I will be crowned king

Chapter 1158 Black Flag Party and Awakening Faction

Clovis, inner city.

As the National Assembly and the royalist factions struggled, the division became more intense, and the entire city gradually began to boil.

After rounds of "iterations", the National Assembly finally gave birth to the most extreme group. They opposed the nobility, privileges, the royal family, the rich... In short, they opposed almost everything except themselves.

Their demands are also very simple: before June 1st, the 103rd year of the Saints calendar, any nobles who try to oppose or have tried to oppose the National Assembly must be sentenced to death. Any "lackey or lackey" who tries to shield or condone them Traitors" must also be shot.

And they do have the confidence to say this: behind this group of people are tenant farmers in the six southern provinces, representatives of the middle and lower class clergy, which can be said to be the most important cornerstone of Clovis's tax revenue and military resources; their attitude is completely acceptable Seems like most of Clovis' attitude.

Not only that, they also established their own organization after the "Red Heart" and Shotgun Club, named the "Black Flag Party" with a pure black flag.

Because the King of Clovis's flag is a bloody unicorn on a black background, members of the Black Flag Party interpreted the unicorn as the royal family and nobility, and the pure black flag below was the people of Clovis who actually formed the country but were ignored. .

Compared with the "Red Heart" whose main force is middle- and lower-level officers, the Black Flag Party, whose main members do not even have a single soldier, is stronger in terms of unity and offensiveness.

In addition to giving public speeches, organizing rallies, and publishing various hate-mongering remarks in newspapers, they are also very keen on recruiting members. They use the most understandable words to talk to the middle- and lower-class people in the outer city, explaining that the other provinces and the outer city are actually suffering from the same disease. The brothers and common enemies are the nobles who live in the inner city and the castle.

However, their number is ultimately a minority compared to the entire National Assembly, and because their ideas and demands are too extreme, it is still difficult for them to gain recognition from the majority of people even though their mobility and unity far exceed everyone else.

The current mainstream view within the National Assembly is still to "remove the privileges of the nobility, the king recognizes and abides by the constitutional code promulgated by the National Assembly, and the Privy Council and institutions at all levels strictly accept supervision from the National Assembly."

It is very regrettable that even such a "reasonable" demand in the eyes of the National Assembly was still opposed by the royalist nobles and refused to even make the slightest concession.

Even the most moderate royalist members believe that the National Assembly is a bunch of unreasonable lunatics: In the past, you had no power at all. Now that the king has graciously granted you some power, how can you dare to push it further?

But that’s not the case in the eyes of the National Assembly: It’s obvious that you can’t get things done and can’t manage the country well. People all over the country have to unite to provide assistance and defend Clovis’s interests. Who gets to pick and choose? Four, pointing fingers?

Christian finally understood why Anson refused to become the leader of the Constitutional Party and refused to become the deserving Speaker of the National Assembly. With the current situation, if he, a lieutenant general with military power, really nodded, I'm afraid a civil war will break out in Clovis City immediately.

Of course, even if he hadn't done that, Clovis City was already on the verge of civil war... The Ministry of War had received news that the Southern Army had moved north and would reach the outskirts of Clovis City in ten days.

The day they arrived was the day when Anson went south and the Kingdom of Clovis formally united with Hantu and declared war on the Empire and the Elf Kingdom of Iser.

"...So before that, we must completely deal with the royalists and ensure that the National Assembly fully controls the real power."

In the Loyalty Palace, Sophia, who had a serious face, was enjoying the exquisite breakfast while spreading out the front page of the newspaper to Anson.

It clearly reads: "The nobles are the source of the Clovis disaster. Only by eradicating them can we usher in a truly bright future!"

Such extreme slogans, which are clearly produced by the Black Flag Party, have recently become popular within the National Assembly.

The main reason is of course that the Royalists, headed by the royal family, still refuse to let up on tax supervision. At the same time, news of the southern legions heading north is gradually spreading in the city of Clovis, and everyone in the National Assembly is in danger.

Many members of the "Red Heart" organization also began to become restless... Since the army has somewhat aristocratic traditions, it is not as extreme as the Black Flag Party, but they also believe that it is time for a formal showdown with the Royalist Party.

"You know... I always respect your choice and judgment, but Anson Bach, maybe it's time to take that necessary step."

The girl's eyes were extremely sharp. At this moment, she no longer regarded the other party as her loyal subordinate, but as a true ally and collaborator fighting side by side:

"Submit to their ideas and become the Speaker of the National Assembly."

"Or..." Sophia narrowed her eyes slightly: "You have anticipated something, so you are deliberately avoiding it?"

"There are reasons for this." Anson looked at the girl very frankly: "But I can't say."


"Because if I tell you, you might be in danger."

"...Even my father and so many soldiers from the Army Department can't guarantee my safety?" Sophia frowned: "Just because you know?"

"Just because you know."

Anson nodded solemnly: "For some...existences, just 'knowing' itself is the reason why it must be erased."

"As for the soldiers of Clovis Cathedral and the Ministry of War...think about the previous Ministry of War and our Majesty Carlos II, do they lack the power to protect them?"

He did not dare to speak too directly. Machia's domain still covered the entire city of Clovis, and his every move could not escape his gaze.

Although William Gottfried's Difference Machine and the threat of the Rune Family had temporarily restrained the opponent, this did not mean that our side could really suppress an apostle of curse magic.

To put it bluntly, it's probably just because he himself doesn't really want to serve the church. He has a reason not to have a direct conflict, and of course he is happy not to have to be an enemy of a blood magic apostle.

But this does not mean that Machiavel has really completely stopped... The radical Black Flag Party has the shadow of this apostle behind it.

It is not surprising that there are extremists among the representatives of the National Assembly, and some of them were even deliberately guided by Anson himself; after all, these representatives from all over the country faced the wealthy and powerful people who really ruled the kingdom in the past, and it was inevitable that they would not be able to back down and inspire their enthusiasm. Dissatisfaction and resistance are necessary in the heart.

But the "Black Flag Party"... they appeared so quickly and were so extreme that they almost looked like they were bribed.

The reason why the ancient order is difficult to shake is because it is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; even the colonies with rebellion as their banner subconsciously believed that Louis Bernard, who was born in the ancient aristocracy, was more qualified to serve as the leader of the Free Confederation, let alone the people of the Old Continent. Clovis.

At this time, a group of people suddenly jumped out, clamoring to execute the nobles, deprive them of their privileges, and even blatantly evade the king...

Machiavel is the apostle of "wishes", and it is a common tactic to lure others to make unfulfilled wishes and become a puppet who obeys him and obeys his orders.

It was precisely because he was aware of the existence of this person that Anson did not dare to act rashly; he actually did not have many bargaining chips and capital with the other party. If he acted rudely, he would most likely give the other party an excuse to get rid of him directly.

However, since the opponent planned to use indirect methods, Anson was happy to accept the challenge; his own law was "plan", and there was no reason to lose to a restrained spellcaster at home, even if he was an apostle.

"how about you?"

Sophia suddenly spoke, lowering her head and covering her cheeks with the coffee cup she picked up.

"Huh?" Anson didn't react for a moment: "What about me?"

"If not even the soldiers of the Army Ministry and my father can guarantee my safety..." The girl's voice was very calm and soft:

"Will you...protect me when I'm in danger?"

"Isn't this what you take for granted?"

Anson was confused for a moment: "Of course I will protect you, or it is because I want to protect you that I have to hide it from you. What is there to ask?"


"Of course it's true, it's absolutely true." Anson took a deep breath: "Your safety is always the highest level, and of course Lisa - but for some reasons, I'm not particularly worried about her. You can understand this explanation. ?"


The girl put down the coffee cup, with a flash of smile on her lips: "Very good, I forgive you."

"...forgive me...for what matter?"

"Everything." Sophia said as she took the initiative to pour a glass of hot milk for Anson: "Since you don't plan to become the Speaker of the National Assembly, what are you going to do next?"

"In addition to not wanting to intensify conflicts and make the National Assembly more and more extreme in my decision not to take over as Speaker, it is also because according to the agreement with Ludwig, I will leave for Eagle Point City in ten days."

Anson frowned slightly: "The vacancy of Speaker will definitely be seized by the royalists, and then we will be passive...Brother Christian is more suitable than me in terms of ability and status."

"I agree with this. He is an excellent communicator and administrative bureaucrat, and most importantly... as a noble, he is full of sympathy for the lower class." The girl nodded:

"The nobles respect him, and the representatives also love this good man who has no airs and is gentle to others. There is no more suitable candidate than him - although he seems to regard himself as your agent."

"It seems like this..."

Anson smiled bitterly, although there was a certain contentment in this smile - it would be a lie to say he was not satisfied that he could make the "former Anson"'s beloved brother willingly become his younger brother's agent.

"As for the next plan, we need to spread the news that the Southern Legion is about to arrive in Clovis City, and let the citizens of Clovis City, especially the militias of various communities, spontaneously start taking action to defend the rights they fought before. The fruits of victory?”

"You mean those 'awakened people'?" Sophia's eyes lit up: "It is indeed a good idea. If we want to take action, it is best to start with them."

This is a new word that the girl only recently learned from the newspaper. It refers to those people who were the first to stand up in many protests and actions, as well as those who are keen to serve in the military and pay taxes.

The opposite is naturally the "sinking people": they don't care about the changes in the country, their own communities, they don't take the initiative to pay taxes, and they don't even care about their work.

This theory is very popular in the National Assembly, and even the corresponding "awakening faction" has emerged. They regard the former as real citizens, and the latter as potential citizens-only "awakened people" are qualified to possess Various powers granted by the Constitution, especially the power to be a representative and stand for election to Parliament.

Using their logic: "You haven't fulfilled your obligations to Clovis, so why do you enjoy the rights corresponding to us?"

"I'm just giving an example. Of course you can think so." Anson nodded: "There are only two final results of the matter. The legion threatens the National Assembly, or the royal family and the royalists only dare to threaten verbally and have no courage to use force."

"If it is the former, it is actually a good opportunity to test whether the National Assembly is united. With luck, we can completely eliminate the luck in the hearts of those who are still thinking about how to compromise, and at the same time prevent extremists like the Black Flag Party from taking over the situation and taking the lead. The conflict is within our control."

"If it's the latter... that's actually good news. In any case, it can temporarily avoid bloodshed and worsening of the situation."


Sophia noticed his choice of words and frowned slightly: "Do you think conflict and bloodshed are inevitable?"

"One hundred percent." Anson nodded solemnly: "This is a complete change, the birth of a new system and the death of the old system...Bloodshed and death are the price that must be paid."

"No matter how restrained we are, the wealthy families in Clovis City will not hand over their privileges easily... This is the basis for their livelihood. As a member of the Franz family, you should know best."

"Yes, but I have already made up my mind..." The girl looked solemnly: "If the Franz family is destined to fall, then let it fall... What is noble is never the blood itself, but the descendants of the blood; my success is also I created it with my own hands, not the blessing of my ancestors.”

"That's well said, although many wealthy families with the inheritance of blood power may not agree with this view." Anson smiled: "But they are no longer our opponents, or... they are no longer worthy of being called ours. rival."

"Our opponents are the ancient order and its most determined defenders."

The girl's eyes shone with a strange light: "The Church of the Ring of Order, and..."


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