I will be crowned king

Chapter 1264 The first achievement

Chapter 315 Clovis Mercenaries

Early morning, east bank position.

The cool dew brought out the first dawn, and the golden-red sunshine shone through the misty Changji River, but it was a dilapidated scene with corpses everywhere.

The land that had been plowed by artillery fire exuded a scorched smell, and the broken pontoons and piles of cold corpses blocked the river. It was like a ruin. From time to time, painful wails and twitching sounds could be heard in the position where sewage flowed freely. ...The soldiers holding cold rifles, exuding a strong smell of sweat and blood, sat around the campfire, sharing gruel made from dry bread and water, barely filling the emptiness in their stomachs.

A whole night has passed since the "Emperor's Army" was completely defeated, and it was almost a busy night that kept them awake all night.

Although Joseph III agreed to the request for negotiation, this does not mean that the matter is over: the specific meeting time, negotiation location, list of personnel attending both parties, size of escorts and entourage, general negotiation content, process... all must be discussed in advance The decision is made.

And the emperor also made it clear that the meeting would be in the early morning, so everything must be settled early in the morning - at least before noon.

As a result, the knight's staff who were still loyal to the emperor could only discuss with Fabian, Count Schlieffen and several frontline commanders all night long, and envoys representing both sides rushed back and forth in the dark in batches. rack your brains and use limited time to gain unlimited advantages for yourself.

It wasn't until the sky started to light up that the exhausted two sides finally reached a compromise: First of all, this negotiation was not formal, but a private negotiation. The meeting place was set at Baiyuan Town, where the emperor's headquarters is located - there is a little big deal here. The small church was considered a neutral zone acceptable to both parties on the premise that it was slightly beneficial to the emperor.

In terms of entourage, both sides can lead a company if they include the guards... The empire's staff here played a little trick. They formed a "Knights' Entourage" based on the official personnel, and the knights' attendants are not included in the "Knights' Entourage". "official personnel", the direct result is that the size of the emperor's entourage is three times the theoretical size.

But Fabian didn't care about this. After all, there was an army of 150,000 that surrounded the empire's 20,000 people outside. He didn't dare to take action even if he had the courage of a hundred people from the opposite side.

What's more, everyone in the Storm Army Corps knows one thing very well: when a crisis occurs, the last thing to worry about is the life and safety of the Commander-in-Chief himself.

What's more, since we have taken advantage here, of course the empire will have to make concessions afterwards - the formal negotiation will be held in Xiaolong City, and Clovis and Hantu's 150,000 troops will visit this place in the name of "visiting". The capital of the empire, and all expenses during this period were borne by the empire.

That's right, after repeated discussions between the two parties, the name of this negotiation and negotiation was defined as "visiting": the Clovis government, together with the Crown Prince of Hantu, came to meet the emperor of the empire in a formal official capacity, and the nominal order of the world supreme ruler.

As for the "minor frictions" that occurred during this period, they were all misunderstandings and riots caused by "certain disloyal traitors". The soldiers of Hantu and Clovis were to eradicate traitors and defend order for His Majesty the Emperor. A contributor to world peace and rules.

In a sense, this was the outcome that Joseph III least wanted to see, but if he wanted to save the face of the royal family and even the entire empire, he... had no choice.

As for the object of negotiation, the emperor only allowed Anson Bach to come and confront him as the general representative of the Clovis-Hantu coalition; this was also the little idea of ​​the knights' staff, to use exaltation of Clovis to belittle him. Hantu's method creates conflicts within the opponent's camp.

As the decisive force in the entire Battle of the Halberd, the last straw that broke the Empire's army, Léon Francois... must have been dissatisfied because of this, and even resented the Clovis traitor who overcame him, right?

In any case, at least Joseph III very much hoped that this scene would happen - especially when he saw Anson Bach strutting into the church and smiling at himself without awe, this idea became even stronger.

"Anson Bach, Lieutenant General of the Army, Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front, Consul of Clovis, offers you the highest respect, Your Majesty."

Deliberately starting with a series of titles, Anson, who walked into the tent, only bowed slightly and handed his hat to Arthur Herred, who was acting as a guard with a tense face next to him: "Although it is abrupt, but seeing your dignity, I still order you. Deeply honored.”


In the empty prayer hall with only three figures, Joseph III looked very unnatural sitting upright; of course, it is impossible for a church in a small town to have a "reception room", but to show the majesty of the emperor, it can only be The throne is placed in front of the pulpit, with its back facing the statue of the Ring of Order - when negotiating in this way, Anson Bach is like a believer looking up to a statue of a god, looking up to himself as the emperor.

That being said, it is still somewhat awkward to ask a person who has been taught the doctrine of the Circle of Order since he was a child and takes it as his creed to "pretend to be a Circle of Order."

There was nothing unnatural about Anson. He walked straight to the chair that was prepared by the other party and was one size smaller than the emperor. He took out the scroll he had prepared in advance and said, "Then, Your Majesty..."

"Wait a minute."

Joseph III, who had a complicated expression, suddenly interrupted: "Before we officially start, I have something to ask you, Anson Bach."

Um? !

One step faster than a certain Clovis ruler, the surprised Arthur Herred suddenly looked back at the emperor, but immediately realized his impoliteness and quickly lowered his head.

Glancing at the knight behind him, Anson kept smiling: "Please tell me."

"You... and you, what is the purpose of doing all this?" Joseph III said solemnly: "I recognize your strength. You are a very smart guy with strong execution ability, similar to you... and Bernard People like De will never do anything meaningless and ask for trouble."

"Your Majesty is ridiculous. I don't think I'm as smart as you say."

"So why do you do this?"

Putting Anson's words behind him, Joseph III continued to ask: "I learned from Anne and Nicholas, your king and queen mother, that you have actually gained the absolute trust of the Osteria royal family. I even gave you the status of the captain of the palace guard. In time, let alone higher titles and titles, it is not completely impossible for one person to be inferior to ten thousand people."

"The power and glory of several lifetimes are at your fingertips, but you have to give it all up and follow a group of thugs to overthrow the royal family that originally trusted you so much. What do you want, just...that crown?"

"No, it's impossible. You are a smart man. Smart people like Bernard and you should understand how heavy the crown is. Instead of carrying that heavy burden, it is wisest to settle for the next best thing: glory, wealth and power. choice." Before Anson could answer, Joseph III himself denied it:

"What's more, if you really want it, you can get it when you are in the colonies of the New World. You don't have to go to all that trouble at all. With the turbulent sea separating us, the empire will not be able to interfere with the New World in the next fifty or one hundred years. Just a little bit You can become the 'Emperor' of the new world...but you gave up the 'Crown' to the youngest son of the Bernard family, a person who has been your enemy for many years."

"I don't understand, you... Anson Bach, your existence puzzles me so much. What do you want?"

Silence, a long silence.

The expressionless Anson met Joseph III's extremely solemn gaze, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly.

"why are you laughing?"

"No, please forgive me for being rude, but... too many people have asked me similar questions." Anson smiled and shook his head: "In my short life, many people have asked me many times, you what do you want."

"This proves that you are indeed very capable and a rare talent."

Joseph III's expression softened slightly: "Bernard Maulvis is also this kind of person. That's why I tolerate some of his unfaithful behaviors and even let him marry a member of the royal family as his wife."

"No, Your Majesty, this is the perspective of you...or everyone who asked me this question. From my perspective, there is another explanation for this matter."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Asking others 'what do you want' is essentially... showing your superiority to others." Anson said solemnly: "And I object to this."

Joseph III: “…I don’t think that was their intention.”

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is not their original intention. They probably even think that their behavior is very... approachable." Anson smiled:

"But this does not change the fact, and my idea of ​​​​changing it; I admit that there are differences between individuals, but I refuse to identify with being born noble, nor do I think there is anything so-called 'sacred' in the so-called title, bloodline, identity... 'of."

"It's a ridiculous idea. Even if you deny it verbally, can people be truly equal?"

Joseph III shook his head: "Surface equality will only give all living beings extravagant hopes that they should not have, and will only make the country... The whole world should fall into turmoil and chaos, and order and stability will no longer exist; everything you have done, It will only turn a solid castle into a fast-moving steam core, adding firewood and charcoal to it until it explodes to pieces."

"Your Majesty is wise." Anson said calmly: "Just like Clovis's castle, it has been shattered to pieces in the explosion."


"For Your Majesty, who is the guardian of the world of order, of course it is better for this world to remain unchanged. No... It should be said that it should be unchanged in His Majesty's eyes. It's just that some people have different views on this." As he spoke, Anson chuckled and paused:

"But I am not here today to make you accept my opinion. On the contrary, I took the initiative to propose the meeting because I agree with the order you represent; Clovis has no intention of competing with the Empire for hegemony, nor does he intend to To seize the ownership of the world of order, we just hope to get formal recognition and the qualification to talk to His Majesty on an equal footing, that's all."

"Yeah... equal."

Joseph III snorted coldly: "It's just a border country, but it wants to be on an equal footing with the emperor of the empire... It's extremely arrogant."

"Perhaps, but the fact is that the peace and stability of the ordered world need to be maintained by the emperor of the empire and the rulers of Clovis. Only when the two establish an absolutely stable balance can they intimidate Xiaoxiao and ensure that all countries are safe from each other. "

Anson spread his hands: "Don't you think this is reality?"

"The person who was just talking to me about equality is now discussing how to maintain the rule of the two countries over the entire ordered world, and the reality is... interesting." Joseph III said expressionlessly:

"I really can't wait to know how the Francois royal family in the land would feel as the 'governed' if they heard this."

"They can only accept it, they must accept it; without Clovis's protection, Hantu cannot maintain the territory of the Kingdom of Iser, and cannot protect itself when it is caught between Clovis and the Empire. This is the reality."

Leaning forward slightly, Anson raised his voice: "Your Majesty, I am negotiating with you very frankly now. Clovis has no intention of destroying the status quo of the ordered world, let alone destroying the system of the empire and the existence of the emperor. What we have done All efforts are to maintain the prosperity and stability of the ordered world."

"That's so well said." Joseph III remained unmoved: "If the person sitting in front of me had not betrayed his king and overthrew the ancient Clovis royal family, maybe I would really believe your words."

"You can do it now, and in a sense, because I did this, Clovis is more worthy of your trust now, isn't he?"

Anson smiled and asked: "A country without a 'king', a force independent of the empire, you don't have to worry that we will have ambitions for your crown; don't forget, His Majesty Nicholas has the Herred royal family. The ancient bloodline, strictly speaking...the Osteria royal family is also a descendant of the Dragon Knight, isn't it?"

"What are you provoking?!"

"I'm stating the facts, Your Majesty." Staring at the emperor who finally changed his expression, Ansen's eyes were burning:

"We are not a threat to your throne. Those families with ancient blood and legal principles, the six grand dukes of the empire... they are your biggest threat; Clovis no longer has a king, and we people are not in any way Might become emperor, but they can.”

"You just said that the ancient order and the entire world of order are like castles, immortal and unchanged for thousands of years; but unfortunately, the stone may be immortal, but the people who live in the castle and the family that owns the castle can change."

"How about... just treat those of us who are outside the castle as your mercenaries?"

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