I will be crowned king

Chapter 1163 The rebel is Your Majesty!

"No, we are not traitors!"

A gentle yet powerful voice rang out from the crowd behind Bognar, slightly relaxing the atmosphere of grief and anger.

Thousands of pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time. Christian Bach, who was looking upright, walked from the crowd. His unwavering steps made the people around him subconsciously make way for him.

Viscount Bognar frowned slightly and looked at the other party in surprise and uneasiness; now the royal guards were arresting members of the Bach family all over the city, and he thought that this gentleman had left the inner city: "President Christian..."

"We are not traitors, no matter your royalists or members of the National Assembly... Those who fight for the interests of the kingdom, regardless of their position, should not be slandered as 'traitors', even if the two sides are so tit-for-tat." Christie An said in a deep voice:

"The National Assembly... we spent fifteen days laying down a brand new constitution, and this order was approved by His Majesty the King himself, which means that it has been given absolute legitimacy; the representatives of the National Assembly also They are all elected by the people, acting in the name of Clovis, and have never crossed the threshold."

"Whether it's defending the royal power or promoting equality, everything we do is to safeguard Clovis's supreme interests; in this case, none of you present can be called traitors."

"I also know that some radical representatives present like to joke about themselves in the name of 'traitor', saying that they are incompatible with the ancient traditional camp." Christian looked around, and his powerful eyes made everyone subconsciously willing to listen to his voice:

"But I still want to say that you must not desecrate yourself because of self-deprecation and use the scornful names given by others; this will only give our real enemies more excuse and become a sharp knife to stab ourselves!"

"Of course we know this very well, my Lord Speaker." Viscount Bognar smiled bitterly:

"But the current situation is that the Southern Army has reached the outside of Clovis, and the Queen Mother Regent is about to ask for help from the empire, asking the emperor to send an army to suppress and sweep away us 'traitors'... Even if we don't laugh at ourselves, what's the point? "

"It's very simple, Lord Viscount, we must find the real traitor and bring him to justice in order to wash away the stigma on us."

Christian looked at him calmly: "Who is harming Clovis's interests, who is abandoning the people, who is insisting on going his own way and refusing to face reality, who is harming the loyal ministers of the kingdom?"

"Who is the traitor who really intends to rebel?"

There was no ripple in his voice, but it was like thunder on the ground in everyone's ears.

In the dead silence of White Lake Park Square, everyone looked at each other, Christian's words echoed in their ears, and some treacherous thought came to mind.

Yes, the answer is right in front of us, even on our lips, but no one dares to say it, let alone ask.

Viscount Bognar stared at Christian... This little country noble looked so ordinary. If he hadn't wanted to win over Ansen Bach, how could he have thought of bringing him to Beigang, or even participating in all the subsequent events? .

Now it seems that... those ordinary guys are actually me, the two brothers named Bach... They really have a kind of magical power in them, either they can predict things in advance, or they can see everything.

"It's Her Majesty the Queen Mother Regent." In the silence, Christian silently gave his answer:

"It's Her Majesty Anne Herred, it's our King Nicholas, it's the Osteria royal family, it's everyone in that palace...it's them who betrayed Clovis!"

"We who are loyal to Clovis' interests are not traitors. The real traitor is Osteria who betrayed all of this!"

"The ones who rebel are not us, but the royal family of Clovis!"

"Your Majesty, he is plotting rebellion!"

Christian's voice got louder every time, echoing over the dead square: "The rebel...is Your Majesty!"

The expressions of the royalist members present changed, but the representatives of the National Assembly began to dance excitedly, and each one began to cheer in twos and threes.

And the cheers soon became contagious, getting louder and more intense, like a rapid drumbeat, starting to set off waves.

Viscount Bognar was stunned... It was not that he had guessed what the other party wanted to do, but saying it in such a big way was tantamount to putting himself to death, and there was no chance of looking back!

The surrounding National Assembly representatives started cheering, and some even threw their hats into the sky in excitement, as if they had seen the dawn of the future.

But Bogner still frowned. He was not as optimistic as the other party: "Then what are you going to do next? The Southern Legion is already close at hand, and there are tens of thousands of Whitehall Street policemen in the city. Ost The Thelia Palace is also heavily fortified, with solid city defenses and cannons, and is guarded by royal guards."

"There are only a few thousand of us here, and we don't have weapons... Well, the Storm Legion is on your side, but they can't enter the city without orders... Even if they can, when they arrive, we unarmed people will not be able to They were all slaughtered by the Queen Mother Regent a long time ago.”

"Then count us in!"

Sonorous and powerful words suddenly approached from outside the crowd. A group of people turned around subconsciously and saw the "heartless" teacher Erich striding towards this side.

In fact, since the mutiny in Clovis City, Erich was no longer a teacher at the Royal Military Academy; because his focus had completely fallen on the operation of "Red Heart" and the Shotgun Club, he had to quit his original job.

Despite this, many people still habitually call him "Instructor Erich"...especially many officers from the Skirmisher Division; because Erich is very close to Anson and is a core member of "Red Heart", this can Relying on the "advantage of birth" to close the relationship with the current second-in-command of the Army Department.

Taking extremely determined steps, Teacher Erich came to Christian and shouted loudly to everyone present: "The militia of all communities in Clovis City, totaling 200,000 people, are all willing to join the National Assembly. Join the ranks and punish Clovis’s traitors together!”

"That's great!"

Before the people around him could react, Christian took the lead and held the opponent's hands: "The citizens of Clovis are the pioneers of the spirit of equality. Without you, there would be no National Assembly today; if you are also willing to join us with the royalists, Then nothing is impossible!”

"Alas..." Viscount Bognar hesitated, his eyes flickering.

He originally planned to refute the other party's words. After all, what the royalists actually wanted was to bring the National Assembly to the royal family and find a way to negotiate a peaceful compromise; and whether it was the National Assembly or the militia in Clovis City, it was obvious that Everyone is already preparing for the worst.

But he remained silent in the end... After all, things have reached this point, and being alive is already the greatest luck; at this time, if you say anything rashly, "Everyone must calm down and stay rational, there must be a misunderstanding." "This kind of nonsense, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death on the spot.

"How many people can you mobilize now?"

While he was silent, Christian was already discussing the follow-up details with Erich: "We are going to attack the Whitehall Street headquarters immediately and rescue Anson who is still suffering from prison."

"No more, no less, 30,000 people!" Erich held out three fingers boldly: "But I don't suggest that you just focus on the police headquarters on Whitehall Street. It's too remote. If you all think about it all at once, Running there will easily give the royal family time to react - whether they run away or wait for an opportunity to suppress, it will be very detrimental to the National Assembly."

"If you are willing to listen to my plan, you might as well send out more than a thousand people to siege the Whitehall Street headquarters. There is no need to actually attack at all. The police with only a small amount of equipment will surrender on their own; the remaining troops will be divided into three groups, one on each side. Go to surround the Osteria Palace and the Prime Minister's Office, blockade the embassies of various countries along the way, and control the Central West Station of the Royal Capital."

"Even if we cannot capture the Osteria Palace immediately, we must not allow the rebellious king to give even one order to the outside world. At the same time, we must not allow foreign countries...especially the empire to have the opportunity to intervene in the war before everything is settled. Interfering with us; and the Central West Station of the Royal Capital is the largest steam train platform in Clovis City, and controlling it can control most of the foreign materials and personnel."

"The last one is very important, because the last time the Southern Army successfully suppressed the riots in the outer city, it relied on steam trains to quickly reach the inner city and complete the deployment. We must not let the same thing happen again!"

"That's it..." Christian suddenly realized, and his face suddenly became serious: "Your suggestion is indeed very reasonable, and it is much more rigorous and thoughtful than what I thought. Without further ado, let's do it according to your suggestion. .”

"From now on, the millions of citizens of Clovis City will be with the National Assembly!" Erich patted Christian on the shoulder with a "Pa—!"

"Long live Clovis!"

"Hurray Clovis!!!!"

Thousands of delegates responded one after another, raising their clenched fists excitedly. Everyone's eyes were red and tears were flowing uncontrollably.

That was not only because they saw hope, but also because of their final decision... From now on, they will completely break with the royal family, completely destroy the rule of the Osteria family in Clovis, and replace it.

Hundreds of years of history have come to an end and a new chapter is about to begin!

"Now...as the Speaker of the National Assembly, I ask the Assembly to vote on my proposal immediately!" Christian took out a long scroll from his arms and raised it above his head:

"The National Assembly has ushered in its darkest moment. The supreme constitution may be declared invalid and invalidated by the king at any time; any representative who wants to defend the constitution and resolutely fight against the enemies who want to destroy it and tear it apart, please submit the proposal Sign it."

"This is a mandatory proposal. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the National Assembly, at least three-quarters of the representatives need to vote in favor before it can take effect; but as long as it takes effect, all representatives must obey unconditionally... Now, please sign!"

The moment the words fell, Christian's voice was completely drowned out by applause like a rainstorm.

No one hesitated...the representatives came forward enthusiastically and wrote their names on the scroll. Later, because the scroll was not long enough, they had to write their names on slips of paper and stick them with glue. On top of the scroll.

In the end, this proposal received zero negative votes, plus 5,437 votes in favor... Only two votes were considered abstentions because the representative did not come to the scene.

One of the two people was, of course, Anson Bach, who was in prison, and the other was Laura Cecil, who was seriously ill and was still recuperating in Franz's house.

Of course, the so-called "recuperation from serious illness" is just an excuse, but in fact it is the Cecil family's wishful thinking - the National Assembly already has William Cecil, so of course it is necessary to reduce meaningless duplication of investment and keep a trump card in case just in case.

Sophia naturally respects the decision of the Cecil family... She already knows the private agreement between the distinguished Miss Cecil and Fabian. Anyway, this trump card cannot escape Clovis City, so what does she have to worry about? ?

The determined National Assembly coerced the royalists, united with the militia of Clovis City, and began to take action holding high the red unicorn flag with a black background.

As for why the coat of arms of the Osteria family is still used, of course the National Assembly does not recognize that this coat of arms belongs to the royal family. It should belong to all the people of Clovis!

In the past, the Osteria family waved this flag and carved a world in the ancient times, like a unicorn rising in the darkness, born bathed in blood; now the Osteria family has betrayed Clovis, of course He loses the qualification to continue to be the leader of Clovis and the unyielding unicorn in the darkness.

It can only belong to a great leader who can truly lead Ceclovis!

A huge crowd rushed towards the magnificent Osteria Palace like a tide. Since the news was completely interrupted, the royal guards in charge of the garrison thought that it was the Southern Army Corps that had finally arrived until they saw someone heading this way. coming.

When they finally realized something was wrong, heavily armed militiamen had already surrounded the square outside the palace gate. Not knowing what to do, the royal guards could only tell the regent the Queen Mother the shocking news.

Anne Herred was stunned for a minute after listening to the whole process. Things had changed completely beyond her expectation; mainly because the slogan on the other side had completely exceeded the limit of her imagination - the rebel is the king, How could there be such an arrogant guy in this world?

After a long silence, the helpless Queen Mother took a deep breath, forced herself to look calmly at the completely panicked Wang family guard, and raised her trembling right hand:

"Go...tell Ludwig to take power. It's time for him to fulfill his promise and suppress the riots..."

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