I will be crowned king

Chapter 1221 Final Review

"Then, let me now convey to you the full strategic layout of Lord Anson Bach's strategy for the battle of Red Moon Town."

There is a large sand table placed in the center of the majestic hall. Any officer who has been enrolled in the Royal Military Academy for more than three months or has a little knowledge of Clovis geography will not find it difficult to learn from this detailed map to include every river, hill, and town. It can be seen from the completely reproduced model of the fortress and stronghold that this is the Red Moon Province. It is simply like the original model reduced by tens of millions of times.

Surrounding this masterpiece are the senior officers of the western border, fortresses and standing corps; at this time, they were supposed to stick to their posts and were commanded by the Supreme Commander of the Western Front - at least in name - Ludwig F. Lord Lantz was summoned urgently to attend this slightly special military intelligence briefing meeting.

Or in Ludwig's original words, "Let these fools who think they have made money know what Ansen Bach did."

"Because I am not an outstanding officer like you, nor is I a professional military talent, I am just an insignificant secretary. In order to ensure that there is no error in the explanation, from June 25th to July 7th A complete picture of what happened in Japan, part of which is taken from battlefield records on the front lines.”

Allen Dawn, the young clerk standing on the side of the sand table, wore a formulaic smile and bowed respectfully to the officers in the shadows surrounding him: "I apologize for any offensive or disrespectful words."

"So much for the red tape." Ludwig, who was sitting in an armchair, put his right hand on his forehead, making his expression unclear: "Let's get started."

"As commanded."

Alan Dawn responded softly and picked up the command staff on the sand table. Due to his height, the little clerk had to step on the weapon box. This height plus the length of the cane could cover two-thirds of the sand table. area.

"To explain all this to you, please allow me to push the time back to late June. Lord Anson, who was in the southern fortress, led the Ranger Corps northward. After learning that the Red Moon Town Fortress had fallen, he made a decisive decision and executed 'Skirmish line tactics', break up the legion, quickly advance towards Red Moon Town with a minimum scale of infantry regiment level, and arrange for the Hantu legion led by His Highness Leon Francois to take the rear."

"This thoughtless move in the eyes of the enemy is an important prerequisite for many of Lord Anson's subsequent plans - the various regiments of the Ranger Corps must complete their respective important missions without explicit instructions from the headquarters, which is to lure The enemy penetrates deeply, divides and surrounds their effective forces, and creates the possibility of recapturing the fortress."

"But he failed." Ludwig suddenly said, tapping the armrest of the chair with his right hand: "Fernando was not an idiot who allowed himself to be manipulated by him. He left behind the Glory Legion's fortress."


The little clerk's face was filled with a formulaic smile, and the command staff in his hand accurately landed on the model of Hongyue Town, and moved slowly along the "Red Moon Trunk Road" sign on the sand table:

"As one of the emperor's most trusted commanders, Sir Fernando Herred is very cautious, and he decisively realizes that this may be an excellent opportunity to expand the results of the battle - to advance quickly before the scattered legions gather, he may be able to take the opportunity to capture the entire Red Moon Province!”

"It should be said that he is almost successful. The 50,000 imperial troops are in a deserted land in the Red Moon Province. The scattered legions cannot pose any threat to them until..."

The smiling little secretary stopped the command stick in his hand and gently tapped it on the unknown mound, which made everyone present stare.

Military Flag Mountain.

"This hill, which is not too big or too small, has become the core of Sir Anson's plan to reverse the situation, or... the real plan. The Chief of General Staff personally led the army and blocked Fernando Herred here with only four or five infantry regiments. The army's strength was even severely damaged." The young secretary said solemnly:

"The heavy blow caused Fernando Herred to make a misjudgment, thinking that Clovis was going to lure him to the Flag Mountain for a decisive battle. Adhering to the theory of superior strength and quick victory, he quickly began to summon the imperial army to attack from all sides."

"But he failed, and the skirmishing tactics first emerged at this moment... Shanbei, Shannan, Hongyue Trunk Road, Central Avenue, all the roads running through Junqi Mountain, even soldiers of the Ranger Corps emerged behind him, The bloody unicorn flag has surrounded him."

"As for his reinforcements..." The little secretary's command staff began to slide again, heading south along the high mountains: "The army of 20,000 people was cut off from the supply line by Colonel Alexei Dukaski with 5,000 troops. retreat, the morale of the army is shaken.”

"In the northwest, the 1st Infantry Division of the legion successfully joined forces and combined with local armed forces to launch a layer-by-layer blockade against the enemies who were eager to rush south for reinforcements. They continued to harass, step by step, dragging down the enemies whose logistics collapsed and their morale was completely lost."

"Sir Fernando Herred, who had been unable to wait for reinforcements, could only pin his hopes on the Garland Army guarding the Red Moon Town Fortress. This army guarding the enemy's retreat was finally defeated under the constant urging of his superiors. Forced to leave the fortress, Red Moon Town’s gates were wide open.”

"Lord Fernando does not know that there is no figure of Lord Anson Bach on the flag mountain that he regards as the target of the decisive battle. At this time, he has already led a partial division to bypass the enemy's front and ambush outside the Red Moon Town Fortress!"

"At this point, the first phase of the 'Red Moon Town Recapture Battle' ended successfully. Relying on skirmish line tactics, the Ranger Corps successfully divided and surrounded the 50,000 Imperial Army with slightly less strength than the enemy, and successfully put the fortress in an almost unstable position. Fortified status."

Putting away his command stick, the young secretary turned around and saluted everyone around him: "Of course, this also requires the adults of the war committee to try their best to help, using the illusion that 'Clovis is about to launch a full-scale counterattack' to trick the empire into not daring to have any more attacks. With multiple actions, we successfully controlled the war situation in a corner of the Red Moon Province and avoided the possibility of the war expanding."

"On behalf of Sir Anson Bach and all the officers and men of the Ranger Corps, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you."

Silence fell.

It’s not that I have any doubts about Alan Dawn’s statement. After all, the officers present here also have their own information channels. Even if the details are not clear, they still know a little bit about the movements of the imperial army in the Red Moon Province. The second thing is that there are indeed not many enemy troops stationed in the captured fortress at the moment.


"You mean to say that Anson Bach... came to power and had anticipated today's situation as early as the day he set off from the southern fortress?"

Lieutenant General Paul Mackensen, who was sitting at Ludwig's command, said with an ugly face. As the nominal fortress commander of Red Moon Town, he could be regarded as the most uneasy among the officers present: "Or he If you really know Fernando Herred so well, are you sure what decision he will make?”

Before the words were spoken, many participants had expressions of sympathy on their faces. Everything that happened sounded so crazy, it was almost like a children's war game talking to a map - how could it be such a coincidence? !

Even if he really got it all figured out, the Ranger Legion was not the Storm Legion that had been fighting with him for several years, not to mention that half of them were just recruits. Such an army was broken into pieces, and he was By what means can he ensure that these soldiers can perfectly execute his orders and achieve all strategic goals?

Those soldiers who traveled long distances and even had to detour behind enemy lines without logistics and command, how could they unconditionally carry out the orders of the ruling lord? What gave them the infinite confidence to trust this strange boss?

"Lieutenant General Mackensen, your statement is too exaggerated."

The little clerk put his left hand behind his back, and with his right hand he straightened the bowler hat he was wearing: "Let us first clarify an objective fact. I personally think Lord Anson Bach is very remarkable, but... he is just a human being. Ordinary people don't have the ability to predict the future or have any other special abilities, right?"

"Whether it is common or not remains to be discussed." Ludwig interrupted coldly:

"But our meeting today is not to discuss how he is doing, but how the war situation in the Red Moon Province will develop and continue."

"As commanded."

The little clerk with slightly raised corners of his mouth jumped down from the armor box and walked toward his audience like a host on the stage: "Before the battle in the Red Moon Province began, Lord Anson Bach put forward an important argument. That The more I want to take back Red Moon Town, the more I must put this matter last."

"On the one hand, it is the only escape route for the tens of thousands of imperial troops in Red Moon Town. If it is recaptured, it will inevitably trigger a fierce counterattack by the empire and Fernando, causing a chain reaction beyond control."

"On the other hand, even if the troops are empty, this strong fortress cannot be easily conquered; without any special reasons, a frontal attack requires a large amount of heavy firepower and a force at least five times the size of the defenders, as well as Just make sure the enemy doesn’t have reinforcements.”

Before he finished speaking, Lieutenant General Paul Markenson's complexion suddenly darkened, and his hot cheeks seemed to have been slapped several times under the casual gaze of his colleagues around him.

"Based on this, Lord Anson is ready to follow the trend and start a decisive battle with Lord Fernando Herred on Flag Mountain, completely defeating the empire's army, and then recapture the Red Moon Town Fortress."

"Defeat Fernando? Isn't that a bit big?"

It seemed that he finally found a point where he could counterattack. Paul Markenson, whose face was already darker than ever, snorted coldly: "If I remember correctly, the total strength of the Ranger Corps should only be about 40,000. That's not enough." Count half of the recruits."

"In this case, it is still possible to delay and block the enemy's reinforcements by attacking first and then defeat them... Did I understand it wrong? Or is it that Lord Anson Bach has some special method that can remotely command him to disperse in the area? Legions from all over the Red Moon Province?”

This question immediately resonated with the officers present, who looked at the little secretary in front of them with curiosity or scrutiny.

Faced with doubts, Alan Dawn calmly picked up the command stick on the sand table again and pointed in the direction of Junqi Mountain: "The key point to break the situation is right here."

"Karl Bain's Flag Mountain camp, with less than 3,000 defenders?"

"Exactly." The little secretary nodded slightly: "Sir Fernando Herred would never have imagined that this hard bone that he has never been able to break will be the dagger that completely destroys him."

"It's interesting, because we can't guess it even if we try hard."

Paul Markenson sneered: "Then how are these three thousand people going to 'destroy' Fernando, who has at least ten thousand troops, plus the Garland Legion coming from the Red Moon Town Fortress?"

"Of course they can't 'destroy' Lord Fernando Herred, but the gunfire from Flag Mountain will be the beginning of despair for the imperial army." The little secretary turned sideways and looked back:

"Lord Fernando is bound to join up with the Garland Army, and before that, he must first ensure that the direction of Junqi Mountain will not pose a threat to him. Therefore, he must use all his strength to besiege the Junqi Mountain position and use a belated victory to save the situation that is on the verge of collapse. morale."

"Ten thousand versus three thousand, as long as Sir Fernando Herred is defeated under the flag mountain, the winner will be decided."

"That makes sense, but what will happen if Fernando doesn't launch an attack?" Ludwig suddenly said: "He can wait for the results of the northern and southern fronts without risking his own life."

"Of course he can do this, but..." the little secretary smiled and shook his head:

"The premise is that his retreat is not cut off by Lord Anson Bach."


"Yes, Lord Anson has not captured the Red Moon Town Fortress, but he has cut off the Red Moon Trunk Road; if all goes well with the plan, he may have already fought against the Jialan Army at this time." The young secretary said solemnly:

"Whether he wins or loses, Mr. Fernando, who has confirmed that the last reinforcements that can arrive in time has been plunged into battle, must make a decision as soon as possible and escape from the siege network carefully laid out by the Rangers as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will not be able to sit still and wait for death. Do not face the situation of being isolated and helpless, and facing a dilemma; in this case, the Junqishan camp, which is the core of the encirclement network, is the key that he must conquer."

This seemingly well-founded review made Paul Markenson couldn't help but nod: "But you still haven't answered my question. How can the Junqishan camp with only 3,000 people block Fernando's full attack on its own? ?”

"As you said, Anson Bach is blocking the Jialan Army on the Red Moon Road. In addition, the surrounding defenders in Shannan, Shanbei and Central Avenue are too far away, so they may not be able to reinforce them immediately. What's more, they have to prevent the enemy from feinting, so they will not be able to You dare to act rashly, don’t you?”

"Yes, although I am not a military expert, but just a clerk, I think your inference is completely correct." As the clerk said, he slowly raised the index finger of his right hand: "But I must remind everyone here that Yes, from the very beginning to the present stage, everything is within Anson Bach’s plan.”

"And that...is a pretty perfect plan."

complex! live! hot!

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