.

He even specially chose an outside seat. The high-end glass wall allowed passers-by to clearly see his position and every move, and even exposed all possible routes of action to the front, rear, left, and right.

He was not kept waiting for too long, and the waiting customers had already arrived - he opened the store door cautiously, and Major Russell, with a tense face, walked towards the dining table.

In fact, he had arrived more than ten minutes ago. The reason why he had not come closer was because he was still not sure: "The ring of order is above, Crown, are you...are you crazy?!"

"Crazy? Of course not." Croun, who was understated, picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "Do you think Iris Restaurant would let a madman walk into the restaurant and dine at the best table in a tourist location?"

"Yes, as long as he gives you enough money!"

Russell said bitterly, glancing at the street outside the window from the corner of his eye: "Why did you come to me all of a sudden? Do you know that the Army Department is in chaos, and everyone is asking where you went!"

"Then you can see now that I haven't gone anywhere." Crown's eyes were blazing: "The trial is over. I failed to complete my task and wanted to run out to get drunk and eat something to vent my depression. Problem?"

"No problem, but the adults would rather you show up in their offices."

Russell, whose mouth twitched, hesitated for a moment, then took a meatball with a fork: "I can understand your mood. After all, I have worked for you for more than two years, and I know that you are a guy who pursues success and perfection; it is so important. If you fail to complete your task, you will definitely feel unhappy."

"Forget it! Go to the damn War Department, go to those damn Bayonet Club guys with silver spoons in their mouths! Today I will have a good drink with you, vent your feelings to your heart's content, and say whatever you want. I’m not angry with those people either!”

As if he suddenly gave up on himself, Major Russell picked up the glass and drank the dark beer in one gulp; Crown opposite was not polite and began to enjoy the delicacies on the table.

Under the strange looks of the surrounding guests, the two of them quickly consumed two dozen dark beers, all the dishes, four extra portions of lamb chops, and eight loaves of bread.

Major Russell remained silent during the whole process, constantly destroying the food in front of him, watching Croun's every move with his peripheral vision; he was like a beast competing for food with its own kind.


After stuffing down the last piece of cake, Lieutenant Colonel Crown slumped directly on the chair, panting weakly as if all his strength had been drained, and at the same time looked with burning eyes at Russell opposite, who was also unable to straighten up:

"To be honest, when I first left that clue, I was hesitant about whether you would show up; after all, now I have become a target of public criticism, and anyone who has anything to do with me is unlikely to end well. "

"But I'm still here." Russell snorted, with a little pride on his lips: "Perhaps you have forgotten that I am your subordinate, and I am the one who can never escape from the beginning - since I can't escape, why? Want to hide?"

"Yes, anyone can hide, but you...Russell, you can't."

Crown nodded with emotion: "Just because you are tied too tightly to me, you have no way out; if you want to survive in the Army Department, you must do something to prove your loyalty to the adults."

"So you came, bringing the assassins who killed me."

The soft words sounded, but they were like thunder in Major Russell's ears.

"You didn't dare to come in at first, not because you were afraid that you would be exposed together with me, but because you were worried that if someone outside decided to take action, in this environment, in order to disguise it as an accident, you would have no chance to escape." Crown continued, As if talking about something that has nothing to do with him: "Yes, it must be an accident, otherwise the Army Department, which just lost the trial, will completely lose its prestige within the Army."

"Since it's an accident, the best way is to blow up the entire tavern and pretend it's a gas leak. But this is Friedrich Street, one of the busiest areas in Clovis. If you dare to do this, you will be arrested tomorrow. The Lords in the Privy Council dug deep and dug out evidence against the War Office."

"So they can only use more threatening and uncontrollable methods to make this incident look more like an accident; and in that way...Russell, the probability of you surviving is very small." Lao En's eyes were blazing: "That's why you never dare to walk in, but you have no way out - if you walk into the restaurant, you can still give it a try. If you don't come to see me, you will die."

Major Russell was silent, and his expression that could still be forced to remain calm showed a hint of panic.

"Now that you understand, why are you still doing this? With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to avoid the limelight for the time being, right?"

"It's not difficult, but the Army Department knows my birth address, my family members, and the bank where most of my savings are kept, which holds my allowance... abandoning all of this and living like a walking zombie? I don't want to live like that. Days." Crown sighed:

"Actually, the answer was on the table from the beginning, Russell, didn't you find out?"

"...on the table?"

"Who do you think gave me all the money for ordering a meal at a high-end restaurant and preparing such sumptuous dishes?"

With a rhetorical question, the expressionless Kroun suddenly raised his hand and pulled the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling glass window on the side without any warning!

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