I will be crowned king

Chapter 1142: Discussing positions and merits

The officers looked at the two men in confusion as they complimented each other back and forth. They didn't know what they were doing. The chief of general staff sitting next to them gave the answer:


Of course, to be more precise, it should be a tribute to the Storm Legion and the Clovis Holy War Legion that went to the New World - since the Church of Order has nominally declared that the New World Holy War has won, and the Storm Legion has not betrayed the kingdom, then they should all He is a meritorious minister.

If they are meritorious officials, then they must be rewarded according to their merits, even if the two "meritorious officials" have achieved their military exploits on each other.

This ceremony was originally supposed to be held immediately after Anson Bach and the officers of the Storm Legion arrived in Clovis City, but it was delayed due to various subsequent problems. In the end, only Anson himself relied on the coronation ceremony of Nicholas I. After obtaining the rank of lieutenant general, the other officers still had nothing.

Therefore, after excluding the Commander-in-Chief, the Storm Legion and all the officers who participated in the Holy War will soon receive a collective promotion; not only military ranks, but also additional promotions.

"Since it is a promotion, some of the people here may soon get out of the Storm Legion and go to other legions or the Army Ministry. And since the current Storm Legion wants to be on par with other elite standing legions, it is bound to increase The scale has expanded from 8,000 to 20,000 or even 40,000."

Carl paused and said, "This is also convenient for promoting the original middle and lower-level officers. After all, the establishment is increased, so that colleagues who have made military exploits can be given appropriate honors and corresponding treatment."

"Let's not talk about military ranks for now. Since the Ministry of War is responsible for arranging job positions, some people may already know about them. For example, our deputy commander is now the Acting Minister of the Interior of the Ministry of War. I believe you can use The 'agent' will be removed in a few days..." While speaking, the chief of staff glanced at Fabian beside him:

"As for everyone else, they have made corresponding arrangements. Don't worry, the final result will definitely be higher than everyone's guess. After all, the previous army was finished, and now this one is short of manpower. There are still many officers who were killed after the mutiny. Play till the end, there are plenty of empty seats...ahem!"

Coughing twice, he glanced at the still a little confused officers: "Of course, everyone's opinions will be respected. If you want to go to the army or the army department you like, you can put it forward. Army The Ministry and the Minister of War will definitely...well, they should consider it as appropriate."

"We are all our own people here, there is no need to be so tactful." Looking at Karl who was hesitant to speak and seemed embarrassed, Anson smiled and waved his hand:

"To put it bluntly, the Minister of War, Her Excellency Sophia Franz, has already agreed. She will not ask about the list of positions in the Storm Legion at the level of division commander, and below the deputy minister of the Ministry of War. She will directly approve it; even if it is a minister, division commander, or even someone The chief of staff of a standing corps or the commander of a certain garrison and fortress, just ask and I will fight for you."

"I promised everyone countless times in Eagle Point City, in the Royal Court of Yser, on the way to the New World and before returning to Clovis that I would do my best to achieve fair interests." Anson's expression Gradually get serious:

"Supplies, trophies, and everyone's future... No matter when and where we are, we are all part of the Storm Legion's community of interests, and this will never change."

No one spoke, but the expression on everyone's face was as if they were hesitant to speak.

Old Renard looked at Anson and then at his son hiding in the back row with subtle eyes.

"You don't need to make a decision right now. This matter still takes a few days." Anson tapped the table with his fingers to lighten the atmosphere a little - he originally thought that the officers would be quite excited, but it turned out that this surprise seemed to come It was too sudden.

"Well, well, I have a question."

The sudden sound made everyone turn around subconsciously and look at Alexei Dukasky, the commander of the Second Infantry Regiment who hesitated and raised his hand: "Since you can choose at will, and the Storm Legion is about to expand, how can we Can’t you apply to be the division commander of a division within the expanded legion?”

This... everyone was stunned at first, and then turned their attention to Ansen with a tacit understanding, who had an equally surprised expression.

"Yes, yes, but..." Anson was also a little surprised: "The legion has a time span. It must first establish its organization and then slowly add lower-level soldiers, so...even if I agree now, but when the time comes, you There may still be only an empty division commander of an infantry regiment, and no headquarters of its own.”

"No problem!" Alexey answered without hesitation: "I can accept this, it will happen sooner or later anyway."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two captains behind him, Julien and Leo, immediately showed eager expressions.

"Wait a minute, please think carefully before you make a decision." Fabian, who had always remained silent, immediately assumed his duties as deputy commander and interrupted:

"If you just want to stay in the Storm Legion, I personally have no objection in principle, but if you just want to continue serving under the Commander-in-Chief, I advise you to think clearly. Although the Lieutenant General is still the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion, It doesn’t mean it will be the same in the future.”

……Um? !

Almost instantly, the atmosphere in the room became a little strange.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's so weird about this... It's a good thing that you guys became colonels earlier than me." Carl Bain snorted softly and rolled his eyes at everyone:

"Promotions and demotions, legion reorganizations, department assignments... It is normal for the Clovis Army to change positions and units. Speaking of which, aren't we all assigned to the Storm Legion from various units for different reasons?"

Carl Bain's experience in this regard can be said to be unique - despite being a lieutenant for so many years, he has been transferred between various units more times than a veteran who has been in the army for 20 years, and he has dealt with all kinds of mistakes. It is enough to penetrate the center of the earth.

"The officer is loyal to the legion and to his superiors, which proves that he has a sense of belonging here that no other army can give him." The old man Renard suddenly spoke to save the situation and said with a smile:

"I should envy you, Lieutenant General Anson Bach. You have an extremely cohesive and extremely loyal army. This is something that no reputation or position can give, and it is unimaginable wealth for ordinary people. If I were a general, I would definitely pursue it. Let me ask you how you did it."

“It’s simple, equality and equal benefit, just as what the ‘True Heart’ organization and the upcoming National Assembly advocate.”

Anson also smiled and replied: "Let's not talk about this for now, the awarding ceremony should be very soon, right?"

"That's right, we must do it before the National Assembly convenes." Renard nodded tacitly:

"It is well known that only His Majesty is qualified to confer officers with titles, but that is only in name. In the past, the power below general officers was basically in the hands of the Privy Council, but now that the Privy Council has been dissolved, the conferral ceremony must of course be jointly hosted by the Ministry of War and the Privy Council. For Your Majesty relieves your worries."

"Considering that if the National Assembly is convened, those representatives who do not understand the situation will definitely raise various questions and mess up what was originally a happy matter, so... it is better to settle the matter as soon as possible."

As he spoke, Old Renard stood up tremblingly on crutches and looked around at the officers present: "Since Anson Bach won the lottery and announced the good news in advance, as the envoy of the ruling lord, I can also be here Let me tell you, the final result will definitely satisfy everyone.”

"Of course, the specific details are still being worked out intensively, and many key points are still being discussed, but no matter what, this will be an unprecedented event to thank you for your loyal service to the kingdom."

Before he finished speaking, the old man put his right hand on his chest and bowed to the officers.

However, the officers were not as calm as he thought, forcing themselves to be calm and jumping for joy. Instead, they were... slightly embarrassed.

After all, they insisted on how the Storm Legion served the Kingdom of Clovis...participating in the empire's colonial rebellion would definitely count, but in the end the colonies all belonged to the Free Confederacy, including the two colonies of Clovis.

As for participating in the Holy War... that was indeed the case. It was just that the party being targeted by the Holy War beat up the Holy War Legion sent by Clovis.

Of course, strictly speaking, the Storm Legion did not really defeat the Clovis Crusaders. They just had some friction with Major General Ludwig at the beginning.

Well, a little friction...just a little friction.

With this thought, everyone seemed to be relieved; so when the head of the Renard family raised his head again, he saw the officers breathing a sigh of relief, and he immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Since such a large-scale award is awarded privately within the Ministry of War and the Prime Minister's Office, wouldn't it be bad?" Norton Crosell, who had never expressed his position, couldn't help but said:

"After all, the situation is so chaotic right now. His Majesty has just ascended the throne and has not really dealt with state affairs yet... He arranged the ranks and positions of dozens of officers at once without even saying a word to him, and deliberately avoided the upcoming National Assembly. , there’s no guarantee that I won’t be suspected and accused later.”

"This is..." Renard turned his gaze to Anson.

"Commander of the Third Infantry Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell." Fabian spoke first: "By the way, Lieutenant Colonel Norton can be said to be the mainstay of the Storm Legion. A person who can be flawless in leading the team or sitting in the rear.”

"Huh?" Norton panicked immediately: "Well, well, you really deserved the award. I..."

"Is that so?"

Old Renard was immediately in awe, and said with a completely unobtrusive smile: "Being able to be in the same room with you and all the heroes alongside you, I, a guy who has never left Clovis City or been on the battlefield, I immediately felt so proud.”


"As for the issue you just mentioned, it's completely over-worrying." The old man smiled broadly:

"Everything we do is precisely to share His Majesty's worries, and at the same time to be absolutely fair and just as much as possible, so as to avoid arguments and disputes afterwards!"

"Oh, sharing your Majesty's worries is fair and just...just?!"

Norton was confused. This was obviously a secret discussion between the Ministry of War and the Prime Minister's Office. They even deliberately avoided being interfered by the National Assembly. How could it have anything to do with fairness and justice?

"The reason is very simple. Think about it, your Majesty, your Majesty today?" the old man asked, and then directly gave the answer:

"Eight years old. Your Majesty is just an eight-year-old child now. If a child is asked to cite merits and titles for generals, I won't mention whether your Majesty can complete it properly. Even if he can, who can guarantee that an eight-year-old child can do it? Can this decision be recognized by the entire army and tens of millions of people?"

"Of course we all believe that there must be many loyal ministers who agree with it, but as long as there are voices of opposition, His Majesty's majesty will be greatly compromised."

"On the contrary, if it were us ministers who made the decision, the nature would be different." The old man changed the subject:

"First of all, our decision is not made by one person alone, but a relatively reasonable result discussed by many loyal ministers, and it will be accepted by everyone to a higher degree; secondly, since it is not His Majesty's decision, even if anything happens, The question will not damage His Majesty’s majesty.”

"When you think about it, don't you feel like you have the best of both worlds?"


"Let's talk about the National Assembly. Of course they represent the common thoughts of all Clovis subjects, but that doesn't mean that the decisions they make must be fair." The old man didn't give him a chance to speak at all:

"The New World Jihad took place before the formation of the National Assembly, and there were five thousand representatives from all provinces across the country. Is it unfair to ask them to understand the greatness of the Jihad and its complex relationships from the beginning, and then make fair and just decisions? Is it realistic?"

"I think Lord Renard's words are very reasonable." Anson followed closely and said:

"For the sake of fairness and justice, and for the sake of prestige, it is the most reasonable way to leave this matter to our loyal ministers to resolve."

Since even the commander-in-chief has come forward to endorse it, of course the officers have no other opinions, or in other words, they have no opinions at all - everyone is loyal ministers, what's wrong with loyal ministers wanting to make progress?

After discussing the specific time for the investiture ceremony, old Renard did not stay as long as some people hoped. Instead, he said goodbye and left, and immediately went to the Prime Minister's Office; the officers who had their own thoughts no longer stayed where they were. They went out in twos and threes.

Only Julien Renard remained in his seat.

Anson looked at his commander of the Fifth Infantry Regiment and vaguely guessed something in his heart: "Is something wrong?"

"Yes." Julien, who had a tense face, nodded stiffly, stepped forward, and said anxiously to Anson:

"Excuse me, did my father use something as a condition to ask you to promote me?"

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