I will be crowned king

Chapter 1115 Answer

"Hey, you actually know."

William turned back with some surprise, and the strange brilliance in his eyes made Elizabeth tremble instinctively - that was definitely not the expression that ordinary researchers would have when they discovered a "fellow".

If I had to say it, it was closer to...rare research material.

"Even within the monastery, scholars who study ancient runes are rare. They are usually used to decipher certain ancient documents that cannot be deciphered, or specific personal notes of Saint Isaac. He seemed to be very keen on using them for a while. This special way of recording..." With her throat twitching hard, Elizabeth forced herself to calm down:

"I...I don't know, these runes can be used...to simulate laws..."

"Yes, yes...that's because your knowledge is too superficial, or someone may have deliberately concealed basic common sense from you, or you."

William glared at a pair of dark circles, and his tone revealed his superiority: "But you are right about one thing. The function of ancient runes is to decipher. Of course, this is purely a misunderstanding with strong prejudice. Its actual function is communicate."

"You can communicate with another completely unknown writing system by 'cracking' documents, so why can't you go one step further and communicate with visible or invisible substances, or even certain concepts, such as time?"

"Ignoring those mediocre people who directly believe that this kind of thing is against common sense and impossible, I also admit that it is objectively difficult to achieve this, but I always firmly believe that 'people'... can be completely equal to another person. , but there is absolutely no way to establish contact or even establish trust with a being that you truly understand, so if you have the courage to have a basic communication with another being that is completely different and has absolutely no conflict of interest, there is nothing worth making a fuss about."

Elizabeth looked at the other person blankly, her eyes a little dull.

As we all know, realms and laws are the true essence of a conjurer, but now a human being, a human being who is not even a genius, actually says... that he wants to truly understand the laws of an apostle?

Did he really not see anything wrong with this?

"...I didn't refute your idea, just like I don't think I can provide you with any help." Elizabeth looked at the madman in her eyes:

"But have you ever considered that an apostle... even with the lowest speculation, the amount of information contained in his laws has far exceeded the scope of human understanding - just like the reason why magic is called magic , the reason why the power of blood is regarded as the blessing of the Ring of Order is because it is completely unknowable... huh?"

Elizabeth's pupils shrank slightly and her words stopped abruptly.

The expressionless William suddenly took out a bright silver pendant from his collar, which contained three overlapping runes.

As if the sterling silver is alive, it is constantly changing rapidly between liquid and solid state, and the three runes are constantly intertwining, twisting, and melting with each other.

After a moment, the technical advisor who seemed to have gotten the answer put away the pendant. He first glanced at the door subconsciously, and then looked back at the knight of the Judgment Knights in front of him: "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"


Elizabeth's mind suddenly went blank. She was no longer shocked. What happened in front of her was too unbelievable and completely beyond the scope of understanding.

"Ah... you are absolutely right. The amount of information contained in the field and laws of a conjurer completely exceeds the limits that normal humans can understand. Even if it is presented to us without reservation, the best result is probably to be The onslaught of information you don’t understand turns you into a complete lunatic.”

"Therefore, the best solution... is to use inhuman means to integrate and compress the information until it is understandable by 'human beings.'"

As he spoke, William stepped back to the door, holding the door handle with his right hand: "This kind of information can be expressed in many ways. Of course, it is best to understand it with the naked eye, but 'understanding' itself is a It is an extremely subjective concept, just like how someone who never opens his eyes or always covers his ears feels about the world. The ontology of understanding will definitely not change, but the answers may be very different."


As he finished speaking, the technical advisor turned around and opened the door. Jason, the cavalry battalion commander who was standing outside and was about to knock on the door, was stunned on the spot, holding up a thick stack of documents at a loss.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency, the Cavalry Battalion Commander." William did not hesitate, he took the document directly and thanked him, not forgetting to shake hands:

"By the way, allow me to talk more, you'd better start organizing your soldiers to be alert and defensive now - in a few minutes, there may be some malicious guys around here to attack; of course they are not your opponents, please Let’s show the strength of the Storm Legion to the people of Clovis City!”

After saying that, a rather deliberate smile suddenly appeared on William's face, and then he closed the door with a "bang!"

Staring at his back, Elizabeth was so frightened that she couldn't help herself, her lips were trembling:

"You...can predict the future?"

"Precognition? No, no, no...it's troublesome to explain the problem to people who have no common sense. Are there really only a few people with strong understanding ability like Mr. Anson Bach?" The technical consultant sighed:

"The key to the problem is never cracking, but communication... No matter whether it is time or material, there is no difference between them and people; as long as your thoughts have not touched the boundary, never doubt whether you can - once doubt arises, the result will be At that moment, being locked from the unknown became inevitable.”

As he spoke, he slammed the document on the table in front of Elizabeth.

"This, this is..."

"The data just obtained by the difference machine was sent here before - you don't think that without your help, there is really nothing we can do here, do you?" William shrugged:

"It's a big project to integrate all the data. I can't spend my energy on this kind of inefficient repetitive work. Those soldiers don't even have the common sense to distinguish whether the data is useful, so..."

"Dear Miss Elizabeth Lemon, the time has come to put your talents into play - it is easy to inform you that you will officially become a member of this 'Magic Apostle Law Decoding Group'!"

"This team has no salary, no holidays, and a working time limit of twelve hours. If the task is not completed by the time..."

"...Well, don't worry, I won't be as cruel as your last master and let you continue to live in such pain."


Osteria Palace, Privy Council.

The rumble of military boots broke the quarrel among the MPs, and pairs of surprised eyes looked at the heavily armed Whitehall Street police who suddenly filed in from the doors on both sides of the hall.

Since the Clovis Rebellion, the originally unruly Guards have been completely reorganized from an army directly under the royal family to a security force under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council, and all personnel budgets must be approved by the Privy Council; this has seriously weakened the recent The fighting power of the Guards was strong, but this armed force was firmly controlled by the entire Privy Council.

Both the reformists and the conservatives were quite satisfied with this result; after all, it was always difficult for them to speak forcefully when facing the War Office without their own weapons, and the entire Whitehall Street Police was placed under the Privy Council. , and can also ensure that it will not easily fall into the hands of any single person, avoiding the possibility of being blackmailed in turn.

But this too-good dream was shattered by a mutiny: the Whitehall Street police's combat effectiveness was as good as that of the temporarily organized militia in front of the standing army, and the upper limit of morale was quite high, because there was no possibility of retreat; the most worthwhile What is commendable is its retreat efficiency, which can often turn militiamen who fail to respond in time into human shields for blocking the enemy.

And it was such an army that was not even enough to show off. In the end, even the basic hope at the beginning no longer existed: no one could fully grasp this armed force that could move freely in Clovis City.

There are five hundred members of the Privy Council, so the weapons belonging to the Privy Council cannot be completely controlled by one person. So what if the entire Privy Council is also controlled by one person?


Like a heavy death knell, the sound of cold military boots came from outside the door; Army Major General Ludwig Franz, Prime Minister of the Privy Council of Clovis, stood outside the door and glanced coldly at everyone present.

A chilling atmosphere filled the air.

"Good afternoon, distinguished members of parliament." With compliments, Ludwig walked into the hall: "Seeing that everyone is still working hard for the kingdom and working tirelessly, as the governor, I I really feel a little ashamed.”

"If you think about it seriously, since I took office, it seems that I have never seriously discussed with you about Clovis and the future of the Privy Council, major matters related to the future and destiny of the kingdom, and I have never asked about everyone's private daily life."

"As someone who has been jointly elected by everyone to represent the entire Privy Council and govern the country for His Majesty, it is really undeserved."

Words full of regret echoed in everyone's ears.

And what he responded to was a storm of curses:

"Ludwig Franz, letting the army enter the Privy Council is the most serious act of treason. What on earth are you doing?!"

"Arrogant! You are so arrogant. Who do you think you are? Are you planning to coerce the Privy Council and evade His Majesty?!"

"Whitehall Street policemen, don't be fooled by this traitor to the kingdom. Think of your past glory as a member of the Guards and catch this damn thief for His Majesty!"

"It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous...Ludwig, please stop now before it's too late..."

Curse, roar, regret, shock...

Ludwig remained silent, watching everyone in the hall perform with a joking expression, and then slowly raised his right hand.


The Whitehall Street policemen who surrounded the hall uniformly put their guns on their shoulders, loaded their ammunition, and closed their guns.

In an instant, the hall became quiet again.

After another moment, the frost-faced ruler slowly spoke:

"Everyone, I am glad that the safety of the kingdom can always be concerned in our hearts. As a member of the Privy Council, this is not only our right but also the most important responsibility; because defending the country is the sacred obligation of the nobles."

"Never doubt a noble's loyalty to the kingdom... This is common sense I learned when I was very young, because the rich will betray for money, the people will be deceived, the officials will be greedy, and they will flatter the lord and treat the despicable people below. .”

"A noble, and only a noble, will never betray his kingdom, because he is also one of the masters of this kingdom; the king of Clovis is not the only master of the kingdom, but shares the supreme rights of the kingdom with the nobles."

Ludwig said calmly: "So if the book says 'Which class is absolutely loyal', this is the answer."

"I was convinced of this in the past. Even when I met some people who were against me, I thought they just had political differences with me. Everyone's loyalty to the kingdom is unquestionable and there is no essential difference."

"So... you can imagine how shocked and confused I was when I learned that a noble had tipped off the people of the empire, leaked important information about Clovis, and even assisted the other party in doing things that harmed the kingdom and even the safety of the royal family. .”

"The answer turned into the question itself at this moment. Some nobles were disloyal to the kingdom. This unbelievable thing is completely beyond my imagination. The most troublesome thing is that I even know who is secretly colluding with the empire."

"This makes me very painful, because if I tell His Majesty the truth, it will be equivalent to entrusting this heavy suffering to a young child, and in front of his knowledge, his ministers are absolutely loyal. Yes, doing so is tantamount to destroying His Majesty's trust in the entire aristocratic class." Ludwig's tone became increasingly cold:

"As your Majesty's loyal minister and the governor of the Privy Council, I can't let this happen, let alone let there be any distrust between your Majesty and the nobles, or even the Privy Council; if I have to bear hardships, then I don't mind bearing it!"

As he spoke, Ludwig slowly took out a list from his coat pocket - if Anson were here, he would find that the names on it are exactly the same as the one he got at the coronation ceremony.

A panicky atmosphere filled the hall. Many figures hiding in the back row began to look around in panic. They seemed to want to escape, but they were lucky that they would not be discovered. They were also worried that they would be caught on the spot if they escaped. Kill... looking forward and backward, constantly swinging between running or not running.

But Ludwig doesn't have that much patience. He only has one chance today to take advantage of the chaos to eradicate dissidents in the Privy Council and force most of the members to be loyal to him:

"In the past, I never had any doubts about the answer to that question, but now the new question has questioned me, so everyone, be loyal and willing to dedicate all your efforts to the Kingdom of Clovis..."

"Please, give me an answer!"

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