I will be crowned king

Chapter 1265 News from afar

Clovis City, Osteria Palace.

After successfully winning over the support from the Franz family - or the acquiescence of the Minister of War, Miss Sophia Franz -, Viscount Bogner, who thought he was completely sure, immediately took action and began to implement his plan. A plan to crown Anson Bach as King of Clovis.

Of course, this has nothing to do with his friendship with Anson Bach or even having nothing to do with it. Purely personal bias, he actually hopes that Ludwig Franz can ascend the throne, but it is unfortunately impossible, because Ludwig's own operations led him to get too close to the conservatives, especially the military leaders in the legion. Not to mention the civilians at the bottom who followed the overthrow of the royal family, the powerful factions and landowners everywhere were also at odds with him. close.

The current Clovis is actually in a state of extreme tension and fragmentation. Don't look at the National Assembly flaunting "victory" and "unity" every day... It seems that there is this supreme organization to maintain all parties, and there is the "Code" to calm conflicts. There was even an important enemy like the Empire that diverted everyone's attention, but it still couldn't hide the truth of the split.

With the Osterian royal family fleeing to the empire, Clovis has been divided into common people, nobles, conservatives, radicals, locals, wealthy families, Clovisites, provincials, street groups, and wealthy groups ...There are so many different things, so complicated that no one can figure out which faction they belong to and under which banner they should belong; those who strongly agree with it today may have to oppose it with all their strength tomorrow because their interests are harmed.

In the view of Viscount Bognar, there is only one solution to this extremely turbulent and unstable situation: elect a new king!

Of course, electing a king is just a means, and even a means that involves some risks - after all, the Clovis people just drove away their own king - the essence of the problem is to find someone who can conform to the consensus of all parties and make him a country The incarnation of the world will completely end this current state of chaos and disorder.

In the eyes of Viscount Bognar, the new king needs to meet at least the following requirements in no particular order:

First, he must have a certain reputation among both the nobility and the common people;

Secondly, he must have the minimum military capabilities and political level, especially the diplomatic level;

Finally, of course he has to be a man and he must be young enough.

There is no doubt about the first one, and the second one is 100% indispensable as the king of Clovis, especially in this situation; the third one is equally important, and in a sense is even more important. More than Article 2.

The reason is very simple: let alone Clovis, there are not many queens in the entire Order World in its thousands of years of history; secondly, people who can meet the first two requirements can be found everywhere in Clovis City, but they are still extremely abundant. ; The problem is that they are too old; even if conflicts and disputes can be calmed down for a while, turmoil will break out in the event of death, which cannot solve the problem at all.

Only this man is young enough to be the king safely for twenty, thirty or even fifty years, allowing all the Clovis people to get used to his rule, and then pass the throne to his blood heirs. Only then can this chaos be completely ended.

And if you think about it this way, there are very few people who are qualified - to be more precise, there is only one person left.

From the beginning of the victory in Red Moon Town, Viscount Bognar began to run around for this goal. Even after learning about Anson's plan to counterattack the empire, he immediately started negotiations with several grand dukes of the empire.

The negotiation process went extremely smoothly, as if the other party had been waiting for his own initiative to visit from the beginning; this made Viscount Bogner detect a strange aura, and he quickly concluded that the grand dukes of the empire seemed to be planning to formally overthrow Hector. Rhett is royal!

However, this was just his own speculation. Bogner did not dare to make any claims and immediately reported the situation to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Christian Bach, and the Minister of War, Sophia Franz.

It is no exaggeration to say that after Ludwig and Anson left, the entire Clovis and even the country were barely functioning on the three of them.

In the end, under the premise of ensuring that nothing went wrong, the three of them jointly represented Clovis and reached an agreement with the archduke's envoys who came to negotiate, finalizing the alliance between the two parties: the empire would acquiesce in the entry of Clovis's troops, forcing the emperor to respond alone. , and then...defeated by Clovis.

As long as Anson Bach can be above board... No! Even if it's just a tie or even a setback, as long as he can plant the flag on the land of the Snapdragon Principality, the entire Clovis propaganda machine will be at full power, describing this battle as a great victory that has not been seen in thousands of years. Praise him to the altar of "Empire's Nemesis".

Then he can continue with his next plan, for him, for the only person in Clovis who can make up for the conflicts between the various forces, and reunite Clovis into a whole... plus the supreme crown.

Rumors have begun to spread quietly, children's songs have begun to echo in the streets, and salons between nobles and conservatives are excitedly discussing the birth of a new king. Young and radical nobles are even eager to try.

But what's the saying? The biggest obstacle to your success is often not your enemies, but the friends you thought you were.

Just when Viscount Bogner thought that everything was ready and was impatiently waiting for news from the front line, an unprovoked front-page headline suddenly broke out in Clovis: the issue of ownership of the Osteria Palace.

In fact, since the royal family fled, discussions on how to deal with this most important building in Clovis have continued, ranging from the most radical burning down to the most conservative museum or landmark building, and there is no decent agreement within the National Assembly. The consensus has been delayed for a long time.

But procrastination is procrastination, and it is true that no one took this matter to heart... In the final analysis, after the royal family's wealth was emptied, the remaining palace was just a real estate with unknown ownership, and it was impossible to disappear in the blink of an eye. Even if you want to burn it down, it is not easy - its current function is a military camp, stationed in Clovis City's last defense force after the Storm Legion evacuated.

Perhaps the rumors that "the new king is about to be crowned" stimulated some good people, and the issue of ownership of the Osteria Palace was once again brought into dispute, and even gradually turned into a big debate in the entire Clovis city.

The nobles who had originally given up discussing the matter suddenly became active, which greatly stimulated the fighting spirit of many civilians and radicals. The incident became out of control, and in the end even Bogner himself was dragged into the water!

"...Burn it down, it must be burned down! The Osteria Palace is evidence of the old royal family's cruel oppression of the people, it must be burned down!"

"...Nonsense! The Osteria Palace can be traced back to the ancient Clovis era. Are you saying that the dead hundreds of years ago also oppressed you?"

"...So we should nationalize the Osteria Palace. As the new office of the National Assembly, the White Lake Park Square can only be a temporary gathering place. It is really outrageous..."

"Haha, the tail of the conservatives is showing! First, the meeting will be moved indoors, and the next step will probably be to not disclose the contents of the meeting to the public, right? I can't even think about what we will do in the future!"

"...Yes, that's why we should use the palace as a museum and park, open to the public, so that everyone can see how the princes of the past were..."

"...Who allowed you to use and open it to the outside world? Theoretically, Osteria Palace is still private real estate, and the protection of private property is written in the Code... Do you dare to violate the Code?!"

...Listening to the endless quarrels at the meeting, Viscount Bogner, who originally planned to attend the meeting, stopped by a fountain in the park, his face full of pain and entanglement; he knew very well that this matter must be settled as soon as possible, but what if? The troubled nobles and conservatives stopped as a result, and their subsequent plans will definitely be affected.

Is it impossible for his plan to succeed after all, and is Clovis destined to fall into a torn and irreparable chaos?

Just as he was asking himself, a rather young figure suddenly appeared behind him with a hurried pace.

"Lord Bognar, you are here? This is great!"

The young man wore a peaked cap crookedly, a dirty overalls and trousers from who knows which factory, and a shoulder bag stuffed with newspapers. He was completely dressed up as a newsboy, which is very popular recently: "When I came in, I heard that there was a meeting. I thought I had to wait until noon!”

"I'm sorry, you are..." Viscount Bogner was so lost that he didn't react for a moment, and the stunned young man just rummaged through it in front of him.

"Here's your letter!"

The young man took out the letter from his backpack: "It's from the Loyalty Palace. I said it must be delivered to you as soon as possible."

The Palace of Loyalty...is that Sophia Franz? Bognar took it inexplicably: "You mean, the Loyalty Palace entrusted you to deliver the letter?"

"To be more precise, it should be entrusted to this newspaper."

The young man smiled shyly and turned sideways to reveal the "Clovis Truth Newspaper" logo on his backpack: "This news from the empire was the first to be obtained by this newspaper. After the Loyalty Palace learned of the news, it immediately entrusted us to report the situation. Send it over...ah, we haven't even had time to print the newspaper yet!"

The young man's complaints echoed in his ears, but Viscount Bognar, whose pupils shrank sharply, had already keenly captured the most critical information. After a brief silence of three seconds, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the young man's collar:

"Empire, this news comes from the Empire?!"

"Uh yes...yes!"

"Where is the empire?!"

"Changji River..."

"What place is that?!"

"Well, it's the border between the Principality of Xiaolong and the Principality of Bram..."

"Did a battle break out there? Did Clovis's expeditionary force encounter a counterattack organized by the emperor himself?!" Viscount Bogner's pupils widened:

"Did you lose or win?!"


"You won, and you won a great victory?"

In the Golden Stone City of the Kingdom of Hantu, Claude Francois looked at the knight commander Henares who came to report with a shocked expression. He was so shocked that he didn't even notice when the cigar in his hand fell to the ground.

"Joseph Herred, he's finished."

The knight commander stated to King Hantu in a tone without a trace of subjective emotion: "There are only 20,000 people left in the 80,000-strong army. The most elite cavalry either fled or were slaughtered. Hundreds of cannons were captured and destroyed. The remaining They couldn’t even raise a single artillery battery... They were completely defeated.”

"Even so, the emperor's strength is still frightening." Claude couldn't help but sigh: "The coalition forces have moved so quickly. It is said that it is impossible for him to be prepared and still be able to organize such a large-scale counterattack. Even if He was a little more cautious, and the outcome of the Battle of the Halcyon was still uncertain.”

"Your Majesty is aware of this, but the emperor lost and was defeated miserably in just one day." Knight Commander Henares stepped forward and said:

"Not only that, the Hantu Army was the first to achieve success in this battle."

"……you sure?"

"These are His Highness Leon's exact words." The Knight Commander nodded slightly: "The letter also has the stamp of Anson Bach himself, blaming the Han Tu Legion for the first contribution to the Battle of the Halberd River."

"This guy Anson Bach..."

Claude narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly calculated the stakes of this matter for Hantu.

The result is undoubtedly favorable: the heir of the kingdom led the Hantu Knights to conquer the empire and not only achieved a complete victory, but also won the first victory. It is conceivable that the status of the François royal family in Hantu will be further consolidated. , Leon François will become the undisputed king in the near future, and the knights who accompany the army on expeditions will also surround him, becoming humeral courtiers who will advise him and gallop on the battlefield in the future.

With this victory alone, the bloodline inheritance of the François royal family will be as secure as a rock. This is an honor and prestige that no amount of money can buy!

"What are they doing now, instead of returning directly?"

"No, we have already continued westward with Clovis's army, heading towards Xiaolong City."

"Xiaolong City?"

"The name of this war has been determined by the emperor himself. It was caused by the rebellion of the rebel ministers. Therefore, the Hantu and Clovis coalition only assisted the emperor in countering the rebellion. Since it was to counter the rebellion, it is understandable that they were forced to enter the country to fight. ." Henares even laughed when he said:

"The coalition forces will go to Xiaolong City to formally meet His Majesty the Emperor and participate in the grand triumphal ceremony, sumptuous celebration banquet and various complicated and complicated ceremonies prepared for them to celebrate the return of peace to the world of order;"

"Ha, peace!"

Claude couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't expect that the emperor of the empire would be able to live like this. I really want to know what it would be like for him to have to accept the audience of Clovis's traitor and the heir of a former small principality!"

"I think he will have to break his teeth, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it won't be long before he is no longer the emperor." Henares changed the subject:

"I've heard some interesting rumors about this..."

My health is finally feeling better, please update soon

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