I will be crowned king

Chapter 1148 Let’s unite!

Despite her anger, Anne Herred did not lose her mind. On the contrary, she actually knew what she was doing.

The core goal of forming the National Assembly is to appease the local factions and let them recognize the authority and legitimacy of Nicholas I to survive the current crisis of royal power; as long as Nicholas secures the throne, no matter how many previous promises, even the National Assembly itself can be revoked of.

There are countless similar examples in the history of the empire: the emperor united with the Grand Duke to fight against the church, united with the knights at the bottom to fight against the Grand Duke, united with the people at the bottom to fight against the rebellious nobles, gave them power and channels to express their opinions, and gave them hope. Even promoting a commoner to the position of prime minister... is just to deal with the immediate trouble.

When the trouble is over, the existence of these rule-breakers has become trouble again. At that time, they can use the bowed church to fight against the archdukes, win over the surrendered archdukes to suppress the knights who cannot see the form, and unite the loyal knights to defeat the low-level untouchables. Rebellion... This is how the order of the world of order has operated over the past thousands of years.

It was like this in the past, and it will be like this in the future...

So she was not worried about the Ministry of War refusing to carry out her orders... Even if the National Assembly's "masterminds behind the scenes" were her loyal Minister of War and the Chief of Royal Guards, they would never have the guts to openly disobey orders.

The nobility and army of Clovis City are the largest base of the royal family. Since Sophia Franz and Anson Bach want to become the leaders of the army, they must not use the banner of "rebellion", otherwise they will be killed by the officers. abandoned by soldiers.

Therefore, as long as he orders the army to surround the National Assembly site, the two "loyal ministers" will immediately be in a dilemma: if they execute the order, the National Assembly will regard them as enemies, and if they disobey the order on the spot, the army will regard them as traitors.

Anne Herred even felt very proud. She was even becoming more and more accustomed to sitting in the position of Carlos II and controlling the country like the late husband she hated so much.

At the same time, the parliamentary scene in Baihu Park continued; as the conflicting opening remarks came to an end, the National Assembly gradually entered an orderly procedural stage, with various "processes" that the representatives knew or did not understand taking turns to bombard each other, leaving Everyone present started to feel dizzy.

By the time the meeting reached noon, the hungry delegates could only remember Ludwig's lengthy speech; the scene was completely silent, and everyone's interest was obviously lowered.

This is basically Ludwig's purpose, to use various processes to interrupt the "rhythm" created by some people, and turn the seemingly dangerous National Assembly of more than 5,000 people into one that has no thinking ability and can only "represent" and " "Obey" puppets; no matter what bill they want to pass, they just need to agree with it, without any need to understand it.

There are only two ways to prevent others from clearly understanding something: first, not telling the truth, but it is best not to lie; the other way is to make simple things complicated, and the more complicated the better.

If others cannot understand the whole thing, of course they will not know what you are going to do, and naturally they will not know how to stop it.

It's just that if he can think of things, people who are as smart as him will naturally understand them; as Miss Flora Cecil, who considers herself "extremely smart", she quickly discovered this problem.

But when she happily told Anson the results and excitedly planned to "expose the evil intentions", she encountered opposition from the other party.


"Because this is the other party's right, or Ludwig did not commit a foul." Anson explained patiently: "Whether it is changing the process or making simple problems more complicated, it is still governed by the rules of 'parliament', and Not destruction.”

"But Ludwig clearly doesn't want it to go on smoothly, but wants the Parliament to completely become his puppet!"

"Yes, but even so, he did not deny the parliament. There is a big difference between open contempt and arrogance."

Looking at Laura Fula, whose face was still full of disappointment, Anson's lips slightly raised: "You should also know that those representatives from various provinces, although they have many demands and many people, it is precisely because of this that their inner feelings The bottom line is actually very low. As long as the parliament is not forcibly dissolved or none of their demands are met, they will be disappointed at most, but they will not resist easily."

Sure enough... the girl took a look around and found that although the representatives looked dissatisfied, very few of them were even whispering among themselves; most of them were still listening to Ludwig describing the details of the upcoming parliamentary procedures with a very serious attitude.

"Then... what should we do?" Fula Laura was very disappointed. This daughter of a noble family in Beigang seemed to sympathize with the representatives present: "Are we just going to watch this event that could have changed the future of the kingdom? The prosperous times have come to nothing?"

"There is no need to be so pessimistic." Anson shook his head, his eyes falling on the noble representatives in the front row headed by Viscount Bogner:

"My beloved old boss Ludwig is a patient and smart man, but that does not mean that his allies are too; he can endure the awkwardness and continue to carry out the parliament, but that does not mean that everyone can do it."


Looking at his meaningful expression, the girl tilted her head in confusion.

It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that the National Assembly finally finalized various rules and procedures and began to enter the stage of bill appeal and voting.

Although long tents and chairs were prepared for sun and wind protection, the experience definitely had nothing to do with "comfort and relaxation." The venue with thousands of people was still very crowded, and it was very inconvenient to get in and out.

Resisting the exhaustion and hunger of being crowded together with others, the representatives' faces were full of excitement and hesitation, because then they could officially start voting as representatives and even propose their own bills - this is What they came for.

For this, they are willing to endure no matter how many grievances and hardships they have; as long as they are given the power to vote and decide taxes for the coming year, even if they have to shout "Long Live the King" three times before voting, those representatives who once refused to pay allegiance to Nicholas I, He will not hesitate to declare that he is the most loyal royalist.

Ludwig was also very aware of this. Based on the facts, he was quite troubled by being forced to give up the power that he could have decided by himself to this unknown "National Assembly". But without doing so, he would not be able to unite the entire kingdom, and he would not be able to unite the entire kingdom. The War Department could not be persuaded to agree to the upcoming war plan.

I have no choice but to bite the bullet.

At this moment, a piercing bugle suddenly sounded over Baihu Park.

Ludwig's expression suddenly changed, as if he realized something, he looked back in the direction of Osteria Palace.

At this time, most of the people present did not know what happened. Only a handful of representatives from Clovis City noticed it. They stood up from their seats in panic and looked around.

Soon, more and more obvious footsteps came. Although the dense footsteps were far away, they still reached the parliament site.

Before Ludwig could order the suspension of parliament, a pale-faced policeman ran over panting: "In power, the entire White Lake Park has been surrounded by army soldiers!"

"What did you mean, siege?" Ludwig couldn't believe his ears: "This is the National Assembly that concerns the future of the entire kingdom. Who gave the order, and which legion can have such courage?"

Before he finished speaking, he realized that he had asked a very stupid question.

Who could allow the legion to enter the city without permission, or the people in the inner city, except the regent and queen mother of the Osteria Palace?

Besides Anson Bach's damn Storm Legion, which other army has such a privilege of being at your call? !

"...Who is leading the army?"

"It's...acting corps commander, Colonel Carl Bain." The policeman quickly added: "Ah, he also asked me to bring a message specifically for you, the Lord Consul."

"What words?"

"Uh..." The policeman's eyes suddenly dodgeed: "I'm just following orders, please don't mind, your lord in power."


Ludwig felt that his brain was boiling, but he still suppressed his emotions and gave the order after a moment of silence: "In this way, notify all the police on site to try to block the Storm Legion outside and get at least ten Minutes, tens of millions..."

"Lord Ruling!"

Before he finished speaking, the royal guard who was following behind him coldly interrupted: "The matter of sending troops to station at the parliament is an order from His Majesty. I advise you not to make any arbitrary decisions."

"I am the Speaker of the National Assembly. Why didn't I receive an order for such a big matter?!"

Ludwig suddenly turned around and lowered his voice angrily: "If this was arranged in advance, why didn't anyone inform me? If this is a temporary arrangement, shouldn't I, the Speaker, be consulted first? !”

"Perhaps, but that was all in the past." The royal guard said calmly, "But now, His Majesty has made his decision; as a minister, you should follow His Majesty's wishes."

"Your Majesty's...will..."

The corners of Ludwig's mouth kept twitching, and his right hand subconsciously pressed the revolver at his waist.

But at this moment, a biting chill hit from all directions almost at the same time; the dozen or so royal guards who were originally responsible for assisting the police and performing security work had all turned their attention here in unison.

At this moment, the representatives in the stands finally noticed something unusual, and commotion and uneasiness began to spread among the crowd; on the contrary, the noble representatives in the front row looked at the horrified eyes of the people around them, and began to raise their voices one by one. Angry.

"ok, I get it."

Loosening his grip on the revolver, Ludwig said coldly to the royal guards: "But from now on, you are not allowed to hide anything from me, and you must cooperate as much as possible; otherwise the five thousand people on site will With so many representatives from all over the country, I can’t guarantee that anything unexpected will happen.”

"Please rest assured about this." Seeing that he did not pick up a weapon, the Wang family guard's face became more respectful after heaving a sigh of relief:

"To be honest, we don't know much here, and we haven't given you much advance notice of the specific situation; as long as it's within our capabilities, we will definitely obey any of your orders."

"Well, then I'm relieved."

Nodding seriously, Ludwig's face turned cold instantly as he turned his head.

It turns out that I still underestimated Anne Herred, the Queen Regent... I thought that it was impossible for a woman who stayed in the palace all year round to restrain the elite armed forces of the royal family. The fact seemed to be exactly the opposite.

At the same time, the Storm Legion, marching in uniform steps, finally entered the parliament site in White Lake Park; eight companies advanced in columns from four directions at the same time, and they were fully armed.

The representatives who were panicking just now couldn't sit still. Many people showed fear, but some people felt angry: "Your Majesty Speaker, what is going on?!"

"Silence, my respected Representative William Cecil!"

Ludwig, with a dark face, said coldly. He had become more and more disgusted with this guy who always jumped out first: "Delegates here, there is no need to panic at all. This is His Majesty's order to show the importance of this parliament. The specially prepared ceremony was not intended to intimidate the National Assembly."

"Of course, if anyone really tries to do something disrespectful to the royal family, I can also assure you that I will personally punish such gangsters without the need for soldiers in the army to take action."

"Not only that, I can tell you now that this legion is the glorious Storm Legion, the heroes who suppressed the rebellion before; and their commander-in-chief is also one of you; with him around, you don't need to do anything at all. Worried about safety."

While speaking, Ludwig glanced at a corner of the stand: "Am I right, the chief of the Royal Guards, Lieutenant General Anson Bach?"

In an instant, the eyes of everyone in the audience turned in the direction he was looking.

Laura Cecil, who was still very proud, suddenly hid behind someone in fear; feeling the gazes from around her, Anson smiled playfully.

Ludwig specifically chose this time to "catch" himself, clearly hoping that he could calm the situation and allow the parliament to continue to proceed smoothly.

So, will I let him get his wish with peace of mind?

Obviously impossible.

So Anson slowly raised his right hand and glanced at the faces of everyone looking at him: "The duty of the Clovis soldiers is to fight for the interests of the kingdom; the mission of the National Assembly is to defend the interests of the Kingdom of Clovis. "

"Clovis's soldiers were recruited from thousands of people; the representatives of the National Assembly were also elected by thousands of people."

"Then it stands to reason that the Army of the Kingdom of Clovis should unite with the National Assembly and then unswervingly defend the interests of the Kingdom."

"Long live Clovis!"

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