I will be crowned king

Chapter 1074 For the best interests of the kingdom

[Officers Clovis spontaneously unite and mutual aid organization, ‘True Heart’ joins the declaration:

Long live Clovis! I uphold absolute independence and am not subject to any outside temptation. Under compulsory circumstances, I voluntarily join and become a member of the organization. I will always be loyal to the organization and the kingdom. I take the core concepts of the organization "unity, loyalty, and equality" as my code and unconditionally strictly require self-observance. , supervise everyone and accept supervision from any member without setting conditions;

I will unconditionally obey all decisions taken by the organization and made for the best interests of Clovis. I will never actively betray the organization. At the same time, I will never actively influence, win over or force anyone around me to join; I will take personal practical actions to Live up to the organization's code in front of the public and soldiers, and put the interests of the organization and the kingdom first at all times;

Long live 'Red Heart', long live Clovis! 】

[Organizational composition, and criteria and conditions for joining ‘True Heart’:

All members within the organization are equal, and there is no personal dependence or hierarchy difference; members must be nominated and recognized by the executive committee, and must be recognized by more than ten members and guaranteed by one member;

Members of the organization must be officers or soldiers with at least half a year or more of service experience. Priority will be given to members of the shotgun club;

Members must abide by the decisions made by the executive committee. If they oppose or no longer agree with the core concepts of the organization, they can apply to the committee to withdraw from the organization and publicly withdraw from the organization;

The Executive Committee is composed of a chairman, a secretary, two vice-chairmen, and eight members; the two deputy members are responsible for the daily operation of the committee. All major events are decided by the committee at regular or temporary meetings, and the ten members are responsible for proposing proposals. Regarding the content of the discussion, the chairman decides the objects of discussion at the meeting. After three discussions, a secret vote is taken. The secretary is responsible for recording the entire meeting process and counting the votes;

Except for the secretary, all positions of committee members are elected through an election system. They vote in order of chairman, vice chairman and members. The secretary is personally appointed by the chairman himself; an election is held every year; in case of emergencies or temporary changes, Then postpone the election...]

The content is not much, it can even be said to be very simple, but the leaflets printed with the above content quickly spread among the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers, and immediately caused quite a sensation.

Officers...especially small groups organized by middle- and lower-level officers voluntarily are not uncommon in Clovis. There are countless people who use various slogans to brag and even form some kind of comparison, as if a few slogans and some incomprehensible rhetoric. , can make the beer in the glass meaningful when clinking glasses.

Like Anson's so-called "unity, loyalty, equality" concept, first of all, he is definitely not the first to propose it, let alone the one with the highest style; if you throw it into hundreds of clubs in Clovis, it will probably be ordinary. to seem extra special.

The first thing that really caught everyone's attention was that the so-called "Red Heart" organization publicly expressed its willingness to accept ordinary soldiers to join - this was indeed the first time in Clovis' history.

As a country with little "knight tradition", Clovis's officers, especially those in the middle and lower ranks, are still mainly ordinary people; but even so, there is still a considerable gap between officers and soldiers; generally speaking, most of them are ordinary people. Most people basically assume that officers are a head taller than soldiers.

But now Anson uses the premise that "all Clovis soldiers are unconditionally loyal and only loyal to the king and the kingdom" and extends that all Clovis soldiers and officers should be united, and then comes to the answer that "everyone should be equal."

Obviously, this slightly advanced and inconsistent statement will definitely arouse the opposition of many people, but there are also many voices of approval - with the former Army Department as a negative example in front of him, Anson only needs to contradict these dead people in everything. Come on, there will definitely be supporters.

The Bayonet Club pays attention to family background, "Bare Heart" emphasizes all equality, the Bayonet Club excludes dissidents, and "Bare Heart" calls on everyone to unite. The Bayonet Club has proven their disloyalty with their actions, so "Bare Heart" tells everyone what kind of soldiers they are. He is the true loyal minister!

Not only that, after following the path of Miss Sophia, the Minister of War, the two articles of "True Heart" were successfully published in the "Clovis Truth" and "Kingdom Loyalty", and began to inform the people of Clovis City They promoted their ideas; Anson himself was also active, taking his "special writer" - his loyal little secretary - to various officers' clubs and bars frequented by middle- and lower-level officers, organizing various Various impromptu speeches.

Not to mention, his previous speech on the significance of the war between the Empire and Clovis when he was in Hantu, and the "completely true" "Eagle Point City Battle Notes" have been published again, further enhancing his own influence in Crovis. Popularity in Lowe City.

Sophia Franz, who has rich experience in media and image promotion, is already familiar with it. She knows how to grasp the pain points of readers and show them the content they like to see most.

If you tell them how good a general is, how many military exploits he has made, and how many battles he has won, no one will pay attention to you; but if this person comes from an ordinary background and has been suppressed repeatedly, he can always turn the tables against the wind, and his countless sweat and achievements are envied by the envious. His superiors oppressed him, but he remained loyal to the kingdom. He was called "my loyal general" by the dead king himself... Did the story come out immediately?

Of course, neither Sophia nor Anson would have dared to do this in the past; after all, once they became famous and became an important presence in the upper echelons of Clovis, it would be impossible not to be scrutinized by the church; Luther Ford An extremely cautious person like Archbishop Lantz would never try to cover it up. His involvement with the Old God Sect would be revealed in a matter of minutes, and his end could be imagined.

But things are different now... The Bayonet Club was wiped out, and the slandered Anson Bach was immediately cleared of all suspicions; the Vatican would not slap themselves in the face anyway; even if they knew there was something fishy, ​​at least now they had to admit that Anson was the "Order" devout believers."

With this official witness produced by the Holy See, Anson naturally no longer has to worry about anything and can maximize his reputation and influence; even the situation has been reversed. Now he is more important and attracts everyone's attention. , the more the Vatican dared not take action easily.

But for him now, things like "creating characters" are not the most important, and he doesn't even plan to expand the scale of "True Heart" immediately.

Anson still has high hopes for the organization itself, but at this stage, he only needs to let many middle- and lower-level officers, as well as soldiers, know about the existence of this organization, so that he can take over the Army Department and place cronies in various departments... Well, that's it. It can be said that it is enough to prepare for the selection of truly suitable officers.

But this busyness of wooing low-level officers and rebuilding the War Department, in addition to greatly improving Anson's own voice in the future, also gave him a perfect excuse to not immediately participate in the current upper-level political struggle in Clovis. excuse.

The death of Carlos II caused a blow to the balance of the situation in Clovis. It was not just as simple as the loss of a king. Its impact was devastating; the last bit of tacit understanding between the reformers and conservatives was gone. , the person who could finally help them reach a consensus and balance both sides has now become their opponent.

Anne Herred gained her current position fearfully, and she will definitely not give it up easily; and whether it is for Clovis's new rich or a wealthy family, being ruled by a woman from the Herred royal family, just her surname and gender can bring everyone’s dissatisfaction to its peak.

If it weren't for her status as the king's widow and her contribution to quelling the mutiny, the Privy Council and the Cabinet would have been eager to prepare for the new king's enthronement ceremony before Carlos II was buried.

"This ceremony will be the turning point in Clovis's destiny!"

Ludwig solemnly put down the draft on the allocation of various departments of the Ministry of War, and looked at his sister, the noble Minister of War, seriously: "It is no exaggeration to say that Clovis's prospects in the next five...no, ten years , will all be decided by this ceremony."

"Viscount Bognar and his reformist parliamentarians must hope to usher in a king who is enterprising and dares to think and do; the conservative nobles are obviously more willing to abide by tradition, or they see that the new king pays more attention to security the privileges of the nobility; and then all should agree that every effort should be made to prevent the new king from being too much influenced by Queen Anne."

"But this is what Her Majesty the Queen cannot accept the most! She is now at the forefront. If she really gives up power as everyone expects, the king who ascends the throne will not be able to ignore her energy and reputation. He will definitely do his best to suppress her. Neglect! Let everyone forget her and ignore her, otherwise it will be difficult to protect their authority from interference."

"Among the three parties, she is the weakest one. After all, even the royal family will not stand on her side; if she fails, her end will be the most tragic." Ludwig sighed, with some hints in his words. mercy:

"At this time, there is only one ally that our Majesty the Queen can rely on..."

"You mean...us?"

Sophia blinked: "She has no choice, so she will definitely actively win over this only ally to give us... um, or give you more power?"

"It is to give the Franz family more power." Ludwig corrected:

"The new Ministry of War has not yet been fully established. As Minister of War, you are the only representative of the entire Royal Army. You are also the highest-ranking person in the Franz family."

"My dear sister, in the past you always said that your father did not pay enough attention to you and always thought that you had no weight in the family; now you have officially become the external representative of the Franz family, and every move you make will be judged. Think of it as the external image of the Franz family.”

As if realizing that the girl in front of him still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, Ludwig became more serious: "What should you do and how should you do it? You don't need me to tell you anymore, right?"

"Really? I think I was just a replacement who had to nominate someone because he was not qualified enough to be the Minister of War."

Sophia curled her lips in a low voice, and then raised her eyes as if she didn't know anything about it: "Of course not, I know, my responsibility is to maintain the friendship with Her Majesty the Queen, and let her entrust her with important responsibilities for the Ministry of the Army...well, that is, for my dear My elder brother has entrusted me with a heavy responsibility.”

"You don't have to be so deliberate... Just make sure that the Franz family and Her Majesty the Queen are always one." Ludwig twitched the corner of his mouth and coughed twice in embarrassment:

"In addition, I also know that you value the importance of Anson Bach and the Storm Legion to you... I absolutely respect this. You can be completely assured that they will receive treatment commensurate with their merits."

"The Storm Legion should be expanded as soon as possible to form a fully-equipped legion of 20,000...no, it should be 40,000 people. The troops can be recruited from the south, and experienced soldiers and grass-roots officers can be recruited from some garrison legions to supplement them as soon as possible. The fighting strength of eight standing legions.”

"As for Anson himself... I always feel that his talents should not be squandered in places that have nothing to do with the battlefield. The fortress and the front line are the places where he can truly realize his potential. He should not stay in Clovis City doing nothing. That is a huge What a shameful waste!"

"The Holy War is now over. When spring comes, the ridiculous peace agreement between Clovis and the Empire may break down at any time, and his opportunity will come soon; before that, let him be prepared to leave, so as not to worry about it then. Too busy."

"In other words, you plan to drive him away?"

The girl suddenly interrupted: "Let me guess, it's still because of Queen Anne, right?"

"My southern legion will receive the order in four days and immediately go north to Clovis City to defend the royal family." Ludwig nodded slightly, his expression gradually becoming indifferent:

"At that time, there will be no need for the Storm Legion to stay. Even the other eight standing legions will be transferred back to the front line through the Ministry of War. Facts have proved that a large number of troops are stationed near the royal capital, and It cannot make the kingdom safer."

"My dear sister, this is not only for the Franz family, but also for the kingdom. Only by doing this can we maintain the stability of the kingdom to the greatest extent and prevent the entire country from falling apart!"

"I know." Sophia blinked again:

"In fact, I just wanted to tell you that Anson Bach just said something similar to you not long ago. He actually... completely agrees with your approach, which of course does not include leaving Clovis City immediately."


"Surprised, right? I'm surprised too, but he seems to really don't want to get involved in the current battle about the new king. That's because..." The girl paused and tried to imitate someone's expression and tone:

"Everything... is only for the best interests of the kingdom!"

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