I will be crowned king

Chapter 1232 Midsummer in Clovis City

Inner city of Clovis, No. 55, Bleman Street.

Perhaps because of her age, Mrs. Bogner found that she seemed to wake up earlier and earlier every day, but she did not feel sleepy at all.

However, this small change did not affect the old woman's daily life. She still got up as before, washed and dressed up, slowly enjoyed a light breakfast, and leaned against the window and smoked her pipe silently.

If I have to say something, there has been a change, that is, the newspaper I read every morning has become a rent collection list - the newsboys riding bicycles or simply hawking along the street can only appear on Boleyman Street at six o'clock at the earliest. .

Another benefit of getting older is patience.

"Extra, extra! The Ranger Legion defeated the imperial invaders, Red Moon Town was liberated! Red Moon Town was liberated!"


Mrs. Bogner, who was still in a trance, was slightly surprised. After being stunned for a moment, she looked at the calendar hanging in the room, and the corners of her mouth subconsciously raised:

"This kid moves pretty fast..."


"...Since the beginning of July, our Ranger Corps has besieged Fernando on Junqi Mountain, dividing the invaders into five, unable to support each other. We only have a small number of troops on Junqi Mountain to wait and work, blocking the invaders' pace!"

"Fernando Herred died in battle at the foot of the Flag Mountain. The invaders were routed and retreated towards the Red Moon Town Fortress. Although they were still huge, they could not conceal their decline. The Rangers gathered again and fought with the Hantu Army who came with reinforcements on the 22nd. Advance to Red Moon Town!"

"It only took one day to retake the fortress!"

At the National Assembly in White Lake Park, Christian Bach, as the Speaker, suddenly raised the newspaper in his hand above his head, and his face that could still force himself to be calm finally no longer concealed his inner excitement:

"Dear representatives, I know that in my capacity and position I should not be so rude, but I still want to ask everyone here to stand up and join me in shouting 'Long Live' three times to celebrate this hard-won victory. "

"This is by no means the end, but it is the best beginning. The Clovis people who overthrew the king fired the first shot against aggression for their own freedom and justice!"

Before he finished speaking, the young speaker stood up abruptly; the conservative party in the front row, headed by Viscount Bognar, and most of the representatives sitting in the middle also left their seats and followed Christian's example Either take off your hat, or lift up the morning newspaper you just bought and throw it into the sky:

"Long live Clovis-!!!"

“Long live freedom and fairness——!!!!”

"God bless Clovis-!!!!"

Different cheers sounded from different directions in the parliament. Although they all shared the joy of victory at this moment, they obviously still did not give up their persistence in their respective positions.

But Christian didn't care about this. In other words, from the day he became Speaker, he understood that the National Assembly was destined to be unable to truly "unify". It would be extremely difficult for everyone to find a common goal or enemy as much as possible. .

And the victory won by Anson Bach was obviously achieved - even the representatives of the "Black Flag" faction who were the least confrontational with everyone in the past and were so radical as to "eradicate all aristocrats" also stood up and applauded excitedly. The hands are red.

Christian, whose face was full of pride and pride, raised his hands and motioned for the representatives to sit back down; but the excitement and excitement at the scene made it difficult for everyone to hold back, and the applause and cheers lasted for five minutes before finally Calmness gradually returned.

"The rampant emperor thought he could dominate the world, interfered in Clovis's internal affairs, suppressed and invaded our country under the banner of so-called righteousness; his army of lackeys were so complacent when they came, and how desolate they were when they fled back in defeat. ." Christian opened his hands:

"Our brave soldiers defended the territory of Clovis with their own flesh and blood, allowing the red unicorn flag to fly again over Red Moon Town, proving their loyalty to the country with their actions."

"This is a great and brilliant victory, and it is proof that the new Clovis can defend its own interests." Christian Bach paused and glanced at all the representatives in front of him:

"I personally intend to propose a triumphal ceremony to reward the Ranger Corps and formally train them, and I implore the National Assembly to approve it."

"Agree——!!!!" The representatives present cheered surprisingly uniformly.

"In addition, Governor Anson Bach himself also sent a series of lists, including but not limited to officers, soldiers and combat unit numbers with outstanding achievements in this operation, as well as plans for subsequent military operations."

The lively atmosphere forced the Speaker to once again raise his hand to suppress the interest of the representatives: "Relevant items are being reviewed by the Ministry of War and Minister of War Sophia Franz. After the review is completed, they will be submitted to the National Assembly for a final report. and approval work..."


"This bastard will really cause trouble for others!"

The war hall of the Loyalty Palace echoed with the complaints of a certain girl: "Give the Ranger Corps a new cavalry division, open a new cavalry section in the military academy, raise the pension standard, double the number of wounded, and kill four." Times...does he really not know that the national budget has long been stretched?!"

"Oh, he also wants to rebuild Red Moon Town, because the original defenses have obvious flaws, and many important facilities have been completely controlled by the imperial people and must be transformed... I can't even imagine the construction work of this kind of strategic fortress. How much words does it take to convince those extremely stingy guys to pass it in the National Assembly..."

Sophia was the only one complaining in the empty war hall. The little maid Angelica was standing in the corner of the hall, silently watching her master with a smile on her face, holding the morning copy of "Clo" in her hands hidden behind her back. "Victoria Truth Report".

"...Angelica, why are you so silent?"

The somewhat thirsty Minister of War cast his gaze over with a hint of dissatisfaction: "Don't you have anything to say?"

"Me? Uh... Angelica doesn't know." The little maid's eyes were a little dodgey: "Um, Miss, do you want some coffee?"

"Well, if you have a drink, remember to put more milk..."

Sophia, who answered subconsciously, immediately reacted: "Wait, don't change the topic!"

The little maid, who was about to turn around and leave, smiled awkwardly and shrank her neck when she looked at the girl's obviously unhappy expression: "Mr. Anson Bach's request is indeed a bit excessive, but you will definitely not refuse, miss, right? "

"Of course! Although it is excessive, it is a matter of life and death for Clovis; let alone rebuilding Red Moon Town. If the rewards of the soldiers are not increased, why should they fight for Clovis? How can we let them Do you understand that Clovis today is different from the one in the past?”

Sophia, who looked unhappy, answered simply: "What really makes me unhappy is that he didn't even discuss it with me in advance, but just informed me, as if I was his subordinate!"

Uh... Mr. Anson is now in power, and the lady is still the Minister of War. Strictly speaking, this seems to be the case... The little maid secretly thought in her heart, but on the surface she was still full of indignation: "Yes, this is really inappropriate!"

"If it weren't for Clovis's precarious situation, I would definitely not agree so easily!" Sophia emphasized again, her eyes suddenly becoming a little evasive: "By the way, did he mention when he would be back?"

"Come back? Ah...you mean Mr. Anson returned to Clovis City?"

The little maid had a look of realization on her face. She suppressed the smile on her lips and shook her head: "I'm sorry, but... there is no information about this in the intelligence. He should still be in the Red Moon Town Fortress at the moment."

"Red Moon Town? Hasn't he already driven the Imperial people back? Why are they still there?" The girl frowned slightly: "In that case, what reason is there to continue to stay there?"

"Well, Angelica doesn't..."

"No, there's something wrong here."

Before the little maid could answer, Sophia's keen sense of smell activated again: "The Red Moon Town Fortress has a very special significance. It is Clovis' only important bridgehead that can attack the empire. Anson wants to rebuild it, but he still has nothing to do if he stays there. Signs of departure…”

The awakened girl murmured to herself. The abnormality on the front line suddenly reminded her of the so-called "savior" theory that Viscount Bognar had talked about with her before:

[Clovis did not start from scratch as a free confederacy. History and inheritance cannot be reversed in a day... The people can be without nobles for the time being, but a world without a king is unimaginable to them...]

[We can change a name, a code name, a title, but no matter what it is, it is best for the people to continue to have a 'king' that suits them...]

[...I personally think that the battle to recapture Hongyue Town is a good opportunity...]


The girl stood up suddenly, causing the little maid who was about to go out to make coffee to freeze in place with fright: "Miss, you..."

"Viscount Bogner!"


"I mean Viscount Bogner, where is he?" Sophia's face suddenly became serious, her eyes filled with sharp colors: "He should be at the National Assembly now, participating in the meeting chaired by Speaker Christian Bach. Right?"

"Y-that's right..." The little maid was a little confused: "Do you want to see him?"

"That's right!"

Sophia nodded: "Prepare the carriage, let's go to Clovis Cathedral!"

"Is it... eh?" Angelica was stunned again: "But isn't Viscount Bogner here..."

"He must have left now and went to the cathedral to secretly collude with his father." The girl said coldly:

"I'm 100% sure!"


"That's really surprising that you trust him so much."

Putting down the wine glass in his hand unhurriedly, Archbishop Luther Franz said calmly: "This is not a trivial matter that can be done easily."

"But don't you think it's feasible?" Viscount Bogner asked with a smile: "Now the entire National Assembly is celebrating the victory of Anson Bach's administration, with unprecedented unity among various factions and groups; if a new king is to be elected, , now is the most suitable time.”

"Yes, if they hadn't just overthrown a king."

The old man shook his head: "Dear Viscount Bogner, I have always trusted your prudence and stability; with your ability, it should not be difficult to see that the so-called 'unity of the National Assembly' is just a temporary illusion; how enthusiastic they cheered, How resolutely they will resist when their interests are harmed."

"You are absolutely right. The Osterian royal family betrayed Clovis's interests and did not recognize the authority of the National Assembly, so the Assembly eventually overthrew them." Viscount Bognar did not seem to intend to give up:

“But what if the ‘new king’ we elect is a man who respects the National Assembly, recognizes the Code, and puts freedom and equality first?”

Looking at Bogner who was extremely insistent, the old man seemed hesitant to speak. He was silent for a full five seconds before speaking: "I'm sorry, didn't you realize how contradictory your statement just now was?"

"You mean..."

"A king who respects freedom and equality." Luther Franz couldn't help but laugh: "Seriously, which 'king' have you ever seen that meets the standards in your mind?"

"That was in the past, and what I am talking about is the leader of the new era." Viscount Bognar emphasized: "The people still need a king, otherwise it will only make them confused. They don't know what a country is and they don't understand equality. and the meaning of justice... They are too ignorant and need a king to be the pillar of support in their hearts, don’t you think so?”

"I can only partially agree with your point of view." The old man crossed his hands on the table and tapped the back of his hands with his fingers: "Do the people of Clovis hope to have a king now? Yes; we need a brand new leader. The leader of Lowe? That’s right.”


"But you still haven't noticed how contradictory you are, Viscount Bogner." The archbishop raised his hand to intercept: "You are talking about equality and freedom, and at the same time you are emphasizing how ignorant the people of Clovis are. You let I'm confused."

"Because reality is contradictory, I'm just proposing an option that's more in line with Clovis' current situation."

Viscount Bogner emphasized: "At first I had placed my hope on the change of the royal family, and then I placed my hope on your successor Ludwig, but none of them could do it. To be more precise, they could not unite everyone. People; I’m not opposed to seeing changes in Clovis, but I definitely don’t want to see a Clovis that is divided or falls into civil war.”

"I recognize your persistence, Viscount Bognar, but it seems that you have found the wrong partner to cooperate with." The old man still shook his head: "I am very sorry, but I really cannot accept your point of view."

"All right."

Viscount Bogner finally stopped being stubborn: "Then who do you think is more suitable?"

"Yes..." Before he finished speaking, the old man suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the door:

"Ah, isn't this coming?"

I feel that Kong Kong still has not fully recovered from the overtime work last month. His mental state is quite abnormal, and he will try to adjust as soon as possible.

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