I will be crowned king

Chapter 1068 The end!

"Failed to break through?!"

In the side hall of the Privy Council, Sophia looked at Fabian who came to report the news with a shocked face, and said subconsciously: "That's more than 200,000 people, and there are reinforcements from the rear by the Storm Legion and Whitehall Street Police. They have actually arrived now." We couldn’t even take down the rebels in the inner city?!”

"This...the fact is indeed like this." Faced with the question from the Minister of War, Fabian, who was entrusted with the important task by Anson, or who took the blame, could only bite the bullet and said:

"The terrain of Clovis City is complex, especially in the inner city, which is not suitable for large-scale operations. In addition, many troops have confusing numbers, so it is expected that they will suffer temporary setbacks..."


The girl was obviously furious: "It's already six o'clock in the afternoon, and almost a whole day has passed since the mutiny started!"

"You... Anson, do you understand how much pressure Her Majesty the Queen is under to support him unconditionally? Those conservative members of the Privy Council are clamoring to replace the counter-insurgency commander as soon as possible, and are also preparing to negotiate with The damn rebels are making peace!”

"I believe that the Commander-in-Chief must understand. It is precisely for this reason that he specially ordered me to come to report the war situation to His Majesty, the Minister of War, and at the same time express his gratitude to you all on his behalf!"

Fabian, who seized the opportunity, quickly said a few words of flattery to ease the tense atmosphere: "As for the progress of the counter-insurgency, the Commander-in-Chief did not say much. Obviously everything is still under his control."

"Yes, yes, everything is in his perfect plan."

The girl resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Perhaps it was because of the two compliments she just said about the ancient times. Knowing that Anson cared about her feelings, Sophia's mood became much more stable.

"Well, anyway, he is the one who is actually operating the battle on the front line now. As his boss, I have to show a minimum of tolerance and trust." Sophia sighed, and then changed the subject:

"But we are not without bottom lines and requirements - no matter what method is used, this mutiny must end before tomorrow morning, do you understand?"

This is not Sophia's request, but the current situation can only last until tomorrow morning - the limit that the Privy Council and the royal family can accept, allowing Queen Anne to temporarily serve as regent in an emergency.

Early tomorrow morning, the Privy Council must immediately publicly announce the death of Carlos II and prepare for the succession ceremony of the new king.

If not, if the outside world realizes that the Queen Anne-Franz family alliance is unable to control the situation, Clovis's nobles and the entire bureaucracy, large and small committees, will not be as easy to talk to as they are now.

"Understood." Fabian, who understood the matter, nodded solemnly:

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty and the Minister of War, that the mutiny... will definitely end before tomorrow morning... This is the last sentence entrusted to me by the Commander-in-Chief before he comes, to retire."

After saying that, the former Guards officer bowed respectfully to the queen, turned around and left quickly.

In the empty side hall, only Ludwig, Sophia and Queen Anne were left.

"It seems that the current situation is very disturbing."

Looking at the two men with serious expressions, Queen Anne slowly said: "The two generals who were persuaded to surrender do not seem to have the strength to end this mutiny as soon as possible; if you want to solve the problem, you have to start from other directions."

Before he finished speaking, Ludwig's face became a little ugly.

After all, he took the initiative to persuade the rebels to surrender, let them kill each other and then end the mutiny as soon as possible. The situation now is different from what he imagined, and he is obviously the one who is under the most pressure.

But Sophia was not in a good mood either... The mutiny, which she originally thought would end smoothly and easily, turned into a stalemate, and she, as the newly appointed Minister of War, must be disgraced.

Queen Anne's idea was much simpler, that is, to end the mutiny as soon as possible to ensure that she would not be charged with "assassinating the king" and at the same time get rid of the influence of a certain Old God sect member.

Yes, although her reaction was a little slow, she had already vaguely realized that there was probably something wrong with her memory, and that it had been tampered with by some external force; whether it was to quell the mutiny or to deal with the influence of the old god's power, it could help her The candidates all seem to be pointing to the same...

"Perhaps, Archbishop Luther's previous proposal is indeed reasonable." The queen said cautiously:

"If you only punish the six generals and let the two who surrendered voluntarily, it is likely that the vast majority of the people who occupy Clovis City will become alienated and think that the kingdom does not care about their lives."

"Even if they surrender voluntarily, they should still pay the price for their actions; of course, this also includes the six people who are still stubbornly resisting. They should all bear the responsibility for harming the interests of the kingdom and harming innocent people."

These words without beginning or end made Sophia and Ludwig stunned at the same time. They looked back to the front of the palace: "Your Majesty means..."

"Perhaps, we should redefine the disaster that happened today." Queen Anne said slowly:

"I have decided not to impose excessive punishment on the six generals who still have not given up their resistance, nor will I reduce the promised rewards to the two who have surrendered."

"But on top of that, they all must pay the price for what happened today - not to me, the royal family or the princes and nobles, but the people of Clovis City; they... must pay the price for what they swore to protect, but caused a heavy The harmed people must pay the due price!”

"Right now, tell Brigadier General Anson on the front line about this matter immediately, and tell him that this is my will." Queen Anne's expression was unusually decisive, and she looked at the two people present with firm eyes:

"Perhaps, it is also my last will."

Ludwig and Sophia looked at each other.

Although one of the two wanted to punish all officers and soldiers who participated in the rebellion, the other planned to take the opportunity to suppress the influence of the generals so that the Franz family could take the opportunity to ascend to power.

But now that the queen has made up her mind, and the mutiny seems really difficult to solve if it continues like this, that's all it can do.


"I see."

Anson nodded slightly and took the joint letter from the generals from the little secretary with a resentful expression: "It means that as long as we can provide enough guarantees, they are willing to surrender to us immediately, isn't that right?"

"No, that's right." The little clerk, who was still a little frightened as he tried to recall the situation when he was negotiating with the generals, nodded repeatedly: "They hope that you can give to Her Majesty the Queen, or at least it must be given by Master Ludwig. I will agree to cooperate with your next plan only if you provide us with written words.”

"Of course! I also followed your request and told them that even if there is a written text, it may not be useful. Even if a promise is made at this time, it can be completely evaded that it is a forgery or counterfeit when it is fulfilled."

"It's just that they...well, obviously they still don't have enough trust in you. At most, they just believe that you really have a great relationship with the church."

The little secretary said it very tactfully, but the actual situation was that the generals did not take him and the Storm Legion seriously at all, and still firmly believed that the Franz family was in control of the situation at the moment, not him, a small brigadier general.

However, in Anson's view, this is not a bad thing. After all, it means that what they actually remember is Ludwig's favor. If something unexpected happens afterwards, they cannot blame him as the executor.

And judging from the description of the young secretary, the other party actually knows that a written guarantee is of little use at this time, but now they are really running out of gas, and the army under their command may collapse at any time.

At this time, a letter is enough to turn into a life-saving straw to restore hope; even if it is really just a complete lie, they are still willing to deceive themselves.

At least in that case, their ending would not be mutinous rebels who were easily suppressed, but deceived and deceived, betrayed without being able to resist, and brutally murdered.

Sometimes, dignity and face transcend life and death, especially when there is really no other way out.

But Anson was not worried. He deliberately delayed the mutiny for this reason; as long as the royal family and the Privy Council realized that the situation was in a quagmire, many things that were originally non-negotiable could be discussed.

Sure enough... Before the little clerk could catch his breath, a relaxed-looking Fabian came from behind and handed Anson a letter stamped with the royal seal:

"This is Queen Anne's decree, ordering the Storm Legion to end this mutiny before tomorrow morning. By the way... they promise not to harm the lives of any officers, but they must bear the losses of all the damage today."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Anson sighed in admiration and took the letter, then handed it to the little clerk with his backhand: "You should immediately hand it to the six generals and tell them that the queen has agreed to spare the lives of several of them, provided that they cooperate with us. Do you hear clearly what the next action will be?”

"Ming, understand!"

The little clerk nodded vigorously, quickly put down the water glass he had not picked up, took the letter and ran in the direction from which he came.

After he had run far away, Karl, who had just listened briefly beside him, came out from the corner:

"Well...if I remember correctly, what Fabian was talking about just now should be the lives of all officers and soldiers, not just those six people...right?"

"Yes." Anson nodded happily: "But your Majesty doesn't know that many middle-level and even middle-upper-level officers in the mutinous legion have committed unforgivable mistakes; if these people are allowed to escape sanctions, I'm afraid it won't be possible. Satisfying everyone.”

"Everyone...like who?"

"For example, members of the Shotgun Club, and officers from the Skirmisher Division."

Looking at the ruined streets in the distance, Anson said as a matter of course: "You also know that most of the posts in the eight standing legions and the Army Department are occupied by officers who came from the Continental Army's doctrine. If they are not included, By purging them, how can we weaken the generals' influence within the legion, and how can we compensate the officers of the Shotgun Club who have worked so hard for us?"

"In order to avoid the impact, of course some people at the top can remain unchanged, but the positions below must be vacated and filled by outstanding officers who are truly loyal to the kingdom and to His Majesty. I think this is completely reasonable!"

"Yes, yes, it's completely reasonable, but I guess that Young Master Ludwig might not think so, although you definitely don't care." Karl rolled his eyes and turned to glance at Fabian next to him:

"What do you think?"

"Me? My thoughts have always been consistent with the commander-in-chief." The smiling deputy commander of the legion stepped forward and deliberately stopped half a body behind Anson:

"I just have a small question that may require some answers from the Commander-in-Chief."

"Oh, what is it?"

"You just said that important positions need to be filled by outstanding officers who are truly loyal to His Majesty. I completely agree with this, but..." Fabian looked at Anson meaningfully:

"Excuse me, which Majesty are we loyal to?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Anson blinked: "Of course it's from the Osteria royal family...Her Majesty Anne Herred."

"From today on, anyone who is an enemy of Her Majesty Anne is an enemy of me, the Storm Legion, and even all the soldiers of Clovis. No matter who the opponent is or what he wants to do, he must be completely eliminated!"

"As loyal soldiers of the kingdom, our mission is to defend the unity of the kingdom and defend the orthodoxy of the Osteria royal family...I say this, do you understand?"

"Understood." Fabian smiled and nodded: "I understand completely. Thank you Commander-in-Chief for clearing up the confusion."

"Yes, yes, I understand too." Karl quickly turned his head away: "I completely understand."

"Very good. Now that we all understand, it proves that everyone is loyal to the kingdom."

Anson was very pleased and looked straight ahead: "Now we have to see if the generals on the opposite side are like us."

Of course, it doesn't matter even if they still don't believe it, Anson's goal has been achieved: unless Little Périgord can tamper with everyone's memory on a large scale, this mutiny will no longer be able to continue.

Judging from the development of the situation, he probably doesn't have this ability, or he needs to pay a high price. Just like when he uses his "superpower", his energy will be lost quickly. His ability to tamper with cognition is impossible. There are no side effects.

At 19:20, the rebels in the inner city once again defeated the "friendly" attack from the outer city, and even recaptured the two entrances and exits of the inner and outer city; however, they were unable to deploy troops quickly and were reoccupied.

At 20:11, the Storm Legion launched two more rounds of attacks in cooperation with the surrendering rebels, even with the assistance of the inner city militia, but still had little effect and failed to force them to surrender.

At blackjack sharp, the rebels in the inner city, who were almost out of ammunition and food, raised a bloody swallow-tailed flag near the streets they controlled.

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