I will be crowned king

Chapter 118 Old Wall Street

After changing to a taxi and paying double the price to find an old coachman who claimed to know the way, the two of them finally hit the road after waiting for nearly ten minutes.

The old coachman who narrowed his eyes with a smile was completely worthy of the price they paid. The seemingly bulky four-wheeled carriage pranced left and right on the crowded streets at twice the speed of its peers around it, making Anson sigh that thanks to the security of the Guards Unfavorable, and the traffic laws of this era are not yet complete.

With the carriage bumping up and down, they quickly left the lively and crowded White Lake Park and went straight to the Old Wall Street where the Clovis Truth Newspaper was located.

In the carriage, which was much simpler than before, Anson, who was sitting on a wooden chair, looked at the girl opposite him without saying a word, always paying attention to the girl outside the window; that little expression of nervousness and excitement never left her face for a moment. .

"Can I ask a question?"

Looking at Sophia who seemed to have been awakened by him and came back to her senses, Anson pretended to ask casually: "Why... why did the Church of Order insist on capturing Draco Vertes, a mere novelist?"

This is one of Anson's most puzzling questions.

Yes, this talkative novelist is definitely not an ordinary person, and he holds information on the life and death of the Guards... But what does this have to do with the Church of Order or the Franz family?

There are historical grievances between the Church of Order and the Army, but there is no fundamental conflict of interest; with the power of the Church, even if Draco really has some important "black material" in his hands, it is insignificant and not worthy of being the Archbishop's biological daughter. Running around for this.

At first, Anson thought Draco was also from the church, but judging from Archbishop Luther's reaction later, it seemed that the two parties had only met once at most, and there was no sign of cooperation at all.

So why exactly?

"Draco Vertes...he is not something that can be described by just a 'novelist'."

Staring at the scenery outside the car window, Sophia said coldly: "Do you know about the 'Northport Rebellion' incident in the ninety-fifth year of the Saint's Calendar, Your Excellency Anson Bach?"

"You may have heard a little about it." Anson nodded and found the memory of "former Anson" in his mind:

"I was still at the Royal Military Academy that year, so I knew more about it."

In the ninety-fifth year of the Apostolic Calendar, in Northport, the largest coastal city in Clovis, where the royal fleet was stationed, a small group of sailors who were dissatisfied with their officers and treatment started a rebellion under the instigation of some members of the city council and took control of two battleships. , attempting to gain Northport's independence from the Kingdom of Clovis.

The rebellion occurred extremely suddenly. The city council, city defenses and port were occupied by the rebels at night. The Privy Council, which learned of the news four days later, immediately ordered a counter-rebellion and tried to block the news, but unfortunately failed.

On the second day after the arrival of the counter-rebellion army, the fleets of the looting empire and the three North Sea countries arrived at the sea off Beigang at the same time, and quickly formed an alliance to threaten the Kingdom of Clovis by supporting Beigang's independence.

The two sides faced off at sea and on land for a full two months, during which each other attacked the city several times; in the end, with the mediation of representatives of citizens in the city who could not bear the blockade and the Church of Order, the two sides ended with an end that each could barely tolerate.

A war that might have changed the structure of the northern world ended so hastily.

"Those... are just superficial." Slowly looking away from the window, Sophia said lightly:

"Draco Vertes was in that city during the summer of chaos in the year 95 of the Saint's Calendar."

Anson frowned.

"I don't know how he did it, but according to the Church of Order's records of the 'Northport Rebellion' incident, Draco pulled together a group of nobles and wealthy businessmen who were not very willing to rebel, and formed the so-called 'Peace Faction' , saved most of the naval officers who were involved in the rebellion, and also prevented the rebels' attempt to burn the royal fleet."

"Later, he persuaded the Beigang Church, which originally remained neutral, to let the bishop use his status to take him out of the city - which is why the church has records about him."

Anson nodded, this scene seemed familiar to him.

"But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he did not take the opportunity to escape, even though there were countless such opportunities." At this moment, Sophia's eyes suddenly became bright and deep, and the slightly raised corners of her mouth revealed an indescribable expression. Small interests:

"He took advantage of the apparent church mediation to meet privately with the top commanders of the Empire and the Kingdom of Clovis, convincing them that once Beigang became independent, the only beneficiaries would be the three countries of the North Sea; the Kingdom of Clovis would lose its only outlet to the sea. We will attack southward at all costs."

"The kingdom may succeed, or it may be severely damaged, but the empire will definitely pay an unbearable price to prevent Clovis's expansion; the battle between the old and new powers in the Order World will lead to the rise of a powerful North Sea Alliance."

"This is the truth that lurks in the shadows and saved Beigang from the ravages of war... Hundreds of thousands of Beigang people have no idea of ​​the name of the person who really saved their lives."

Looking at the silent Anson, Sophia, who was leaning on the back of her chair, raised her head slightly and pretended to be nonchalant and wrote: "Do you understand, Your Excellency Anson Bach?"

"Draco Vertes, this person is not as simple as a novelist - he is an inconspicuous person, but he can always become a key figure in the eye of the storm; he uses a special skill to make people obey his words;"

"Every time he appears, it almost means something big is going to happen somewhere; it means that some force is about to break the balance and come out of the shadows;"

"Such a... character, do you think the Church of Order, which is committed to maintaining the balance of the world, really turns a blind eye? Hahaha... Then you underestimate the church and the Franz family too much!"

With a proud snort, Sophia stretched her eyebrows and looked out the window again.

After listening to the whole story, Anson frowned and thought seriously for a while.

After more than ten seconds, he sighed, looked at the girl in front of him with a complicated look, and said tentatively:


"…You admire him very much?"


The fast-moving carriage passed through a somewhat bumpy street, and the two people in the carriage couldn't help but tremble.

"Adoration...hum, boring speculation!"

Sophia's expression changed slightly as she clasped her hands on her chest, and then sneered, as if she had heard some interesting joke:

"I won't deny my admiration. After all, people like this who have the ability to prevent war should not be buried in second-rate popular newspapers."

"As the eldest daughter of the Franz family, I have the responsibility to select outstanding talents for the family and give some liar a chance to make up for his mistakes. That's all; do you...understand?"

As the eldest daughter of the Franz family, can you repeat what you just said without looking out the window and looking into my eyes?

Looking at the girl who deliberately avoided his sight, Anson, who was complaining in his heart, tried his best to suppress the urge to raise the corners of his mouth, and nodded seriously: "Understood."

After receiving the answer, Sophia let out a long sigh of relief, and lifted the tight collar to make her neck and chest feel a little more relaxed.

"Of course, the reason why I...the Church of Order wants to find Draco Vertes is of course not just because of these." Sophia cleared her throat, straightened her waist, lowered her voice, and regained her composure. According to Anson:

"Do you know why he returned to Clovis City?"

Anson frowned slightly.

Of course he knew it, and he knew it clearly; but if he said it directly, his previous "persona" would be exposed again... so Anson chose to partially conceal it:

"I know a little bit about it. It seems that one of his relatives suffered an accident?"

"Miller Vertes suffered an accident a few months ago and was shot to death by Guards soldiers as a robber." Sophia paused, as if hesitating for a moment before continuing softly:

"Afterwards, in order to dig out the lead bullet buried in the chest, the doctors of the Guards conducted an autopsy on the body, and then..."

"A mark in the shape of a six-pointed star was found on the heart of Miller Vertes!"

Anson's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Afterwards, the body was delivered to the Church of Order, which confirmed that he was indeed a spell caster during his lifetime." Sophia lowered her voice and continued:

"But because my father has always been committed to maintaining the relationship between the Church of Order and the Kingdom of Clovis, he did not interfere too much in this matter. As for the Tribunal, only three judges were dispatched to secretly follow up and investigate."

"So far, because the Guards have been trying to conceal the results of the investigation, the intelligence submitted to the church is minimal, and there are even completely contradictory contents." When Sophia said this, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth:

"Calling it an accident, but unable to explain why an Old God Sect spellcaster was helpless when faced with a gun; he found the victim who had been assaulted by a robber, but the victim hanged himself at home the next day; as for the one who was almost raped The captured robber still has no clues..."

"Do you think the Guards are concealing the results of their investigation?" Anson asked tentatively.

"It is conceivable...either it is a concealment, or the investigation is not going well, so I can only find a way to cover it up." The girl with stern eyes raised her lips more and more:

"But I think they're probably hiding something more important, like..."

"The lost property that was taken away by robbers and resulted in the shooting death of Miller Vertes has never been found!"

"What is it?" Anson asked.

"I don't know, but since Draco's brother is taken away at the risk of his life, it means it is most likely related to the Old God Sect!" Sophia supported her chin with her right hand, and her slightly excited eyes kept flashing:

"So it is possible that it was hidden by the Guards, or fell into the hands of an old God sect organization; but that is not important. What is important is that we must find Draco Vertes in front of the Guards!"

"No matter what information he holds, it must not fall into the hands of the Guards. Although the last gathering of black mages was an... accident... it also proves that this guy is not ignorant of the Old God Sect. This may be A breakthrough to uncover the truth behind Miller’s unexpected death!”

Facing Sophia's gaze, Anson nodded solemnly.

He really didn't mind accompanying such a passionate girl who longed for excitement on an adventure that was absolutely risk-free and earn some favors at the same time.

Along with the fast-moving taxi, the scenery on both sides is also changing; the closer you get to Jiuqiang Street, the scenery outside the car window becomes more and more dilapidated, and the smell of stinky rags in the air begins to follow the air. The smoke gradually thickened and became more pungent.

Ragged figures kept flashing through the windows of the cars passing by, walking aimlessly on the empty streets; groups of people gathered under some abandoned houses weighed down by snow, surrounding the lit candles. Smoking in the bonfire to keep warm.

Although Clovis City does not have a clear dividing line between "inner city and outer city", for people who have lived in this city for more than ten years, crossing the Old Wall Street is the "outer city" in a broad sense.

Unlike White Lake Park, which is full of "modern flavor", Old Wall Street is the product of a "hybridization" of the old and new eras - it was born in the last era, a bustling street outside the Clovis Royal City and was born under the protection of the royal city; In the new era, it has become the first place for people who come from afar to make a living in this new city.

Sharecroppers who were driven away by landlords, handicraftsmen who were squeezed out of business by large factories, and hawkers who were robbed of their business by the chamber of commerce... People from all over the world gathered here, looking for the bright future promised to them by the rural nobles and the church.

There are no vertical apartment buildings or spacious squares here; clustering around the streets are a bunch of low buildings that look like stacks of building blocks, and occasionally a few buildings over three stories high stand out like columns in a spacious hall; The crowded and dirty streets make people doubt that they have returned to a previous era.


Even though she was separated from the car window, Sophia's face still showed obvious discomfort, her eyebrows were furrowed and she couldn't help but lower her head and cough a few times.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't get out of the car later." Anson said as he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over: "I'm going to ask the people at the newspaper for clues about Draco. You sit here. Just wait.”


Taking the handkerchief handed over by the other party, the girl who thanked her softly returned to her previous solemn expression in the next second, and raised her chin high-pitchedly: "But it can't be done, because a qualified detective...investigator must visit the scene in person and use his own eyes to investigate." Determine the authenticity of the clues.”

"What's more... your suspicion of the 'Old God Sect' has not been cleared yet. Sir Anson Bach, don't think that I can believe you so quickly!"

Looking at Sophia who was staring at him warily, Anson smiled helplessly.

With a bump and the "creep" of the axle, the old carriage stopped next to a three-story building.

Sophia, who was slightly relieved, still covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. The bumpy ride and the smell in the air made her look very ugly. She endured the dizziness and looked at Anson:

"I will ask the president of the newspaper later. That person knows my identity and dare not tell me the truth. During this period, you will stay outside. If someone from the Guards comes, first find a way to stop them, and then let them know. People from the newspaper office give me news, I just need to hold them back for ten minutes... What are you doing?"

Sophia, who raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Anson with a strange expression, and subconsciously looked out the window in the direction he pointed.

The next second, the expression of the girl whose eyes widened suddenly froze completely.

Under the three-story building, the front wall of the locked newspaper office was covered with scorch marks. You can even see large and small holes on the walls and doors caused by lead bullets.

There was even more chaos outside the gate: broken tables and chairs, newspapers dumped on the muddy streets, piled up on the street like fences and horse pickets outside trenches; The signboard was fixed on the door with the last iron nail, and it creaked in the cold wind.


The overwhelmed wooden sign fell from the door and fell heavily to the ground along with the girl's mood.

Shattered to pieces.

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