I will be crowned king

Chapter 1041 The First Army Ministers’ Meeting

Anson had no way of knowing what the outcome of this secret meeting of the Bayonet Club was, but there were only two possible outcomes: the prices offered by the adults in the War Department were attractive enough, so that the generals could make up their minds and work together to complete this. A very loyal undertaking.

The other is that both sides break up on bad terms. The War Department shows no sincerity and fully proves how incompetent and stupid it is. It helps itself from the side, and the Bayonet Club disbands amidst waves of curses - of course this kind of The probability is quite low.

No matter which one Anson cares about, after all, this matter has been basically entrusted to Major General Ludwig, and he wants to focus his main attention on Maurice Périgord.

Since the first "fateful encounter", he has never met this guy again, and can't find any clues about his whereabouts; but he is not surprised, after all, there is a certain novelist Zhuyu in front of him, It seems to be a common thing for people from the Truth Society to come and go without a trace, even for former members of the Truth Society.

He took the initiative to hand over the difference machine to the inquisitor. This matter must not escape his eyes. Now Anson really wants to know what the leader of the monastery thinks and what his next plan is.

One day, two days, three days... Anson didn't wait for any action from little Périgord, or he had already taken action, but he didn't notice it at all; this time his opponent seemed to be more patient than himself, like a snake lingering in the green of the pool. The swimming snakes under the algae are not in a hurry to make a momentary move.

But the goal of this snake is to destroy the political balance in Clovis and plunge the city of Clovis into an unprecedented state of chaos; then as long as either himself or the War Department takes action, he will immediately emerge from the water, Super doubles the severity of the chaos.

"This is indeed the case." Ludwig stared at Anson with a serious face and said: "My informants in the Bayonet Club told me that the plan given by the people in the Army Department this time is very crazy, and it can only be described as crazy. point."

"To put it simply, they plan to have eight legions attack the city of Clovis from four directions at the same time, but they are not in a hurry to plant the military flag outside the gate of the Privy Council. Instead, they want to capture a street or a community and then execute it within the area. Strict purge policy."

"Any property associated with the Reformists of the Privy Council, any societies and organizations that have stood against the War Department in previous trials, properties and buildings will be burned, people will be detained collectively and then executed, and all properties will be included in a specially designated bayonet club. In the name of the fund.”

"In short, their plan is to eat away at the entire city of Clovis bit by bit, and in the process continue to put pressure on the royal family and the Privy Council to elect conservatives to come to power to cooperate with them - because the War Department knows very well that they will not If he knows how to run the state machinery and completely loses those MPs from wealthy and aristocratic families, Clovis will really be paralyzed."

"My informant didn't tell me the more specific content, or he probably didn't know either. I guess the generals didn't know either. But if I were to implement this plan, it would probably take one to two days, right? "

In one or two days, eight legions completely occupied the entire city of Clovis, which is indeed pretty close... Anson nodded slightly: "Then do you think their plan is feasible?"

"They can really do it."

Ludwig nodded very seriously: "It is true that the police on Whitehall Street in Clovis are well-equipped; indeed, many noble families also maintain many elite private soldiers; indeed, the security companies of all sizes in the city , when all the factory protection teams are assembled, it shouldn’t be difficult to gather 10,000 people - but what they are facing is the Clovis standing army, eight!"

"You should have seen this when we were suppressing the rebellion in the outer city. It was not a shabby levy corps. The quality and equipment of the soldiers were at least above the average level of the original Jihad Army. In terms of obeying orders, it was even better. Such eight How can we fight against an army of nearly 300,000 people?"

"Although Clovis City has a city wall, it is only in the inner city and not in the outer city. And there are only about 300,000 people in the entire inner city. Facing 300,000 soldiers, how can we resist?"

"It would indeed be the case if all eight regiments joined them." Anson objected: "But not all of them will accept the proposal of the War Department, right? None of them are members of the Bayonet Club, and two others are said to be neither. As for the Continental Army’s theory, wouldn’t it be better to wait and see first?”

"Besides, once you attack Clovis City, it will be a veritable rebellion; well... even if you are loyal to a curve, you will still risk being liquidated later. After we have a more secure proposal, we will still fight for it. Join this plan with unpredictable consequences?"

"What you said makes sense. In fact, I think so too."

Ludwig sighed and clenched his sweaty fists nervously: "But whether we can win over eight of them is almost the key to our success this time; not to mention that no matter how safe we ​​are, we This kind of private collusion is actually tantamount to rebellion... It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous."

Seeing the expression of his former boss, Ansen could only nod in agreement, but at the same time he didn't understand at all, why should he be nervous?

"In any case, this matter is still a matter to be determined; the specific results of their discussions may not be available to me for a few days. At the moment, we can only act according to circumstances."

As if trying to keep calm, Ludwig suddenly raised his voice: "Continue to contact the officers from the Skirmisher Division and ask them to find a way to connect with the officers in the eight legions. In case of any emergency, If something really happens, there might be a chance to instigate rebellion."

"As for me...although I can't get into the members of the Bayonet Club, I might be able to get important information from other circles. Anyway, I will give it a try whenever I have the chance."

"Okay, in fact, I'm already doing it here." Anson said solemnly: "The shotgun club, the largest group of officers in the Skirmishers Division, has accepted the first sponsorship of 20,000 gold coins from the New World Company, and now it belongs to our side. , a relationship where one loses and both lose.”

"That's good." Ludwig, who had just finished speaking, said as if he suddenly remembered something: "Then, remember to keep today's matter a secret, and don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, no outsiders will hear you."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure? What's wrong?"

"Then..." Ludwig, who was sitting in the corner of the living room, suddenly turned his head and looked at the sparse figures present:

"Why are they here?"

Anson raised his head and looked in the direction where he was looking: Christian Bach, Sophia Franz, Viscount Bogner, Carl Bain and Professor Erich were sitting on the sofa, holding dark beers or glasses of wine. Coffee watched the two people whispering as if watching a drama.

"Don't hold on to Anson there. I asked everyone to come."

Sophia, who was sitting in the middle of the sofa, calmly picked up the coffee and said with a hostess-like smile: "What is needed to defeat the Army Department is not the strength of one or two of you or me, but the joint efforts of everyone. We are not fighting alone, we are a team, an alliance!”

"That's right!"

The excited Viscount Bogner was the first to respond, with an expression as eager as an actor about to appear on stage.

"The evil ideas of the War Department have been clearly exposed. Anyone who opposes them will face the risk of the earth falling apart, and the entire city of Clovis will turn into a sea of ​​fire at any time. At this time, it is not possible to insist on completing everything personally. Wise foolishness and courage; uniting all those who can unite is the truly wise choice."

"The reformists can provide the greatest help in this regard. We will mobilize all the streets in the inner city and the upright people of noble origin in the community. Once the Ministry of War exposes its ambitions, we will actively organize to fight against them!"

"In addition, we are also currently promoting a motion in the Privy Council to reorganize the Ministry of War in a targeted manner and transfer some powers to it - of course, it must not be what it is now."

"Once the reorganization is successful, the new Ministry of War will have greater and freer decision-making power in the military, and issues such as officer promotions will no longer need to be interfered with by the Privy Council; in addition to the cabinet seat of the Minister of War, a cabinet seat will also be established. A dedicated 'Committee of Generals', providing approximately five seats to the brand new War Department."

Viscount Bogner, who was talking eloquently, inadvertently walked to the middle of the living room: "Right now we are trying to cooperate with the conservatives to jointly promote this agenda; if everything goes well, we should be able to succeed by the end of this year - I personally think , we can definitely tell the generals this good news in advance."

"I think the most important thing now is to consider how to deal with the War Department." Carl Bain coughed twice. He always got a little nervous when facing a "big man" like Bogner.憷:

"This morning, the Storm Legion just received the latest notice from the Ministry of War, which will stop providing any supplies to our camp in three days and requires us to move our base to a farm fifteen kilometers outside Clovis."

"I asked the locals specifically. It was no longer a farm. It had been converted into a brick factory. There was only a small bakery and two slaughterhouses. The factory that fed two to three hundred people was okay, but it supplied 8,000 people. It’s difficult for an army of people.”

"Oh, did he tell you that the brick factory is actually an industry owned by the Ministry of War?" Teacher Erich on the side suddenly said with a smile:

"This is a common method used by the Army Department to deal with some thorny troops. If you don't obey, you will be suddenly transferred from your original station and placed in a ghost place where there is no food at all, or no one can live in it."

"If you don't obey, then it's disobedience, or we may simply cut off your supplies to see how long you can last; and if you obey, then sooner or later something will happen - smuggling, robbery, theft... An army without food can do it There is one thing that can be used to accuse you."

"Especially in many cases, they are not actually targeting the army, but a certain officer... Let the soldiers know that they have suffered so many crimes just because their commander was ostracized and targeted by the Ministry of War. How do you think the soldiers will feel? ?”

"Uh... no need to guess, I know it all too well."

Karl waved his hand. He knew this well as he had always taken the blame: "The next step should be mutiny, right?"

"Absolutely correct." Teacher Erich said with a wry smile: "In the past, those guys who taught the Continental Army used this method to torture officers from the skirmisher department, leaving stains on their resume materials. By the way, This becomes evidence that the later slander of the skirmisher theory is immature or insufficient for implementation, which is nonsense!"

"In other words, everyone, our real enemy is not the War Department, but some adults who believe in the doctrine of the Continental Army and occupy the upper echelons of the War Department." Christian on the side slowly put down his wine glass and shouted at Everyone present smiled and said:

"Furthermore, it's the Bayonet Club, am I right?"

"If that's the case, I suggest that you don't use a broad target like the War Department as a target, but target only the Bayonet Club, or even just the core members of it." He looked at Carl and Eyre respectively. Rich glanced at the two of them, and then moved in the direction of Ludwig:

"Because although we all know that the current Ministry of War is in decay and must be destroyed as soon as possible, the hijab image still serves as a symbol of the entire Army to a certain extent; if we attack the Ministry of War, it will inevitably make some soldiers and officers miserable. Feel the same.”

"But if the target is the Bayonet Club... they will be confused first, and then angry, because they do not understand this group, and if they know it through some kind of mass media - such as newspapers - it can only be a general understanding perhaps."

"This is a very good state. An elite society will be simply labeled as 'rich', 'corrupt', 'authoritarian' and other labels by the people and middle- and lower-class soldiers, which will naturally generate anger and anger towards the people in it. Jealousy – they will find the most suitable slogan without us having to think about it.”

"This organization is too incompetent, we have to fight it... This kind of words sounds really powerless, but if you replace it with 'This organization is despicable and vicious, greedy and corrupt, and uses power to harm others, we will tie all the people in it to crosses.' , isn’t it very powerful?”

The words with rhetorical questions fell softly, and the living room was silent.

After a long while, Sophia took a sip of coffee and looked around at everyone, and said in the calmest tone: "Very good, your suggestions are all valuable. I think... we have reached a consensus."

Her voice was calm and her posture was majestic, as if she was already a minister of war.

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