I will be crowned king

Chapter 1267 Ansenbach’s Reply

[On September 10, 103 in the Saint's Calendar, the Clovis-Hantu coalition officially arrived at the capital of the empire, the hometown of the Dragon Knight, the place where the world of order and even the human world originated, Xiaolong City.

What a great day! As a humble clerk who does not deserve to be named, I, Alan Dawn, am deeply aware of my responsibility... No! There is an obligation to record this matter completely.

In the dark, I felt that the ring of order was revealing my innate mission. My body and soul were trembling uncontrollably, and it became extremely difficult to even hold the pen.

I am personally very convinced that this record will become important information for people to understand how Clovis rose in this shocking change and how the pattern of the world of order was completely changed in the next few years; therefore, I will try to be as objective and complete as possible To you, dear reader, I would like to describe the whole process that I was fortunate enough to witness with my own eyes.

But first, allow me to disappoint you a little.

Because when you read my notes, you must already know the full story of the incident, at least you must know the significant impact of this ‘audience’ and the series of chain reactions that followed.

But at the point in time I am at, the coalition forces actually do not have such a deep understanding of the significance of this matter. Many officers even have a deep understanding of the Army Lieutenant General, the coalition forces and commander-in-chief of the Western Front Army, Clovis Governor Anson. Bach's decision raised a lot of...questions.

They have many questions - what agreement was reached with the emperor, why the army of the imperial princes did not launch an attack, whether the audience at Xiaolong City was a trap, whether they should first seek instructions from the country before making a decision...

And all the questions can be summed up in one question: Why did the coalition launch this war, and how will it end it?

Please don’t get me wrong. I am by no means accusing some officers and nobles of the coalition forces of being short-sighted, selfish, incompetent and extremely despicable. They are pointing fingers without fully understanding the whole story.

No, in fact this misunderstanding is completely excusable - these are the exact words of Lord Anson Bach.

People are always afraid of failure, but in fact they are also afraid of success, especially success beyond imagination; if failure is falling, then success is probably soaring to an unprecedented height and experiencing an extremely real dream.

And dreams will end. When you fly to the limit of high altitude, you will start to fear falling, and it will be a shattered... fall.

Hantu, Clovis...both of them have gained advantages and upper hand in the war with the empire, but these victories can hardly be called decisive; they were either local self-defense counterattacks, or they were in overseas colonies or routes. Fight for, or be a local and insignificant advantage...

Ultimately, all these victories cannot truly reverse the absolute gap between the two and the empire. Even if there are another hundred or a thousand victories, it will not be enough to reverse the empire's strength and status in people's minds, nor will it reverse the absolute gap between the two and the empire. There will be people who believe that the emperor will really bow to them.

But now, things have changed.

The empire suffered a disastrous defeat, and the emperor bowed his head and compromised. Clovis and Hantu's army walked proudly on the road to Xiaolong City. What greeted them would be an unprecedented triumph... The situation was too magical, so magical that it made them uneasy, for fear that There is some mysterious conspiracy in this.

I have to admit that my humble self was once again shocked by Lord Anson's broad mind. He was able to make very calm judgments even after suffering so many unfair questions.

If it were Lord Anson in the past, he would probably follow the officers' train of thought and admit that he had private agreements with the emperor and the grand dukes, satisfy their inner speculations, and tell them that this was indeed dancing on the edge of a knife, but He has a perfect plan. After success, Clovis and Hantu will gain many benefits.

This is not a deliberate speculation on my part as a humble clerk, but it is in Clovis City, in Thunder Castle, in Eagle Point City, Hantu, Yser Royal Court, North Port, White Whale Port, Sailing City... Your Excellency, he This is all done.

And Lord Anson's plans have always been perfect.

But this time is different! This time, I heard clearly and clearly that your Excellency answered the question raised by the officers and nobles present...]

...The spacious camp was crowded with people. Officers or nobles wearing neat military uniforms and exquisite breastplates held their chests high, pursed their lips, and looked straight ahead. With complicated eyes, they all felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy, and their whole bodies were tense. .

This is not because they are of outstanding quality, but simply because there are too many people crowded into the camp. Everyone here does not even have room to move their feet or arms. The slightest breath will blow into the cheeks of those in the front row, while those standing in the back There wasn't much to see except looking at the backs of heads in the front row.

Even so, around the chair representing the ruling and commander-in-chief in the center of the camp, there was still a medium-sized space blocked by the legion commander and staff, which was almost exactly the distance between two people.

The expressions of the generals and staff were very complicated. Some seemed to be very entangled, some looked heavy, and some were hesitant to speak... Only the crown prince Leon Francois of Hantu was very sincere and wrote his guilt directly on his face. On the way, he felt quite sorry for not being able to stop the Hantu nobles under his command.

The little clerk holding a notepad hid under the map table, and picked up the pen hanging in the pocket of his clothes as if no one else was watching. Similar situations had happened countless times in the Storm Legion, and they were no longer surprised.

Anson Bach, who was sitting at the map table, was not nervous. He was not even paying attention to the crowd in front of him. Instead, he was silently considering the previous proposal of Count Bernard Morvis to unite the nobles in the northern part of the empire. Together with the grand dukes, he ousted the Hered royal family from the throne and was crowned emperor by Archduke Bernard of Edland, the father of Louis Bernard.

This is a result that looks good but is actually very unfavorable to Clovis: On the surface, a new emperor has been replaced who has a good relationship with Clovis, but in fact the contradictions and gaps between the two sides have not been reduced; the goals pursued by the empire You always have absolute control over the world of order, and Clovis thinks you can’t control it, so I can help you.

Moreover, the Principality of Adlan is located on the sea, has the largest number of merchant ships in the empire, and is also the actual controller of the empire's "Grand Fleet"; if Archduke Bernard takes office, he will definitely pay more attention to maritime interests, which will also be a factor in finally regaining ground in the New World. Clovis in the city was very unfavorable.

After comprehensive consideration, it seems that it is more in Clovis's interest for the Herred family to continue to retain the throne, but now the emperor who has to compromise with himself may overthrow the emperor if he gets the slightest chance. My own agreement, to devote all my strength to revenge...

"Cough cough cough!!"

Chief of Staff Carl Bain, who was still able to hold his nerve, suddenly coughed twice, interrupting Anson's thinking: "Lord Consul, it's almost... it's time."

"Yes, as per your request, we have summoned most of the officers in the coalition forces, because there is no room for standing in the tent, and many people have to squeeze outside." Fabian took half a step forward with an expressionless face. , putting his hands behind his back: "Even compared to the originally agreed seven o'clock sharp, a full hour and a half has passed."

"Now, we ask you to immediately tell us everything exactly as you promised, without any reservations. This is what we deserve!"

The deliberately raised voice seemed to contain strong anger, which immediately aroused the emotions of everyone present. The officers and nobles who were originally confused and didn't know what they were thinking were immediately brought back their attention, and even their eyes changed. .

Yes, we need an answer, a legitimate answer!

From Eagle Point City to the Royal Court of Yser, the southern fortress to Red Moon Town...an unimaginable rapid march, an unimaginably strong enemy, and a head-on confrontation with the emperor and the two archduke armies on the territory of the empire, and finally won the victory.

We who fulfilled our mission, fulfilled our promises and finally won this war deserve an answer.

We have the right to know the truth behind all this!

Facing the eager gazes, Anson stood up slowly, looked around calmly, and then...


"Bang——! Bang——! Bang——! Bang——!"

Accompanied by the crisp sound of gunfire, the kerosene lamps at the top of the tent and around it were instantly extinguished. The astonished officers and nobles who were too late opened their eyes, staring at Anson who raised the revolver above his head, and the gun coming out of the muzzle. Green smoke.

After a long while, Anson, who was hidden in the shadows, finally spoke: "From now on, no one is allowed to tell anyone what I say."

"Anyone who violates the rules will be shot to death regardless of their status."

His voice was not loud, but with the echo of the gunfire, it was still very clear even in the dark night, and even the officers crowded outside could hear it clearly.

Of course, this is not because everyone's hearing suddenly became abnormally sharp, but Anson deliberately used the moment when he blew up the kerosene lamp to open up the spellcasting field, and used his [Plan] law to forcibly distort the effect of the surrounding sound propagation - after experiencing the new world and In a head-to-head confrontation with a real apostle of magic in Clovis City, he is now more than capable in this aspect.

Everyone who had been filled with enthusiasm just now was quite surprised by this sudden scene. They held their breath and did not dare to make any move.

After all, they just wanted an answer, not a rebellion.

"As for your questions, they can basically be summarized into two questions: first, why did we start this war, and second, how will it end." Anson slowly put down the Inquisitor's revolver in his right hand: "For the first question , I can answer now."

"It's very simple. This war was not initiated by us, Clovis, or any party in the vast earth. Whether it was the Ysel elves or the battle not long ago, it was just a response to the empire's brazen declaration of war."

"If I have to say that there is any difference from past wars, that is that this time we did not limit ourselves to self-defense and counterattack, but took the initiative to transfer the war to the territory of the empire and defeated the emperor's most trusted knight outside the city gate. They, that’s all.”

The moment the words fell, Anson involuntarily raised the corners of his mouth.

Not only him, but also the officers and nobles present laughed.

That's right, that's all - didn't he just defeat the emperor and the two archdukes' armies at the door of his home?

it's not a big deal!

This little humor spread in the darkness, and there was some laughter in the crowd, and the originally heavy or tense mood seemed to relax a little.

"Then the second question is, how does it end..." Anson's tone gradually became serious, attracting the attention of the officers and nobles present:

"As in the past, everything remains the same, nothing has changed. The emperor of Xiaolong City can still claim to be the guardian of the ordered world, and can continue to use various reasons to hide from us after they take a breather. war?"

"The world of order belongs to all believers of the Ring of Order, but the empire that rules the world of order cannot share their rights with you and me, because there are only seven ancient and noble bloodlines of knights, whether Hantu or Clovis, even if we If you really surrender to the emperor, you will never be able to be on an equal footing with them, let alone have the qualifications to elect and crown the emperor."

"So how do we end this war? How do we, the upright victors, put an end to this rare victory?"

Anson glanced around: "Obviously, this victory alone cannot change the balance of strength between us and the Empire. Our victory was actually a fluke. To be blunt, there were many accidental and even exploited factors - the Empire People also don’t like their current emperor, and the grand dukes are ambitious; we won the battle in an upright manner, but we must not underestimate the true strength of the empire.”

"In this case, I think there is only one way to end this war, and even the countless possible wars with the empire in the future." Anson slowly raised his hands and extended his index finger:

"That is to make the empire completely recognize the reality, to let the empire truly admit that Hantu and Clovis are also important forces in the world of order, and to let them understand that the emperor is not the absolute master of the entire world of order; the order and command of the empire, It definitely doesn’t apply to the entire world of order!”

"If you want to achieve this goal, you will need everyone's joint strength to achieve it." Anson said solemnly: "Yes, I am not going to hide anything from everyone. My goal is very clear and simple, that is to go Xiaolong City, as a coalition force, participates in the civil strife in the empire that is about to break out in Xiaolong City, allowing the arrogant and self-righteous imperial people to truly see the strength of the coalition forces."

"Let them completely accept the fact of the disastrous defeat and the fact of provoking war again..."


After being resurrected successfully, Kong Kong is full of things he wants to say but doesn't know how to say them out, so I thought I'd like to thank everyone for still supporting Kong Kong.

This is the first update of the new year. Next is the content of Snapdragon City Emperor Selector. I hope you all like it.

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