I will be crowned king

Chapter 122 I'm sorry

"I said, who can tell me how the hell happened?!"

In the smoke that was so thick that no one could be seen, Wissam, who was hiding under the "bunker" composed of two corpses and the blown-out door, shouted loudly, and kept firing the flintlock horn gun in his right hand in the direction of the door.

This antique-like "flintlock shotgun" has a deterrent effect comparable to a grenade in a narrow environment. Dozens of lead bullets spurt out from the expanding muzzle, spreading like raindrops in the hall; Four or five trumpet guns took turns firing from different directions, smashing sparks on the walls and floor.

Under such uninterrupted "firepower deterrence", after the Guards, who maintained three rows, harvested the heads of the last few unlucky ones, their approach stopped outside the door of the newspaper office, and the soldiers began to move freely into the hall. shooting.

Lead bullets flew in all directions in the gushing smoke, and the firepower was dense enough to smash a large living person into sieves, allowing the offensive and defensive sides to form a very short-lived and fragile "balance of terror."

The reason why it was short-lived was because there was not enough ammunition on both sides to fight for a day; the reason why it was fragile was because the Guards had no intention of attacking from the beginning.

In order to save money, buildings like the one where the newspaper office is located are designed with two front and rear sides. The center of the building is cut with a load-bearing wall, so that one building can be used as two buildings.

On the other hand, unless the gangsters have artillery or weapons that can blow open the walls, they will be dead as long as they are blocked in the house by the Guards.


A stray bullet passed through the hall, creating a spark on the wall. It penetrated through the temple of an unlucky guy squatting behind the wall, and drilled through his entire brain from left to right. The spurting plasma left a long-like mark on the wall. Horned devil pattern.

"Damn these scum, I'm going to spit out my dinner!"

Cursing, Wissam raised his trumpet gun, pointed it in the direction of the door, pulled the trigger, and shouted: "Guards, please make a price!"

"We are also law-abiding citizens of the Kingdom, and it is our honor to take the initiative to pay taxes!"

He was answered with a neat volley of gunfire.

Damn it, damn it!

Wissam, who was so beaten that he didn't dare to stand up, was lying under his brother's body, still cursing in his mouth. His trembling tooth crown could not even hold his pipe in his mouth. He accidentally dropped it on the ground, and his precious striped coat was on the ground. There was a burnt hole in it that could not be sewn.

Damn it!

This bunch of crazy Guards scum is planning to kill them all here!

The gang leader's scalp was numb and he even forgot to pick up the pipe that fell on the ground. His trembling right hand was still instinctively loading the trumpet gun in his hand, and the screams of his brothers falling to the ground kept coming to his ears.

At home, he also has a wife who, like him, was kicked out by the landlord and works in the factory he owns. At the age of six or seven, he has already learned to glue matchboxes and goes to the hotel four streets away early in the morning to take out flowers. and newspaper daughter.

He had just been in this city, which the country folk call "the Kingdom of Heaven", for four or five years. He had just moved from a shack full of mud and stinking ditches to a low-cost apartment. He had just had enough money to live near Old Wall Street. With the money to rent an apartment, I just learned that there are thousands of people in this city, living a good life that I could not even imagine before...

He doesn't want to die yet!

"Dang Cang."

At this moment, an inaudible voice fell out of his striped coat with holes burned out.

It was an exquisite transparent glass bottle. The sterling silver hoop at the mouth of the bottle was engraved with complicated patterns. The top of the cork was a dark red primitive rune. The dark green translucent liquid sat in the bottle and shimmered. With a faint light.

The moment he saw it, the panicked Wissam's expression suddenly froze; a figure wearing a monocle and a tall thin top hat was reflected in his pupils that were shining with a strange light and trembling.


"Black Mage?"

In the middle of Jiuqiang Street, a Guards officer with a faint smile put his hands behind his back and looked warily at the three people who suddenly appeared:

"Sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't need to understand, Your Excellency." The leader of the three stepped forward. He was a middle-aged man who was not too tall. He wore a three-cornered hat that was not common in the Kingdom of Clovis and a black leather coat. The face is hidden in the shadow under the high collar:

"In fact, you don't need to know anything. You just need to know that you must get out of the way immediately, take all your soldiers away, and then pretend that you have never been here today, let alone met us... That's enough."

Listening to the other party's seemingly polite but actually rude words, the Guards officer's face turned extremely ugly.

"This is impossible." The Guards officer said coldly:

"We have received intelligence that this newspaper building contains important clues about the Iron Sky murder suspect, Draco Vertes - even with the authorization of the Privy Council, the entire building will be searched thoroughly by the Guards No one is allowed to enter until it’s finished!”

"Don't forget...this is the Kingdom of Clovis, not the Holy Capital of the Church of Order, the three Lord Inquisitors of the Inquisition!"

The roar of the Guards officer made the middle-aged man at the head show a slightly surprised expression:

"You know us?"

"I have to wonder."

The Guards officer lowered his head and spat: "As long as you guys show up anywhere, nothing good will happen."

The middle-aged man seemed not to have heard what he said. He turned around and looked at the other two people behind him. They nodded in agreement, causing the guard officer to take a cautious step forward:

"Hey, what are you going to do? I told you that this place is already controlled by the Guards, you...ah!"

Before he could react, the middle-aged man hit him in the face with an elbow. The screaming officer covered his face and fell to the ground.

"Now that you know, I don't need to explain any more."

The middle-aged man with a gentle voice spoke softly, took out a revolver that was twice as long as an ordinary pistol from under his leather coat, and put the dark muzzle directly on the officer's forehead:

"I repeat it one last time: take your soldiers and leave, and no matter who asks you, pretend you have never been here today, let alone met us."

"Believe me, there are things that you don't know...that's a blessing."

There was a helpless sigh in the middle-aged man's voice.

at this time……


A loud noise without warning came from the newspaper office hall, which was also mixed with the soldiers' screams, continuous gunshots and some kind of beast-like roar.

"team leader."

Another inquisitor standing behind the middle-aged man suddenly spoke, his soft voice mixed with some anxiety: "We have no time."

"Okay." The gentle middle-aged man lowered his head, stared, and pulled the trigger of the revolver with deep apology:

"…I'm very sorry."

I have to take a day off today and will resume updating tomorrow~ I apologize to everyone~

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