I will be crowned king

Chapter 1112 The Real Enemy

"Long live - long live - long live -..."

Earth-shaking cheers erupted in the Osteria Palace Square. The crowd, like a tidal wave of people, waved the Clovis flag in their hands, hugged each other with red faces and cried, leaving tears for the rest of their lives.

The elected community representatives and the people who came to protest together did not know what the final outcome would be. Even if the Storm Legion maintained vigilance at the scene, no one could guarantee the scene of the previous mutiny. Clovis in the Hundred Years of Saints The bloody suppression during the city rebellion will not be repeated; if the king still refuses to accept the appeal and the Privy Council refuses to recognize their identity, what will be the final result.

But they came anyway, waiting outside the Osteria Palace with the expectations of three hundred thousand militiamen and the desire of hundreds of communities in the city to govern themselves.

They succeeded.

Almost as soon as he finished reading the announcement, the little king was frightened by the reaction of the crowd in the square and fell unconscious. There was a panic at the city gate. The bewildered guards, under the command of the ugly-faced Queen Mother, forced the king to stand up and pretended to accept it. The people cheered, and they kept trying various methods to wake them up, but to no avail. They could only hold on for more than ten minutes and then ended hastily.

But this actually didn't matter at all, because the people below didn't care about it at all. Hundreds of relieved representatives squeezed through the crowd while crying and laughing, anxious to deliver the good news to the Shotgun Club and tell those who were still anxious. Waiting companions.

Several Storm Legion officers who were also members of the "Red Heart" organization also found a way to find a few carriages for them, but this was actually no longer needed: the cheers in the square had already spread to the surrounding streets, and those who were still protesting The militiamen rushed to spread the good news of their great success to the outer streets.

However, as a city with a population of one million, even this speed of transmission is still not fast enough...especially when various communities are still in a state of lockdown and are confronting the police on Whitehall Street. Moreover, even if they know that they have succeeded, just by shouting , and it is simply impossible to convey the true nature of the matter to everyone.

In fact, even Ludwig misjudged the situation and thought that the entire city of Clovis had launched a riot. In fact, the vast majority of people did not know very well what happened, or as long as it had nothing to do with their daily lives, they They don't care at all; the only ones who are really on top are those who participated in the militia and those community representatives who have temporarily gained autonomy.

But even so, the scale has reached 300,000, and the affected groups have spread to the entire city. It seems that the whole city is rioting and protesting, but in fact, they have no understanding of the current situation and have no intention of speaking out. That's the vast majority.

"Immediately think of a way to call the editors-in-chief of various newspapers and ask them to re-edit the speech and the bill of the Citizens' Assembly announced by His Majesty in a way that ordinary people can understand and understand, and send it out as a front-page headline!"

Outside the Privy Council, the impatient Sophia found Angelica. She was so excited that she even spoke faster: "By the way, we also need to contact the printing factory and paper mill - speed up printing, preferably this evening. One hundred thousand...no, three hundred thousand copies were sent out before!"

"Miss..." The maid stretched out her hand pitifully to interrupt.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, well, Angelica doesn't mind helping you contact the editors-in-chief of the newspaper, but...everywhere in Clovis City is now blocked. Colonel Fabian just sent someone to inform you that it's best not to After leaving the Privy Council so easily, many over-excited community representatives have already clashed with the Whitehall Street police, and their legionnaires have to find a way to mediate."

"Besides, even if it is found, with the current chaotic situation in Clovis City, it will not be as easy to contact as usual. Where will the printed newspaper find people who can be taken to various communities in the city and sold smoothly? "

The little maid became more and more aggrieved as she spoke, and was about to burst into tears.

"That's true..." Sophia frowned slightly, and she finally realized the problem - if she wanted to find a newspaper in the currently chaotic Clovis City, she would have to publish the news on the front page immediately, and then make the newspaper successful. Sending it out would be quite difficult.

But if she didn't seize this golden opportunity and make the Citizens' Council the consensus of the entire Clovis City, wouldn't this great opportunity be wasted? No matter how she thought about it, she felt unwilling to do so.

"As for how to contact the newspaper and publish the news in the newspaper, I have a small suggestion..."

Slow words sounded from behind. The girl turned around in shock and subconsciously blurted out:


"As the Minister of War, is it so unbelievable for you to see the Archbishop outside the palace gate?" Archbishop Luther's face was filled with a faint smile:

"Although the city of Clovis is in chaos at the moment, the newspaper office of "Morning News" has not been affected in any way because it is protected by Clovis Cathedral. The manpower there plus the editor of the "Kingdom Loyal News" of the Ministry of War, combined temporarily Emergency should be enough.”

"The same goes for the printing factory. Due to the heavy workload of the Ministry of War, there should be enough inventory in the inventory for at least three months, which can be temporarily used. The printing factories on both sides are also protected by the army. There is no need to worry about being affected by riots and being unable to start operations. The problem."

As he spoke, the Archbishop couldn't help but smile and shake his head: "Sophia, your problem is exactly the opposite of Ludwig - you believe too much in the power of money, and you always think about how to achieve it through bribery and wooing. own purpose."

"Don't forget, you are now the Minister of War! Even if Ludwig takes away the power of the Privy Council and completely empties the royal cabinet, the War Department, which has hundreds of thousands of troops, will still be at your disposal. Trouble Just leave it to them to solve.”

Luther Franz's tone was calm, as if he was doing something trivial.

"Thank you." Looking at her father who had somehow become "tolerant and kind" and very enthusiastic towards her, Sophia suddenly didn't know what to say: "Just... why?"


"Why do you want to help me?" The girl couldn't help but ask: "Ludwig is the heir to the Franz family, shouldn't you..."

Luther Franz smiled: "So you want me to help your brother too, right?"

"No! I..." Sophia pursed her lips tightly and suddenly lost her composure: "I, I just think that you have always paid more attention to him than me. After all..."

"I value each of you, even Roman. You are all my family, and in my eyes you are all my children." The old man shook his head and looked at the pretty figure hiding next to him:

"Of course, including dear Angelica... I have always felt that I am a very lucky person to be able to have two daughters at the same time."

As soon as the words fell, the little maid almost cried with excitement.

"Of course, from your perspective, you may always feel that I am deliberately obstructing you. If you really think so, that's okay - success without an opponent is not enough to be called a victory."

The old man waved his hand: "But just printing the newspapers is probably not enough. We still have to find a way to get them through most of Clovis City and deliver them to every citizen. Only by letting them know about this can it be considered a victory. am I right?"

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Sophia, who realized something, couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Could it be that you can't even do this..."

"No, no, dear Sophia, you seem to have misunderstood. I don't have that much ability."

That being said, the meaning conveyed by the old man's expression was not the same; with an unspeakable smile, he slowly moved away from a figure behind him: "However, this friend of mine seems to be very knowledgeable and can help you solve this problem. "

While they were talking and laughing, a guy with a face full of embarrassment and almost having reluctance etched on his forehead suddenly appeared.

"It's you?!" Sophia and Angelica said in unison.

"The trainee priest Karin Jacques would like to say hello to everyone... It's been a long time, dear Miss Sophia."

The helpless Karin Jacques still did not forget to salute the two of them: "It is a great honor to be able to serve you again this time."

Just when she wanted to do something, help came, but the girl was not excited at all. On the contrary, she instinctively felt that something was not right about this matter, and she faintly realized that her own purpose seemed to be used.

But...if it's the father, it shouldn't matter, right?

"Can you really take the newspaper to the outer city and spread the news throughout Clovis?"

"Of course, if I didn't have this ability, how could I dare to come to you and ask for this job?"

"……How to do it?"

"You don't need to ask. Just be prepared for the reward corresponding to your labor." As if thinking of something, the trainee priest sighed:

"To put it simply...I have a lot of friends."


Brammen Street, No. 55.

Listening to the roaring cheers outside, Karl couldn't help but put down the fork in his hand, turned and glanced out the window: "It seems that there was a lot of movement at the Osteria Palace, and Ludwig still chose to compromise. "

"Well, probably." Anson smiled lightly: "But it's not enough. The temporary victory must be turned into a real advantage. Otherwise, Ludwig will still have ten thousand ways to make the Citizens' Council useless. .”

"But... this has nothing to do with me. Someone will do it."

"Yes, yes, even if Miss Sophia doesn't know anything, she will definitely follow someone's plan."

Karl rolled his eyes: "But since even she can realize it, wouldn't Major General Ludwig try to stop it?"

"Of course not." Anson shrugged:

"If I'm not wrong, he will even take the initiative to let the Whitehall Street police open the road to prevent them from having disputes with the community militia, and tacitly allow the news about the Citizens' Council to spread."

"...Do you think he is too stupid?"

"On the contrary, Major General Ludwig is an absolutely smart man, and I have always respected him." Anson immediately became more serious, with the words "Don't talk nonsense" as if engraved on his forehead:

"It is this kind of respect that makes me so confident - in his cognitive concept, ordinary people are useless, their ideas are worthless, and even a drag on what they want to accomplish. Things can only succeed if a dozen or at most dozens of elites gather together and contribute their strength, wisdom and wealth."

"That's true. After all, he is a young master from a wealthy family. It's not surprising that he would have such thoughts."

The chief of staff picked up the last piece of beef on the dinner plate and ate it: "And I think there is nothing wrong with thinking this way. Isn't that the case for a certain commander-in-chief?"

"It should be said, it's the complete opposite, right?" Anson smiled and handed over his fork, but Karl pushed it back in disgust: "I have always believed that only by complying with the ideas of the vast majority of people can things succeed."

"When we were in Thunder Castle, no one wanted to confront the Imperial Knights in the castle head-on. The only way to win was by sneak attack on a rainy night."

"When we were in Hantu, everyone's idea was to survive. After surviving, they thought about taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. After making money, they began to think about establishing meritorious deeds and finishing the establishment."

"As for the colonies... everyone has only one idea, and that is that they do not want to obey the voice of the old continent, no matter the empire, Clovis or the three North Sea countries; independence, as long as they can be independent, no matter what they do and what price they pay, they are willing. "

"And this time I just followed the voice of the majority of people."

"Follow the sound...?" Karl snorted softly:

"It seems like someone came up with the idea of ​​the citizens' council or something, right?"

"The idea is not important. It is a castle in the air. What is important is whether it can meet the demands of the vast majority of people. Give them hope and let them see with their own eyes that it can be done. Hope...will turn into a miracle." Anson's expression Gradually get serious:

"So, those who can truly understand this are our enemies."


"Is this, is this true?"

In the Imperial Embassy, ​​even if he heard from the most trusted confidant, Brandley's face was still extremely shocked: "The Queen Mother and the Privy Council have already passed that bill?"

"It's absolutely true!" The confidant nodded heavily: "I heard that the mob is running around to tell each other, and they are rushing to print newspapers, preparing to spread the bad news throughout Clovis City and bring all the citizens in!"

"The royal family compromised with its subjects, the army sided with the thugs, and the nobles submitted obediently... This kind of thing is simply unheard of!"

The pale-faced Brandley shook his head repeatedly: "The Clovis people are really unreasonable. They are indeed a barbaric and uncivilized country. They have abandoned even the most basic dignity... Where are our people? What are they doing?"

"Ah, they have been assembled and on standby in accordance with the orders of the Holy See."

"Stand by, what to do?"

"Create chaos, and... intercept and kill the thugs who spread the news!"

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