I will be crowned king

Chapter 1070 In the name of the king!

At five o'clock in the morning, on the cold and windy streets of the inner city, the mutinous rebel troops and the Storm Legion were still in a tense confrontation.

Temporary forts, simple fortifications, curtain walls... Even though they had been fighting for a day and a night, both sides still did not dare to relax at all. There were even the bodies of a few unlucky guys lying on the messy streets. Between the bricks and rubble, there were cold lead bullets. Warheads are everywhere.

However, despite the tense situation, thanks to the good relationship with the Northern Chamber of Commerce and the reformists in the Privy Council, the Storm Legion responsible for counterinsurgency still has no problem in terms of supplies; coupled with the complex terrain of the inner city, it is impossible to devote too many troops to the front line. , it is completely possible for the troops to take turns on duty and rest in batches.

Roast chicken with herbs, pork and cabbage soup, and even freshly baked bread... Since various infantry regiments were scattered in different communities and fighting on the streets, Carl Bain simply distributed the collected supplies directly, allowing the regiments and The hired cooks cooked in the open air behind the confrontation's forward positions to ensure that the soldiers could eat hot food as soon as possible.

As for the cold gunfire and shelling from the opposite side...this kind of worry is unnecessary. The two sides have been facing off for most of the night, and they basically know where each other's range threatens.

Compared to the Storm Legion, who happily ate late-night snacks, the conditions for the rebels were obviously much more difficult.

First of all, the mutinous troops did not bring any supplies when they entered the city. A small number of troops obtained some while burning, killing and looting in the outer city, but it can only be said to be better than nothing.

No matter what the circumstances, looting can only be used as a means to boost morale. If you rely on this to provide supplies, it can really only be said to be better than nothing.

Moreover, after entering the inner city, although there were richer streets for the rebels to "replenish", food alone did not actually increase much, and it could even be said to be even scarcer.

After all, the total population of the inner city only accounts for less than a quarter of the entire city of Clovis. Even if it is rich enough, it is impossible to consume four times more food than the outer city, but it is possible to consume four times less.

Coupled with the subsequent counterattack of the Storm Legion, a large amount of "trophies" looted were forced to be discarded, and there was not much food left.

Under the biting cold wind, the rebel soldiers guarding the position could only look hungrily at the smoke rising from the opposite side. While trying to wrap up their military uniforms, they swallowed secretly, thinking about the Storm Legion in their hearts. A group of "traitors" cursed him eight hundred times.

Yes, thanks to the diligent propaganda of the War Department, the view that "the Storm Legion is a traitor" has become deeply ingrained in many standing legions.

And just then...

"Hey, what is that?"

Several rebel soldiers standing under the bloody swallowtail flag raised their heads in surprise and looked at the gorgeous four-wheeled carriage that suddenly appeared behind the opposite position.

Four horses as white as snow were pulling the gorgeous carriage. In addition to a driver, there were four fully armed figures on the left and right sides and in the back, dressed as church judges.

If you observe carefully, you will also find the figure behind the carriage - this is not a car, but a rather spectacular convoy.

While the rebel soldiers were still confused, the carriage had already arrived in front of the Storm Legion's position. Two rows of soldiers quickly removed the roadblocks and lined up on both sides of the street. They respectfully saluted the carriage and watched it slowly move toward The rebels approached.

"Alert! Alert! Alert!"

The rebel soldiers who immediately realized that something was wrong quickly started shouting, and urgent rally calls sounded over the streets. Dozens of rifles soon appeared on the originally empty defense line.

But the carriage didn't seem to notice it and continued to drive forward slowly; the snow-white horse and the gorgeous carriage with gilt and unicorn patterns also made the rebel soldiers vaguely aware of something.

The four-wheeled carriage advanced slowly, and under tremendous pressure, a rebel soldier finally couldn't help but fire the first shot.


Along with the sound of gunfire that cut through the night sky, the lead bullets smashed a plume of smoke in front of the carriage; upon seeing this, the Storm Legion behind them also raised their guns, aiming their black muzzles at the opposite side.

"This is your final warning, don't come forward any more!" A slightly immature and hoarse voice sounded under the bloody swallowtail flag:

"If we continue, we will take it as a signal to start war again, and we will not show any mercy!"

This time, the carriage did not continue, but it also did not go back, but stopped in the middle of the road; the inquisitors guarding the four corners of the carriage jumped off the carriage and took off their weapons from their waists and backs.

Just when the rebels' emotions were about to reach the critical point, the Inquisitor suddenly opened the door of the carriage, and a dignified and elegant figure stepped out.

She was wearing an exquisite purple empire-style dress and a pearl crown on her head, with faint traces of tears hanging on her snow-white cheeks. With the support of the female judge Sera, she staggered slightly to the front of the carriage and pointed the gun at herself. The rebel said:

"Soldiers, I am the wife of your beloved King Carlos, the mother of your future king, your... queen!"


Almost as soon as the words fell, a violent response erupted from the rebel position; shock and surprise were no longer enough to describe the reaction on the other side.

But Queen Anne was not affected at all and continued to say in her smooth and beautiful voice:

"I have only one purpose here, and that is to announce to you, to all the soldiers who are still holding on to their weapons and loyal to the kingdom, the decree of His Majesty Carlos II, who was inspired by the Ring of Order."

"I am here to replace him who died and declare to all of you that as long as you are willing to lay down your weapons, the kingdom will not excessively pursue all the mistakes you have committed today!"

"Yes, your actions have threatened the royal family, caused a king to die unexpectedly, and made Clovis pay a heavy price..."

"But even so!" Anne suddenly raised her voice: "The king you love is still willing to forgive you before his death, and forgive his loyal soldiers for the mistakes they made because of their confusion!"

"And I, his wife and the mother of his heir, will unconditionally support any decision my king makes and forgive you on his behalf; his heir will also honor this decision and will not hold you accountable for your faults. ."

"The mistakes you have made have made the entire city of Clovis full of anger towards her original guardian. The harm and resentment you have caused is enough to make any good person lose his cool."

"But your king, the king you love, is willing to bear all the anger and resentment for all of you; all he wants is to restore peace and prosperity to the city of Clovis!"

As she spoke, Anne's voice began to choke; it was not that she was moved, but that one day, she was no longer a puppet and decoration of Carlos II, and could finally stand in front of the stage and show her joy:

"Now, soldiers, lay down your weapons..."

"In the name of...the king!"

The loud words echoed under the early morning starry sky, and there was silence on both sides of the street.

The soldiers of the Storm Legion and the inquisitors guarding the carriage were all staring at the opposite side. The hands holding their weapons had begun to sweat, and they did not dare to relax in the slightest.

But there was no trace of nervousness on Queen Anne's face... After decades, she finally took the step that she had always dreamed of.

Even if he is killed by the rebels in the next second, he will not have any regrets, nor will he be remembered forever as the crime of "assassinating the king". Instead, he will try to repair the wounds and save the heroic image of the kingdom in the hearts of the Clovis people.

That's enough...well, that's enough.

Queen Anne murmured to herself in her heart, and even turned her gaze from the other side to look up at the sky, trying hard not to let the tears fall from the corners of her eyes, and the rebels saw her crying.

But in the eyes of the people around her, it was as if Her Majesty the Queen had been summoned, and she was looking at His Majesty Carlos II who had ascended to heaven from afar.

Just then...


With the sound of a rifle falling to the ground, the soldier who had fired the first warning shot suddenly dropped his weapon and fell to his knees with tears on his face.

And he was only the first, and soon the second, and the third... The rebel soldiers on the defense line threw away their weapons one after another, or walked out of the fortifications, or sat down crying and holding their heads. Get down, or kneel on the ground with a face full of shame.

At this time, not only the Storm Legion soldiers in the back row, but also the inquisitors were stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

"I...this...the Ring of Order is above!" Cole Dorian stuttered: "Is this really true? Did I see it wrong?!"

"No, you read that right." The female judge who was supporting the queen turned to glance at him: "The rebels on the opposite side have surrendered, and the mutiny is completely over."

"Why?!" Cole still didn't understand: "Is it His Majesty Carlos II's will or Her Majesty the Queen's personal visit that moved a group of rebels who originally planned to fight to the end?!"

"I don't know, maybe it's both, maybe..." Sera couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and muttered softly:

"But no matter what, whether it's the stubborn rebels on the other side or the queen's personal visit... it should all be part of someone's plan."


"Congratulations, your plan worked."

Outside the Osteria Palace, Ludwig, who had just received the news, looked unhappy and said:

"Whether it's Queen Anne or the rebels across the way, they all owe you a huge favor now."

"You owe us a huge favor." Anson had a faint smile on his face:

"To be more precise, I owe it to the Franz family - Miss Sophia is the Minister of War, you are the Presidential Commander of the counter-rebellion forces, and I am a subordinate of the Minister of War, what do you think?"

"Come on."

Ludwig couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Winning is winning, losing is losing. I admit that in this incident, my control of the situation and decisiveness in adapting to changes are not as good as yours. This is a fact. There is nothing difficult. Open your mouth!"

"From today on, I recognize your status in the new Ministry of War and promise not to break our previous agreement; the Franz family will continue to support you as always."

"Then thank you in advance." Anson blinked: "Although I still don't know what is winning and losing."

"We worked together to quell a mutiny, maintained peace in the kingdom after the king was assassinated, and established a new Ministry of War... Isn't it a good thing that everyone is happy with?"

Ludwig couldn't help but twitch his lips when he heard this, but he still suppressed his anger.

After all, he was the one who first tried to break the alliance, win over and use the generals of the standing army to weaken Anson's influence. The other party seized the situation and counterattacked to regain the advantage. There seemed to be nothing to criticize.

What's more, even after winning over Queen Anne, an important ally, Anson did not abandon himself, but instead tried his best to play up his image as a "vassal of the Franz family".

At least in the eyes of the outside world, the person who controlled the overall situation and became the biggest winner of this mutiny was himself.

But Ludwig knew very well that the guy in front of him would only gain more - a large number of officers would be dismissed after the mutiny, and the War Department would be re-established, which meant that there were many important vacancies that had to be filled as soon as possible.

Needless to say, the Storm Legion is the core force of the counter-rebellion army, and promotion in military rank is a matter of course. The entire legion may even undergo a round of expansion and upgrade to be on an equal footing with the eight standing legions outside.

And more positions must be promoted from the Shotgun Club who participated in counter-insurgency, or to be precise, a large number of officers from the Skirmisher Division; when these people are promoted, the first person to thank will definitely not be the Franz family, but as a Anson Bach was at the heart of their small group.

Even for relatives of the Bach family, if he is willing, Queen Anne and Viscount Bognar will definitely not refuse... Ludwig can almost foresee that a brand new wealthy family will rise in Clovis City. .

"...Although there are so many good things worth celebrating, I guess that's not why you came here."

Anson turned around and looked at Ludwig meaningfully: "Am I right?"

Ludwig, with a cold face, did not answer and left the place without saying a word; not long after, another figure that Anson was very familiar with appeared in front of him.

"The biggest problem with Ludwig is that he can never reconcile with his other self." With deep emotion, Archbishop Luther sighed:

"This is not a good habit. I can almost foresee that he will be very tired in this life."

"What you said makes sense."

Anson nodded matter-of-factly: "So, Your Excellency, the Archbishop, are you here to advise me as well?"

"You...you can take a guess."

"I guess..." Anson looked at the old man: "You have guessed everything that happened today."

"No... to be more precise, you and Little Périgord had already discussed this in advance, right?"

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