I will be crowned king

Chapter 1110 Subjects and King

Outside the inner city, Shotgun Club, lobby on the first floor.

As more and more militiamen took to the streets, the Storm Legion crossed the city and gathered outside the Osteria Palace. Representatives of various communities also gathered here, organized by the club and a few "Hearts" members. , launched a heated discussion on the next plan.

To be honest, most people didn't think too much about it at first, and they didn't have much hope for the "Citizens' Assembly" proposal. Most of them just finally found a reason, thinking about retaining the rights they gained after the mutiny. He was thinking about what he could do if it happened.

It was just that the incident happened too suddenly and too blatantly, which aroused a strong counterattack by the militiamen; more fear than anger - even the lieutenant general of the army and the chief of the Wang family's bodyguard dared to assassinate him openly, What will happen to militia leaders and community representatives like myself?

The panic-stricken militiamen rushed to the squares and streets, expelling and blocking the Whitehall Street police and Privy Council officials; and this impulse, like a headless fly, soon became secretly supported by the War Department and stormed. After entering the city, the legion began to gradually get rid of the initial chaos, and its self-confidence increased rapidly.

Thousands of citizens organized themselves spontaneously, including workers, beggars, small businessmen, leatherworkers, tabloid reporters... Groups that were once hostile to each other and constantly in conflict have suspended their conflicts: citizens in the inner city took the initiative to open the streets. , the representatives from the outer city passed through the middle of the road in an orderly manner, and even took the initiative to take off their hats and salute each other.

There was already a sea of ​​people outside the gate of the Shotgun Club, but there was no noise or crowding. Rich businessmen in rich clothes and workers in shirts and trousers sat on the same bench, quietly waiting for the results of the representatives' discussion.

In the crowded hall, the "bloody heart" representative of Teacher Erich stepped on the wine table, waved the King of Clovis flag, wine bottles and bayonets and spoke passionately:

"Why did the Privy Council dare not announce the assassins? Why did more than 20 members of the Privy Council die mysteriously, and why did representatives of three communities become scapegoats? They were clearly just legitimately protesting against the injustice of the new heating bill."

"Why? I'll tell you why, because the Privy Council is afraid, and the young and powerful ruling lord is afraid. He is afraid that the people who should have been obedient to him will unite, and he is afraid that we will find out that in fact we don't need him at all. !”

"Every representative here is elected by each street. Why? It's not because of your noble family background, but because the community and everyone recognize you. People who are born and raised in this community believe in you and believe in us. We will never betray their interests!"

“In the past, the Guards and the police were responsible for patrolling and maintaining law and order. Now it is young people from every household. Workers in factories take the initiative to patrol the streets. They are the people living here and know best who needs help and who needs help. The tax has not been paid yet, and the street lights are broken and need to be repaired... They all know that we can take care of ourselves, and there is no need for the Privy Councilor to come and make irresponsible remarks!"

As Teacher Erich smashed the wine bottle he was swinging against the wall, the audience burst into applause.

Immediately afterwards, representatives from various streets in the inner city and outer city came on stage one by one, reading community newspapers and protest letters sent by citizens. The atmosphere of the meeting became more and more intense, and everyone cheered every time, no matter how rich they were. A businessman, or a porter in a military factory.

In the past, the biggest contradiction between inner and outer urban areas was the gap between rich and poor - the inner city enjoyed the best public security, the most complete municipal construction, and the most abundant supply of materials, which was a symbol of civilization, prosperity, and upper class.

The outer cities bear the heaviest work, the worst living conditions, severe shortages of food and daily necessities, and produce 90% of the goods, but have 100% nothing to do with them, even if they join labor unions and gangs, Life safety is also constantly threatened by food contamination, dirty air, acute infectious diseases, poor factory safety measures, and death from overwork.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for both parties to have any sympathy for each other, but Ludwig, who was forced to take the blame, easily did something that ordinary people could not do - community representatives who were afraid of being annihilated by the Privy Council and the royal family. Join forces with the militiamen!

The meeting summarized a clear-cut declaration in a passionate and impassioned manner, including but not limited to arresting the assassins of Anson Bach and the Storm Legion, formally recognizing the status of representatives of each community - not the citizens' assembly - and surrendering through the citizens' assembly, and It must be announced publicly and no going back is allowed!

If the Privy Council did not agree, or if the final bill did not comply with the joint vote of the representatives, they would not lift the blockade of the streets of Clovis until the representatives were completely satisfied.

The so-called "complete satisfaction" means that Ludwig will step down from power, the Prime Minister's Office will be dissolved, and the Privy Council will be reorganized!

At the same time, Ludwig, who had just reached a private compromise with Sophia, Lady Caterina and others, also took the Citizens' Assembly bill to the Privy Council, and as expected was unanimously protested by all members.

It's not that they are against the Citizens' Assembly itself. After all, just looking at the Storm Legion outside the Osteria Palace, no one can understand the seriousness of the current situation. If you really want to be stubborn and refuse to compromise at all, then you really need to see See if your head is really tougher than a gun.

What really caused the MPs to insist on not letting up was the National Assembly Act after the Citizens' Assembly - allowing representatives from each province to form a National Assembly to unite the kingdom and discuss national policies.

Once the forces from other provinces are allowed to enter Clovis City, these wealthy families who are already in decline will immediately lose the last advantage of the "royal nobles", and the newly rising upstarts will also be forced to start competing again, which is obviously impossible to agree to.

But no matter whether it is "the status is not guaranteed" or "does not want to compete", such truth cannot be brought to the table, and as long as the citizens' assembly is opened, the nobles from other provinces who get the news will definitely not let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass. The opportunity is really completely passive.

Since I can't tell the truth, the reasons for bringing it out are naturally more and more outrageous: "The parliamentary system is a manifestation of backwardness and barbarism, and it will not work at all in civilized Clovis!"

"It is extremely irresponsible to the kingdom and the royal family to allow the people to interfere in politics. It is a blasphemy to the Privy Council and it is a blasphemy to the royal power!"

"Those people are just paid actors and puppets of Lieutenant General Anson Bach. He should be called over immediately and publicly complain about this shameless behavior that cannot restrain his subordinates and causes trouble to the Privy Council!"

"This is a riot, a complete riot. The army should be allowed to quickly suppress that group of thugs and let them know that the majesty of the royal family cannot be violated!"

Capture Anson Bach and reprimand him in public. Did you ask the inquisitor for permission, or did you get permission from the 8,000 Storm Legion soldiers outside?

Do you want the army to suppress the riots? Is there a possibility that this "riot" itself was precipitated by the War Department itself?

With unspeakable disappointment, Ludwig, as the ruler, left the Privy Council behind and went to the inner court alone to discuss matters with the Queen Mother about the Citizens' Assembly.

"...I have roughly heard Sophia mention the situation. Originally, His Majesty Nicholas also promised that as long as the New World Company shares are properly resolved, the citizens' assembly should also approve it, but..."

Queen Anne, who was sitting on the throne, sighed with her head down, her expression somewhat complicated: "Is it really true that there is no room for negotiation at all?"

"You may wish to ask your Minister of War and the personally appointed Chief of Royal Guards about this question later." Ludwig's face was frosty, and his voice sounded quite entangled:

"But... yes, the entire Clovis City has been completely agitated. If we don't give a satisfactory answer, or satisfy them, things may not end easily."

"But fortunately, they haven't done anything too ridiculous yet. They are not as disorderly as the last rebellion in Clovis City, nor are they as ambitious as the previous mutiny, trying to completely evade the royal family and monopolize power. Establish a dictatorial military government.”

"The Citizens' Council...all they want is this. As a cost to show His Majesty's kindness and love for the people, it is not particularly expensive."

"But it will become the trigger and Ludwig takes power." The Queen Mother said solemnly, hugging the little king's arm and exerting slight force:

"As you said, once you agree, things won't end so easily."

"Yes, if the citizens are agreed, soon the provincial governors who are still questioning the authority of His Majesty Nicholas, as well as the nobles, various organizations and forces outside the royal capital, will also make similar requests."

Ludwig nodded slightly: "In the end, besides agreeing, Your Majesty will probably not have any other choice."

The young king who was held in his arms widened his eyes. Just as he was about to say something, Anne covered his mouth.

"The National Assembly...if it can really help unite the kingdom and serve His Majesty, then there is nothing wrong with it." The Queen Mother said expressionlessly: "In the empire, knights unite around the emperor, and then the nobles assist the emperor. , which ensured the prosperity of the empire."

"The Clovis people do not have such a strong tradition of knights. It seems to be a good way to select good gentry from ordinary people to consult on state affairs. It is also easy for His Majesty and his subjects to be too embarrassed if they blindly drive servants and nobles to do things. Too much alienation is very detrimental to governing the country... What do you think of governing?"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Ludwig didn't want to say anything, all he could think about was wanting to strangle some bastard who framed him.

And he is now very sure that even if the Queen Mother in front of her is not personally involved, she must know something, otherwise she would never be able to act so calm and composed - just like she is very sure that the assassin will never hurt her.

"Then, Your Excellency, Your Majesty has decided to respond to the people's voice and pass the Citizens' Assembly Bill."

Anne paused and said sternly: "Please go to the Privy Council immediately and announce the result."

"This is natural, but..." Ludwig changed the subject:

"Things have reached the point where the Privy Council's public announcement of the bill may no longer be enough to quell the commotion and satisfy the hundreds of thousands of people outside."

"Then ruling means..."

"I'm afraid, it will only be effective if His Majesty personally ascends to the gate of Osteria Palace and personally announces this good news with thousands of people looking up to him."


"Of course, I fully understand that this is tantamount to putting His Majesty in danger. As His Majesty's minister, I really shouldn't do it." Ludwig had no expression on his face, and there was even a slight smile on his lips:

"But as Her Majesty the Queen Mother said, if you want to govern the country well, it is not enough for us servants and nobles to do it - Your Majesty, you must personally listen to the voices of the people."

The little king Nicholas, whose mouth was covered, stared at him without blinking.

"...Okay, I understand." Anne slowly raised her head and said meaningfully: "Your Majesty will go, but please also ask the governor to find the Minister of War to discuss matters related to your Majesty's safety - how many people and where. , to ensure that nothing goes wrong when His Majesty arrives, it is best to prepare in advance."

"As commanded."

Ludwig bowed and saluted: "Please excuse me and leave."

Looking at his back as he strode away without looking back, the expressionless Anne still covered Nicholas' mouth until the other party's footsteps could no longer be heard. It took several more minutes before she finally let go. .

"Rebel, he is the rebel of the kingdom!" Almost at the same time, the little king, who was already furious, blurted out and cursed outside: "And that Anson Bach, those mobs, they are all rebels, rebel... "


The slaps echoed in the inner court, and the sharp curses stopped abruptly.

Holding his hot cheeks, the little king looked at the Queen Mother inexplicably: "Mother..."

"From now on, I won't allow that word to appear in your mouth again." Anne's face turned extremely ugly: "Remember, Nicholas, those people are all loyal ministers left to you by your father. They are your You must treat each other with courtesy and remain respectful loyal ministers at all times.”

"But they..."

"It's nothing, just remember it!"

Anne raised her right hand again, and the frightened little king subconsciously avoided it, closed his eyes and waited for another slap.

But what followed was a gentle embrace.

"Remember, Nicholas, you are...the king." Anne's voice was trembling: "No matter how angry or wronged you are, you must never show it and let them find out that you hate them; never show your true side , exposed to your loyal ministers!"

"You have to take advantage of them and find their weaknesses so that they have to surrender to you, instead of venting your dissatisfaction as you please when you are powerless. Let the ministers see that their king is just a mortal, someone they can manipulate. , using and playing with the ears of mortals!”

"A king must be above his subjects!"

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