I will be crowned king

Chapter 1212 Who is surrounded and who is being surrounded

"The scouts at the outpost are still confirming the situation, but the final result should be like this..."

Compared with the shocked Fernando, the knight responsible for delivering the order looked more confused. What happened on the front line was completely beyond his understanding: "After entering the camp, the two men who were only one step away from conquering the inner fortress Not a single member of the infantry retreated from the battle."

"None of them?" Fernando raised his voice: "You mean they were all killed and there wasn't even a lucky person who could escape?"

"...Although it sounds very weird, but...yes, sir."

"And we don't know what happened?"

"Yes, that's true."


Fernando, who fell into silence, took a breath of air in his heart. The thing he was most worried about happened: the Junqishan camp was not a target that happened to hit by chance, but a trap carefully laid by the enemy!

If this is the case, then Junqi Mountain may not be the best place for encirclement and reinforcements. Instead, he may be counter-surrounded by the enemy, trapped in this land of four battles, and end up being strangled.

"Could it be that I made a mistake in judgment? The enemy's goal is not to recapture Red Moon Town, but to lure the imperial army out of the fortress and then divide it and annihilate it?"

Fernando muttered to himself in a low voice and turned his attention back to the map; according to the information he had received before, this complex "Clovis Army" came from the southeast to kill Hongyue Town, and the route spanned more than half a gram. Kingdom of Lovi; Even when fighting locally, it is inevitable that people and horses will be exhausted, and traveling long distances can easily cause imbalance and disconnection among the various units of the army.

If he were the commander-in-chief of this army, then Fernando would most likely choose to set up an assembly point and have all the troops advance to that location to assemble; but as a clear-minded person, he would not place the assembly point like Flag Mountain. This is a place of four battles, a place where there will definitely be a conflict with the imperial army.

"Unless..." His eyes turned to the location of Ludwig's base camp. If this guy decisively moved westward for reinforcements, he might indeed become the cornerstone of the enemy's confidence.

It is June 30th. If the 80,000 National Guard Army can enter the Central Avenue before July 5th and suppress him from the east, then Fernando's only correct decision now is to decisively retreat with the entire army and leave behind Between 5,000 and 10,000 people guarded the Red Moon Fortress, waiting for the situation of the war to change.

"Is there any news from the direction of the Protectorate Army?" Fernando asked decisively: "Did the scout cavalry find anything in the direction of the Central Avenue? Does our internal intelligence network in Clovis have any information about the base camp and the war committee?"

"No trace of the enemy has been found on the Central Avenue for the time being. As for the Protectorate Army and Ludwig Franz..." The knight paused for a moment, carefully recalled for a moment and then gave a clear answer:

"The other side sent two infantry divisions as a threat of force, but in terms of scale and performance, as long as our army's operations are still within the scope of the Red Moon Province and do not continue to penetrate deep into the hinterland of Clovis, there will be no Action.”

So the opponent has not received any reinforcements from Ludwig, is it really planning to form a formation on Junqi Mountain to fight?

Fernando was confused, but in any case it was good news that he did not have to face the 80,000-strong army in the base camp. The only enemies in the southeast, including the Hantu Army, were only close to 100,000. I am afraid that the actual threat is not yet to 60,000 people.

Even in a head-on confrontation, oneself may not be defeated, not to mention that the force is more concentrated on one's own side at the moment; if the enemy wants to form combat power, the time and cost required will be much heavier than one's own.

"Who is the closest friendly force to us now?"

"The report is from Sir Gloria and Count Demetrius!" the knight replied without thinking:

"Sir Gloria was ordered to guard the Red Moon Trunk Road, our army's most important rear supply line and retreat route. Count Demetrius is attacking the northern part of the Red Moon Province, but he does not dare to go too far because of the threats from border fortresses and base camps. The army It’s also the most organized.”

"The Jialan Army is the ultimate guarantee. There must be no wavering. Immediately send someone to notify the Dmitry Army. They must enter Shanbei Avenue before July 3rd and join our army!"

"As you command!"

"The other three legions are on standby in their respective positions and are not allowed to advance further; especially the two legions on the southern front must remain vigilant at all times. Once attacked by the enemy, they will immediately start to shrink back and join our army!" Fernando said solemnly:

"Since the enemy plans to engage in a decisive battle with our army at Junqi Mountain, he will definitely do everything possible to hinder and harass the main forces of our army from gathering, form a situation of division and encirclement, and use superior forces to carry out a battle of annihilation against us."

"This is just right... before I left Hongyue Town, I was worrying about not being able to get enough results to explain to His Majesty why I abandoned the Red Moon Town Fortress."

A ferocious sneer appeared on Fernando's lips: "Just use one of the enemy's legions as an atonement for having to give up an important strategic location."

Thinking of this, he was even a little excited - no general could refuse the temptation of a vigorous frontal battle, especially when his side still had the advantage.

The only regret is that this happiness did not last even ten minutes. Fernando was ruined by the sudden bad news: "Sir, urgent military information, the enemy has also been found on the road north of the mountain. The sentry in front visually estimated that the strength of the troops is about three. Thousands of people!"

"Oh, isn't this just right? Tell the former troops who have withdrawn from Junqi Mountain that now I will give them a chance to redeem themselves..."

"Report, urgent military information - traces of Clovis's army were found in the direction of the Central Avenue, with a strength of about 1,500 people!"

"Fifteen hundred people, what exactly is this..."

"Report, traces of Clovis's army were found in the direction of Red Moon Road, with a strength of about 4,000 people!"

"What did you say, four thousand?!"

Four thousand people... That's the size of nearly eight infantry regiments. How did so many troops bypass Junqi Mountain without anyone noticing and appear behind him?

No, this is not even the point anymore. The point is that the enemy has surrounded us from all sides and has surpassed us in terms of military strength. If we can't break through as soon as possible and defeat one of the parties, then I'm afraid...

"Ah?!" Fernando's pupils shrank suddenly: "I see, is it just for this reason that you specially set up a formation on Junqi Mountain in advance to attract your own attention?"

The seemingly non-threatening Junqishan camp, which has completely lost its mobility, can completely overlook every move on its side from a high position, and command the various Clovis armies from the center; no matter what actions it takes, under its gaze All will be exposed!


"Your Majesty Ludwig Franz, Chief of the Clovis Council and Chief of the War Council:

At present, our army has successfully arrived in Hongyue Province and is approaching Hongyue Town as quickly as possible. We are fully prepared to recapture this important border fortress.

This battle can be regarded as a key battle for our army to regain the initiative in the war and win the combat advantage against the empire. Needless to say, it has a heavy responsibility, but the real key is that the Clovis Army must not give up for this small preliminary goal. Losing troops and generals will cost too much, otherwise the tragic victory over Hongyue Town in the Saints' calendar one hundred years ago will be repeated and the important opportunity to counterattack will be lost.

Therefore, I implore the War Council to accept my suggestion, maintain absolute calm before the end of the Battle of Red Moon Town, and never be shaken by temporary changes in the battle situation. Put precious mobile forces into the battle of Red Moon Town and use rationality. The mentality of waiting for the end of the battle, joining the battle in really critical situations, and giving the enemy a fatal blow.

Please believe in the Hantu Legion and the brave soldiers of the Ranger Legion. They will use facts to prove that Clovis's soldiers will never disappoint her people. The friendship between Hantu and Clovis will surely be stronger than steel. More indestructible!

Your friend, comrade-in-arms, and former subordinate, Anson Bach..."

Gently closing the letter in his hand, the expressionless Ludwig raised his head and looked at Alan Dawn, who was facing him respectfully: "Can I understand this, your master is attacking Red Moon Town? Do you want us not to interfere from the side?"

"This should only be your own understanding, and it is definitely not Lord Anson's original intention." The young secretary smiled humbly and humbly:

"Of course, if we think about what you just said from the perspective of consequentialism, I do not deny that maybe we can get a final conclusion that is objectively consistent with Lord Anson's ideas."

"Yeah, that's such a coincidence."

Ludwig sneered, but he roughly understood someone's thoughts: "Well, since he is so confident, then I can guarantee that all the troops of the National Protectorate and the War Council will not intervene in Red Moon Town. In the order of the battle of retrieval, is it okay to give this military exploit to your master, Anson Bach?"

"That's enough, thank you very much!" The little secretary quickly took over the words, not forgetting to continue to please the other party: "Lord Anson has shown me countless times that Ludwig is the wisest leader of Clovis. ; Under your outstanding leadership, it is only a matter of time before Clovis counterattacks the Empire and becomes the only supreme hegemon in the world of order..."

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about making others happy."

Waving his hands impatiently, Ludwig frowned slightly: "Tell me, if Anson is willing to send you to the base camp, the purpose must be more than just to ensure that I will not compete with him for the victory of the Red Moon Town Fortress, right? ?”

"The ruling lord is wise." The young secretary nodded: "Besides, Lord Anson has an additional small request."

As he spoke, he reached out and gestured with his thumb and index finger, as if to prove that it was really a "very, very small" and insignificant thing.

Ludwig was still too lazy to talk nonsense: "Tell me."

"During the battle to retake Red Moon Town, we kindly request the defenders of each fortress to launch an attack on the empire." As if aware of the possibility of misunderstanding in his words, the little secretary did not forget to explain: "Ah, Lord Anson What I mean is that you can just feign an attack to attract the empire's attention a little and prevent the enemy from paying too much attention to the separate battlefield of Red Moon Town."

"Right now, the empire is still continuing to accumulate strength. The troops mobilized to attack Hongyue Town are just outposts among outposts. The real battle has not yet started; but even so, it is still necessary to avoid the enemy noticing the direction of our main attack - —These are Lord Anson’s exact words.”

"This is a long battle, but even so there should be no slacking off. We must maintain the highest degree of caution at all times, so that we can accumulate advantages from small to large and form an absolute crushing of the empire." The little secretary took a deep breath. Tone:

"As for how to feign an attack, when to launch the attack, and how many troops to dispatch... it is entirely up to you, the ruling lord. The Rangers will definitely not interfere. The purpose of our army is only to recapture the Red Moon Town Fortress. It will not We compete with the various legions on the border for credit, and we have no intention of taking Red Moon Town as our own; as soon as the battle is over, it will be immediately returned to the standing legion originally stationed here."

After the words fell, the little clerk did not forget to salute again, stepped back gracefully, and waited for the ruling lord's reply.

After being silent for half a minute, Ludwig finally raised his head and looked at him:


"Uh, yes."

"That's...that's all?"

"That's all. Sir Anson did not give me any more responsibilities. Although as your lord's secretary, I personally agree that this workload is very unqualified." The young secretary smiled slightly and said, "But your lord's The order is the goal of my actions, so... yes, that's all."

Ludwig fell silent again.

What is "assistance" and what is "cannot slack off"... This is clearly using the name of feint to divide the victory of retaking Hongyue Town between himself and the war committee, and he does not have to actually mobilize a single soldier. Just launch a few feints that look like that.

This kind of pie-in-the-sky fantasy made Ludwig suddenly unable to react. He couldn't imagine what benefit this would have to Anson Bach; of course it would definitely be beneficial to Clovis. After saving the An important mobile force for launching counterattacks, it is a very good deal no matter what.

The premise is that someone can really annihilate the invading imperial army and recapture the Red Moon Town fortress.

Is this... really okay?

For the first time in his life, Ludwig had serious doubts about Ansen Bach, not because the other party's plan was too outrageous, but because on the surface there was no benefit to him at all. Not only did he bear all the The risk also involves dividing up the military achievements that could have been monopolized. No matter how you think about it, it is not worthwhile.

But he really had no reason to refuse, so Ludwig nodded slightly and gave his final answer:

"...Okay, I agree."

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