I will be crowned king

Chapter 1135 An example of democracy

Worried that Sophia Franz might take advantage of him, the young naval captain left the cafe in despair, facing the letter that was about to be sent back to Beigang alone, not knowing what to do.

But in fact, what he didn't know was that he was not alone, because almost all the "leaders" representing the provinces had suffered similar treatment to him - being interviewed privately, being entrusted with important tasks, and having their secrets exposed to break defenses.

Armed with the postal system of the Kingdom of Clovis, the most powerful logistics system, the Railway Commission, and the all-pervasive newspaper reporters all over Clovis City, the newly arrived representatives of the provinces faced Sophia Franz in a literal sense. unilateral information transparency.

But now Sophia is no longer the young girl she was before. She has gone beyond the level of coercion and inducement, and has begun to look at problems from a "higher perspective."

Is the Cecil family secretly colluding with the Naxir Kingdom? Very good, this way Clovis can have another source of immigrants besides beast slaves; and these people are also believers of the Circle of Order, and their looks are more easily accepted by the domestic people; they will not be dissatisfied after experiencing war and displacement. The living conditions are too demanding, making them the perfect cheap labor force.

It is not difficult to deal with, especially under the special arrangement of the girl and Anson, more than half of the provincial representatives who received the "invitation letter" are staunch royalists, and they are not interested in her, the Minister of War, and Ludwig. It can be said that Xi's Prime Minister's Office has no good impressions. The purpose of coming to Clovis City is to defend the king, that is, Nicholas I.

Of course, they are also opposed to this kind of young monarch who has no authority at all, and they are even more opposed to letting a queen mother who comes from the imperial royal family be regent. However, the situation is stronger than others. The current Osteria royal family has been completely defeated by the queen mother Anne. Even if they want to recommend someone better, they can't find a candidate.

But it doesn’t actually matter, because in a sense, this group of royalists are actually the strongest supporters of the “National Assembly Act” – if you want to defend the king, you must first have legitimate qualifications, and the representatives of the National Assembly This status gives local tycoons the opportunity to step into the center of the political whirlpool and exert their energy.

It is an eternal truth to use enemies to define who is one's own. The support and voice of the royalist party will inevitably promote the opposite group; when the Queen Mother Regent is moved that "loyal ministers are not alone", they will find the forces in other provinces. has taken root in Clovis City, and the National Assembly they formed will completely replace the United Kingdom - the last value of the little king on the throne.

In the words of Anson Bach: "It doesn't matter whether the so-called 'National Assembly' actually has power or how much power it has. The key is to make everyone believe that its status is really supreme and to replace the king as the ruling body of the country, or Talk about empowering the people who actually run this country.”

"So don't mind allowing the enemies who oppose us to gain power, and you should even encourage them to come to this parliament to compete with other forces for power; the more fierce their competition is, and the more outrageous their opinions and suggestions are, the more stable this system will be - because then It shows that this system is really starting to take effect.”

"In the past, as long as it was the king's order, no matter how absurd it was, everyone would bite the bullet and implement it. In the future, no matter how ridiculous the National Assembly promulgates the bill, as long as it can be successfully passed in the end, it can also be enforced. The power of the country is a symbol of With the core, it can be replaced inadvertently and in a bloodless way..."

Sometimes Sophia really couldn't help but wonder whether the ancestors of the Franz family had some connection with the Bach family... She had only occasionally heard such radically rebellious remarks from her father in the past; even The elder brother, who considers himself arrogant, seems to be just planning to take the path of "regency".

Anson Bach, and my father... they planned to fundamentally change this country.

Why? What is it that breeds such an idea in their hearts that even sounds unbelievable?

The confused girl suddenly wanted to capture a certain commander-in-chief and question him about what nonsense was in his mind.

At this time, Anson Bach was full of ambition, and came to the Clovis Civic Assembly with an attitude that was almost the return of the king, and personally guided the convening of this extraordinary conference.

After passing through the second intersection of Old Wall Street, you can see a dilapidated theater with a sign saying "Clovis Citizens' Congress". At this time, there are crowds of people everywhere outside the theater gate, surrounded by delegates. The militiamen spontaneously formed the guards at the conference site, holding their heads high like the royal guards of the Osteria Palace, and the bayonets on the gun tips were polished brightly, eye-catching.

The reason why the meeting location was chosen at the junction of the inner and outer urban areas was not only to calm the conflicts between the two sides, but also the most critical issue was the issue of funding.

Yes, although the Privy Council - which has been dissolved - and the royal family have passed the Bill of the Citizens' Assembly, they have not allocated half a gold coin of the budget to them, including the cost of renting the meeting place, the carriage fees of the representatives and additional allowances. , all have to wait for the meeting to pass it.

In other words, they have to hold a meeting first and formulate a budget for themselves, otherwise the "Citizens' Council" will be declared bankrupt just by buying a bottle of beer.

Of course, we can organize militia and armed forces, and there are actually many community representatives. It is enough for a group of people to rent a decent venue in the inner city, but then there will definitely be a dispute over which community it is in, and how many such venues are produced in each community. It's a big problem that may not be resolved even if we argue for ten days. It's better to make do with the simplest things first and wait until later to talk about everything.

In the abandoned theater, representatives of various communities sat crowded in the stands that only had long benches, and there was one bench for every two people. The trapezoidal stand was actually not a masonry structure with stepped steps, but simply made of rammed concrete. The slope is made of dirt; if the delegates are not careful, they are likely to roll down directly, and it will be a domino style, taking away a row of people from top to bottom.

But even this could not hinder the excited expressions of the delegates, especially the core members of the "Red Heart" organization in the front row. When Erich announced: "Lieutenant General Ansen Bach has arrived," the thunderous applause almost overturned. That already crumbling roof.

Looking at the excited faces in the audience, Anson raised the corners of his mouth and smiled unconsciously.

Ninety-nine percent of these people don't actually know themselves. It may even be the first time they see themselves in person today, but they are cheering for themselves like old friends reunited after a long separation.

Therefore, the people they are really cheering for are actually themselves. To be more precise, they are the victories gained through hard and dangerous struggles since the beginning of the "National Assembly Act".

From the temporary militia formed just to deal with the crisis of mutiny, to the crisis of disbandment when it was rejected by the royal family and the Privy Council, to the collective protest when fighting for the passage of the bill...

Now, these middle and lower-level officers, ordinary citizens, and representatives from small businessmen have seen with their own eyes the general who was "rescued" by them and the results of their months of hard work. How could they not be excited and cheer? !

That's right, even if the person standing on the stage now is Carl Bain, as long as he also wears the name "Lieutenant General Anson Bach" and wears a general's uniform that is very noble in the eyes of the representatives, then he will also be the same. I can receive applause that is equal to my own.

"Ah sneeze——"

In an office in the Loyalty Palace of the Ministry of War, a certain chief of staff, facing a mountain of documents and work, suddenly sneezed without warning.

He raised his head with a blank look on his face, looked at the empty offices around him, and then continued to deal with the extra work that came out of nowhere.


"Before everything officially begins, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you all."

Anson pressed his right hand to his chest, hid his left hand behind his back, and stood half a step forward in a standard military salute: "Without all of you here, Anson Bababach would never have been able to appear in front of you alive. This is all thanks to everyone's perseverance. Struggle and argue with reason to defend the interests of the kingdom!”

"Now that the real culprits behind the harm to the kingdom have been eliminated by the inquisitors, the nobles who betrayed the kingdom have also met the fate they deserve; it is time for all of you who fought for the interests of the kingdom to fight for your own interests."

As soon as these words came out, there were countless echoes from the audience.

After all, in the final analysis, everyone is gathered here not really to clear away grievances, but for interests, fair interests.

"In the past, nobles always promoted that they were born with the power to rule the world. They were born noble and had talents that ordinary people did not have." Anson said loudly:

"I am a noble. Although it is small, the Bach family has a history of two to three hundred years; but the strange thing is that I, my family and relatives have never felt any 'power to rule'; on the contrary, they either He is working as a junior clerk in the Privy Council, farming in the countryside, or joining the army like me to make a living on allowances."

"And on the battlefield, no matter you are a noble or an infantryman in the trenches, a lead bullet can take away your life - yes, even if he is a talented person, he still can't survive if a lead bullet hits his skull!"

"So since then, I have understood the truth that no one is born to rule others; if you want to be the leader of everyone, you must first prove your ability."

Anson raised his voice: "On the battlefield, you have to prove that you can lead the army to victory, or at least not to destruction; and in politics, you have to make everyone's lives rich and make the flow of wealth possible. As fair as possible.”

"And can all this be determined by blood, origin, and family history?"

"We revere the Osterian royal family because if they hadn't integrated this chaotic land hundreds of years ago, there would be no Clovis people. We may be living under the rule of the empire, or we may be scattered. The small country is subject to bullying."

"It was the King of Osteria who united us and made us a nation strong enough to even say 'No!' to the Emperor."

"But what about those nobles?" Anson asked in a deep voice: "I know that there are nobles among the representatives here today, but I know better that the identity you represent now is obtained by yourself, not by blood."

"Since your talents and qualifications can completely enable you to obtain a respected position, then why do you still rely on the shadow of your ancestors to hold an official position that will not be truly respected by others?"

"Those committees of the Privy Council, so what if you really become one of them? No one cares about your feelings or your thoughts, because what really matters is not you; no matter how good your ideas are, no matter how many It is impossible to display your ambitions, because you did not obtain this position based on your ability, and all you can do is keep silent to avoid losing this identity."

"I'm not here to ridicule or despise this system, because it used to be very advanced... once." Anson emphasized: "On that road when everyone was groping for what was a truly appropriate and excellent system, it It provides the people of Clovis with an example to learn from and an opportunity for everyone to understand what it means to govern a country."

"Now it is decayed and corrupted, but that is not its fault; on the contrary, it is us who are wrong. When it was decayed and corrupted, we never thought of it and could not come up with a better system than it. We could only Continue to suffer.”

"But now, it's time for this pain to end. The people of Clovis City have stood up. They no longer accept unilateral notices from the nobles, but want to manage themselves. We... are finally going to issue It’s my own voice!”

"I know that in many people's minds, this is only Clovis City's own business, but it is not like that." Anson stopped the representatives who wanted to cheer:

"Now, at this moment, representatives from all provinces across the country are gathered in Clovis City; now they are just like you, ready to make their voices heard and prepare to govern themselves and even the entire country."

"We are their forerunners and their only examples and reference objects; how the Clovis City Citizens' Assembly will be held and how it will be presented to the world will become the cornerstone of the future National Assembly."

"The way you vote, the way you speak, the way you elect...you may not be aware of it yet, but every action you make on behalf of hundreds of thousands of people at this moment will affect millions or tens of millions in the near future. people."

"Whether it is a universal and equal democracy or whether it is reduced to a hunting ground for dividing the cake of interests will be decided by you; whether the brave and wise Clovis people can come up with a better system than the past will lay the foundation at this moment. "

"Now, I officially declare...the first citizens' assembly of Clovis City..."


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