I will be crowned king

Chapter 107 Cake

After a period of divergent thoughts, Anson quickly regained his composure and smiled slightly awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Professor, I just..."

"It's okay, there's no need to apologize for this kind of thing." Holding the still hot coffee, Mace Honnard blinked:

"For you kids, it would be a surprise to me if you didn't lose focus during class."

Anson smiled even more awkwardly.

"The five stages just mentioned are the generally recognized classification methods among the Old Gods groups in the Kingdom of Clovis and even the entire central part of the Old Continent after the 72nd year of the Saints Calendar. For the empire in the west or before the first year of the Saints Calendar The caster does not apply." Mace Honnard continued:

"The Old Gods of the Empire...those fools who still have illusions about the princes and nobles will not be mentioned for the time being; in the dark ages before the first year of the Saints' Calendar and even earlier, the spellcasters at that time performed a set of rules similar to those of us today. A completely different system.”

"In that dark and chaotic era, the Old Gods did not exist as an organization or individual, but as a family - each family of spellcasters believed in the same old god and followed the same goal; the two families Even blood relatives will start bloody vendettas for each other's goals."

Family... Ansen, who was bowing his head in deep thought, suddenly lighted up:

"Like August?!"

"Just like August." Mace Honnard, who raised his lips slightly, emphasized his voice specially: "Dear Anson Bach, you can always surprise me!"

"Yes, the 'August' you asked me about before, if nothing else, should be one of this family of spellcasters; most of them organize rituals for their children when they are still young, using blood and magic to A very horrible, cruel and selfish way to control one’s own blood relatives.”

Terror, cruelty, selfishness...isn't it too strange to say these words from the mouth of the leader of an underground evil organization?

Anson complained silently in his heart.

"Under such bottomless control over blood relatives, the ancient spellcasters experienced extremely dark years. Not only did they retain the fire of belief in the old gods and precious documents, but they also gradually developed the skills through inhumane experiments one after another. Now we have the complete sacrificial ceremony and power system." Mace Honard sighed lightly:

"From this perspective, without them, we would not be where we are today; they may be cruel and inhumane; but in that era, all of these may be necessary means of survival."

"So dear Anson Bach, do you understand why I am so interested in this subject?"

Anson, who had a solemn expression, nodded extremely solemnly.

Spellcasters in the Dark Ages all appeared and existed in the form of families. In other words, as long as you find records and clues about a family, you can follow the clues to discover what they have done and where they left traces.

As long as you find these, you can easily dig out all the research results accumulated by a family of spellcasters for several generations or even more than a dozen generations!

Just like the blood mages killed by Kroger Bernard in Thunder Castle Fortress.

"The most important thing is that the family behind the surname August is very likely to exceed our imagination." Mace Honnard leaned forward slightly, with a touch of excitement in his eyes:

"This is an extremely ancient family. Even based on the shortest records, their existence is as long as the Rune family, one of the most noble families in the Kingdom of Clovis - that means that this family has at least more than 800 years of history. history!"

"If their research results can be discovered...even just a small part...perhaps the truth of some history will be revealed to the world, or even completely rewritten!"

"Haha... If the day comes, I will definitely write a paper on the research on the August family, and then put your name on it."

"You're very grateful, Professor." Anson bowed his head humbly: "I just gave you a name."

"That's enough." Mace Honnard's expression became slightly serious:

"Many times what really matters is not the answer, but whether the most critical question can be found - the first person to ask a question has no less status than the person who made the final explanation."


Just when Mace Honnard was about to continue speaking, Bloen, who was standing aside, suddenly coughed twice, took out a silver pocket watch from the inner pocket of his coat and handed it over:

"Professor, it's almost time."


Mace Honnard nodded calmly, and then said gently to Anson: "Then let's go here today. Next time I have a chance, I will ask Broen to leave you the address, okay?"


Anson, who replied quickly, was about to stand up, but was stopped by Mace Hornard who raised his hand.

"Don't be so anxious, just sit there a little longer." Mace Honnard chuckled and pointed at the cake on the table: "You are an indispensable part of the old god sect's 'big plan', and you deserve it." Enjoy a great afternoon.”

"What's more... the Guards are plotting against us right now. It's too dangerous for them to see us entering and exiting a cafe at the same time - even if it's just in case, we should try to avoid this kind of trouble."

"……I see."

Faced with Mace Honnard's insistence, Anson could only accept it...or heaved a sigh of relief.

He wasn't too worried about being bumped into by the Guards, but what if he was bumped into by Sophia Franz? !

It’s very, very close to Clovis Cathedral!

She already knew from herself that the black mage was Mace Honnard. If she and the professor were arrested on the spot for revenge... that would be too exciting.

After Mace Honnard and Bloen left, Anson sat in the box for another hour, flipping through the "Study on Curses" and enjoying his share of snacks.

I have to admit that the snacks in this cafe taste really good; not only are they sweet and glutinous, but as time goes by, the cakes will also exude a strong brandy flavor; even the nuts and raisins used as decorations and embellishments taste delicious. It also makes people feel happy and greatly neutralizes the bitter taste of coffee.

An hour later, Anson, who had eaten the last nut on the plate, put away his notes, got up and left with satisfaction.

When passing the bar, looking at the dazzling array of menus on the blackboard, Anson suddenly stopped.

Mace Honnard is a professor at St. Isaac's College, and his monthly salary is about the same as the allowance of a colonel-level officer; since he comes often, it means that the snacks in this cafe should not be too expensive... Bar?

"Hello, how can I help you?"

Before he could speak, the smiling waiter behind the bar spoke enthusiastically.

"Oh, that's right, the box I was in just now..."

"Private box No. 16, double the amount of coffee and a round cream cake; don't worry, your companion has already paid." The waiter said very attentively:

"By the way, please allow me to recommend to you our recently launched cream brandy cake. The taste is similar to the cream round cake, and the price is a little cheaper - only twenty-five silver coins. Are you interested?"

Anson stood there for a moment, then a smile appeared on his lips:


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