I will be crowned king

Chapter 1144 National Assembly

March 23, early morning.

Anson got up from the soft bed and took a deep breath after unloading the countless fatigue from yesterday. He stretched his muscles a little and walked to the clothes rack, ready to change into the same general uniform as yesterday.

But at the moment when he reached out, the lieutenant general who had just woken up hesitated amidst the snoring of Lisa next door, and then took up the black coat, white shirt and soft jacket that he had bought at the old Alfred tailor shop. A bowler hat.

After changing clothes and washing up, Anson walked out of the bathroom and happened to bump into Christian who was preparing breakfast. The latter was chewing on a pipe and holding two cups of hot coffee and dry bread. He smiled as if he was surprised: "What a coincidence. Don’t you want to have breakfast together?”

Yes, what a coincidence. By coincidence, you also prepared a meal for two people... After a few words of inner criticism, Anson nodded: "Then you must be respectful and do not obey orders."

"When I heard Mrs. Bogner talk about this matter yesterday, I was a little surprised. Thinking about it afterwards, I feel that you were elected as one of the representatives of Clovis City. It seems that there is nothing surprising."

Before he sat down, Christian couldn't help but said: "With the influence of 'Bare Heart' among various communities and representatives in Clovis City, the leader of the organization should indeed have a seat in the National Assembly."

"Yes, but considering that this unprecedented National Assembly has 5,328 representatives, I feel that the so-called representative status is not that unusual." Anson chuckled to himself, his eyes fell. At the corner of the other person’s mouth:

"By the way...when did you start smoking a pipe? It seems like you haven't seen you smoking since you came back from Beigang?"

"Hey, you ask this?"

As if by accident, Christian Bach suddenly froze. After thinking for a moment, he explained: "Well...just think of it as some kind of image promotion."

"Image promotion?"

"Yes, wasn't I also elected as the representative of the central province? Since I want to represent those fellow villagers, of course I have to take into account their ideas." After taking out the pipe and playing with it twice, Christian couldn't help but wry smile:

"You don't know, the central and provincial representatives who came to the National Assembly this time are all rural priests, leaders of peasant associations and elderly village elders. They are the most conservative and old-fashioned group of people in Clovis. "The 'leaders and elders' in their minds are probably middle-aged and elderly men who wear decent cloaks, have beards, and like to smoke pipes."

"So if you want to gain the trust of these people, you have to dress up similarly. Well... it's like if you want to gain the respect of the soldiers immediately, the easiest way is to find a tailor shop to make a customized military uniform."

Anson nodded slightly, understanding this.

The richest central province of the Kingdom of Clovis is also the most conservative place. This is actually very understandable: because of the rapid development of Clovis City, the royal capital, a large amount of land has been annexed into plantations, commercial farms, and landless farmers. Either go to the cities and work in factories, or become sharecroppers and plantation workers.

Over time, the population in the countryside, especially the young people, was lost rapidly, leaving only the elderly and children, as well as the most stubborn and powerful noble lords, and they were becoming more conservative day by day.

"I chatted with them for a long time. The representatives of the central and provincial governments have a very simple idea - to stabilize the price of agricultural products, it is best to have merchants or officials from the kingdom directly purchase the output of the fields every year, and then Lower taxes."

Taking a bite of dry bread soaked in coffee, Christian sighed: "Their wishes are easy to satisfy, but it does not help to improve their situation; I tried to suggest that they might as well propose to lay small railways connecting villages and towns, and use the countryside to We built flour mills and large grain warehouses on rivers, but the representatives asked why we were doing these expensive and troublesome things.”

"I think those representatives' rhetorical questions are quite reasonable."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Even if flour mills are built, railways are built, and life in villages and towns becomes enriched, so what?" Anson asked:

"The city of Clovis is just around the corner. No matter how hard you try, you can't change the fact that there are more opportunities and wealth here. Building the railway will only speed up the departure of more young people from their hometown. Working hard to run a flour mill will definitely Can you take a place in front of those big estate owners and plantation owners?”

"For those rural areas where there are only the elderly and children, it may be a wiser choice to consider how to live in poverty over time, to fully recognize the reality, and to choose a lifestyle that is more comfortable and preferred to them."

Christian was stunned and hesitated for a moment in surprise: "This... I really never expected it."

"It doesn't matter, because I am also talking nonsense." Anson smiled calmly, wiped the coffee stains from the corners of his mouth and stood up: "It's a delicious breakfast, then...see you at the National Assembly?"

"See you at the National Assembly."

Christian nodded slightly: "To be honest, I can't help but imagine what an unprecedented event it will be - five thousand representatives gathered at the Osteria Palace to discuss state affairs. It will definitely go down in history." .”

"Yes." Anson suddenly showed a strange expression and his eyes were a little wandering: "Then I will take the first step. Please remember to let Lisa get up before leaving. A tailor from the Truth-Seeking Club will come to her."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

Smiling and waving to him, Christian picked up the coffee cup and looked out the window and slowly thought about it.

After leaving the apartment and walking to the street, Anson got into the carriage. Carl Bain, who had been waiting for a long time, knocked on the roof of the carriage out of boredom; with the crisp sound of horse hooves, the carriage began to move slowly along the crowd of people on the street.

"How is it going?"

"Well, are you talking about war preparations or matters related to the National Assembly?" the chief of staff asked nonchalantly.

"Both." Anson rolled his eyes at him: "Let's talk about the first one first."

"Ah, that's bad news." Karl couldn't help but smile: "According to the situation revealed by Julien, who just joined the General Staff and was promoted to colonel, because the former Army Ministry was purged too seriously, the entire General Staff is qualified There are only a handful of staff officers; especially the veteran staff officers who have rich experience and have organized many large-scale mobilizations and war planning, there is basically no one out of ten.”

"The new group of staff officers made combat plans and plans that even our Minister of War, who knows nothing about military affairs, can't stand. They revealed at a glance that they had copied combat manuals and junk novels from some third-rate newspapers,"

"But the good news is that although I have no experience, I am very loyal and hard-working. I was sent back to redo the same day, and I even made four revisions without any complaints. It can be regarded as quite diligent."

"What's the use of just being diligent? Why doesn't the General Staff find some officers with actual combat experience?" Before he finished speaking, Anson immediately reacted: "Ah...all the experienced ones have been purged?"

"Well, not all of them have been purged, only four-fifths; but if you want to capture the remaining one-fifth into the War Department, Clovis's standing army may have to consider letting the company commander command Infantry regiment, the regiment commander is taking command of the infantry division." Karl smiled and waved his hand:

"The good news is not that there is no such thing. The legion scheduled to be responsible for the Yisel Elf War and to support Hantu has been decided. The Western Ranger Legion has a reinforced artillery regiment, two infantry divisions and a cavalry division, all in Crowland. Wei is also considered one of the best elites - he has a cavalry division!"

"Yeah, if you don't consider that it takes three Clovis cavalry to defeat one Imperial cavalry." Anson rolled his eyes: "And the Elf Kingdom of Iser is full of mountains. How useful can the cavalry be? Give me more A few of our cavalry cannons would be good too."

"This should be no problem. Fabian went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Norton went to the Logistics Department, and our Minister of War, Sophia Franz, is here. It is estimated that we will be able to enjoy it for the first time and get whatever we want. Special treatment." Karl could not help but fantasize:

"Oh, by the way, Alexei Dukasky was also transferred to the Ranger Corps and served as the commander of the 2nd Infantry Division. He was shot to death by the militia during what seemed like a mutiny, so he happened to be replaced. Opportunity."

"Is there such a coincidence?" Anson's face was full of disbelief: "Is it a coincidence or intentional?"

"It was intentional."

Karl said seriously: "Miss Sophia has the power to arrange military personnel. She has the final say on who goes to which regiment. You should really thank her."

"By the way, according to this combat arrangement, Eagle Point City should be the rear base camp. Guess who is the current commander-in-chief of Eagle Point City Fortress?"

"...Who can't be our Colonel Roman?"

"Occasionally, you should think better of Young Master Ludwig. He is not so dirty." Karl rolled his eyes: "It's Leo, and this commander-in-chief is a temporary position, which means he is Sent specifically to assist us.”

"It's good to have someone in the court." Ansen couldn't help but sigh:

"Thinking about when we were forced to climb the Dawn Ice Peak, how could we have imagined that we would still be here today?"

"Yes, thanks to a certain commander-in-chief who successfully led us astray, we almost didn't get to see today."

"...I think we've pretty much told you the bad news. It's time to talk about the good news, right?"

"Good news, what good news?"

"You just said that the war plan against the Yser elves is bad news." Anson said angrily:

"What about the National Assembly? Is there any good news?"

"Ah, you're talking about this." Karl smiled and suddenly realized:

"Sorry, bad news too."

Anson Bach: "..."

"The royal family suddenly changed its mind and did not agree to convene the National Assembly in Osteria Palace - your initial worries were correct." Karl said solemnly: "But it's not the Queen Mother Regent, she seems to be very supportive of this. However, the Osteria royal family collectively opposes it and cannot even hold it in the open air on the square outside the palace."

"What's the reason? What's the reason?"

"The number of representatives is large and the composition is mixed. There are not only members of the royal family, the wives of wealthy nobles, but also many foreign envoys in the Osteria Palace. If a disturbance is caused, it may bring shame to the royal family and surprise the friendly countries... Well, this is the opposite. Exact words." Karl shrugged:

"In short, it doesn't work. We have to find another place."

"Change, this is going to be held soon, where can I change?"

Anson frowned slightly: "There were only a few hundred representatives in the Citizen's Assembly, so we could just find a small theater to make up the numbers. This time, there are more than 5,000 people. How can we find a suitable place - the Loyalty Palace?"

"The Minister of War also said so, but the Ludwig administration was firmly opposed to it." The chief of staff smiled: "No wonder, if it were to be there, the Ministry of War would have to overwhelm the Prime Minister's Office. He is 100% It’s absolutely impossible to agree.”

“Therefore, after emergency negotiations, the location was changed to White Lake Park—the Royal Guards and the Whitehall Street Police had rushed to arrange the scene in advance, and newspapers throughout the city were actively cooperating to spread the news and allow the representatives to rush to the new venue. "

"So that's it." Anson was stunned for a moment: "Does that mean that as long as I wait a few minutes to buy a newspaper, I will know the situation, and you don't need to tell me at all?"

"Yes, and I also bought the newspaper."

Karl very naturally took out a copy of the "Clovis Truth" from behind his back. The headline on the front page was about the National Assembly: "It also specifically mentioned the royal family's apology to the parliament because they were unable to lend the palace. By the way, I respectfully I wish the first National Assembly a complete success.”

"By the way, His Majesty Nicholas and the Queen Mother Regent will not be there, but the Prime Minister's Office will be. But I think you can guess what he plans to do."

Anson raised his eyebrows.

The fact that the royal family would not agree to this matter was indeed exactly the same as his initial guess. It was impossible for anyone to accept seeing a group of provincial nobles and commoners taking away the power that originally belonged to them; besides, although a parliament was convened, The meaning and nature of being in the palace and just finding a square are completely different, and of course they understand this.

But what they don’t understand is that once the National Assembly is successfully held and recognized by everyone, no matter where it is, their privileges will come to an end; the cohesion of the kingdom, legal recognition, and even the final right of interpretation and judicial power would be transferred from the Osterian royal family to the National Assembly.

This is what the Truth Society wants, to break the change in the "order" of the ordered world. This is the dream that Luther Franz bets everything on, even to the point of personally killing Carlos II, who has a tacit relationship with him.

Even going back to the first year of the Saints' Calendar, what Saint Isaac wanted to do, the future he dreamed of, and all the futures that tried to break the cage that imprisoned the whole world in the next hundred years... everything must be in his own hands today. ushered in a decisive turning point.

The carriage slowly stopped outside the park gate. Anson patted Karl on the shoulder and looked out the window at the crowds of people:

"I'm going."

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