I will be crowned king

Chapter 1107 An enemy with no chance of winning

Go back a few minutes...

"I will fulfill your wish."

The light words made Christian freeze on the spot, laughing dumbly.

"Thank you for your blessing, this... little gentleman." He sighed, and the troubled expression on his face disappeared: "Well, I will go to the mailbox downstairs to check again today, if it really comes true , I will never forget your kindness—I promise.”

After saying that, Christian cheered up and saluted the boy seriously.

To his surprise, the young man did not respond immediately. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and carefully observed Christian's expression; that scrutinizing look made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"You misunderstood me, kind sir." The young man responded in the same tone as him, slowly raising his right hand: "I said, I will fulfill your wish."


Christian, whose scalp was numb, tried hard to maintain a smile, and finally noticed something strange. He glanced at the closed door opposite from the corner of his eye, and after confirming that it was still tight, he said: "Then I have to thank you very much." Yeah, I mean... it's important to me."

"No need, this is a gift, a small greeting gift."

The young man said in a calm tone, but there was still a hint of scrutiny in his eyes: "To the kind gentleman and your family."

As he finished speaking, he raised his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


Christian subconsciously raised his head and stared at the thin piece of paper falling from his head. Several crooked writings on it came into view instantly:

[Letter from Christian Bach]

"Tell Anson Bach, just say... I've been here, there's no need to look for me."

Christian suddenly grabbed the letter that fell into his hand, and the young man's leaving words floated in his ears: "Of course, if he is really going to do this, I won't stop him, but in that case, he must do his best. I’m ready... Even if I’m Lu En’s friend, I won’t hold back.”

"Those who try to break the rules must be aware of being backlashed by the rules; if they want to establish a new order, they must first prove to others that it is not a castle in the air."

The voice of the words gradually drifted away, leaving Christian staring dumbly at the few lines on the letter paper, frozen in place.


"...The situation is roughly like this."

Christian, who was in a complicated mood, drank the hot black coffee in one gulp and looked at the two nervous expressions. His voice even trembled: "I boast that I have met many people, including the king who was lucky enough to meet him recently. With Her Majesty the Queen Mother, I went down to the village to work as tenants in the manor, and there are some experiences worth talking about."

"People, maturity, innocence, kindness, joking...these external appearances can be 'acted' or imitated. Only eyes, one's eyes cannot deceive others."

"That boy looks like he is only eleven or twelve years old, but his eyes, I can't say, but it looks like something only a hundred-year-old man would show." Christian breathed out: "That kind of calmness, right? He no longer cares about everything, his eyes are so calm that he may even be indifferent to life and death, it is absolutely impossible for him to belong to a child!"

The trembling words are the remaining fear after a huge impact on life experience.

Cole Dorian, who frowned, turned to look at Anson who was standing aside. The latter shook his head slightly, denying his guess.

Of course Anson knew what he was thinking. Whether a curse mage opens a field or uses magic, he will definitely leave traces and aura, and the more powerful the magic, the more obvious the effect. Even a blasphemy mage or apostle cannot do this. Violate.

To be more precise, the higher the level of conjurers, the more difficult it is for them to hide their traces and aura, because they - or they - essentially no longer belong to this world, and are mutually exclusive with the laws of nature. , the consequences of using magic are as clear as dropping red paint into a glass filled with clear water.

A similar example is Rune... Not to mention using power, even if you move from one place to another, there will be effects visible to the naked eye wherever you go.

But this time... nothing, nothing.

After drinking all the coffee in the cup, Christian, who had calmed down a little, stood up silently and left the attic alone. He did not forget to close the door for the two of them - implying that he would never eavesdrop on their conversation. .

Cole Dorian threw away the cigarette butt that had been extinguished long ago and closed the window at the same time. The attic where there was suddenly no sound was quiet and even a little strange.

"Do you think...if it's really Machia, do we still have a chance of winning?"

The chief inquisitor's tone was very unconfident, and his expression was even more nervous than Christian looked just now: "It doesn't matter, to be honest, I can handle it."

Anson did not answer immediately and gave a soft smile.

"...I think your question is the best answer."

"Oh, really?"

Nodding lightly, Cole Dorian couldn't help but look out the window and then at the attic stairs, as if he was looking for something to hide his inner uneasiness.

He panicked, but it was not because he had to fight an apostle and had no chance of winning, but because the apostle Machias appeared in Clovis itself.

According to the tradition of the Inquisition, the whereabouts of any apostle must be monitored and tracked by the local Inquisitor organization, and reported immediately to the Inquisitors in the area where the other party passes and where they arrive, and share all the information at hand.

Yes, there is a tacit understanding between the apostles and the Church of Order, but it is only a "tacit understanding"...the two parties are not actually enemies in the complete sense. After all, the church has never thought of completely wiping out all the old god sects, and the apostles As the top of evolution, they are constantly impacting the existence of "perfect life". In fact, they are not very interested in "big plans" and restoring the glory of the old god sect in the past.

But just like Rune suddenly wants to leave Clovis and go to the new world to create his own kingdom, no one can guarantee what these beings who cannot be truly restricted will do in the next second; no matter how powerful their opponents are, Crazy, the Inquisitor will always be the first firewall to protect the world of order.

But this time, Cole Dorian did not receive any information about Machia.

Not only the Holy See, but even he himself did not receive the information from other inquisitor organizations. The target had already appeared openly in the city of Clovis, less than one street away from Clovis Cathedral... He and everyone Inquisitor Clovis was still unaware and knew nothing.

There can only be one answer to this, and that is that Judge Clovis and the entire Truth-Seeking Order have been completely abandoned.

The Inquisitors are not a quasi-military such as the Knights of Judgment, nor are they a world kingdom of Order with territory and regular armies; each Inquisitor is always the weak side when faced with the Old God elements that must be hunted.

After all, even if there are many talented people, they are still unable to deal with the Old God sect members who have all kinds of strange abilities and most of them are even armed; the only thing an inquisitor can trust and rely on is always another inquisitor and a higher-level organization.

Intelligence, weapons, reinforcements... With these, they can put aside all worries, hunt the target alone, and nip hidden dangers in the bud at the minimum cost.

But now, the inquisitor of the Seeking Truth Order has become an abandoned orphan because of his own choices.

Cole Dorian was no longer guessing, but was extremely convinced of this... It was the choice he made during the mutiny that allowed the Inquisition to completely isolate the entire Truth-Seeking Order.

He lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, and said nothing.


"This...actually we already knew it, but we never told him."

In the living room of the apartment, Sera Vergil, who was half leaning on the sofa, had an expressionless face: "If I had to say a specific time, there were already signs of this during the siege of King Yser's Court. "

"The approval that Cole Dorian was able to successfully serve as chief inquisitor came so quickly is also related to the attitude of the upper echelons of the inquisition; the semi-independent tendency of the Clovis diocese in the past few decades, and the truth-seeking cultivators who were caught in the middle The meeting also encountered a lot of suspicion; but Captain Lawrence's qualifications are too deep, so he will not be marginalized as much as he is now."

"Is Captain Lawrence's qualifications very deep?"

Anson, who was sitting next to her, spoke as if he was asking or talking to himself.

"He is a direct descendant of the Holy See and the heir of the Bertolt family, one of the most prestigious thirteen 'Inquisitor families'. His bloodline can even be traced back to the Dark Ages when the church was first established, and he is not far behind the bloodline of the Seven Knights. "The female judge glanced at him coldly:

"In comparison, 'Dorian the Executioner' is just like the Clovis royal family, an upstart with only a few hundred years of history. Otherwise, why do you think a proud and arrogant guy like Cole would admit that he is inferior to Captain Lawrence?" ?”

"No, that's not what I meant." Anson sighed: "I just suddenly learned that there is such a thing as seniority among judges, and I was a little bit emotional."

"Wherever there are people, this kind of situation will never be absent." Sierra tilted her head and her tone was intriguing: "But as its beneficiaries, it is better for you and me to be a little grateful."

"Uh..." Anson smiled a little awkwardly: "You mean, just because Captain Lawrence's qualifications are high enough, we can..."

"Completely correct."

The female judge raised her eyebrows slightly: "With him here, no one will deliberately make things difficult for the Seeking Truth Cult. They can use the excuse of 'surveillance' to recruit me as a spell caster, or they can use 'no evidence' as an excuse. For a long time, a certain lieutenant colonel...ah, now it is the lieutenant general who has been arrested and executed."

"When we first met at the Clovis Truth newspaper, the reason why Captain Lawrence came forward in person, do you think it was just because of the gangsters who were affected by low-level potions like 'Death Horn'?"

"Without the Archbishop's entrustment, a certain Lieutenant General's military career would have ended that evening."

Anson was stunned for a moment, then silently showed a self-deprecating smile.

"Without the protection of Captain Lawrence, the only option is to let the heir of the 'Dorian family', who is also respected in the Holy See, serve as the chief inquisitor and protect the unpopular Inquisitor Clovis." Serra Said softly:

"But Cole's qualifications are too junior, and Dorian's name is far less famous than Bertot. From that day on, it is only a matter of time before the Truth Seeking Order is completely abandoned by the Tribunal."

"For Cole Dorian, it was a difficult decision he made that led to this result; but for his colleagues in the Truth-Seeking Order, this day just came a little early."

Anson nodded slightly and picked up Lisa's favorite strawberry cake on the table: "Is it because... Qiuzhen Sect?"

"Yes, the Truth-seeking Order... is the last remaining trace of the Truth-seeking religious sect that gave birth to Saint Isaac." Serra Virgil laughed out loud:

"It is really an inexplicable irony that a sect whose top priority is to write books and establish knowledge and study, is the last successor to a group of executioners and hunters."

"The Holy See has sent chief inquisitors one after another who are not from Clovis. However, they have never been able to change the background of this group. They have even assimilated many of them, so that the independence of the Truth-Seeking Order has not only remained unchanged. Weak, there is a trend of getting stronger.”

"I guess... this is probably the blessing of Saint Isaac, right? Even though he has been dead for more than a hundred years, he still haunts the Holy See and uses various methods to cause trouble for the Holy See, so that they will never have peace."

This is true. If you think about it, including the Order of Truth, the Crecy family, the Society of Truth, the Rune family, the "Great Magic Book", and Isaac Rand's own notes, it seems that all of them are related to this saint. Relevant people, organizations and things are all causing endless trouble for the Holy See... Anson couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"So... you, the whole truth-seeking cultivator, don't actually care about the fact that the enemy is an apostle, right?"

"Of course I don't care, because what can I do even if I care?" The female judge glanced at him: "You should be the person who knows the apostle's strength best. Do you think we have a chance of winning?"

"No." Anson answered without hesitation: "Don't talk about a truth-seeking sect. Even if you include the entire Tribunal, I don't think there is a possibility of winning."

He had seen Rune's strength with his own eyes. In the face of that level of power, numbers were meaningless; rather, if they could really kill an apostle with strength, the holy war army of the Holy See would never choose to compromise in the end.

"That's it. Since there is no chance of winning, why do you still care?" Sera Vigil's tone seemed to be answering a question, but also seemed to be self-deprecating and self-deprecating: "The result is nothing more than death, isn't it?"

"of course not."


"Of course we have no chance of winning if we defeat an apostle head-on, but if we just frustrate his goal, there is still hope." Anson said word by word:

"The enemy has absolutely no chance of winning... On the other hand, if he were not the enemy, would the situation be different?"

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