I will be crowned king

Chapter 1122 Darkness Comes

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!!"

Under the ruins of the empty tavern, heart-rending wails echoed.

Paralyzed in the middle of a pool of solidified blood, the dying red-haired young man's cheeks were twisted to the point of deformation; even though the sky lid had been blown to pieces by Cor Dorian himself, he could still feel the stinging pain coming from the top of his head.

As the most tenacious type of the three major magics, the blood mage's near-immortality is both an advantage and a curse - even if his head is smashed, his internal organs are dug out, and he suffers severe blood loss... As long as the level of evolution is high enough, these are not problems.

On the other hand, if poisoning or the flesh and blood is affected by some special power, causing continuous aging and corruption; unless the effect is enough to be fatal instantly, the caster must continue to endure this pain until the power disappears.

What is even more tragic than this is that the curse was originally suppressed by the influence of some kind of power, but suddenly lost the protection of the power in the weakest state, and could only watch the curse continue to spread and devour itself...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

The wailing gradually weakened, and the red-haired young man raised his trembling right hand toward the sky. The remaining left eye continued to overflow with liquid mixed with plasma, giving the eyeball that had begun to decay a touch of pious brilliance.

The blood is gradually getting stinky, and the consciousness is gradually becoming blurred. The once suppressed animalistic and bloody impulses are occupying the mind bit by bit.

"Machia...why...why do you want to take away my...wishes..."


Inner city, Boleyman row of apartments.


Christian Bach, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly stood up for no reason and stared at the small bronze mirror on the fireplace opposite, as well as his astonished face on the mirror.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

Looking at Mrs. Bogner's concerned eyes, Christian twitched his lips, forced a calm smile and said, "It seems that I accidentally fell asleep and had a nightmare."

While talking, he also slightly pulled his collar, as if to disperse the cold sweat that had just flowed out.

"Nightmare?" Mrs. Bogner, who was holding a thin pipe, puffed out a smoke ring: "It's not unusual. Anyone who has experienced such a chaotic day as today will more or less be unable to help but have random thoughts."

"But having said that, you can still sleep peacefully even in this state. You really don't have a strong heart."

"Hahaha... Maybe it's because I have an amazing younger brother, so as an older brother, I don't have to worry about anything, right?"

With a self-deprecating chuckle, Christian sat back on the sofa. Pretending to be thirsty, he picked up the cold coffee on the table and sipped it slowly.


The old woman curled her lips disdainfully, but since Christian was unwilling to tell the truth, she was not in the mood to ask more questions.

So...what exactly?

Christian, who picked up the coffee cup, could not hide the panic in his eyes. He was very sure that he had suddenly forgotten something important, but he couldn't remember what it was.

A certain young man who appeared in front of him early in the morning vaguely appeared in his mind. After a few simple greetings, he seemed to be unexpectedly and extremely shocked.

What on earth happened... what on earth did he... give me...


Outer city, Leiden Military Factory.

Looking at the chaotic factory building below, Elizabeth, who was standing in front of the window, couldn't help but turn around: "It doesn't really matter if we continue to stay here..."

"No problem, no problem at all."

Wilhelm Gottfried, who was slumped in a chair, said in his unique, feeble voice: "The battle is over. All that's left is the finishing work. Let's leave it to the guys who are responsible for it."

At this time, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength, his complexion was dull, and his cheeks with dark circles were filled with a happy and satisfied smile. He looked like he would die happily and suddenly at any time.

But even so, he still clutched the note in his right hand, the note that recorded the last line of data... which was said to be able to decipher the law of a certain apostle.

Elizabeth, who was trying to stay calm, couldn't help but twitch her throat, and some kind of unwarranted greed sprouted in her heart.

Yes, I know that line of data, as long as I remember the ancient runes he left in this room...

The Holy See can control the power that threatens the apostles!

"What the hell is going on?!"

Standing in front of the messy gate, the dark-faced Cole Dorian pushed aside the figure blocking the front and squeezed directly into the center of the crowd: "Didn't I already say that the place should be cleared immediately after the battle? Why? Wait until now?!”

"It seems like we should be the ones to say this."

The cavalry captain stood in front of the soldiers and reached out to stop a few guys who wanted to argue: "It is our mission to garrison the Leiden Military Factory, and it is also the property of the Ministry of War."

"As the rescued party, we are grateful for your helping hand; but since we have not received the order, there is no reason to retreat."

"I just said that the reinforcements of the Storm Legion are on the outside. They have sealed off all the surrounding communities; as long as you leave the factory, you can see your deputy commander of the Legion!"

"Then please ask Colonel Fabian to give the order in person, otherwise please allow us to refuse." The cavalry captain refused very decisively, without any politeness: "This is the duty, there is no room for bargaining."

While speaking, he couldn't help but twitch his throat, almost forcing himself to stay calm.

As a devout believer in the Circle of Order, it is absolutely false to say that he is not afraid when facing the Inquisitor... But one thing the Cavalry Captain knows is that the "technical advisor" and his "assistant" in the office are absolutely invisible. Light, a person who is listed in the church statistics list.

If the opponent discovers it, it will definitely not just happen to him. I'm afraid not the entire legion will be implicated!

Although his movements were not obvious, Cole Dorian, as the chief inquisitor, could not detect it... But Cole was also very depressed now. After all, he could not say in front of hundreds of soldiers: "Stop pretending, I Knowing those two people in the office, don’t worry we won’t arrest them – I also know that your Commander-in-Chief is actually a very hidden spell caster!”

Even if the Truth Seeking Order has been abandoned by the Holy See, Cole Dorian's last bottom line will not allow him to do such a thing.

So the two people who looked at each other could only remain in a stalemate, neither of them daring to give in first. At the same time, they kept using various small actions to give hints to the other side, and at the same time, they tacitly cursed the other side in their hearts for not even reacting.

Just when both parties were about to lose their strength, an indescribable cold feeling suddenly hit everyone present. Everyone seemed to be dazzled, and their vision suddenly dimmed.

"This is……"

Cole Dorian, who was clenching his teeth, suddenly raised his head and found that the expression of the cavalry captain on the opposite side also suddenly changed, and his tense expression was obviously a little more frightened.

"There is no time to explain. Take your soldiers and evacuate immediately. I don't want to have to say it a second time!" The growling chief judge raised his flintlock ax: "Don't ask me why again. You can say what you need to say. Fabian will tell you."

"Now, immediately, get out!"

The cavalry captain's eyes widened as he was pointed at the gun, and all the words he wanted to say were swallowed back by the eyes on the other side.

He turned his head silently and looked at the soldiers who were still unclear about the situation: "Everyone is here - evacuate from the factory immediately and join the main force as soon as possible; as for the man in the office...send someone to ask if He refuses to leave...well, forget it."


Although their faces were full of confusion, the soldiers did not hesitate at all and silently carried out the order.

In less than five minutes, hundreds of soldiers had already evacuated the factory in an orderly manner according to their organization, and brought the body of the fallen Pao Ze with them.

The cavalry captain stayed at the last one, facing the muzzle of the gun still pointed at him, silently standing upright, with his left hand behind his back, his right hand clenching his fist and beating his chest, performing a standard military salute.

Cole Dorian just smiled and didn't say much.

Watching the troops and factory workers leave, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his companions behind him with a relieved smile: "Okay, now everyone..."

"The hunting time has arrived!"


It was like a sudden downpour falling from the top of his head. Almost at the same time as Cole's words fell, darkness that was as cold as real material fell and swept everyone present.

There was no resistance...or no idea how to resist at all. Every judge present could clearly feel the darkness shrouding themselves...It was the fire falling into the night, the call of the deep sea, from which one could not wake up. Fantasy.

When he noticed all this, the chief judge found that he had not moved at all, with the same smile on his face.

Yes, the battle seems to be over before it even begins.

"Hunting... moment?"

A joking voice sounded from behind, making Cole feel an inexplicable throbbing in his heart: "It's interesting. He is obviously just an inferior being, but he still dares to talk so shamelessly to a superior evolver."

"Indeed, I once promised not to hurt anyone for no reason, but if the guy who has already threatened me with words, the nature should be completely different, right?"

"What do you think... Your Excellency the Chief Inquisitor, who claims to 'hunt' me?"

Cole felt that his blood was about to run cold.

Don't talk about fighting... I don't even have the strength to move right now. There is a voice in my heart constantly warning me to run away immediately and run away without looking back, otherwise I will die, and my death will be ugly!

Even so, he was still struggling, like a puppet fighting against the strings being manipulated, turning his gaze behind him little by little.

Instantly, dark red light and shadow poured into his eyes.

Corpses, dozens of corpses of inquisitors were piled up and down around the smiling young man. Each one seemed to have been dismembered, twisted, destroyed, and crushed deliberately...

All died...all the Clovis judges who came with him and were prepared to sacrifice...all turned into corpses.

There wasn't even time to react.

"You look surprised, why?" The smiling boy stepped on the broken arm, played with the head in his hand like a ball, and pointed his dull eyes at Cole:

"Since we are going to hunt down the apostles, isn't it the least important thing to be prepared for the prey to kill them back?"

"Ah... Or do you really think that you can successfully kill an apostle without any sacrifices, win a complete victory, and carry honor..."

"It should...not be like this, right?"


As he finished speaking, the young man exerted force with his right hand, and his head turned into an exploding mass of blood foam in Cole's field of vision. The chief inquisitor, whose pupils shrank suddenly, almost forgot to breathe.


His voice was low and hoarse, so soft that only he could hear it: "Why... I'm the only one still..."

"Why are you the only one still alive...?"

Looking at the Chief Inquisitor who seemed to have lost the ability to think, Machia smiled shyly, as if he was ashamed, and scratched his head with his bloody right hand:

"Oh, you should always have some respect for the blood descendants of the ancients."


"You have the blood of one of my friends flowing in your body."

Machiya crossed his hands in front of him and walked towards him slowly: "He was once my most devout believer. In order to protect my church from the despicable believers of false gods, he was willing to burn his body and leave no trace of his body."

"At that time, he was as determined as you, but his stance was completely opposite; at that time, I was not as dismissive of everything as I am now, and I would declare war on false gods for the sake of my believers."

"But all that has passed. Now I no longer care about the things outside me, and you...the blood descendants of my devout believers have also become soldiers fighting for false gods."

"Time...is such a wonderful power, isn't it?"

Looking at the figure that was approaching like a nightmare, Cole Dorian felt as if his head had exploded. He completely lost his ability to think. Even moving his fingers and blinking his eyes became so luxurious.

"So, for the sake of my friend, I don't want to let you die in confusion like I do with other lower creatures - that is the most tragic end. You can't even witness your own death and have no consciousness. , is a sign of lower creatures.”

Looking at the trembling pupils of the judge, Machia smiled and said. He smiled very kindly, just like an elder caring for the younger generation, and he was kind and tempting:

"Here, raise your gun and take control of your own death like my friend."

As if being pulled by a rope, Cole silently raised the flintlock ax with his right hand, and the black muzzle of the gun was pointed directly upward - in just an instant, the burning shotgun can blast a head into pieces before feeling pain. fragments.

It was the most wonderful relief, the cure for all pain, the secret to heaven... Without any hesitation, Cole, who seemed to have suddenly regained his courage, pulled the trigger hard.


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