I will be crowned king

Chapter 1096 Venture Capital

"Let the natives of the colony, the settled and exiled criminals master the technology of building railways and making steam trains, am I hearing that right?"

Opposite Clovis Cathedral, in a cafe on Red Street, Lady Caterina, who was specially disguised and dressed like a family member of a wealthy merchant in the empire, almost spit out her coffee: "Why, I don't understand!"

"It's very simple. It's good for everyone." The smiling Sophia calmly wiped off the droplets on her clothes, poured another cup of coffee and handed it to Mrs. Catalina, not forgetting to put two pieces of candy:

"Anson Bach told me that the New World is different from the Old World. Although it is vast and sparsely populated, there are not many villages. The vast majority of the population is gathered in an important port, or in a valley or plain area. Around towns; such an environment is naturally suited to railways rather than a more dense road network dominated by heavy-duty horse-drawn carriages."

"It is precisely because of this disadvantage that the population of the New World is still concentrated in coastal ports, and large areas in the inland are still slowly developed due to transportation difficulties. If we can get technical support from Clovis and vigorously develop railways, it will be quite possible. Will the national power and wealth of the Free Confederacy be able to usher in miraculous growth in the next ten years that is no less than what Clovis made up his mind to lay the railway network?"

"Maybe it's possible." Mrs. Catalina frowned: "But what does this have to do with me and the Railway Commission?"

The reason why she deliberately avoided everyone today and secretly met with Sophia in private was not to alleviate poverty in the colony, but to guarantee the "huge profits" personally guaranteed by someone. That number was so big that the Railway Commission could betray the interests of the entire Privy Council!

"Of course it does matter." Sophia smiled very kindly and deliberately acted well-behaved: "Dear Mrs. Catalina, as far as I know, the majority of the Railway Commission's income basically comes from two items, namely freight and real estate. .”

"Needless to say the former, the world's land transportation does not have the same cost control as steam trains in long-distance freight, not to mention that you have a monopoly granted by the king, let alone competitors; while the latter is every time you Before building a new railway station, the city will purchase the surrounding land in advance. When the station is repaired, the price will inevitably rise sharply, and you can earn a lot of income just by renting it out."

"So the revenue model of the Railway Commission is very clear - continue to build more railway networks and stations, continue to contract more long-distance freight, and closely connect raw material origins, factories and dumping sites until the cost pressure needs to be maintained. through the profits that can be obtained from it.”

"Given the territorial scope of Clovis, I believe that the Railway Commission has at least twenty or even thirty years of golden development period, when Clovis's towns and cities will be spread all over the railway network; even if the manufacturing technology of steam cores and trains is If you can continue to update, this time may be doubled...but in any case, there is a certain upper limit."

"The most important thing is that in order to reach this upper limit, the Railway Commission must first pay a huge price, and in order to maintain it, it will also bear an equally high cost, and this cost will slowly increase over time." Sophia said slowly:

"Mrs. Catalina, you are an expert in this field, and you certainly know these issues better than me, an ordinary person. The rise and fall of the railway industry is not only related to itself, but also to whether trade is prosperous, whether national strength is strong, and whether the economy and production are growing. There is a very close connection.”

"And what I want to give you now is a railway investment project that requires almost zero investment but can bring huge returns."

"How to make extra money from the colonies by selling them railway technology?"

Catalina smiled disdainfully: "My little Sophia, thank you very much for your willingness to take the lead in this business, but I really..."

"No, it is to set up a special railway investment company to 'sponsor' and 'support' the railway projects of the Free Confederation." The girl shook her head calmly: "It is not directly selling technology to them, but providing technical support. , sending experts to help them set up their own railway committees, buy shares in their train factories, and earn commissions.”

"The Free Confederation is responsible for providing funds, while we are the technology investors, with each party holding half. During the period, all costs will be borne by the Free Confederation; you can get half of the company's profits without paying a single copper."

"Not only that...if the railway project can really succeed, the scale of the Free Confederation's export of various raw materials can be further expanded, and the price will be depressed even more - the price of coal and steel will fall, which in turn can suppress the railway commission's laying , the cost of operating a new line.”

"So... do you think it is a project with zero investment but huge returns?"

Sophia looked at the other party with burning eyes, her eyes seemed to be looming with temptation.

Catalina did not agree immediately as she thought, and her brows furrowed even more.

It's not that the conditions given by the girl are not attractive... on the contrary, it is so tempting that one can hardly think of any hidden dangers that may arise from it.

As the first country to have railways and the person in charge of the country's railways, Catalina knows better than anyone else the value of those railway tracks and the steam trains that spit steam, and what a huge impact they can have on a country; it is also true that Because it is clear, what will be the consequences if other countries master the same technology.

But no matter what the consequences are, there is no doubt that the impact on Clovis will be the smallest when it comes to the Free Confederacy - the two sides are separated by the turbulent sea, and even if the colonial people really relied on the railway to enhance their national power, no matter how they look at it, it will be the least. Could become a threat to Clovis.

Ever since, there was only one question left... Mrs. Catalina put down the coffee cup, and her expression finally no longer looked like she was dealing with it:

"Can those colonial guys really accept this price?"


"I'm very sorry, but I really don't know for sure."

In the mission room of the Osteria Palace, Little Baekeland looked at Anson apologetically, his tone extremely humble: "I am definitely not refusing to carry out your order, nor am I saying that the Free Confederacy will definitely refuse you. , I...I just don’t have confidence in myself!”

"After all... that is 20% of the shares of New World Company! You want me to convince those adults, Miss Thalia and Sir Louis Bernard, to spend such a large sum of money to... me... them... you …”

"Are you not confident, or do you dare not?" Ansen looked at him with a smile.

"no confidence!"

Little Baekeland lowered his head deeply: "This matter is really too important. I really don't think I am qualified to decide this matter!"

"But you are now the ambassador of the Free Confederacy, representing the entire country to come to a public meeting with the Kingdom of Clovis to discuss diplomatic relations." Anson deliberately moved forward: "In a sense, you are now the incarnation of the Free Confederacy!"


"Okay, okay, let's stop with the tricky little game."

Christian chuckled and brought two glasses of ice-cold rum, placing one in front of the two of them: "Baekeland is a good boy who takes charge. He didn't dare to accept this sentence easily because he knew the weight of it. "

"In many things, it is because some people misjudge the weight and overestimate themselves that the situation develops in an uncontrollable direction; a person who can recognize the reality is already very valuable."

"……Oh well."

Facing his brother's gaze, Anson smiled and sighed, casting an apologetic look at little Baekeland: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. This matter is indeed too difficult for you."

"Okay, I'll write a letter myself and tell Louis and Thalia about the importance of their railway to the Free Confederacy, and let them decide whether to accept it. If they agree, of course everyone will be happy. If they don't agree, then I will think of another way. ,How about it?"

Before he finished speaking, little Baekeland's expression became visibly relaxed.

"Well, it sounds much more reasonable." Christian also nodded: "But with the distance between the Free Confederacy and Clovis, is it really too late?"

"Ah...how do I put this?"

Anson couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I think your question is already answered - across the turbulent sea, it is wishful thinking to expect that there will be no problem in time, but is there any better way? "

"No, don't say such things." Noticing the expression of Little Baekeland who was beside him, Christian immediately intercepted and said, "Your attitude will only put more pressure on Baekeland and make him regard all this as nothing more. It’s your own responsibility, it’s wrong to do this!”

"As the initiator of the matter, if you want to completely convince the other party to pay such a high price, you must first come up with a reason that is convincing enough to others - is the so-called steam train really worth the money the Free Confederacy must obtain at all costs? "

"Indeed, and it is no exaggeration to say that whether or not this technology can be obtained is of great significance to the Free Confederation." Anson nodded, with a solemn expression:

"The current Free Confederation is far away from the Old World. In the past, it was blocked by technology from the Church, the Empire and Clovis, and its development is very slow; but if the steam train technology can be obtained, it will not just be as simple as allowing the Free Confederacy to build railways - —Steelmaking, machinery, energy...techniques that were unthinkable in the past can all be acquired through Clovis!"

"In order to break the blockade, let alone 20 percent, even if it is doubled, it is an affordable price for the severely marginalized Free Confederation."

"Whether it's freedom, independence, prosperity... nothing comes without a price. If you rely on others' charity in exchange for your future, you will never end up better than falling into a colony again."


"...I understand. It seems that you really came to me after being fully aware."

In the cafe box, Mrs. Catalina sighed with emotion: "I admit, this is a pretty crazy plan. If all parties involved in the cooperation do not have a certain degree of tacit understanding and trust, the end result will definitely be a lose-lose situation for both parties."

"Even if both sides suffer, you will definitely not be the one who suffers." The girl deliberately moved closer: "Dear Mrs. Catalina, I can assure you that if the Free Confederacy does not abide by the contract, we will definitely..."

"Okay, okay, I don't need your guarantee... Venture Capital, I can still do this if I am willing to admit defeat."

Catalina waved her hand: "I'm just a little surprised that that old...old guy Luther would be so partial to his daughter, and personally vouched for you that I must come."

"This is really... helping your daughter poach your only son. Is there such a father?"

"Of course this is because he knows that no matter what happens, madam, you will always be on my side." Sophia smiled very confidently: "After all, to a certain extent... you have become equal to my mother."


Catalina smiled, a little bitterly: "Don't say it, I don't have that kind of luck; when your father was making a choice, he left me without mercy, who had been with him for a longer time; Although I really don’t want to admit it, your mother is much better than me in terms of appearance, virtuousness or family background.”

"So as someone who has been there, let me remind you: My dear little Sophia, those men who seem very gentle and reasonable to you are often just masks they deliberately disguise...their hearts of these people are deeper than you think. It’s much more ruthless, don’t be fooled!”

"Confused?" Sophia raised the corners of her mouth, a little dazed: "Am I?"

"Don't you think so?"

Mrs. Catalina sighed: "I see that you are completely fascinated by that guy. No matter what he says, you will obey him and trust him 100%; this is a dangerous sign, especially when the guy hasn't given you anything yet." When you make a promise—of course you can’t trust it even if you give it!”

"This... shouldn't be there, right?" The girl shook her head: "Well... I admit that he is very charming and gentle, but I only regard him as a relatively close friend. I even envy the Bach family. It’s such a blessing to be able to grow up under the protection of such people!”

"Look, look, I'm completely trapped." Mrs. Caterina lamented and covered her forehead: "I'm really worried about old Luther, his eccentric little daughter is about to be abducted!"

"Abducted...how is that possible? He is already married."

Sophia became more and more dumbfounded: "Of course, it's actually just the engagement stage, because the woman's family seems to have an age requirement for marriage... Besides, I really don't have that feeling for him, he is just a friend who is very comfortable and relaxing to get along with. "

"Married?" Mrs. Catalina was stunned: "Why didn't I know?"

"This...why do you know?"

"I...of course I would know if he got married...wait! Do you know who I'm talking about?"

"Christian Bach, isn't it?"

"No." Lady Caterina frowned:

"Who is that?"

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