I will be crowned king

Chapter 1059 New Life!

"Do you think it's possible that he not only confused my perception, but also modified my memory?"

Anson suppressed the surprise in his heart. While asking, he repeatedly recalled the only two contacts he had with little Périgord, and repeatedly recited "Maurice Périgord, Master of the Elves of Iser" in his heart. Trying to separate the two memories.

"It's not a possibility, it's an inference." William corrected, pressing his temple with his right hand that kept jumping: "Based on the information you provided and the parts I have successfully deciphered, this Maurice Périgord...ah, That is, the guy who interrupted our dinner that night has a rather special ability that can directly interfere with everyone's self-cognition and memory."

"This is actually two parts, but the explanation is a little complicated, so you can just treat it as the same thing; if you understand this ability from the situation, it does not belong to the power of blood nor to the three major magics. any type."

"Well... let me make my words more clear. I don't care how other scholars understand it, but according to my research, or based on ancient runes, the power of blood and magic... at least They have the same origin."

William Gottfried's tone suddenly became less confident, and his eyes were constantly observing Anson's expression, as if he was wary of the hunter's beast: "Of course, the two may... be right or wrong. Usage, like laudanum, a little use can relieve coughs, pains and colds, but if it is overdosed it can cause..."

"You don't have to be so nervous."

Seeing him still going back and forth and stammering to defend himself, Anson even had the urge to laugh: "Don't forget, we deciphered Saint Isaac's notes privately and secretly recorded a Any one of the two accomplices in the design principles of the Difference Engine, if discovered by the Church, would be enough to be burned at the stake.”

"Ah...that's true." As if he suddenly reacted, William looked up at Anson again:

"To put it simply, regardless of the power of blood or magic, the essence is actually 'mutation' and 'evolution'. It is an alien species produced after breaking the original fixed rules. It is a black variant that suddenly appears among a group of white goats, just like different animals. The occasional noise from a stopped machine and the defective products produced.”

"Defective products may not be worse than good ones, and may even be better in some aspects. The only problem is that they cannot be repeated or copied; for this world, the difference between a spell caster and a gifted person may be whether the defective level is still tolerated. It’s within range.”

Ansen, who had no expression on his face, was already in a state of turmoil.

William Gottfried's analysis is very close to the truth he learned when he was "in" Boredim. Even because he is an ancient rune scholar, his understanding of this aspect is likely to have his own unique knowledge. Theory and system.

Excluding the possibility that the other party is also a time traveler, the only explanation can only be that the other party really relied on the "ancient runes" and the contents of the previous notes of Saint Isaac to complete the decipherment alone.

Ancient runes... It seems that I was wronged by the church before. This kind of forbidden knowledge really needs to be sealed!

"So, what is the difference between the abilities possessed by little Périgord and these two?"

Looking at his technical advisor cautiously, Ansen vaguely already had the answer, but he was still not sure.

"The most direct difference is like what I just said. Although the latter's ability is powerful, it is a defective product... Since it is a defective product, it must be different from a good product." William took a deep breath:

"Let's assume that this world exists... well, let's think of it as a quality inspector. This not-so-hard-working quality inspector can find the difference between the two."

"But the ability used by this 'little Périgord' does not fall into the category of 'defective', but is a licensed power."


Anson's heart beat faster and faster: "What does it mean...to be allowed?"

"Well... let me use the analogy just now as an example." Taking another sip of coffee, the technical consultant's expression was obviously more tired than before:

"Although the production of defective products is not allowed, it does not mean that we cannot produce 'competing products' of the same type but slightly different from other products - during festivals, cake shops will add decorations that meet the requirements. In celebration of the festival, garment factories will deliberately improve the materials and even the craftsmanship of their clothes for important customers.”

"These are also things that are different from good products. Some of the differences may be so large that they are no different from defective products, but they are 'permitted'; even if the results may be almost identical to some defective products, The same, the difference is that it conforms to the wishes of that incompetent quality inspector... Can you understand what I say?"

Anson understands so well.

My own ability...the kind that allows me to observe everything around me without any restrictions, was noticed by Louis Bernard, a gifted person, and was mistaken for the power of blood, and was regarded as magic by Mace Honnard, but it does not belong to either of the two. One's "superpower" completely fits the description he just described.

In other words, little Périgord had the same abilities as himself. How did he do it?

No, this is not the crux of the problem, the crux is...

"Then is there some reason and prerequisite for the emergence of this ability?"

"Good question!" William's eyes lit up:

"A very good question...As expected of you, if it were anyone else, they would probably ask meaningless rubbish like 'what do I need to do to obtain this ability', or 'can I become the same existence as him' And bullshit.”

"But you are not. You are keenly aware that the reason for obtaining this power is because of some unconventional 'abnormality'. Things are not quite right, and the result may not be a good thing."

"Unfortunately, I can't give you this answer yet, because I am only an ancient runeologist. The knowledge I possess can only allow me to 'communicate' and 'decipher', but I do not yet have the ability to deduce." William Shaking his head:

"I can only tell you a guess without evidence... Still using the metaphor just now, since this ability is specially given, then this incompetent quality inspector must have his purpose in it, and compared with All ordinary good products, this 'different' customized version will definitely receive more attention."

"This kind of 'attention' is not necessarily a good thing."

As if he was vaguely aware of something, the technical consultant again spoke more cryptically than usual with high emotional intelligence, but Anson still understood what he meant - gaining the ability means that you are under the surveillance of the 'law of the world'.

Even further, when you gain abilities, you are also granted a certain mission, and this "honor" is probably something you cannot refuse.

Just when the two of them fell into silence, Karl suddenly poked his head in carefully and looked at the two people in the room nervously: "Um...am I not suitable now..."

"There's nothing inappropriate." Anson waved his hand and stopped the technical consultant who stood up immediately and wanted to leave: "Is there something going on outside?"

It's not that he has any worries about his loyal chief of staff, it's just that the two have reached a tacit understanding after getting along for many years - unless there is a situation that is completely out of control and unable to intervene, Carl Bain will not take the initiative to come to him to deal with it.

"Fabian is already waiting outside, and there is also a royal attendant who followed him."

Karl nodded: "We will find a way to deal with it on the army side. If there is any news, we will let the little secretary convey it as soon as possible. You... it is best to meet them quickly to compare... Ahem, cough, appropriate."

Attendant of the royal family?

Anson's expression was startled. He was very sure that he had blocked everyone out... Could it be that things were not going well with Sophia and he had to let them go: "Do you want us to remove the obstacles and allow the congressmen and ministers to enter the palace? ?”

"Uh, probably not." Karl's expression became even weirder:

"It seems...it seems...is..."


"His Majesty was assassinated?!"

Deafening exclamations shook the crumbling ceiling, and large swaths of dust fell directly from the top onto the surprised faces.

Standing on the scaffolding in the factory warehouse, Maurice Périgord, who witnessed this scene from a high position, felt happy.

This experience is like the closing moment of a magician's performance. Those mouths that are so big that they can't be closed, the eyeballs that are about to bulge out, and the heart that is beating rapidly... Every step seems to embody his magic in all aspects. How superb and excellent the skills are.

But he is an excellent performer. A truly skilled magician will behave most calmly when everyone is most excited, making them believe in the scene in front of them.

So Maurice Périgord stood up calmly, waited for everyone to stop shouting, then coughed twice, and then continued his performance with a hint of sadness:

"Yes, generals, according to the latest information I have received, Carlos Ostrilla, our beloved, wise and wise King, was murdered by an assassin fifteen minutes ago and died unfortunately. "

"Currently, the Osteria Palace is already in chaos. The Storm Legion and the Privy Council have teamed up to block the news... Of course, even if they hadn't blocked it, it would be difficult for you to know even though it's half the city of Clovis."

"Then how did you know?"

Before he finished speaking, a general immediately stood up and asked, staring at the guy who looked down on everyone with an indifferent expression: "You are not the one who arranged the assassin who murdered your majesty, right?"

"I understand your anger and hostility, but you don't seem to have noticed one thing - the fact that His Majesty Carlos is alive is of great significance to the church." Little Périgord sighed and couldn't help but shake his head. Shaking his head:

"Today's empire is becoming more and more warlike. If Clovis does not step in to stop it, the consequences will be unimaginable. Generals, you can carefully recall whether every time the emperor of the empire showed his ambition to expand, Clovis Will Wei immediately stop it?"

"Let me ask you one more question, if Clovis is immediately replaced by a new king, will he make the same choice as His Majesty Carlos, curbing the expansion of the empire at all costs?"

This... the generals looked at each other in confusion, and the eyes they looked at each other were obviously not sure, or they didn't believe it at all.

“For thousands of years, the core goal of the church has always been to create an orderly world with a balanced power, because only in this way can secular rulers be afraid and unable to become evil dictatorial kings who entrust the lives and deaths of thousands of people to themselves. In terms of his likes, dislikes and mood, it will be a terrible scene that is no less terrible than the dark ages."

Little Périgord had a righteous look on his face: "Of course, I can't completely guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with the church; after all, the Ministry of War is desperate and will jump over the wall. Who can guarantee that they will not do something crazy? action?"

"But the most important thing now is not these, but you... His Majesty is dead. The Privy Council and their loyal watchdog Storm Legion have taken control of the center of the kingdom. They can implicate you at any time in the name of 'murdering His Majesty'. Completely deny the justice of your rebellion."

"Even... they can directly pin the charges on you, order the mutinous army to break away from your control, publicly place a high price on your head, and use this despicable and shameless method to completely destroy your hope for the new era of Clovis!"

Before he finished speaking, the expressions of the generals present changed.

This was not because of Little Périgord's threats, but the more terrifying possibility they had thought of... Could there be anyone else in the room who, besides themselves, had colluded with the Privy Council? asshole?

It's possible, very possible!

In an atmosphere that was so weird that everyone was in danger, Maurice Périgord jumped off the scaffolding and looked at everyone present with a sincere expression: "At this time, there are only two choices left before everyone. ."

"Or surrender to the Privy Council and see if you can be forgiven by the other party."

"Either... carry this uprising to the end. Although His Majesty Carlos is dead, he still has a young successor in the palace; the young king is surrounded by treacherous ministers and greedy and ambitious relatives and nobles. , in urgent need of truly loyal soldiers to escort King Qin!"

"This is the great mission granted to you by the Ring of Order, so that a noble and glorious kingdom will not fall due to small disturbances." Little Périgord took a deep breath: "And if you want to seize this opportunity, you Action must be taken as soon as possible without any further delay.”

"To know the true righteousness, we must not consider small kindnesses, let alone hesitate because of necessary cruelty; let the traitors shed their blood, and let the neutral and hesitant fence-sitters pay a heavy price..."

"In this way, Clovis in the darkness...can be reborn!"

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