I will be crowned king

Chapter 1062 The counterattack begins


Whispering the name softly, Queen Anne's expression was a little dazed. It was not at all like Ludwig had just said that she had regained her sanity, but more like she had fallen into a state of short-term autistic isolation after suffering a huge stimulus.

But Anson was not in a hurry. The scarlet eyes of the other party had already explained everything: the queen could not feel the slightest breath of magic on her body. The only explanation was that she was most likely to be hinted or influenced by a certain spellcaster, and had not yet Get out of control.

Even...this power may not have anything to do with the power of blood or magic.

From the moment he stepped into the palace gate, Anson opened the door decisively and restricted the area to the indoor area. He used the black magic concealment skills learned from the "Great Magic Book" to block the spread of his aura and avoid being noticed by outsiders.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if they find out, Ludwig and Roman will definitely try their best to hide it for themselves... Anson is not worried about this at all, he cares more about how someone did it.

"...Maurice Périgord...Maurice..." The queen with dull eyes was still muttering to herself and repeating it.

Suddenly, as if a certain memory was touched, his pupils shrank suddenly: "No, he... this is not his name, he is not called this name!"

"He's not called... he's... he's... called... he's... he's... he's..."

Dense cold sweat soaked the Queen's temples and forehead, and she was trembling as if she was having a nightmare that she wouldn't wake up from, but she couldn't move.


Anson lightly snapped his fingers, and the queen's expression paused, her body froze like a sculpture, and her panicked expression relaxed a little.

This is also a technique of black magic. A simple suggestion can put the target into a more relaxed state; after all, it is only when the target is undefended that it is more susceptible to influence.

"Your Majesty, don't be nervous. No one can force you or threaten you to do anything now." Anson continued to comfort him:

"Whatever...whatever he did to you is in the past."


Annie panted slightly, and a flash of color suddenly lit up in her confused eyes:

"He is a very kind and pious abbot. He can always use a word or two to smooth away the pain in my heart and make me forget how life is in this palace and in this disgusting country. It’s better to die.”

"Time and time again, he saved me from the brink of suicide, telling me how much the Ring of Order loved me and was willing to listen to any gossip I told him... Haha, without him, I probably wouldn't be able to survive to this day. ?”

"This time continues day after day, until today, more than ten years later..."

Well, ten years? !

A look of astonishment flashed across Anson's face... If little Périgord hadn't lied to himself, then he couldn't have been in Clovis for more than six months.

Even these are all fake. With his age and identity... it is impossible for him to secretly sneak into the Osteria Palace for more than ten years to provide psychological counseling for Her Majesty the Queen in front of her.

Memory tampering? Cognitive distortion?

Ignored by Carlos II, ostracized by the Clovis nobles, and almost unloved by any of her subjects, she had no confidants in the court, and was far away from her relatives... One can imagine the mental pressure that Queen Anne is under on weekdays, and it is completely okay. Imagine that if there is a chance to talk, she will definitely grab it.

Perhaps in the past ten years, there have been people who were willing to relieve themselves and listen to Queen Anne's complaints for various reasons, so little Périgord took advantage of this to distort the queen's cognition and collect all or all the memories of those people. Partially replaced by himself.

Needless to say, there are definitely drawbacks to this approach, but after all, it is just wishful thinking on my part... Maybe Queen Anne is just a back-up for him, and maybe she didn't intend to do this in the first place.

"...Today, he told me that there is no need to endure any more and there is no need to compromise."

Anne, who was still whispering, suddenly had a sickly blush on her face: "I am the princess of the empire and the queen of Clovis. I should also have my own dignity, authority and even majesty. I should also have the freedom to Restricting the freedom to express opinions should be a matter of course!"

"Today?" Anson, still smiling, immediately caught the key word: "When is today?"

"Just now."

The queen smiled broadly: "It was exactly the courage he gave me to confide my truest thoughts to Carlos that I came here, and then...then..."

As she spoke, the queen, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly raised her head blankly and subconsciously looked at the remains of Carlos II.

"Then what happened?"

Without any hesitation, Anson opened his mouth with a smile and immediately blocked the corpse behind him and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, what next, how did that person bewitch you?"


After being stunned for a few seconds, Queen Anne finally showed a bit of panic on her face: "I...what on earth did I do?!"

Before she finished speaking, she lowered her head suddenly and raised her trembling hands, looking at the blood that had solidified on them and the wounds scratched by the glass, her face instantly distorted...


Anson hurriedly snapped his fingers again to calm the queen's mood slightly, but this time the effect was obviously not as good as before - even if she couldn't get excited, her expression was clearly out of control.

"You did the right thing!" Black magic is not omnipotent, not to mention it is just an imitation that twists the law. Anson can only take the initiative to comfort the other party: "You are the queen of Clovis, and you are a respected person in the entire kingdom. No matter what Whatever happens, you will never be the one at fault!”


The queen who hesitated to speak twitched her throat, as if she was thinking hard: "...Yes, you are right, I did nothing wrong. I...I must have been deceived, but I did nothing wrong! I …I am the queen, the queen of Clovis, and I can do no wrong!”

As the words fell, the scarlet blood color in the Queen's increasingly firm eyes began to fade away, turning back to the original normal lake blue.

In other words, Little Périgord can not only distort other people's memories and cognitions, but also manipulate and hypnotize others in this way; however, this method is quite unstable, and will not only make the victim insane and lose control of his emotions, but as long as If the other party's will is strong enough, it will lose its effect... Ansen guessed in his heart.

"Are you... Anson Bach?"

Queen Anne, who had regained her senses, was no longer as flustered as before. She forced herself to sit upright and looked at you while saying, "I remember you. The Storm Legion that the Ministry of War targeted at the beginning was the army under your command, right?"

"Exactly." Anson nodded slightly:

"The Storm Legion is currently ordered to station outside the Osteria Palace. The rebels resisting the mutiny threaten the safety of His Majesty, the Privy Councilors and Cabinet Ministers. Major General Ludwig and I were ordered to enter the palace to ensure that His Majesty safety."

Anson deliberately bypassed Carlos II and hinted to the other party that he was not the only one who knew about this matter; he was betting that Queen Anne was not a pure vase, but rather someone with certain political wisdom and sufficient political intelligence. Understand the meaning you want to convey.

"...Indeed, His Majesty mentioned to me before he was assassinated that he was vaguely aware of some forces with evil intentions and had summoned soldiers who were still loyal to him and the kingdom to guard the palace."

Sure enough... After only a moment of silence, Queen Anne started her performance without changing her expression: "Unfortunately, it's still a step too late... Even I only escaped by chance and almost died at the hands of an assassin."

"Everything is blessed by the Ring of Order. Clovis is the kingdom where Saint Isaac was born. God will not abandon this land." Anson raised his lips in understanding:

"We have found out that the assassins are closely related to the rebels who mutinied. It is very likely that one of them acted crazy and recklessly."

"Oh." The queen looked at him meaningfully: "How sure are you?"

This is of course not the assassin she is asking, but whether the Storm Legion can defeat the rebels. After all, no matter how little information is available, she still knows that there are as many as 300,000 mutinous troops, eight of Clovis' core main legions; the Storm Legion No matter how powerful he is, he cannot be the opponent of all of them.

"hundred percent."

Anson raised his head, his resolute eyes without any hesitation: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that Major General Ludwig and I will definitely be able to quell this mutiny and allow Clovis City to successfully survive this extremely difficult winter."

The queen nodded when she heard this. From her perspective, she understood that the mutinous generals had their inner ghosts. Of course, it was impossible and unnecessary to win in a head-on confrontation, but the two sides could not completely break each other's faces. With compromise and exchange of interests, this mutiny can still be ended.

And Anson actually has another meaning: even if the Holy See is really behind everything, Clovis can't afford to openly break up with them now; but anyway, the people in the War Department should be dead. , it doesn’t seem to do any harm to let them take a few more scapegoats.

After all, everyone is loyal ministers, and loyal ministers understand each other. Anson believes that if he does this, the "loyal ministers" of the Army Department who have died will definitely thank him.

Well, we understand each other, so there is no need to say thank you in person or anything like that.

After clearing her thoughts, Queen Anne seemed to have finally regained her former demeanor, but her eyes could not help but glance in the direction behind Anson, obviously she still had not completely recovered from the panic just now.

This is normal...according to William Gottfried's previous explanation, her memory and cognition are now severely distorted; even herself, who has become a blasphemous mage, will be affected, which is a pain that an ordinary person has to endure. It's unimaginable.

If I had to describe it, it was like a character was suddenly forced into the original complete story and appeared seamlessly in all the plots. Each time, he replaced a certain character who should have existed, and played a crucial role. It plays an important role, but there is no change in the plot itself... Bringing that sense of fragmentation and disharmony into someone's memory, it can be said to be strong-willed without having a schizophrenia on the spot.

Now Queen Anne has realized that something is wrong, but the more aware she is, the less she dares to think about it to prevent herself from falling into a state of mental control again.

Of course, what's more important is that once she loses control, she must face the extremely terrifying reality that she murdered King Clovis; so she must deny it, must avoid it, and even if she deceives herself, she must be separated from that impressive and extremely divorced episode. The memory is completely cut off.

Although Anson is eager to learn more clues, he also understands that asking further questions will probably be of no use; the current queen cannot, let alone dare to answer that question; she must remain patient and try her best to make the queen trust her more. , and then look for an opportunity to get information about Little Perigord from her.

at this time……


The sound of heavy breaking of the door broke the brief silence, but only two figures walked into the palace. Almost at the moment they broke in, Anson, who had put away his domain, suddenly turned around and stood up, blocking the panic-stricken Queen Anne in the corner. .

"Is it you?"

"Why, do some people sound dissatisfied?" Under the shadow of the brim of the hat, Cole Dorian, with the corner of his mouth raised, waved his hand and staggered forward: "Don't worry, we are not here to arrest people, we are here. Help you."

"……help me?"

"The Seeking Truth Order received a tip-off that a senior official of the Ministry of War colluded with the forces of the Old Gods in an attempt to murder His Majesty Carlos Osteria, inciting the army to rebel, and attempting to overthrow the Osteria royal family's rule over Clovis. Bringing chaos to the kingdom.”

Sera Vigil walked out from behind him, holding a roll of blood-stained parchment with the seal of the War Department on it and said: "We have found tangible evidence of collusion between senior officials of the War Department and the Old Gods. … They are all the work of Old God elements who are dissatisfied with the Kingdom, the Circle of Order and the Church.”

"If this is the case, the Tribunal cannot sit idly by and do nothing. Clovis Cathedral will also stand on the side of the royal family and actively assist in suppressing the rebels!" Cole Dorian said sternly:

"From now on, we will protect Her Majesty Queen Anne Herred and all members of the royal family; Clovis Cathedral will also immediately allocate a special low-interest loan to show the church's support for the secular kingdom against the power of the old gods. Full support.”

"In short! Since it is no longer a purely secular matter, but involves the belief time of the Old God Sect, there is no reason for the church to continue to stand aside."

As he spoke, the Chief Inquisitor looked at Anson: "So, Major General Ludwig specifically entrusted me to ask the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion what are the next steps in the plan?"

"The next plan..."

Anson pursed his lips slightly and showed the same confident smile as usual:

"Of course we fought back!"

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