I will be crowned king

Chapter 1128 Chips? banner!

Inner city, Imperial Embassy.

In the palace-style living room, servants and clerks were busy moving back and forth between the rooms: high-end porcelain and carpets, wine and tobacco, gold and silver jewelry, and of course the most important thing, the embassy and the country, especially the royal family. confidential documents.

"Hurry up, hurry up, what are you waiting for?!"

Brandley stood directly below the messy living room, cursing at the servants like a station conductor, while constantly wiping the cold sweat on his forehead: "The urban unrest is over, those Crows Weimanzi may free up and come to arrest people at any time!"

"The time we can leave is now. If you are being held hostage, just delay it. There will be a time when you will regret it and cry!"

"All the documents were thrown into the fireplace and burned. If they were not only burned, they would find a way to dig a hole and bury them, throw them into the pond, toilet, or simply eat them. Anyway, they couldn't leave a complete piece of paper to them!"

"Bring all the valuable things you can bring with you. I will ask you if there is one less thing! These are all good things from the palace of Xiaolong City. A bottle of wine is more expensive than half your lifetime salary - then That guy over there, took out what he was hiding in his clothes, I saw it!"

Accompanied by angry shouts and curses, the already tense atmosphere became even more tense. Everyone almost had panic written on their faces, and they didn't even have time to stop and take a breath.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Imperial Ambassador Brandley, who had been shouting for a long time, suddenly changed his face. When no one dared to look up at him, he quietly squeezed through the crowd and moved towards the side door of the embassy.

The panic of the large group of people and the embassy was just a cover-up. Brandley had no intention of leaving with so many people and things; he threw down the bait for the Clovis barbarians to take the bait, so that he could remain unnoticed...


Just before he reached out to touch the door handle, the side door of the embassy was suddenly opened from the outside.

Outside the door was a dark crowd of nearly a hundred heavily armed Whitehall Street policemen, bayonets hanging from the muzzles of their guns.

"It's been a long time, Ambassador Brandley."

Colonel Roman stood in front of the door with a saber in his arms and a frosty face: "You are packing your things and preparing the carriage in such a hurry. Is there something big going on? Are you in a hurry to leave?"

When Brandley was questioned, his throat twitched and he glanced sideways at the servants beside him. As a result, there was not even a loyal minister who had the courage to step forward and block the Clovis Barbarian's gun for him.

"Yes, that's the case!" Although he was completely unsure, Bradley still nodded seriously and said seriously: "There is a sudden emergency in the country. As a member of the Herred royal family, I must return to Xiao immediately. Dragon City, please don’t stop us from your country.”

"Of course not. Why should we block His Excellency the Ambassador, who abides by the laws of our country and represents His Majesty the Emperor?"

The corners of Roman's cold-faced mouth stiffened, but his smile was more ferocious than a dead man: "But for such an important matter, should you report it to our country first, especially Her Majesty the Queen Regent, or at least say goodbye before leaving?"

"After all, in terms of seniority, the emperor is still the biological brother of Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

"I'm extremely sorry, but it's too late!" Brandley refused without hesitation. How could he agree?

"Although I am very rude to Her Majesty the Queen Mother, I can only wait until I finish handling urgent matters and return to Clovis City, and then personally bring my family and heavy gifts to apologize to Your Majesty. Since Your Excellency is here, please pass the message for me. I will be grateful later!"

As he said that, he made a gesture to walk out the door, as if he really wanted to leave right away.

But Roman didn't move.

Nearly a hundred Whitehall Street policemen outside the door also maintained their column formation blocking the door, motionless.

Forced to take back the foot that was about to step out, Brandley's face finally darkened.

"Sorry, but things may not be that simple." Colonel Roman said solemnly, picked up the saber in his arms, and banged the door with the scabbard:

"You...it would be better to follow us to the Osteria Palace and see Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

As he finished speaking, the policemen behind him silently raised their gazes and stared at the Imperial Ambassador.

Seeing that the negotiations broke down, Brandley stopped pretending and sneered: "If I go with you, will I really be able to see Her Majesty the Queen Mother?"

"I'm sorry to say that it's difficult to guarantee this." Roman said without changing his expression: "To some extent, it may depend on your cooperation."

"Cooperate? I am the ambassador of the empire to the Kingdom of Clovis and the spokesperson of His Majesty the Emperor; my freedom and safety are the face of the empire." Brandley shouted in a low voice:

"You dare to treat me like this as an ambassador and a member of the royal family. Do you know that you are about to provoke a war that threatens the survival of the Kingdom of Clovis?!"

"Speaking of war..." Roman glanced around, completely ignoring the threat from the other party: "As an embassy of the empire, the defense work is really weak. It can be said that it is in name only."

"As far as I know, the Imperial Embassy has elite gifted knights and cavalry teams directly under the royal family all year round... These legendary warriors are one against a hundred. When we came in, we didn't even see half of them... Where are they? Where is it?"

"I don't need to answer your question!"

Brandley said angrily, but he regretted it after saying this - doesn't this mean he admitted that he was guilty?

Of course, he had a guilty conscience to begin with, and Roman came to him because he had found out the details of the Imperial Embassy; the other party's biggest trump card was that he, the Ambassador, had been completely betrayed.

"That's right, you don't have to tell me anything. I'm just an adjutant." Roman nodded slightly: "Please explain the specific matters to Her Majesty the Queen Regent and Governor Ludwig."

While speaking, he glanced behind him: "Be careful, don't hurt the Ambassador; everyone in the embassy will be arrested without leaving any one behind, and all items will be registered and taken away. Even a cigarette is not allowed to be left behind. Theft Anyone who engages in military law will be shot to death on the spot."


The stern-faced policeman Ou immediately shouted loudly and rushed into the embassy without waiting for a reaction from the other party.

Brandley still tried to resist, but was knocked unconscious by the butt of a rifle from the leading policeman, and was dragged out like an animal;

Dozens of embassy servants were directly pushed to the ground, and all kinds of debris were scattered on the ground, which was then registered and sorted out one by one by policemen holding notebooks and wearing white gloves;

Everything was so orderly, but Roman's mood was not at all happy; he knew that what he did was for the goal of the Truth Society, to achieve the ultimate goal.

Destroy the cage of order created by the church and return the world to the track of continuous evolution.

The mission that has been recited countless times in his heart, the slogan that has supported countless people to this day, now seems to be ushering in changes again, but there is no excitement in Roman's heart, only endless panic.

Can we...really succeed?


At the same time, Ludwig in the Prime Minister's Office was also asking himself whether what he did was right or wrong; if it was right, what was the probability of success?

The empire colluded with the Clovis traitors, created chaos in Clovis city, assassinated senior generals, and attempted to subvert the entire kingdom - using this as a banner and reason to formally declare war on the empire...

"Isn't it... too ideal?" Ludwig couldn't help but muttered to himself.

Not only did he have to convince the royal family, the former members of the Privy Council, and the generals of the War Department - of course this problem could be left to Anson Bach to solve - he also had to find ways to convince the Hantu Kingdom to respond to Clovis's actions and share the burden. Pressures on the Southern Front.

In Ludwig's original wishful thinking, as long as he could get the empire's solid evidence, he could clear his suspicions. At the same time, he could legitimately "unite" the entire kingdom with the help of war, and for Clovis' dignity and Fight with honor!

It looks really good, but in fact the problem is quite troublesome.

First of all, after experiencing the New World Holy War, Clovis is actually not ready to immediately face the next round of war. There is still a lot of opposition to the war in the kingdom.

Of course Ludwig knew this, but Clovis was not prepared for war, and the empire's preparations would only be even more inadequate; if the war was not launched as soon as possible while the other party was still in the repair stage, what would happen next? It’s nothing more than a hundred years of saintly calendar repeating itself.

Especially judging from the fact that the Empire sent people to participate in this "mutiny incident", His Majesty the Emperor has never given up his intention to interfere with Clovis; using unconventional means can be seen as the Empire does have a strong foundation and can attack the city of Clovis. There was no trace of penetration. It can also be said that this was the opponent's helpless move. Because they were unable to mobilize conventional forces, they were forced to reveal an important trump card.

And war is also the best weapon to suppress all kinds of opposition - even if the Ministry of War has completely fallen into the control of Anson Bach and Sophia, the other party is still nominally under the name of the royal family, and he is the ruler of the Kingdom of Clovis. Theoretically, he is certainly entitled to have the power to speak out during the war.

If it weren't for this reason, how could he be so generous in delegating power to the War Department and allowing them to take advantage of the arrival of representatives from various provinces to win over people's hearts and expand their power?

So the key to the problem is that this intelligence must be shocking enough to ignite the anger of all Clovis people, so that some guys who try to control the situation cannot stop the torrent of war.

"Consul, the guests have arrived."

The voice of the clerk outside the door interrupted Ludwig's long sigh, which was not very optimistic. He coughed a little and showed the proper attitude of a ruler: "I understand, please invite him in."

A few minutes later, Brandley Herred, who looked obviously unkind, appeared in front of him. There were still bruises on his head from being beaten with the butt of the gun, and the corners of his mouth were always twitching slightly.

Resisting the urge to laugh, Ludwig poured a glass of rum and handed it to the other party: "Your Excellency, Ambassador, thank you for your hard work."

"Hard work? No, no, no, it's not hard for me at all; on the contrary, it's the gentlemen you sent to invite me who really worked hard!"

Brandley raised his hand to reject the wine glass that was handed to him, and the corner of his mouth was still twitching. He said in a strange tone: "You haven't seen how diligent they are. They worked tirelessly to beat the servants of the embassy in front of envoys and businessmen from various countries. And on the face of the nobles, they carried out unreasonable bullying towards the Imperial Embassy, ​​bringing disgrace to His Majesty the Emperor of Xiaolong City."

"Of course, I personally fully approve of this behavior; after all, Clovis is a small country, and occasionally you need to use some irrational behavior to show your fragile self-esteem and unreasonable pride; but I must remind you that Jihad has already It’s over, and the empire’s army has returned to the outside of His Majesty’s palace, and they may give an order at any time to attack Clovis’s territory.”

"His Excellency Consul Ludwig, as far as I know you were also one of the commanders of the Holy War Legion. You should have seen with your own eyes how invincible the imperial army was fighting against heretics and colonial rebels on the ice and snow. This kind of irrational behavior should not be done at all." Brandley even began to persuade him in return:

"Clovis is in such chaos now that it is definitely not a wise choice to become an enemy of the Empire."

Seeing the sincere look of the guy in front of him, Ludwig suddenly wanted to tell him about the outstanding performance of the "invincible imperial army" at Black Reef Port, how they were completely annihilated in Slaver's Bay, and how they finally fought with the new army. The World Rebels managed a very reluctant draw, with the city being breached and insisting that they did not lose.

But these are not the focus of today... He took a deep breath and put down his wine glass with a faint smile on his face: "His Excellency Ambassador Brandley, you seem to have some misunderstanding."


"In your opinion, we specially invited you here because we are suspicious of the empire, or you may have secretly colluded with traitors among the Clovis nobles in an attempt to subvert the Osteria family's rule over Clovis, but... no , It's not like that at all." Ludwig's eyes gradually became serious:

"We have definite evidence, and furthermore, we have learned that you colluded with the Old God Sect, or even a very special apostle, betrayed your loyalty to the empire and betrayed your belief in the Ring of Order, so we specifically... "

"You, wait!" Brandley, who had been calm and composed just now, almost jumped out of his chair: "This is a pretty serious accusation. You...you, you, you...what evidence do you have?!"

"Of course we have evidence. For example...Machia, does this name sound familiar to you?" Ludwig's face gradually turned cold:

"Bradley Heritage, please listen to me clearly. I don't have time to talk in circles with you, so from now on, no matter what I say, you'd better not refute or interrupt me, otherwise..."

"...Thinking about the evidence we may have in our hands, what do you think is the probability that you can reach Xiaolong City alive even if you are put back?"

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