I will be crowned king

Chapter 1039 Surrender


At the moment when Crown took action, Russell had not figured out what this guy wanted to do; but he soon no longer had to ask, because a long hiss suddenly came from outside the restaurant.

On the bustling Friedrich Street, two strong draft horses suddenly seemed to be frightened, dragging a four-wheel carriage full of wine and started running wildly, rushing straight towards the Tulip Restaurant.

The rapid sound of horse hooves and the panicked shouting outside the door made Russell's pupils shrink suddenly: "You madman!"

"Indeed." Holding the wine glass with some residual wine left in his hand, Colonel Crown looked like an understatement:

"If I wasn't crazy, why would I turn to Anson Bach and work for their ridiculous plan? Ha, five thousand gold coins is a good price."

"Five thousand...Then why do you have to drag me with you?!" Russell was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Although he didn't eat as much as Croun did, he felt a strong sense of fullness and was slightly dizzy after drinking. Under the effect of dizziness, the body's reaction is obviously much slower than usual.

"I have never harmed you on my own initiative. I have always covered up your previous failure in Beigang. I have done everything as instructed. What did I, what did I do to offend you?!"

"Nothing, I have no complaints against you, Russell." Crown looked calm: "You don't have to think too much, it's just that Anson Bach's price is high enough, and I must be worthy of it - to seduce you. It's that simple to make the assassin hiding in the dark show up openly."


"I'm sorry for interrupting the conversation between the two guests, but can you please leave your seats temporarily?" The doorman on the side suddenly came forward, with a slightly flustered expression: "There seems to be a commotion outside, please..."


Before he could finish his words, the frightened packhorse smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass window covered with curtains, raised its front hooves and rushed into the tavern!

Russell's face suddenly changed without any hesitation, and he hid under the table decisively. The last thing he saw out of the corner of his eye was Kroun, who was still sitting leisurely at the dining table, and the frightened doorman next to him.

The carriage full of wine crashed into the restaurant without any suspense. It happened that the carriage was scratched by the glass, and it happened that the wine barrel fell down. It also happened that it was all filled with strong liquor... The headlights of the car were smashed into pieces in the collision. , sparks fell on the sprayed alcohol.

However, these were not the real trump cards... Through the cracked carriage, Crown instantly captured a barrel of explosives hidden inside.


With a roar, the golden-red fire broke through the walls of the Iris Restaurant like a flood, shattering the glass windows of the surrounding shops and restaurants.

Soon, the fire dissipated, leaving only choking smoke and a mess everywhere.

Major Russell, who was lying firmly under the table, was shivering all over, but he could not wait for the unexpected air waves and flowing "fire water" that blew him away.

He hesitated for a few seconds, but finally had the courage to poke his head out. What caught his eyes were the still stunned doorman, Kroen who was sitting at the table with an expressionless face, and... standing behind them, with his right hand stretched out in front of him. A young officer opening a field.

Norton Crosell... This name immediately came to Major Russell's mind, but unlike the picture in front of him, he had the impression that this Army Lieutenant Colonel was more shy. He had never had such a firm gaze like now. ,the most important……

The Army Ministry didn't know such important information that he had awakened the power of blood? !

"Lieutenant Colonel Crown, congratulations, your mission has been completed." Norton, who had released "Dustless Land", breathed a sigh of relief and looked a little tired: "Are you not injured?"

"No, thank you for your quick and timely action." Crown drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Perhaps it was mixed with the splashed spirits, and the taste was much thicker than before: "But you misunderstood one thing. Well, my mission is not over yet."

As he spoke, he stood up suddenly, grabbed Russell's collar from under the remains of the table, and stared into those eyes that were unbelievable, frightened and frightened:

"Then...Russell, my most trusted subordinate, come with me to surrender to the Whitehall Street police!"


While Anson was trying to find a way to deal with the inquisitor, Ludwig was using his connections non-stop and secretly met with eight commanders with military power outside Clovis City.

In fact, Ludwig didn't plan to come forward in person at first, but thinking about Anson Bach's popularity in the army and his sister's ability to confidently speak out a lot of wrong conclusions, he had to put this aside. Take the heavy responsibility on yourself.

Regarding this invitation without warning, especially after knowing that the invited guests included seven people besides themselves, these generals were still quite uneasy; on the one hand, the other party was the son of the Archbishop and a hero of the Holy War. It seemed a little too rude to refuse; on the other hand, secretly inviting the general who held military power looked like he was planning a conspiracy secretly.

After weighing many considerations, the generals decided to accept the invitation to the banquet, and then... as expected, they planned to hatch a conspiracy.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Ludwig specifically chose the meeting place in a cafe near the outer city; but the food available in such a place was somewhat shabby, so he specially asked the family chef to dress up as a coachman. accompanying.

Drinking carefully prepared coffee and eating snacks unique to the Franz family, the generals patiently listened to Ludwig's grand plan, and then...

Well, I smiled awkwardly but politely.

I originally thought that the eldest son of the Franz family was planning to overthrow the Privy Council and establish a military government. In that case, everyone might be interested; but in the end, the conflict between him and the War Department actually escalated; if nothing else, the situation immediately changed. Smaller.

But the other party is the direct heir of the Franz family, and currently has a high reputation within the War Department. The generals cannot really deny anything, and can only continue to listen to him expounding this plan with great interest. A beautiful vision emphasizes how much benefit everyone can get.

Ludwig seemed not to notice the expressions of everyone present, and continued to talk, completely telling everyone present Anson's plan combined with his own additions.

It wasn't until he finally felt a little thirsty that he finally stopped, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. He immediately heard the sounds of relief coming and going in the room.

"I think in everyone's opinion, what I just said is just a mirror image and something that is impossible to achieve, right?" Ludwig showed a meaningful smile: "Of course, some people will think that I am too unfulfilled - —As a soldier, you still care about this kind of thing?"

"But I want to tell you that this is the essential reason why the Army has never been able to defeat the Privy Council!"

"The Privy Council has committees of various sizes, and ministers who are appointed to the cabinet... In short, they have their own leaders and spokespersons; if they have any opinions or dissatisfaction with the kingdom, they can directly appeal to His Majesty the King. "

"And what about us? We have nothing... The War Department is just a department that is ordered to do odd jobs. It claims to challenge the Privy Council, but in fact it is not even qualified to enter the Privy Council - why? Because you are not a parliamentarian or a minister. There’s no room for you there!”

"Please don't deny this, everyone, because in today's kingdom system, the status of the Army is under the Privy Council; we are leaderless, but the other party can turn the opinions of all nobles, wealthy families and even rich people into 'public opinion', His Majesty is forced to submit; and as long as the army makes trouble, it is a mutiny, a mutiny that must be suppressed immediately!"

"Is this fair? This is unfair! And this unfair situation is precisely due to the incompetence of the Army Department and the problem that hundreds of thousands of Army soldiers cannot find a spokesperson!"

With the sonorous and powerful words, the generals obviously softened their originally embarrassed expressions and became much more serious.

"Of course, I also understand that what many people really hope is not to elect a Minister of War to the cabinet, but to completely overthrow the Privy Council and establish a military government under His Majesty's vertical jurisdiction." Ludwig changed the subject:

"Then I have to ask you a question. Do you think His Majesty has any experience in war?"

"Obviously not! Even this is normal. The mission of opening up territory for the kingdom should fall on the shoulders of us soldiers. Your Majesty only needs to issue his decree, and the hundreds of thousands of Clovis troops will naturally think of him. The map you want is handed over to you."

"The problem is that this requires one, or a dozen generals who really understand war, to make suggestions for His Majesty and solve strategic problems; and it is best for these people not to quarrel over their own ideas and finally come up with a solution. Report a unified idea to His Majesty to avoid His Majesty being distracted by who to support."

"Then the question comes back...Who is qualified to represent the hundreds of thousands of troops, and who can be the candidate to analyze the battle situation, adjust and deploy strategies for His Majesty?"

"The War Department? Their previous performance has been enough to prove the extent of these people's incompetence; the two-year war almost exhausted Clovis; they have never had a mature strategic vision, and random assignments to the front line are unrealistic. I dare say that out of a hundred soldiers, there are at least one hundred and one who are dissatisfied with them!"

"So everyone... I am not unable to understand your determination to overthrow the Privy Council and establish a military government; but before that we must also see the fact that the current army does not have a qualified leader." Ludwig said seriously. :

"Without a leader, we are nothing but a mess, left to the discretion of those in the Privy Council."

"Then the Franz family is preparing to become the leader of the War Department?!"

Finally, a general stood up and couldn't help but ask: "Let Sophia Franz become the Minister of War, and you can nominally command all armies!"

"On the contrary, the reason why we did this is to show that we do not want the status of army leader." Ludwig shook his head:

"Otherwise, I can completely use my own name and rely on my military exploits in the New World Holy War to ask Your Majesty to grant me this position, right?"

"But I also know very well that there is a huge difference between a title and a true leader; even if you have a name, if the reputation is not enough, the best outcome is to be ignored, and the worst..."

He didn't speak, and his eyes swept over the faces of everyone present, and everyone showed understanding expressions.

"That's why I recommended my sister Sophia, who knows nothing about military affairs, to take this position; because she doesn't know anything. If she doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of His Majesty, she must rely on everyone here wholeheartedly." Ludwig He said with a sincere face:

"If...of course I can only tell you now that if a leader is born within the army who can truly command everyone, then my dear sister will never be too greedy for that position, and will naturally give it to someone who truly belongs to it. People - please have no doubt that the eldest daughter of the Franz family does not need the title of minister to decorate her appearance."

There was a hint of arrogance in Ludwig's eyes when he said this, but it made everyone present believe that the current status of the Franz family in Clovis is indeed unrivaled.

But recognition does not mean approval. After all, although the Army Department has not truly become the leader of all armies, it is still a big tree with deep roots. There are still many people who have some feelings for this department above their heads.

Others may also agree with the conclusion that the army must have a leader as soon as possible, but they hope that it will be in the process of overthrowing the Privy Council and establishing a military government. Although Ludwig's method seems good and convenient, it is tantamount to This time has been delayed for a long time.

Just when everyone was hesitating, a well-dressed officer suddenly opened the door, gave a military salute to everyone present, then quickly stepped forward and handed the mail package in his arms to Ludwig: "Major General, the newspaper you want!"

"Thank you." Ludwig raised his head and glanced at Roman: "You can retreat and wait outside the door."


With that sonorous response, Ludwig had skillfully opened the package, took out a newspaper from inside, flipped through it a few times, and found what he wanted on the second page: "Ah. … Found it, this is it.”

Before he finished speaking, he immediately spread out the newspaper with both hands and presented it in front of the generals; a few seconds later, everyone present took a breath in unison.

"There was an assassination in the Army Lieutenant Colonel's restaurant, and the top brass of the Army Department are suspected of being involved in the Old Gods!"

Silence, deathly silence.

After being stunned for a long time, the general who first stood up to raise objections sighed heavily and smashed the coffee cup on the table:

"The War Department... is over!"

Thank you for everyone's comfort. Although the fever has not gone away today, my mental state is obviously better than yesterday. In addition, my throat is starting to hurt and I am almost speechless.

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