I will be crowned king

Chapter 113 Sophia understands

At that moment, Sophia's eyes widened.


"That's right, he was the officer who deceived you that night and asked you to take him to my study." Luther Franz, who was full of love, continued to speak, ignoring the hesitation and hesitation, even saying a name. The daughter who has to stutter:

"He has officially served as the supreme commander of the Clovis Cathedral Security Forces, controlling the establishment of eight companies and the appointment and dismissal of all officers."

"But this also brings about a problem: in order to establish and maintain this army, a large amount of temporary expenditure and ongoing expenditure are required, which also means a huge amount, involving all aspects of the military's budget."

"Nominally, the church and the Privy Council are each responsible for half of the expenses of this army, but this is just a deliberate move on my part to show my attitude; in fact, I plan to significantly increase the church or the Franz family's contribution, and reduce the Privy Council's share to About one-fifth.”

"Why?" the astonished girl subconsciously asked.

"Because of a very simple truth." Luther Franz put down the newspaper, and his hoarse and deep voice echoed in the hall:

“No matter how much something is worth, it will always belong to the person who paid the most.”

"In order to ensure value for money, and to ensure that every copper spent by the church and the Franz family is worth money, and that others will not 'steal' this army, I need to have someone who I trust absolutely. To manage this budget - dear Sophia, my daughter, there is no one better suited for this than you."


"This was originally something Ludwig should have learned to master, but I no longer have any hope...so I am going to teach you." Sighing again, Luther Franz continued:

"Listen, my dear Sophia, an organization may betray their superiors, their origins, or even each other - because any organization is always composed of people, and everyone's understanding of Your thoughts and ideas are constantly changing, and you can never be sure whether a servant who was loyal to the royal family one second will choose to betray his loyalty due to some accident the next second."

"Because in the end, the word 'loyalty' means that two parties give each other a commitment without any collateral based on mutual trust, which is the same for both parties."

As the words fell, the smile on Luther Franz's face gradually disappeared, and another completely different light shone in his loving eyes.

Sophia was startled slightly, waking up from the previous shock, but her eyes were still full of confusion.

"I don't understand." The girl paused for a few seconds and took a deep breath to keep herself reserved:

"If 'loyalty' is really as fragile as you say, then what does this country...not...should be the entire world of order rely on to maintain its operation? Also, what does this have to do with the job you mentioned? connect?"

"I'll explain one by one." The loving look in Luther Franz's eyes did not diminish, and he picked up a blank check from under the newspaper with his right hand:

"Do you see it? This is a check commonly used in the Kingdom of Clovis. The printing cost is less than ten copper plates. There is no seal on it. You can't even prove that it belongs to the church or which bank; but as long as I sign my name on it, No matter how many numbers you write down, any bank will cash it out for you with any number of real gold coins without hesitation."

"But if you change it to anyone else's name, it becomes an illegal check. Neither the church nor any bank will accept it. Its face value will even fall below its cost. Why?"

"Because you are the Archbishop of the Kingdom of Clovis, everyone knows that you will definitely fulfill your promise." Sophia frowned slightly. She felt that it was not such a simple problem: "And others do not have that kind of credit."

"Really?" Luther Franz asked, with a hint of amusement in the corner of his mouth: "Just because I am the archbishop of the church, I have credibility; if status can make people trustworthy, then what kind of world do we live in? What a magical world!”

"Rather, I feel that the more status people have, the less honest they are - take me as an example again, I gave a check to a person who was in urgent need of cash, and then waited until he came back to make a comeback and accused him of stealing, because in his hands The check is illegal...Can’t I do something like this?”

"I am the Archbishop. I have power, status, and wealth...I can even disguise myself as a victim and leave no one suspicious."

"But this will still damage your credibility after all." Sophia retorted: "Even if you can deceive most people, there will still be a few people who see the truth!"

"That's good." Luther Franz smiled happily, but the next second he changed the subject:

"But the question is, how much value can the truth have? A person with good reputation but no status has been destroyed, and the price I paid is just a little bit of 'damaged credibility'. This is not fair."

"Oaths, commitments, loyalty... all of these must be based on 'mutual trust', which is a very fragile existence. Maybe there really is a noble person in this world who values ​​oaths very much; but when the stakes are placed in front of him, How long can this nobility last?"

"So your point of view is that only interests can maintain the commitment of both parties?" Sophia asked while guessing:

"As long as the interests of both parties are maintained, Anson Bach will not betray you?"

"Well, it's possible." Luther Franz said lightly:

"But how do we determine where his interests lie - if he is really an Old God sect who doesn't care about military rank and status, how do we ensure that he will not betray us?"

The girl frowned slightly again. She was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice that some of her little thoughts had been exposed to her father's eyes.

"My dear Sophia, it's very simple." The loving Luther Franz spoke softly and gave the answer:

"Anson Bach, he can betray everyone, even himself...but he cannot betray the foundation that puts him in his current position!"

The girl's eyes widened...she understood.

An organization may betray their superiors, their origins, or even each other...but they can never betray their own foundation or the financial resources that sustain their existence!

That's right, if the goal of the liar Anson Bach is to take away control of this army; then he only needs to master the army's budget to understand his every move, and even find the key to prove that he is a lackey of the black mage. Sex evidence!

"Father, I understand."

Sophia, who was cheering in her heart, still maintained a reserved smile on her beautiful face: "I am willing to accept this job. It is my responsibility and even more of an honor to be able to share the burden for the Franz family."

Anson Bach...hehe...hehehe...hehehehe...

Just wait for me!

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