I will be crowned king

Chapter 1193 Cliff Fortress

It was early morning on May 2, one hundred and two years in the Saint's Calendar, at Cliff Fortress.

This is the first fortress east of Eagle Point City after crossing the hills and valleys, and it is also the real western gate of the Elf Kingdom of Yser; although its status has been completely replaced by Eagle Point City in the past few decades, so much so that it has been replaced by Eagle Point City. It was vacant for a long time and was not reactivated until the fall of the Royal Court of Yser; however, the fortress itself is still strong, and because it is close to the border, it has been used as a garrison for the royal family's troops all year round.

When news of Clovis and Hantu's invasion came, the "powerful factions" in the Elf Kingdom of Yser immediately organized manpower to re-arm the fortress, and nearly 10,000 soldiers rushed from all over the place. came for reinforcements, preparing to contain the coalition forces of the two countries in the western mountains.

As for why there are only more than 10,000 people... After two years of civil strife, the Elf Kingdom of Ysel, although still nominally unified, has long been divided internally. Even the meeting held in the royal court for the sake of unity failed to achieve true unity. sense of consensus.

In the end, only the nobles and warlords from the western and central regions really came to reinforce the Cliff Fortress; while the powerful factions located in the northwest plains and closer to the east still chose to conserve their strength and sit back and wait for the war to become clearer. Get closer to the next action.

And even the Yiser army of just over 10,000 people had just completed its assembly at the Cliff Fortress. Before they could take a moment to rest, they were severely attacked by Anson and Leon - 30,000 Clovis recruits and 10,000 soldiers. Under the leadership of Hantu's elite soldiers, they marched towards the fortress in mighty force!

Behind them, there are 30,000 Hantu soldiers who are passing through the mountain fortress group around Eagle Point City one after another, and continue to approach the west gate in multiple ways.

The influx of a full 70,000 troops, and a real 70,000 troops, finally made the "powerful factions" of the Ysel elves reach a consensus and realize that Eagle Point City is the main attack direction of Hantu and the Clovis people.

But unfortunately, it's too late.


A series of thunderous roars passed under the lead-gray dome, exploding large swaths of fireworks and dust on the burning city wall; under the choking thick fog, the continuous gunshots made the air begin to boil violently, combustion.

Around the smoke-filled fortress, the Hantu line infantrymen holding high the flag of King Francois, led by the knights, were almost overwhelmingly destroying the fortifications built by the elves based on the highlands and hills; they were almost suppressed by unilateral artillery fire. The Ysel elves could only watch as their artillery positions were "named" one by one by twelve-pound infantry cannons and blown to pieces.

There is no way, with Israel's weak military industry strength, let alone the production of cannons, it can be self-sufficient in gunpowder and shells, and if it barely ensures the supply of rifles, it is already overachieving; Israel has lost the aid from the empire and is falling apart. , naturally stretched thin in terms of such heavy firepower.

As for preparations in advance, Clovis, who had been preparing to ravage this fat-mouthed man early in the morning, had prepared more than fifty artillery pieces for Hantu alone; this amount of firepower was certainly nothing on the Western Front battlefield, but against the current Today's Iser can definitely be called a ruthless crusher.

Relying on its own firepower advantage, the Hantu Army was naturally merciless. They stepped on the blast points of the artillery shells and staged a bayonet advance, quickly conquering various strongholds around the cliff fortress. Not only did the huge fortress fail to protect its outer defense line, but it became They became the target of artillery fire - the retreating elven soldiers had to endure the fireballs that kept roaring around them, while they fled towards the fortress like birds and beasts.

After the baptism of the Unification War and the "exchange of experience" of the Holy War, today's Hantu Legion is no longer what it used to be. Not only do the soldiers show courage that is not inferior to that of the Clovis Standing Legion, they are able to attack at the explosive point of artillery shells. It is the skill of mastering the technique of quickly maneuvering on the battlefield in a column, and then quickly stopping, and the horizontal column spreads out to meet the enemy.

Although it seems simple, Leon François himself knows clearly that soldiers who can do this are very rare in the world, and what he sees in front of him is almost all.

In comparison, the performance of the Clovis Army was quite worrying: the war was already halfway through, and nearly half of the 30,000-strong army were not ready for battle. The rest could only maintain the square formation and move slightly. If you leave, you may "expose your true colors". They are like country farmers who appear out of nowhere. Except for the military uniform on their bodies, there is nothing like a soldier.

Not only was the action slow, but even the work that was supposed to be completed was unsatisfactory: According to the agreement between Anson and Leon, the Hantu Army will be responsible for the main attack on the Cliff Fortress. After clearing the peripheral obstacles, the Clovis Army will immediately enter the battle. Destroy the enemy's morale with a "wave-like offensive" and seize this bridgehead for the invasion of Yser.

As a result, the battle in Hantu here was almost over, and Clovis was not yet ready to attack; except for the artillery support, several infantry regiments serving as reinforcements still failed to enter the battle.

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, they are new recruits who have just finished their training and are thrown into the battlefield without any experience at all."

Looking at the smoke-filled battlefield, Carl Bain's mentality was quite peaceful, and he was even a little gloating: "We have more than 30,000 people, and they are said to be legions. In fact, all the middle-level officers have just been transferred, and because their military ranks are all It is too low to even support an infantry division, and more than twenty regiments are directly connected to the corps staff."

"The grassroots officers were all veterans before, and their experience must be rich enough. But if they are suddenly turned into company commanders or battalion commanders, they are definitely not used to it. They can maintain troop discipline and organize training in peacetime, but on the battlefield. Go on, if you haven’t done it before, you haven’t done it before, let alone immediately participate in such a large-scale six-figure siege, it would be weird if you don’t rush!”

"If you ask me, their current performance is enough to prove that these officers and veterans are indeed elite." The smiling chief of staff patted Anson on the shoulder:

"These are more than 30,000 new soldiers. They crossed the mountains and immediately went into siege warfare. So far, not even a single unit has mutinied. It is already a miracle."

As soon as he finished speaking, an orderly soldier suddenly hurried over and shouted out of breath: "Report, there is a mutiny in the Torrance Infantry Regiment in the siege position on the northern front. Pol Torrance, Lieutenant Colonel The correction is leading people to suppress the deserters, please temporarily withdraw from the combat order!"


Seeing Anson's appearance of not paying attention to him at all, Karl, whose face froze, could only twitch the corner of his mouth:

"Okay, pretend I didn't say that."

Sighing slightly, Anson, with a helpless expression, pretended to raise his telescope and looked in the direction of the Cliff Fortress.

Now he has mastered the technique of activating "superpowers" without causing magic fluctuations. The entire fortress and its surroundings are completely mapped in his mind; looking down from a high altitude, it is not difficult to find that the cliff fortress is already crumbling and completely It's to the point where it could fall apart with just one kick.

But precisely because of this, he didn't want to capture the fortress immediately.

If we launch a general attack now, we can definitely win, but it will require heavy losses, and the enemy will also evacuate to the Royal Court of Israel on a large scale, repeating Ludwig's original attack on the Israel elves. The grand occasion of the kingdom: great momentum all the way, and then encountered obstacles outside the royal court.

Although the size of the troops at hand this time far exceeds that of Ludwig at the beginning, the problem is the same. The legion has to march straight into the enemy's territory. The logistics supply line is a very serious problem. If it cannot cause effective damage to the enemy from the very beginning, Mass destruction, the consequences will be unimaginable.

On the other hand, I have not received any information from the other three armies so far. If my side breaks through too quickly, it is very likely that the Yser elves will completely abandon the Western Front, and a large number of "powerful factions" will be entrenched in their territory. Within the territory, the army had to fight dozens or even hundreds of small-scale battles and conquer one fortress after another before they could complete the invasion of Yser.

Therefore, it is most beneficial to your plan to keep the Cliff Fortress for the time being.

Well, that's right, it's definitely not because the standard of the Ranger Corps' recruits is too unsightly. If you don't spend some time training and training, it will be fine here with the elves, but if you put it on the Western Front battlefield, it is almost like courting death... It's definitely not because of this. .

"Notify Leon to ask the Hantu Army to delay the attack and let the deserters of the Yser elves enter the city." After a moment of reflection, Anson added: "By the way, I sent a messenger to the fortress. I plan to persuade the other side to surrender."

"are you serious?"

"Of course, any questions?"

"Isn't this...problem obvious enough?" Carl Bain didn't understand very much: "We have already put in a posture to completely kill the opponent. How stupid does the opponent have to be to think that this is the case? Can you accept their surrender?"

"It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not. What really matters is that we have this attitude."

Anson explained: "The other party actively refused and we did not give them a chance. These are two completely different concepts; no matter what, our banner is to save the Elf Kingdom of Yser, even if it is superficial, we must do it."

"It makes sense, but Hantu may not agree with it." Karl shook his head: "They are here to invade the Elf Kingdom of Israel and fight for their own interests. There is a high probability that they will not agree with some people's idea of ​​saving Israel. .”


"Yes, I just don't agree."

On the Hantu Army's position, Lenore Emmanuel, the son of Duke Ayden, looked at little Leon expressionlessly: "What does saving Israel have to do with us Hantu people? We are here to kill Yiser. The elves of Seer, and the more we kill, the better. It is best to drive them all to the Royal Court of Iser so that we can control the territory in the west of Iser."

"But what's the point of that? It's just adding more enemies to Hantu." Young Leon retorted: "If the war can be ended on the premise that both sides can accept it, it will be better than any victory. Something ten thousand times better.”

"It doesn't matter, what about the enemy? Are we and the Ysel elves now not considered enemies?"

Lenore obviously disagreed with his point of view: "From the moment we fell to the Clovis people, there could no longer be peace between Hantu and Yiser; in this case, why should we care about the feelings of the enemy?!"

"Because the one who can end the war is not the Clovis people, nor Hantu, but the Yisel elves themselves!" Little Leon said solemnly:

"Leno, don't you understand yet? Hantu must rise, but Hantu must not bully the Yser elves too much, just like the Yser elves did to us in the past; if we still repeat what the enemy did before, it will be nothing more than them Relying on the Empire, and we relying on Clovis, no one has the possibility of rising independently and with dignity!"

"Only by reconciling with the enemy... no, by letting go of hatred with the enemy, Hantu can legitimately take control of this strange land; and even one day, take the entire Israel into his possession."

"The whole of Iser..."

Renault's eyes widened: "Are you crazy?"

"No, on the contrary, I am very sober now, more sober than ever before." Little Leon's voice became more steady, but his eyes shone with a different kind of brilliance:

"Based on what I saw in Clovis City, I can boldly judge that the Clovis people will never regard the Yser elves as one of them, and now their brand-new system no longer allows this country to Be able to accept that a 'state within a state' situation will occur."

"However, Hantu is different. Our country still has the Francois royal family as the absolute core. As long as the Emmanuel family is still loyal to the Francois family, Carindia Port and the Principality of Ayden will still be Hantu. An inseparable part; in this case, the same applies to the Yser elves. Perhaps one day, Yser and Hantu may be able to live together under a dynasty with a new attitude."

"Dear Leno, maybe you think what I am saying now is just speculation, but what I want to tell you is that this is indeed the future I have planned." Little Leon turned to look at Leno:

"My father can't do it, and the same goes for your father, but ten years, twenty years, thirty years... this world will not belong to them forever. The future of Hantu does not belong to these people who are still living in the old era, but It's Anson, it's Louis Bernard, it's you, it's me."

"The thoughts and decisions of us people are the real force that can determine the future direction of the ordered world; if we cannot create a situation that is completely different from the past, we will be left behind by the future world."

As he spoke, little Leon pulled out the saber from his waist, raised it above his head, and brought it down hard.

Soon, with the cheers of countless Hantu and Clovis soldiers on the battlefield, the sound of shelling temporarily stopped, and the elf soldiers in the fortress collapsed to the ground with relief.

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