I will be crowned king

Chapter 1138 Drastic changes

As time went by, the enthusiasm of the "Clovis Citizens' Assembly" that had passed for a week finally slowed down slightly. The citizens, who had experienced rounds of turmoil, turned their attention back to the price of coal and bread. The price of second-hand shirts and daily chores such as how to make up new words to curse your boss.

But this does not include representatives from other provinces... Since the end of February, more and more "representatives" have been arriving in Clovis City, and their identities are no longer limited to the original local dignitaries, manor owners or businessmen. A senior official in the provincial governor's office.

Small businessmen, spokesmen of workers' groups, old priests elected by farmers... These people came from various provinces in horse-drawn carriages or even on foot. They anxiously arranged for the Ministry of War to station at stations around Clovis, in the city center and The receptionist at the post office claimed to be a representative of the province and also asked to participate in the upcoming National Assembly.

The receptionists who got the news took it all seriously, recorded their identities and the provinces they represented, and then let them go. They even asked the army to arrange carriage transportation; if they couldn't find them, they would book the nearest bus for them. Steam train tickets.

Of course, there will definitely be no reception after arriving in Clovis City. On the one hand, it is because the budget approved by the Prime Minister's Office is almost at its bottom, and there is really no way to receive more representatives, and the "representatives" who come later are a mixed bag. There are so many different ways to enter the city that there is no way to arrange them uniformly.

And just as these later representatives began to visit the city of Clovis and were amazed by the miracles created by mortal power, more and more outsiders began to arouse the curiosity of the citizens of Clovis City.

Due to the special arrangements and reception by the Ministry of War, the first batch of "representatives" were almost all famous attractions, commercial streets and administrative centers in the inner city. In addition, Sophia carefully selected "excellent factories" for visits and activities, and talked with local citizens. There is some gap between them.

Of course, representatives from local dignitaries do not want to come into contact with the so-called ordinary citizens. They have been completely immersed in "stocks", "industrial economy", "news media" and "technological innovation". The war minister can change things every day. Among the hundreds of new words thrown out.

On the contrary, the citizens of Clovis City began to become more and more interested in the representatives, especially when there began to appear around and around them "the representatives of the ** Province were defrauded of all their tolls and begged along the old wall street", and "the representatives of the ** Province sneaked into the textile factory" , mistook the workers’ dormitory for the palace”, “** Provincial representatives gathered together to gamble, lost money and refused to admit it and were severely beaten. Fortunately, they were saved by the Whitehall Street police”…

At first, everyone just regarded these news as things to talk about in their spare time, but when similar situations became more and more common, and even began to be seen everywhere, even the most apolitical people began to feel that something was wrong.

As if by some coincidence, the Ministry of War simultaneously published in major newspapers that the number of representatives from various provinces who had arrived in Clovis so far had reached an astonishing 50,000!

There are a total of thirteen provinces in Clovis, with more than 50,000 representatives, which is almost 4,000 people in each province - even the citizens of Clovis who are most interested in politics and support the National Assembly bill feel that this number Too outrageous.

It was just fun for ordinary people, but in the eyes of the delegates who were the first to get the invitation, it was a big deal.

As we all know, no matter what status, the rarer the more valuable it is; if each province has more than 4,000 representatives, then what importance do they have?

So the representatives took the initiative to submit an article to the newspaper, emphasizing that due to the recent bill, there have been many "suspicious people" in Clovis City who used the name of representatives to deceive and tarnish the status of representatives, and at the same time requested the distinguished Minister of War to come forward to clarify , tell everyone that those later representatives are liars, they are the real ones.

As a result, Sophia, who had been quite talkative before, went against the norm. Not only did she reject their request, but she also asked when the kingdom restricted the identity of representatives. Originally, anyone could call themselves themselves.

Look at the just-concluded Clovis City Citizens’ Assembly. Each of the more than 230 communities can send representatives, and we have no special restrictions on the number of representatives or identity requirements.

As a result, the representatives were immediately dumbfounded. Was it because they were just being sentimental?

At this time, some smarter representatives immediately changed their strategy and proposed to formally convene the parliament as soon as possible. At the worst, they should rectify the chaos in Clovis City as soon as possible to avoid causing the representatives' identities to be incurred due to some trivial matters and idle personnel. misunderstandings of ordinary citizens.

Their wishful thinking is as follows: first of all, it is to stop losses, and they cannot continue to let some bullshit and snake gods continue to devalue the status of representatives; secondly, as the first group of representatives to arrive, they have the best understanding of the bills of the National Assembly. , far from being comparable to those messy guys at the back.

As long as the "expansion" of representatives ends here, they can win over those representatives from the province as "experienced people" and can also stabilize their position.

In the eyes of the distinguished representatives, he has already made such a big concession and compromise, and the considerate Minister of War should readily agree.

Sophia smiled slightly and replied with the most polite and considerate expression:

"Sorry, no."


"Because this is the National Assembly, only His Majesty the King and the Assembly itself can decide how many representatives there are in the National Assembly; as for me... I am just a minister. I was given the responsibility of organizing the assembly by His Majesty, and I am not the speaker or leader of the National Assembly. "


The representatives were completely confused, but the Minister of War was very serious: "The National Assembly is personally authorized by His Majesty, representing the supreme status of the Kingdom of Clovis and a key institution with legislative and supervisory powers. How can its representative be anyone else?" Can it be decided?!”

Although what she said was serious, the delegates were still depressed and wanted to ask you, the one who organized the National Assembly and the one who defined the identity and power of the representatives. Why did the person in charge and management end up being someone other than you - you, the Minister of War? What is it for?

Of course, these words can only be said from the bottom of my heart. No matter how depressed the representatives are, they are not fools. They know very well that the girl in front of them has the power of life and death over them.

As for the royal family, Queen Regent Anne Herred has expressed silence on this matter and has no intention of intervening.

Not to mention the later representatives, even the first batch of "royalists" who came first were out-and-out rebels in the eyes of the royal family. Of course, the more chaotic the rebels and the internal strife between the rebels, the better. It would be best if this damn thing, the National Assembly, is completely bankrupt and can no longer survive.

The representatives who were in a mess didn't know that they and the people they were loyal to were already enemies from the very beginning.

While the National Assembly here is becoming increasingly chaotic, the citizens of Clovis City are still continuing their daily lives in an orderly manner.

The cost of living is still high. Although jobs are easy to find, the money you earn can only make ends meet. The police in Whitehall Street are still vicious. The gangs on the streets have disappeared and have been replaced by gun-toting militiamen.

In addition to the excitement one after another, in addition to the slogans of "equality, freedom" in newspapers, in addition to more and more strange figures organizing propaganda and speeches on the streets, in addition to more and more foreigners saying the same strange words...

Well, nothing has changed in my life, except that life is getting harder and harder.

At the same time, the difficult life and increasingly chaotic situation have also spawned many small groups with heretical beliefs - dilapidated factories, basements and pubs in the outer city, and luxurious and high-end club salons in the inner city called "Piety". The Old God Sect began to appear quietly.

They have no doctrines, no classics, and not even the most basic rituals. A group of people just light candles in the house, gather around, pray devoutly, and make wishes to God at the same time. The most devout believers have a certain probability that their wishes will come true. .

Cole Dorian, the chief inquisitor of the Truth-Seeking Order, did not comment on whether his wishes could really come true. He just silently increased the attendance rate of inquisitors. At the same time, any "devout" who dared to try to resist in front of him would not comment. Believers and pagans can all enjoy top-notch services.

As for the increasing number of "representatives from other provinces"... If the city of Clovis gives them the biggest feeling besides its prosperity and grandeur, it is that this city is simply a magic cave of gold, constantly sucking money from everyone. .

Yes, there is a common sense in this era that citizens of non-Clovis cities know: in most cases, the coins in your hand are actually of no use.

The farmers in the countryside are self-sufficient, and pay the lords food instead of money; most ordinary craftsmen in the city are provided with food and accommodation, and their daily necessities are basically barter, and they don't have many opportunities to come into contact with money. But now they have arrived in a city where everything requires money.

After spending all the money they had on travel expenses, these "self-paying" representatives could either beg on the street, or choose to apply for jobs outside a factory like those landless farmers and homeless people, and then become indifferent to their colleagues. My eyes are excited about the pickled pork or canned beef for lunch.


Outer city, Jiuqiang Street.

Fully loaded heavy-duty carriages slowly drove into the crowded streets and stopped outside the gate of the "Clovis City Citizens' Assembly" under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

Although the carriage was covered with canvas and it seemed that everything on the carriage was well wrapped, the citizens who had seen the newspapers in advance and heard the gossip from their neighbors knew in their hearts that the carriage contained What is.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a straight coat and not very agile walked out of the carriage with a cane. Facing the sea of ​​people in front of him, he was obviously a little scared, but he still pretended to be arrogant and cleared his throat, trying to be as calm as possible. Look around calmly:

"Excuse me...who is the current person in charge of the Citizens' Council here?"

There was dead silence.

Perhaps out of instinctive fear of the nobility, or perhaps because they felt ashamed and unworthy of being a representative of the "Citizens' Assembly", not only did no one take the initiative to stand up, the crowd also shrank back silently.

"I am."

Seeing that the atmosphere was in danger of freezing, Teacher Erich, who was standing in the front row, raised his right hand and looked at the familiar figure in front of him with a slight frown: "You, I remember you seem to..."

"Eric, a former member of the Munitions Warehouse Committee, is currently serving as an expatriate in the Prime Minister's Office." The man approached him and shook hands:

"I know you. Before the committee was disbanded, we also dealt with the Royal Military Academy. Well...you just said that you are the person in charge of the committee?"

"That's right. At present, the parliament has not elected a special speaker..."

Erich's eyes flickered. He originally wanted to say, "Lieutenant General Ansen Bach is our Speaker," but after thinking about it carefully, the time is not mature enough, at least not now: "But I am indeed the presiding officer of the parliament, and I can be considered as the representative of the parliament. Qualifications for foreign diplomacy.”

"Ah...that's great!"

A senior official in the executive office who called himself Eric was relieved as if he had been granted amnesty: "To be honest, I was just thinking about what to do if I couldn't find anyone. You were really helpful!"

"Please see, here is a document approved by the Prime Minister's Office. It has been stamped with the seal of the ruling lord himself." He handed a document to Erich:

"According to the previously discussed process, before the Prime Minister's Office approves the documents for the implementation of the parliament, it must be specially submitted to the parliament and made public to show that it fully follows the wishes of the parliament."

"Ah, thank you very much."

Erich nodded slightly, but quickly realized something: "You mean, now that the document has been executed, it only needs to be made public for it to take effect?"


"No matter when and where, as long as it is made public?"

"Well...as long as you can ensure that it can be known to the council, it should be fine." Eric smiled: "After all, the Citizens' Council has only just appeared, and we don't know what your specific process is. "

Seeing the other party's wry smile, Erich was stunned and turned to look at the crowd behind him, seeing those eyes full of eagerness and expectation.

So he took a deep breath, suddenly opened the document in his hand, and shouted to the crowd in front of him:

"According to my king Jun's decree——

According to the final resolution of the Clovis City Citizens' Assembly, the state specifically approved the budget to purchase butter, bread, coal and other daily necessities at a price that is 10% lower than the market cost price, and limited purchases per person in outer urban areas to ensure the normalcy of the people. Life;

This resolution has been voted unanimously by the Citizens' Assembly and passed unanimously. It will be implemented immediately without delay - the Prime Minister's Office of the Kingdom of Clovis! "

The sonorous and powerful words echoed in the crowded streets.

Although he had expected and prepared for it, when all this actually happened, Teacher Erich still felt in a daze.

The next second, as if he realized something, he suddenly tensed up and tightly grasped the document in his hand...

Raise it high above your head!

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