I will be crowned king

Chapter 1206 Savior

"The bloody battle in Red Moon Town, the empire's despicable conspiracy was finally shattered!"

"In the early morning of June 22, about half of the legion flying the golden fleur-de-lis flag launched a brazen attack on Red Moon Town. In this battle, the enemy mobilized forty-two cannons and three thousand hussars into the battle in an attempt to break the siege. Hongyue Town has cut off the logistics road and strangled the important lifeline of our army..."

"... Lieutenant General Paul Markenson risked his own life and supervised the battle at the front line. During this period, the Imperials launched four attacks in succession, all of which were repelled by our soldiers. The great Red Moon Town is like an unbreakable city wall, firmly Blocking the only way for the Imperial people to pass..."

"...Although he saw through the enemy's shameless conspiracy, the cautious Lieutenant General Paul Mackenson did not take the initiative to pursue the defeated enemy army because he knew that compared with the seemingly glorious military exploits, Clovis's safety was not as important as the soldiers. Their lives are the more precious wealth, and we must not sacrifice them to take risks..."

"...The adults of the War Council provided this newspaper with a detailed and professional analysis: The empire's move means that the enemy has completely lost the means to break through Clovis's border defenses. The emperor of the empire is so angry that it is only a matter of time before he collapses and abdicates..."


Leaving the report on the table, Sophia snorted lightly and picked up the red wine glass on the desk. The cold brows she glanced at made several editors in the room stay silent and tremble in the Clovis City where summer was approaching.

"It's long-winded, lacks specific content, and the lack of professional vocabulary is shocking. These..." The girl expressed her dissatisfaction with a long tail tone:

"Is this the standard of the mighty Kingdom Loyalty Newspaper? I can pick up any editor of a third-rate tabloid on the street, and they can prepare for me reports that are ten times... no, a hundred times better than this!"

"Dear gentlemen, since I took over the Department of the Army, I have never been in arrears with your funding approvals, even more than in the past; because I know very well the importance of the media to military morale and public confidence. The value of an article A propaganda article with three hundred gold coins can sometimes have more effect than winning a battle."

Sophia sighed slightly: "I don't ask you to be grateful to me. It's really unreasonable to try to get through with such a substandard thing."

She raised her eyes and remained motionless, as if the dissatisfaction in the eyes of the guys who were planning to be ostriches became more and more intense - do these guys think that just being scolded by her will solve the problem?

"Well, since you don't say anything, I will announce punitive measures; in the second half of the year, the circulation of "Kingdom Loyal" will be cut in half, and "Clovis Truth" and three other newspapers will also be introduced to the War Department's subscription The list is for each department and all legions to choose independently..."

"Your Excellency the Minister of War!!!"

When they heard that the other party wanted to cancel the monopoly of their newspapers in the army, the editors finally panicked: "This... the content of the newspaper seems unprofessional. This is really not because of us. In fact, the War Commission on the Western Front refused to do so." To reveal more about the battle, we..."

"You guys can go investigate on the spot." The girl suddenly raised her voice and stared at the other party with great seriousness: "The reporters of the Kingdom Loyalty Newspaper don't even have the courage to go deep into the frontline battlefields, so they only rely on second-hand information provided by the army. Writing a report, what does this sound like?!”

"Don't tell me that you can't do it... "Kingdom Loyal News" has its own directly affiliated armed forces, and has the priority to use the postal system and railway system. I have never lost a copper penny in funding. I have all budgets. I just signed and gave it to you without approval. If you can't do it, it can only be a dereliction of duty, and a serious dereliction of duty!"

"We don't deny this, but... the situation is really different from the past!" The editor, who was holding his hat tightly and covered in cold sweat, said with a wry smile:

"The newly established War Commission ignored the orders of the War Department and was not willing to cooperate with our investigative reporting. Half of the reporters we sent to the army and fortresses disappeared without explanation, and the other party did not even bother to give a reason. tell us."

"Difficulties will always exist, but they should never be used as a reason." Sophia's face was extremely gloomy: "Then according to your point of view, if our army loses the battle, should we blame the enemy for not being cooperative?"

The editors finally did not dare to speak.

"Get out, I don't want to see you right now."

The expression of the Minister of War directly showed disgust on his face: "Before tomorrow afternoon, I will give you a minimum answer. Please be mentally prepared for me... Now, get out!"

As soon as the words fell, several people rushed out of the room as if fleeing for their lives. The noise was so loud that it even startled Viscount Bogner who happened to come in.

"It seems that our Minister of War has just made a big fuss. The "Kingdom Loyal News" is in danger." Closing the door with a chuckle, Viscount Bognar put out his pipe: "I don't know. Minister, please be merciful. Old readers like me will be a little sad if they can't read this newspaper in the future."

"Stop joking there, my dear Viscount Bogner." Sophia sighed helplessly: "I am just trying to scare them. The influence of "Loyalist" in the army is very important, and it cannot be easily shaken. .”

"That's true... Hey, but when you call me from now on, it's more appropriate to call me Bogner the Regent." Viscount Bogner's expression suddenly became serious:

"There is no king in Clovis now, and in theory there are no nobles. The so-called royalists will probably become similar to the conservatives in the past. In any case, there will no longer be such a thing as a title."

"I understand, but just as my 'Minister of War' should have been given a new name long ago, many things may not be able to be reversed in a day or two."

The girl smiled and handed him a glass of red wine: "Now if I publicly remove the 'Viscount' from your title, the royalists will immediately mistakenly think that the War Department is going to purge them, right?"

"That's true." Viscount Bogner nodded with deep approval, and couldn't help but sigh: "Things have changed so fast. The grandeur of the Osteria Palace in the past is still vivid in my mind. , Today’s political center of Clovis City is actually a small White Lake Park. Thousands of unknown people gathered from all over the country control the lifeblood of the country... This world is too crazy.”

The corners of Sophia's mouth raised slightly, but she didn't say anything.

Viscount Bogner is not a person who complains for nothing. He naturally has his purpose in saying this, but it is obviously impossible for him to accept it - whether it is promising the royalists that Clovis will allow the existence of nobles in the future, or The Ministry of War and the Prime Minister's Office joined forces to completely ignore the National Assembly.

Viscount Bogner may be showing his soft side as long as he shows weakness... Are you kidding me? He was Mrs. Bogner's former husband. How could a man who was favored by that noble lady be easy to get along with? small role?

"Let's not talk about this for now, what exactly is going on in Hongyue Town?"

Seeing that his careful plan failed, Viscount Bognar immediately changed the subject: "I remember that in the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, the place was once invaded by the empire, forcing the attack that was finally organized at that time to be transformed into a defensive counterattack, and all efforts were made to contain it. The enemy launched a ferocious offensive and even rebuilt the border defense line, so why was it breached again?"

"Obviously, our generals have not learned the lesson from two years ago." An angry Sophia shook her head, gritted her teeth and looked out the window:

"I have to say that there is something different from last time. That is that this time, the fortress was not directly attacked by the enemy, but the logistics supply line was cut off. Mutinies appeared in the legion and had to avoid the sharp edge of the imperial army. The empty Hongyue Town was given to the opposite side."

"Wait, it's empty?"

"That's right, the legions stationed in Red Moon Town are actually reselling their own supplies. There is a chamber of commerce in the empire that offers three times the price to buy their arms. You might as well guess who the buyer is on the other side?"

"There is no doubt that it is His Majesty the Emperor."

Viscount Bogner understood: "It seems that the other party will take the lead in raiding Red Moon Town and they are prepared. In this case, it does not seem to be a particularly surprising thing to lose again. Is there any news from the War Commission? ?”

"No, even if they did, they don't seem to be planning to tell the Ministry of War and the National Assembly." The girl became angrier as she talked about this matter:

"They have now turned it into their own independent kingdom. Ludwig's base camp has completely taken over all the functions of the War Department there - except for regularly asking us for money and supplies, there is no information. They are unwilling to share, and they are unwilling to report any battle situation, as if as long as they do this, there is nothing we can do against them!"

"Then what can we do with them?"

"Sadly...not really."

Facing Viscount Bogner's gaze, Sophia was immediately discouraged: "Now the 'war committee' on the western border has controlled one-third of Clovis's troops, and can even be said to be most of the most elite combat forces. ; A single move can affect the whole body, and we cannot take the initiative to damage Clovis' most important combat power just because the other party seems uncooperative."

"I understand what they are worried about... Well, it is just that they are completely controlled by the War Department, and they can no longer continue to bargain with us like we are now; it doesn't matter, let them lose a few more battles, then they will know that not everyone Who can be Clovis’s savior… they can’t, and neither can Ludwig!”

"Then let me ask, who can do it?" Viscount Bogner suddenly said.

"of course……"

The girl who was mid-sentence stopped immediately and swallowed back the second half of the sentence with an unnatural expression: "No one."

"Really?" Viscount Bogner suddenly smiled as if his curiosity was aroused: "I know someone who might be able to do it."

"I think exactly the opposite of you."

Sophia's face suddenly turned dark: "That's absolutely impossible."


"Absolutely true!"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure!"

"That's it..."

With a long tail note, Viscount Bognar suddenly curiously began to play with the wine glass:

"But I...it seems I haven't said his name yet."

"...No matter who it is, it's impossible." The face of the Minister of War suddenly turned extremely ugly: "Clovis belongs to everyone, not a savior. Otherwise, why would we expel the king? Is it just to choose a savior? new?"

"Maybe...that's really the case."


"Ah, this is just my family's opinion. Your Excellency Sophia, you can pretend you didn't hear it." Viscount Bogner, who put down his wine glass, waved his hand repeatedly:

"I personally think that Clovis is not a new country starting from scratch like the Free Confederation. It has history and heritage. Habits cannot be reversed in a day. Although the people have feelings and recognition for this land, this The group called 'Freedom and Equality' really only cares about the people of Clovis."

"Why? Because they have endured the most severe oppression, because they have seen with their own eyes the possibility of autonomy and equality, but within the wider territory...many people do not think that they are oppressed." Viscount Bogner Shen The voice said: "For them, there is no need for nobles, but a world without a 'king'... is unimaginable."

Sophia's expression gradually became serious, and she already understood what the other party meant:

"You're saying...that the royal family might take advantage of this and make a comeback?"

"We can change a title, a name, a code name, but no matter what it is, it is best to let the people who are willing to continue to believe in us have a 'king' that suits them." Viscount Bogner knocked on the newspaper on the table:

"After all, everything we do is ultimately to allow them, the entire Clovis people, to enjoy the power they deserve, isn't it?"

"If all we get in the end is their anger, confusion and resistance, then what is the point of our efforts?"

The girl was silent.

"If you don't mind, I personally think that this time Red Moon Town may be a good opportunity; as long as the news reports are appropriate, the battle to retake Red Moon Town can be shaped into a fateful battle that saves Clovis. ." Viscount Bogner continued to strike while the iron was hot:

"As for the person who can accomplish this great task...Her Excellency Sophia Franz, Clovis has no other choice besides you; your mission and the burden you shoulder are no less than his."

"I just seriously doubt whether everything you said is true." The girl shook her head: "This is not something that the two of us can decide in just a few words, but it is about Clovis' future. —Do you really think it’s possible for him to succeed?”

"If he fails, then my point of view is wrong, and you have lost nothing, right?" Viscount Bogner asked: "And if he succeeds, we..."

"...Perhaps we will witness the birth of a 'savior' with our own eyes!"

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