I will be crowned king

Chapter 1118 Collision of Laws

"Major General Ludwig Franz, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the South, Prime Minister of the Privy Council and Executive Chancellor:

In addition to showing my sincerity in cooperating, I have only two purposes for sending this letter to you at this time. The first is to prove to you that I am still alive and not in danger. Of course, you must have known this for a long time. The explanation is only to prove that your guess is completely correct.

Secondly, I think it is necessary to tell you the truth of the matter: the person who attacked me is related to the empire, but the other party also received the assistance of the Holy See of the Church of Order. The inquisitors of Clovis Cathedral and the Order of Truth were completely They were kept in the dark - of course they now know it.

I guess you are taking advantage of the opportunity to clean up the dissidents in the Privy Council and want to find evidence that is involved with the Empire or the Holy See. I would like to sincerely advise you not to continue to do useless work. The other party is very powerful, and even more so. To be precise, it should be powerful enough to crush the entire city of Clovis, but due to certain restrictions, it cannot directly pose a threat to us.

For the Holy See and the Empire, let Clovis be completely messed up, so that they can later have a legitimate excuse and reason to intervene like they did at the Ysel Elf Court.

Frankly speaking, the chance that we can prevent them from doing this is very slim: the division and chaos of Clovis's political situation is an established fact, and it will be difficult for the groups behind you and me to compromise and cooperate with the other party; and at present, it is impossible to Due to the various riots in Lovi City and the previous time of the Old God Sect gang, the Holy See actually had an excuse to intervene.

In the past, His Majesty Carlos II and Archbishop Luther collaborated internally and externally, so that the Holy See did not even have a chance to intervene; now that His Majesty has passed away, Archbishop Luther has retreated behind the scenes - if the situation continues to ferment, I don’t think Queen Mother Anne will She would give up the help of her brother, the Emperor of the Empire, for the sake of the Kingdom of Clovis.

Therefore, I have a proposal: dissolve the Privy Council in the name of the Prime Minister's Office, immediately convene representatives from Clovis provinces to discuss matters related to the National Assembly bill, and then re-establish the Privy Council.

During this period, in order to prevent political chaos and the country from losing control, the Prime Minister's Office can fully delegate all the powers and responsibilities of the Privy Council; the dismissed members can be recalled and hired in the name of departmental committees, and their privileges will remain the same as before, and a 'meeting allowance' will be added. 'As compensation.

There are two advantages to doing this: first, the Privy Council is dissolved. Queen Anne and Her Majesty Nicholas - and of course Sophia and I - will completely lose the opportunity to interfere and meddle in administrative power. Our hands are stained with blood; as for our side, as long as we can pass the National Assembly bill, it is the greatest victory.

Second, from now on until the National Assembly is established and the Privy Council is reorganized, you will be the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Clovis, with absolute power and no need to take into account anyone; and by disbanding the Privy Council, we will also Able to win over and unite community representatives, the general public and the many middle- and lower-level military officers who were extremely resentful of the Privy Council.

Everyone is happy, and the most important thing is to establish a new consensus; only in this way can the empire and the Holy See forces entrenched in the city be defeated. This is also the only way I can think of to break the situation.

Note: Although you may not believe this, when you read this letter, or even when I wrote this letter, the other party has fully understood all my plans; whether you agree or not, they will definitely All will take action immediately, or have already taken action.

Your subordinate, Lieutenant Colonel Anson Bach, commander of the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Fort Thunder Infantry Division..."

... Leaving the letter on the table, Ludwig remained silent for a long time, unable to calm down.

Whether it was the truth of the entire incident or the suggestions made by Anson Bach, they were far beyond his imagination; it seemed that from the day this man returned to Clovis City, the situation in the kingdom and the various chaos that emerged one after another were completely different. Like a wild horse that had escaped its reins, it began to run wildly out of control.

After a full ten minutes, he finally raised his head and looked at the opposite side with complicated eyes: "Did you...did you expect that the situation would become like this from the beginning, and that's why you decided to do that?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Facing his son's gaze, Luther Franz, who was sitting in front of the fireplace to warm himself, took a puff of his pipe and said in a very calm tone: "I was not the one who killed Carlos, nor was I the one who promoted the mutiny. The person who made Wei Cheng look like this is also not me."

"Dear Ludwig, you sound as if this is all my fault, but in fact it is not. I understand that you must be feeling very heavy right now, but you seem to have found the wrong person to blame."


Ludwig, whose blood was rising, was speechless. He clenched his fists and stared at his father: "But these are all what you expected, aren't they?!"

"It was because you guessed that the situation in Clovis would usher in a new change from the collapse that you made up your mind to give up on Carlos II and let the Holy See and the Empire put their hands in to promote the development of the situation... Yes, just like back then. You had already guessed what happened during the rebellion in Clovis City, so you were so eager to let my legions march north into the city without receiving orders, and established a brand new police system!"

"I know, I have always known! Father, although you seem to have always surrendered to the Holy See, you are actually always doing the same thing as the Qiuzhen Sect. If you want to ensure the independence of Clovis, you must balance politics and religion. Isolate myself from the empire on two levels to avoid becoming a pawn of either party and end up with the same fate as Hantu and the Iser Elf Kingdom - I understand!"

"So tell me, what is the right thing to do?!" Ludwig stared at his father and gritted his teeth: "Are you only willing to tell me the truth at the last moment, when you don't say no? "

Looking at his son silently, Luther just sighed.

"No one can predict the future, no one can never make mistakes, and no one can fight against the entire world... Even the apostles couldn't do it." The archbishop narrowed his eyes:

"We are all just a small part of this world, one in millions; what can we decide and change? Even if we have the best eloquence, can we convince a thousand people face to face and change the mind of ten thousand people? Do you want to change your mind? No matter how much wealth and power you have, can you make someone who is willing to die give up the thing he cherishes most and hand it over obediently? "

"Father, I'm talking to you about the most important thing at hand. I don't have time to discuss theology."

Ludwig's face showed a trace of impatience. When had this happened, and he was still preaching to himself here?

"What I'm talking about is the most important thing." The Archbishop put down the pipe at the corner of his mouth:

"The reason why you want to get the answer from me is because you think I am 'special'. Furthermore, you also think that you and Anson Bach are both special. You think that as long as you get a positive answer from me, Together, the two of you can end this chaos and 'win' victory."

"It is precisely because he discovered this that he wrote this letter to you in such a 'sincere' tone."

"So you still know something, right?" Ludwig's tone became slightly colder: "For example, the content of the letter."

"There's no need for that. Your expression and reaction just now have already revealed the truth."

The Archbishop shook his head: "In fact, you have been convinced by him. You have repeatedly wanted to get an answer from me, but you just hope to get a confirmation."

"It's just that my answer is bound to not be what you want, and you really don't want to appear as if you can be easily...used by others, so you look so angry; my dear Ludwig, stop trying to cover it up. , that’s the kind of person you are, there’s nothing to be ashamed of admitting.”

"I have never been ashamed of myself!" Ludwig said coldly: "Anyway, you just want to say that my talents are not as good as Anson Bbach, and I can only be used by him obediently, right?!"

"If you insist on thinking so, there's nothing I can do about it."

The Archbishop's face finally showed a hint of familiar helplessness: "In the final analysis, it's not as simple as you being used by him, or that he insists on using you; on the bright side, when he really makes up his mind to beg you, you He has actually taken the initiative in the situation; whether you agree or not, he cannot interfere or force you."

"It's just that you know very well in your heart that if you act according to Anson's plan, the benefits you can get will be the greatest; if you don't agree, the best result can only be losses for both parties; you regard this as the strength of Anson Bach, He successfully exploited your weakness and forced you to accept it."

"Is not it?"

"Yes or no, it depends on your perception. This is the premise that determines everything." Luther Franz looked out the window:

"In the eyes of Anson Bach, everything is just a part of the plan; no matter how perfect the plan is, if it cannot meet all the prerequisites, it will be just a castle in the air."

"But if the conditions are met, even a seemingly incredible miracle will happen as a matter of course... Even if he does not have an advantage at all, and even if the situation is completely controlled by the enemy, it will not prevent him from carrying out his plan and let Everything was reversed in an instant..."


"I see……"

In the Imperial Embassy, ​​a cold smile appeared on the corner of Machia's mouth in the corner, as if a child with a budding innocence suddenly came up with a "good idea" of tossing ants and butterflies.

He walked quickly to Brandley's side, without giving the imperial ambassador any face, and directly kicked him off the chair:

"Contact those scum of yours and ask them to stop their current actions immediately."


Brandley, who had not reacted, was furious, and then quickly calmed down his expression. He lay on the ground in a daze and looked at Machia, who was already sitting on the chair with his legs crossed: "Respected, respected Macchia, you …”

"Have them stop immediately..."

The young man whose expression suddenly became indifferent spoke word by word, looked up at the ceiling, and didn't even bother to give the imperial ambassador a look: "For the sake of your previous achievements, Brandley, I don't want to repeat it a third time. "

"I can grant you a wish, and I can take it back. If you think that's okay, just pretend you didn't hear what I said."

Machia did not threaten by gritting her teeth, and her childish tone did not sound powerful at all, but it still made Brandley break into a cold sweat in an instant - it was obvious that he already had a perfect body that would never get sick.

"Yes, yes, yes...I, I will do it right now!"

He nodded quickly, but still did not move: "But, what will we do after we withdraw them?"

"Ah... I'm definitely not questioning you, absolutely not!" As if aware that his tone was still not humble enough, Brandley waved his hands in a panic:

“But you may not know it well. If you just ask them to stop their actions, it will probably turn into a retreat. With the current situation in Clovis City, if we retreat, it may be difficult for us to have a second chance! "

He did not dare to say the next words, although Machia did not need him to say anything more.

The development of the situation was beyond his expectation... Even though his domain has covered the entire Clovis City, Anson's "Planning Law" can still take effect, and he has completed all the tasks quietly without his being aware of it. prerequisite steps and achieved results.

Why, why didn't he notice even the slightest abnormality? Why wasn't his law distorted by him? What happened?

The law of planning, planning…

As long as all the prerequisites are met and enough information is obtained, unlimited possibilities can be realized...

Anson Bach, what was his goal? !

"Outer City, Leiden Military Factory." Machia said coldly: "Karin Jacques of the Truth Society is just a cover to make those who are besieging him stop their actions and all attack the Leiden Military Factory in the outer city!"

Leiden, Leiden Military Factory... The frightened Brandley was immediately stunned. As Clovis's most prestigious military brand, the number of Leiden Military Factory is simply not too large. Is it possible that all military factories must...

Before he could think more, a blurry picture suddenly came into his mind. Brandley reacted immediately and did not dare to neglect: "Yes!"

"Tell them that before this evening, I want to get the news that the arsenal was destroyed." Machia's cold eyes fell: "No one in the arsenal, regardless of status, should be left alive."

"Wilhelm Gottfried...the man with that name, I want you to see his head fall to the ground with your own eyes."

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