I will be crowned king

Chapter 1044: Turning against guests!


Lisa, who was sleeping soundly on top of the old woman, suddenly woke up, took out the Inquisitor's revolver from nowhere, and aimed a six-cell battery at the bottom of the stairwell outside the door.

Dazzling gunfire continued to explode between the steps and handrails, and three or four figures running away were exposed in the flash of light.

In the warm living room, everyone's expressions changed.

"Then, what exactly is that..."

Christian, who looked worried, was about to say something when he suddenly felt a strong push on his back from behind, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Everyone, stay where you are and don't move!" Anson, who was chewing his pipe, put his right hand on Christian's back and lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Keep quiet and don't make any noise."

Almost at the moment the body fell to the ground, the first thing his eyes caught was not the appearance of the other party, but the outfit: a black leather turtleneck trench coat, a three-cornered hat that hid most of his face, and a sterling silver pocket watch hanging on his chest— —He is the judge of the Order of Truth.

Due to his relationship with William Gottfried, it was normal for Cole Dorian to send the Inquisitor to follow or even spy on him; because of this, Anson never used superpowers after the trial, and never used his powers again. The field has not been opened.

After all, there are inquisitors hiding around anytime and anywhere, and even if there is a high probability of danger, there is no need to take action yourself; if nothing else, without the Luen family, Clovis City will not have the power to compete with the inquisition.

And now, the unexpected happened.

The nameless inquisitor, whose eyes were frozen, had stopped twitching. A blood hole penetrated the left center of his chest, and his heart was missing.

It took less than thirty seconds from the time there was a movement to the time the body fell in the living room.

Thirty seconds... It only took half a minute for the other party to kill an inquisitor, and he even threw the body threateningly at the door of his house?

"Lisa, do it." Anson said coldly: "Don't go through the main entrance, jump out of the window and give the guests a surprise."


The happy girl did a backflip over the sofa, took the steam gun thrown by Alan Dawn, and her petite figure leapt towards the dark night outside the window.

William Gottfried and the little clerk on the side did not need to give any instructions at all. They were very self-conscious and had crouched down with their heads in their hands, hiding under the sofas on both sides of the fireplace.

Anson, who was biting his pipe, snapped his fingers with a "pop!", and the surrounding walls and the collapsed door were covered by the light smoke rising under the influence of [Yuyujia], forming a formation that could at least block rifle bullets. The "wall of smoke".

After finishing all this, he turned around and nodded slightly to the old woman on the sofa: "Sorry to cause you trouble, there are a few uninvited guests who want to entertain, I will come as soon as I can. "

"Okay, I got it." Mrs. Bogner was still tying her sweater without raising her head, and her tone was still so impatient:

"Go and do your business. I left a piece of apple cake in the kitchen. Remember to have a midnight snack when you come back - don't tell Lisa, girls can't eat so many sweets at night."

Anson couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "Thanks for the reminder."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked over the body on the floor in the living room, heading towards the dark stairwell.

The moment he got closer, a strong magical reaction immediately hit his face: a shrill scream exploded without warning, sadness, pain, despair, lamentation, loneliness... numerous negative emotions that came and went, rushing through Anson's mind, playing a heart-wrenching tone. The music of Split Lung.

Afterimages drifted in the lightless shadow, condensing into the appearance of a fanatical believer wearing a cloak, lowering his head and chanting incantations. They surrounded Anson, and the words they murmured turned into a continuous and shrill wail.

As Anson walked down the stairs step by step, he began to instinctively have various cruel impulses in his heart. He wanted to take off his eyes, pull out his teeth one by one, break his fingers, and go back. He would blow the heads off everyone in the room and let their brains spray on his face.

This impulse is so strong, as if you can clearly feel the pleasure after completion... Anson's pace is getting slower and slower, and his trembling right hand has pressed down on the Inquisitor's revolver hidden in his waist, and he is holding it little by little. Holding the handle of the gun, he pulled the hammer with his thumb, slowly pulled out the muzzle of the gun, and pressed it against the neck of his chin.

Three, two, one...


A deafening roar exploded in the stairwell, and a cheek that was so suppressed that it turned red and purple appeared in front of Anson, and his long mouth seemed to be trying desperately to hide the smile that had long since solidified.

"..." As if he finally came to his senses, the assassin lowered his head in shock. A blood hole exploded in his chest near his heart, just enough for the smoke-filled gun muzzle to penetrate. The dark red blood was like a faucet that couldn't be turned off. It seems to be flowing continuously, pouring on the steps under your feet.

The expressionless Anson held the opponent's shoulders and pushed gently, and the dying assassin rolled down the stairs step by step.

The dark stairwell suddenly returned to normal. Anson, who had already walked down several floors, turned around and found that he was still standing on the first floor.

All the screams, strange shadows and bottomless darkness were all illusions carefully created by a black mage hiding in the dark. The other party asked his accomplices to hide at the entrance of the stairs. If he was even a little bit exposed, If there are any traces of trying to break away, the assassin just now will take action directly.

This is why Anson asked the girl to jump out of the window directly. The powerful blood of August allows her to directly ignore most of the effects of black magic. Once the opponent detects it, she will have no chance to seize the opponent's actions. .


With a slight snap of his fingers, Anson, who no longer concealed his magic reaction, released his concealment, opened his field on the spot, and the entire Brayman Street instantly came into his mind.

His domain law is "plan", a law that requires sufficient information to be effective, and is the most incompatible with the ability of a conjurer; but if the information in hand is sufficient, theoretically there are infinite possibilities.

The other party has just set up a black magic trap to trap the people in the house, which is equivalent to completely exposing his power and magical aura to Anson - as long as he does not leave the coverage area of ​​the domain, he will be completely invisible!

Black magic is different from the other two ways. It takes the path of complete spiritual evolution. Unless it reaches the level of the beloved mentor Mace Honnard, it will still be a fragile body of flesh and blood. A lead bullet would blow his head off.

At the same time that Anson destroyed the black magic trap in the stairwell, in a private room of a cafe three hundred meters away, the wealthy businessman who was sitting in his original position suddenly shivered and covered his head tightly as if he had been shot suddenly. Chest, lying on the dining table in a state of embarrassment, spilled coffee spilled all over the dining table.

But even in such pain, he still struggled to get up. He pressed his right hand directly on the hot coffee cup without caring, supporting his body to maintain balance, even if it caused blisters and cut his palm open.

The other party...the other party has noticed his existence...cannot...definitely cannot stay here any longer...must leave as soon as possible...otherwise...otherwise...

"Otherwise...I will catch you."

Disdainful laughter suddenly sounded behind him, and the guest dressed as a wealthy businessman froze in place. His expression began to become complicated and distorted with fear and panic.

He suddenly raised his head as if he had been slapped with a sap, and a harsh and shrill scream suddenly sounded in his ears. The luxurious box in front of him was brightly lit, but there seemed to be thousands of shadows lingering, from the cover of the fire. , attacking from the corners around the house.

It was a wailing cry of resentment, the deepest despair, like a stormy tide, attacking him from all directions.

The wealthy businessman... the assassin didn't even have time to think of resistance, the black tide of despair had completely swallowed him up; his bloody hands grabbed his hideous and twisted cheeks, "Plop!" and fell to his knees.


Half a minute later, the waiter who heard the sound hurried over to find out the cause of the strange scream. Curious, he knocked on the door repeatedly and finally pushed the door open. An extremely strange scene came into view:

In the brightly lit private room, the broken coffee cups on the table were mixed with dark red blood and soaked the tables and chairs; the guests who were supposed to be enjoying the coffee were huddled in the corner of the private room, grabbing the words filled with fear with their hands. cheek.

In order to open his eyes wider and see more clearly, he even extended the tips of his index and middle fingers into his eye sockets, with his two eyeballs half bulging out, staring at the light above his head with tears in his eyes.


After dealing with the most troublesome black mage, Anson continued walking down the stairwell without looking back, heading towards the door and exit of the apartment one floor at a time.

He took his time, deliberately walking at a steady pace, and kept reviewing in his mind the whole process of everything that had happened from just now to now.

The other party acted very quickly and in a very targeted manner. They first eliminated the outermost inquisitors, which proved that they were well aware of the actions of the Truth-seeking Order; they did not take action directly but set up an ambush in the apartment, which meant that they did not want others to have access to it. After realizing it, he also planned to disguise everything as an accident as much as possible so as to get away with it.

Finally, they are definitely not assassins from the Ministry of War, because the method of those guys is to fake an accident and send the bomb-laden carriage directly to the sky with people and buildings. They will never arrange such a sophisticated assassination operation, or target the king who has already obtained it. I personally agreed to attend the New Year's banquet - the War Department didn't have the guts.

It is not the War Department but it still targets himself and the inquisitor. The answer is already clear-Maurice Périgord.

Although he had been prepared for it, Anson still could not expect the other party's revenge to come so quickly.

The Braiman Street covered by the domain has completely fallen under Anson's control. He can even clearly see every move of the two blood mages who are fighting Lisa, but he still does not dare to neglect and stands behind the apartment door. Smoking his pipe, he continued to cover every corner with "superpowers".

Compared with the heavily armed girls, the two blood mages were obviously not fully prepared. They were beaten by Lisa, who was holding a steam gun, two Inquisitor revolvers at her waist, and countless grenades hanging under her coat. Under the raindrops, They were dodging like barrages and explosive points one after another, and couldn't even find a chance to take the initiative to attack.

Not only did they lack firepower and offensive means, the two men were also restrained in their actions. They almost did not dare to confront the girl head-on. They were not at all like the blood mages who had strong vitality and could survive with only one head. They were even cautious enough. Putting ordinary talents to shame.

The excessive abnormality on the other side made Anson frown slightly, but he quickly guessed a possibility - they probably collected some information about himself and Lisa, but it was not enough or detailed enough to regard Lisa as that kind of person. A blood mage with incredible strength!

This is actually not surprising. After all, Anson has never hidden Lisa's existence. Every battle achievement will be attributed to her. Those who collect intelligence seriously will not find it difficult to find that she is present in every battle of the Storm Legion. , and various records of one against ten, one against one hundred, and even head-on suppression of talented people are common. It is completely normal for such misunderstandings to occur.

In other words, the Tribunal, the Knights of Judgment, the Monastery...aren't the intelligence networks among the three pillars of the Holy See interconnected with each other? There is no shared intelligence?

Anson was suddenly curious. If this was the case, then the little Périgord's understanding of himself might still be at the time when he was in the Court of Yser, and he might not even know that he had already been promoted to a blasphemous mage.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he has obtained a lot of information from the channels of the Truth Society, but with the work style of a certain novelist and the Archbishop, it is hard to say how credible the information given is...

While observing, Anson has completely brought the entire Braleman Street under his control... Now every piece of land around it, and even every wisp of air, is soaked in the power of his domain.

For a conjurer who has reached the level of a blasphemous mage, this means that the entire area has become part of his power; here is Anson Bach's absolute dictatorship!

Anson took a deep breath from his pipe and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly as he was not in a hurry to do it.

"You know, someone told me that you are the most cautious guy in the world. If you suddenly show up outside, you must be completely sure of your own safety and be forced into a last resort."

"I don't believe that there is no absolutely perfect plan in this world. No one can master all the information and accidents. If every action is to be as error-free as possible, the premise is that the risks must be fully assessed."

"So...it's a pity that this time you underestimated the risks of the action. You didn't calculate the worst accident, so..."

"Maurice Périgord, it's me who comes to find you this time."

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