I will be crowned king

Chapter 1051 Following God’s Will

Clovis inner city, Morwitz Street, Dedication Palace.

Just when Anson Bach led the Storm Legion to show off their power in front of the royal family and the Privy Council, making Sophie feel proud, the silent Cole Dorian had already personally led the team and rushed to the headquarters of the Ministry of War.

As the army base camp - at least in name - it occupies the only three palaces in the entire Clovis city. Its area is only smaller than the Osteria Palace, the center of power in Clovis city; considering that the latter also includes the court , the Privy Council, the front square and many other ancillary facilities, the actual area actually used by the king himself and the entire royal family is less than one-third, and the actual area used is slightly less than that of the Dedication Palace.

In the center of the palace is a war hall with a hemispherical dome. The four-story palace stretches from the north to the south. There are seven subordinate departments including personnel, administration, logistics, intelligence, recruitment, training, and technology, and 1,400 army personnel. Officers and 2,400 civilians serve here, and an infantry regiment of 2,000 people is responsible for security work.

The original dedication palace was only used as a palace for the king to avoid the Privy Council ministers and nobles and discuss war plans directly with the army generals; in order to facilitate the king to coordinate the army and understand the battle situation on the front line, various departments appeared one after another over time; shrewd and capable, and finally The important thing is that literate middle- and lower-level officers and older generals were selected and filled into the palace to serve.

As the king paid more and more attention to this palace, especially as more and more officers received allowances and fixed incomes, the originally remote Morwitz Street began to become prosperous; grocery stores, daily necessities stores, restaurants , cafes, townhouses... There are more and more shops providing supporting services to the Dedication Palace, and a commercial street has even been created in the remote southeast corner of the inner city.

But the target of the Chief Inquisitor today was not this historic building, but the Bayonet Club opposite.

According to the intelligence he had just received, all the senior officials of the War Department had excused themselves from being in their offices today and secretly went to the club to have a private meeting, preparing to take advantage of the chaos to escape from Clovis City.

The Privy Council and the royal family organized militiamen in the city with great fanfare. These people were not pure fools. They knew very well that they would die if they stayed any longer. What's more, Lieutenant Colonel Crowne, who voluntarily surrendered, turned into a mad dog and bitten everywhere, which had already made them He became a prey in the eyes of the Inquisition, and there was a risk of being invited to drink coffee in the basement of Clovis Cathedral anytime and anywhere.

In order to avoid knowing whether the coffee in the Inquisition was good or not, a fierce quarrel broke out in the Bayonet Club; some insisted that the Inquisitors did not dare to enter the Consecration Palace head-on, triggering a conflict between the Church and Clovis; the other thought that they were complete idiots , given the current situation, will the king really protect these loyal ministers?

Obviously not, so after Archbishop Luther and Carlos II had a private exchange of words, Cole Dorian, who had already mastered the whereabouts of this group of people, immediately came to visit.

Three heavy-duty four-wheeled carriages stopped outside the club gate. A dozen judges in black windbreakers, with hats and collars covering most of their faces, jumped off the carriages and barged in directly amid the shouts of the club's security guards and doormen. No cover up at all.

The expressionless Cole Dorian carried the loaded flintlock ax and strode straight towards the innermost side of the club; one door after another was opened in front of him, and the disarmed club members, security guards, The service personnel shivered under the muzzle of the Inquisitor's revolver and squatted close to the wall with their hands on their heads.

It seemed as if the club had not expected their sudden visit and everything was going well, but Cole even felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if his intuition was telling him that things were not as simple as they seemed.

Holding the handle of the flintlock ax tightly, the Chief Inquisitor kicked open the innermost secret room door with a "Bang!" - the truth-seeking cultivator who had arranged in advance had already figured out the location of their usual private gatherings. Position, this small group of senior officers had no secrets at all in front of the trial court.

Then, he saw the senior officials of the Ministry of War gathered secretly around a round table.

To be more precise, their bodies.

The cold, dead people who had not breathed for a long time were placed on the chairs. The already stiff facial expressions were ferocious and the eyeballs were bulging, as if they had struggled desperately before death. The hands, feet, and necks of each corpse were obviously damaged and twisted. The marks of strangulation; the blood stains from the bullet holes on the chest and forehead have long dried up, and the smell of corpses in the room tells visitors how much time has passed since their death to this moment.

Cole Dorian, whose pupils shrank slightly, glanced outside the door subconsciously: more than a dozen inquisitors had taken control of the entire club, and he had not noticed the presence of any spellcasters or talents from the moment he walked in until just now.

If the opponent is really powerful enough to block the awareness of so many of them, it must not be difficult to kill all the judges in an instant.

With a little self-mockery, the chief inquisitor continued to walk into the room, and soon found an unopened envelope in the hands of the deceased on the right side of the round table.

After a moment of hesitation, he picked up the envelope and tore it open. Lines of scrawled writing quickly came into view:

"The Most Reverend Chief Judge of the Truth-Seeking Order, of the bloodline of 'Executioner Dorian', Lord Cole Dorian personally declares:

I am very sorry to inform you that by the time I read this letter, I have already left Clovis City and headed for my next destination. Therefore, my lord, you don’t need to consider whether to pursue me at all, because then It's 100% useless.

Of course, the more important thing is that I guess you don’t want to meet with me, which would actually be embarrassing for everyone. Keeping a little distance and a sense of mystery from each other is good for your career prospects and life safety.

Without further ado, I hope you like the gifts I have carefully prepared for you; for each of them, I have prepared evidence about their suspected collusion with the Old God Sect. There is evidence and confessions, so there is no need to bother to interrogate them. By taking it back with you, you can successfully achieve the goals you want to achieve.

You are so enthusiastic even though you have never met before. You must be very suspicious of my purpose, right? In fact, there is no need at all. What I want is to leave the city of Clovis safely. As simple as that, this city no longer arouses any interest in me.

Of course, the most important thing is to stay any longer. My dear Anson Bach will not leave any way for me to survive; haha, I hope you two can get along happily in the coming days and not have any conflicts because of my stay.

Yes, you must have vaguely guessed who I am, but you won't tell anyone unless... well, unless you are ready to become an enemy of the Circle of Order.

I don't think so, I think... you will be obedient and keep this secret in your heart until you die.

Okay, enough nonsense, I’ll leave it to you to talk about these annoying guys who can only cause trouble to others; with such a credit, no one must dare to say that "the truth-seeking cultivator is Cloro" Victoria Cathedral Subordinates' This accusation without evidence, your loyalty to order replacement, is a well-known fact.

But I am a very considerate person who pays great attention to details; if I complete the task so easily, it will inevitably arouse others' suspicion, and then the gain outweighs the loss, right?

In order to avoid this problem, I have specially prepared some small obstacles for you, which can perfectly clear your suspicion.

Now, follow me and say silently in your heart: three, two, one..."


The sudden sound made Cole raise his head suddenly, and he saw the dead senior officials of the Army Department sitting around the round table suddenly raised their heads and looked at him with bulging eyes.

A deep, confusing color appeared in the blood-streaked eyeballs!

"grown ups?!"

Questions from his subordinates came from outside the door. Cole Dorian, who was awakened, gritted his teeth, pulled out the flintlock ax with his backhand, and shouted outside without looking back: "Close the door!"

"My lord, Cor Dorian is great..."

"Listen to me, close the door quickly!" He stood up straight and blocked the abnormality in the room in front of him: "Lock it from the outside! Inform everyone to get out of here immediately, quickly!"

This time the judge outside the door no longer hesitated, immediately closed the door, sealed the bolt with the rifle he picked up, and walked out quickly.

Listening to the rapid footsteps outside, Cole Dorian, who was in the darkness, took a deep breath and raised the muzzle of the flintlock ax in his hand at the dots of light that lit up the room.



The heavy banging on the table interrupted the quarrel in the room. The generals who were blushing and quarreling just now stopped one after another and turned their eyes to the guy who claimed to be the "Emissary of the Holy See", confused as to what on earth made him so happy.

The smug little Périgord didn't intend to explain anything. He knew that these people in front of him would never understand the objective sense of accomplishment that a perfect plan would have from design to implementation and finally successful realization.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand this feeling, because they never know how to plan, and they do not understand that life and time can also be played out like a game, according to certain established rules and logic; in their eyes, this world together with their own Life is pure chaos.

Use the Bayonet Club to contain the Truth Seeking Order, so that the troublesome Inquisitors will not cause any trouble for their plans for at least the next day; use a group of worthless waste to successfully redeem Anson. Bach’s biggest boost is a very good deal.

Without the cover of the judges, he would have to do it himself if he wanted to stop him... Tsk, tsk, tsk, who knows when he will reveal his identity as a spell caster?

The increasingly curious little Périgord raised his head and looked into the disdainful, angry, and doubtful eyes, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised:

"Generals, I don't understand, what are you still troubled about? Clovis's most elite army is in your hands. As long as these 300,000 soldiers are allowed to take a walk in Clovis city, your wishes will be fulfilled It can be achieved.”

"What's more, you don't have to submit to anyone this time... The guys in the Bayonet Club are already dead. They will be tried as members of the Old Gods at any time. No one can be your restraint anymore."

"Send troops into the city, kill some idiots who don't know how to cooperate, overthrow the Privy Council and establish a military government. You are all the heroes who supported Carlos II to seize power. This is a good thing that normal people can't even think of. What's wrong with you? hesitantly?"

“It’s precisely because I don’t dare to think that I hesitate.”

A general said coldly: "Mr. Special Envoy, you can turn the people in the Bayonet Club into elements of the Old Gods with just a few clicks. This makes people wonder, will we people also fall into the same fate? "

"The same fate, how is this possible?" Little Périgord's eyes widened:

"Please don't forget that the reason why they became like this is purely their own fault - I did not let them collude with the 'Whispers', nor did I ask them to have to fight against the Storm Legion and Anson Bach. These are all their own faults. In the end, how can you blame others?!”

"To be honest, I really don't understand why they are so opposed to forming an alliance with the Free Confederacy. This kind of thing that obviously has only advantages and no disadvantages can make them so disgusted that they completely lose their minds, time and time again. Once and for all, I have become a thorn in the side of everyone in Clovis City!"

"But you won't, and I know that." Little Périgord changed the topic: "Everyone here can really see the situation clearly, and truly understand what is the best loyal minister to Clovis; Putting it in your hands is the most reassuring result for the Holy See."

"Does Anson Bach really have that much energy to make the entire city of Clovis hate what the War Department is doing? Of course not, they are the ones who really do this, and they insist on being the enemy of everyone's interests. , which led to this tragic result!"

Sighing heavily, Maurice Périgor suddenly laughed: "But now... with the blessing of the Ring of Order, a blizzard has turned the situation upside down. The incompetence of the reformists and the stubbornness of the conservatives have made the entire Clo... The city of Wei began to feel angry with them; even these people even thought that as long as weapons were distributed to the people of the whole city, thousands of people would spontaneously protect them and protect these people sitting in the warm hall of the Privy Council without any need. The noble lord who is worried about starvation.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present smiled maliciously.

"You don't need me to say more to know that they are wishful thinking." Little Périgord nodded slightly: "With the privileges granted to me by His Majesty the Pope, I can guarantee you that after the matter is completed, your actions will be supported by Official recognition from the Holy See.”

"Luther Franz, the distinguished Archbishop of Clovis, whether he likes it or not, must stand firmly on your side."

"Now, loyal believers of the Ring of Order, for the great kingdom in the name of God..."

"...Towards Clovis City, move forward!"

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