I will be crowned king

Chapter 1084 The Loyal Minister of the Throne

Staring at little Périgord's playful smile, Anson suddenly wasn't as excited as he was at first.

Yes, in fact, as long as you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand that the other party can actually do nothing now - the former War Department was completely destroyed, the mutinous generals collectively accepted their crimes and entered the new War Department, and because of the Franz family, Queen Anne The three parties with "Bare Heart" watered the standing army at the same time and lost control of the army.

What can a monastic leader do in this situation?

He can't do anything... No matter how many plots and tricks he plays, he is still powerless if he doesn't even have a grip; like a novelist who always appears suddenly at a critical moment, and only at that moment can he control the situation.

As for now, he can only use the information and abilities he has to come here and manipulate his own mentality.

Anson gently twitched the corners of his mouth.

And just at this moment...

"no disagreement!"

In the throne room where the needle could be heard, Viscount Bogner, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly raised his right hand in front of everyone and said in a firm tone: "His Royal Highness Nicholas Osteria is the only legal heir to the throne. No one is qualified to compete with him!"

In an instant, Mrs. Catalina, who was standing beside him, turned her head sharply and her eyes widened in shock.

The conservative nobles had complicated expressions and glared at the familiar figure.

The reformist MPs looked at each other and seemed to be still hesitating; but even Viscount Bogner had already made a decision, and many people subconsciously chose to support his decision and raised their right hands with a slight hesitation.

Facing the incredulous Lady Caterina, Viscount Bognar just looked at her expressionlessly; the latter was silent for a moment, and then raised his right hand as if in anger.

So the members of the Railway Committee, one of the most powerful forces in the Clovis Privy Council, no longer hesitated and stood decisively on the side of support.

For the Kingdom of Clovis, the most important thing is never raw materials, but logistics - the Railway Commission, which can reduce the cost of raw materials, improve factory efficiency, and speed up the efficiency of commodity circulation, has a status no less than the Minister of Finance.

There were statements from the Railway Board, the Coal Board, the Spices Regulatory Board, the Textile Sales Committee... large or small, and all the relevant groups in the Privy Council, large and small, finally no longer hesitated.

Of course they are also afraid of conservative wealthy families. After all, aristocratic families are often important investors, shareholders, buyers and sellers in these industries, and they can affect their profits with just a raise of their hands.

But the likes and dislikes of the Railway Commission...are directly related to their life and death.

Looking at the right hand opposite, which almost filled most of the Privy Council, the eyes of the conservative nobles almost burst out of fire.

If the two sides had just been in a cold confrontation, now Viscount Bogner had pushed them onto a single-plank bridge that they could only move forward: either go over or die.

Unless they accept this result, they will immediately launch a rebellion and elect a candidate for the throne who can confront His Royal Highness Nicholas!

However, the Whitehall Street police bribed by the conservatives failed to directly control the situation, and now they stood up and loudly opposed it, which would give the Franz family a legitimate excuse to eradicate them all.

Those who have spied on the throne, no matter themselves or their supporters, no matter whether they are active or forced, who will end well? !


"no disagreement--!!!!"

Hearing the shouts from the crowd opposite, Viscount Bognar, who was trying to remain calm, suddenly became alert and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He knew that he had won the bet.

Sophia and Queen Anne on the stage also breathed a sigh of relief... Fortunately, the thing they were most worried about did not happen.

The expressions of the cabinet ministers were a bit unnatural. Obviously, this was a little bit different from the outcome they originally hoped for.

Anson paused in the corner of the hall and found that little Périgord behind him had run to the side door at some point. He did not forget to wave to him before leaving.

Well, it's just that judging from the direction of his wave and gaze, it seems more like he is heading towards...

"Very good. It seems that the loyal ministers of the throne have finally made the wisest choice."

Luther Franz's steady and heavy words echoed under the vault again: "The Ring of Order is here to tell the world that Clovis's throne already has its owner. From today on, Nicholas O. Your Highness Stelia... your name will be included in the genealogy of King Clovis!"

The sonorous and powerful voice reached a perfect and harmonious rhythm with the heartbeats of everyone present.

Sophia and Queen Anne, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, tightened their heartstrings again, turned around, and looked nervously and expectantly at the young man who was blushing and almost out of breath.

The solemn-looking Luther Franz turned slightly to the side and gave up the throne behind the coffin, and... the crown that was quietly placed on the throne.

Unlike the people of the Empire, or all kingdoms in the world of order, the Clovis people actually do not attach much importance to the meaning of the "crown", but only regard it as an important accessory for the king.

Almost every generation of kings hires specialists at high prices to customize crowns for themselves, and there are often more than one. Unless there are special circumstances, future kings will almost never wear the crowns used by their ancestors.

But for a child, a child who is only eight years old, the crown that symbolizes his father and more importantly the greatest pursuit in life has an almost indescribable allure.

He walked towards the throne step by step, his breathing became more and more rapid, and there was nothing else in his eyes, so that he was completely unaware of the surrounding environment. In order to bypass the coffin blocking him, he walked straight to the throne. In front of the Archbishop.

The expressionless Luther Franz also seemed not to notice, his expression was solemn and unmoving.

It wasn't until they were about to collide that Nicholas, who was in a trance, finally reacted. He looked up in shock at the Archbishop who was blocking him, with a hint of sullenness on his expression.

"Lord Luther Franz."

Queen Anne quickly stepped forward and picked up the boy just when he was about to speak. She smiled calmly and met the Archbishop's eyes:

"Can...please step aside?"

Facing the queen's extremely sincere gaze and the young man's still angry expression, the archbishop bowed respectfully, stepped aside and walked down the steps.

But Anne did not put down the crown prince in her arms. Instead, she continued to walk to the throne and knelt down until the young man could easily get the crown.

The young man hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hands to pick up the crown; as the queen turned around and stood up, she put it directly on her head.

"The Ring of Order is here to witness that the Kingdom of Clovis has once again welcomed a new master!" Luther Franz shouted:

"Long live Nicholas I...!"

In an instant, Sophia, who was on the steps, immediately stepped forward, slightly lifted her skirt, and knelt down on one knee like a man: "Long live Nicholas I...!"

That's right, this dress carefully designed by Alfred Sr. has pants and boots. The skirt has slits that extend to the crotch. It is covered with a slightly lighter-colored lace skirt, and it can also be used. Open it up to maintain the aesthetics without affecting the convenience of movement.

Seeing that the new Minister of War had already taken the lead, the cabinet ministers in the back row had no choice but to stretch their legs, bend their waists, and salute the new king no matter how reluctant they were:

"Long live Nicholas I!"

In the hall, both conservatives and reformists in the Privy Council, as well as all the nobles and foreign guests who came to watch the ceremony, either knelt on one knee, beat their chests and hands, or bent slightly to show respect, and saluted:

“Long live Nicholas I——!!!!”

"Long live the Kingdom of Clovis——!!!"

Amidst waves of shouts, Queen Anne, who was hugging the new king tightly - of course already the Queen Mother - finally slowly sat on the throne, overlooking everyone present.

Among the roaring crowd, Ansen couldn't help but curl up his lips.

Great, everything went smoothly.

If the conservative nobles had not chosen to retreat just now, then the only option left for him was to make Ludwig's list and find a way to get rid of those people on the spot; but now that the situation has not deteriorated to that point, of course he has lost his ability to take action. necessary.

Of course, Ludwig certainly didn't think so.

He will think that he has betrayed the agreement with him, but that doesn't matter. After all, the situation has changed, and he only needs to...

"Anson Bach!"

The sudden sound of words made Ansen, who was still contemplating a plan, stunned. He raised his head and found that all the eyes of the people around him were turned towards him.

On the high platform, Queen Anne, who was sitting on the throne, raised her right hand and spoke in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear: "Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion, Brigadier General Anson Bach..."

"In the name of the king, come forward!"

The shouts gradually dispersed, and the throne room suddenly became quieter, and the atmosphere became a little strange.

Anson stood up slowly, and the crowd in front of him made way for him; he subconsciously looked at Sophia on the stage who had also just stood up, but found that the girl's expression was also the same confusion and surprise.

Facing everyone's gaze, Anson, who had a vague sense that something was wrong, could only bite the bullet and walk forward step by step; he passed by the shocked Lady Caterina, passed by the expectant Viscount Bogner, and passed by the expression in his eyes. The tall old Renard... stepped on the stairs and came to the front of the throne.

Beat your chest and salute, kneel down on one knee.

The silent throne room waited for the Queen Mother, who had already held the power of regent, to make her next decision.

But Annie just looked at the boy in her arms. In his confused eyes, she raised her hand and pointed at Anson, who was kneeling in front of him with his head lowered.

"This man... is your father, a loyal general certified by Carlos himself." The Queen Mother said leisurely: "He is very young, only twenty-five years old this year, and he has only officially joined the army for three or four years. "

"But his achievements were enough to put many generals to shame... He conquered Eagle Point City overnight, defeated the Empire's Hantu Expeditionary Force on his own, and within ten days he came to the Royal Court of Yser and captured it easily."

"After that... he moved to the New World. Without any local support, he seized all the Empire's territory in the New World with the power of a colony, and completely annihilated the Empire's army stationed there with inferior force."

"Without him, there would be no Free Confederacy who come to Clovis today to form an alliance with us."

"This is Anson Bach, a loyal minister who was promoted to brigadier general by your father at the age of twenty-five. He never looked back during the mutiny, and fought for the royal family and Clovis from the beginning to the end!"

Word by word... Although they were all spoken to the boy in her arms, Queen Mother Anne's clear words spread throughout the throne room.

Anson, who lowered his head, couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

The thing I was most worried about happened.

"As the king of Clovis, you will have many loyal ministers, but some of them have already gone through the test and are still very young. They are the ones you should trust and rely on most; because they can support you and serve you. Serve for ten years, twenty years, or even thirty years..."

As she spoke, Anne turned her gaze forward: "You can rest assured and entrust your life and safety to him."

Before he finished speaking, Anson immediately felt the countless looks from behind him becoming more and more pointed.

"Then, distinguished Brigadier General, please raise your head." The Queen Mother spoke again: "Tell me, are you willing to continue to be loyal to Nicholas I, your still young King, just like you were loyal to Carlos?"

After a slight hesitation, Anson had no choice but to look forward; Queen Mother Anne, who was sitting upright, had a solemn expression, but a little uneasiness could still be seen in her eyes.

Yes, she is also gambling...because she actually holds her biggest secret, so she can't completely rest assured no matter what. She can only use this method to break up with the Franz family and completely tie her to death in her war. in the car.

Nicholas has successfully ascended the throne, and Anne no longer needs to continue to have unconditional trust in the Franz family. Naturally, she must support or split new forces from the Army Department to compete with them to avoid the tragic end of being completely ignored and turned into a puppet.

Nicholas, who was held in her arms, was also examining the man kneeling in front of him. His calm eyes seemed to prove that he was no stranger to the name "Anson Bach", but he was not as familiar as Anne said. A point where you can trust.

"I am willing." Without half a second of hesitation, Anson said directly: "For the Kingdom of Clovis, I am willing to dedicate my loyalty forever... forever!"

"very good!"

Anne breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the boy in her arms with a smile on her face, her eyes filled with eager anticipation.

"In the name of Nicholas I..." The young king understood and said loudly:

"Anson Bach, my loyal general, in the presence of all witnesses, and by my birthright, I now promote you to Lieutenant General of the Army, and..."

"...Chief of Royal Guards!"

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