I will be crowned king

Chapter 130 Why are you here?

The strongest bloodline power?

Looking at the young judge's serious and somewhat funny expression, Anson couldn't guess whether the other party was just talking casually, or whether he really thought so.

However, recalling everything that happened during the Battle of Thunder Castle, he couldn't help but agree with the other party's point of view - if his life was not strong enough, and if the ability of his bloodline power was "resurrection", he would not be a mutated Kroger at all. Bernard's right...

Wait, wait a minute.

If "Anson Bach's" ability of blood power was not resurrection, then he would not have amnesia. Without amnesia, he would not "wake up" again after being killed inexplicably. If he did not wake up, he would... Can't travel through time?

Thinking of this, Anson, who was a little happy because "the Holy Grail Knight is the strongest bloodline", immediately felt a little darker.

"Of course, all this is my subjective conjecture and can only provide you with some reference."

Picking up the coffee cup, Cole Dorian's lips showed a smile again: "Each of the seven major bloodlines has its own characteristics, and it is difficult to truly distinguish the strength from the weak; and in fact, from two hundred years before the Saints' Calendar to the present, 'Dragon The Knight Bloodline has always been recognized as the strongest bloodline."

"Oh why?"

"Because the Herid family that controls the 'Dragon Knight Bloodline' are descendants of the Knight King." Cole shrugged after taking a sip of coffee:

"It's also because this family has always held the position of emperor of the empire since two hundred years before the Saints' Calendar."

"In comparison, the other bloodlines are not so lucky - the Bernard family of the 'Sea Knights' is not well-known, and the Roland family of the 'Holy Grail Knights' was almost extinct at one time and relied on the Osteria family to continue. Fate, the Wharton family of the 'Wild Hunt Knights' has produced a generation of 'conqueror' emperors, but it is only that generation, and it is not enough to shake the status of the Herred family."

What a perfect answer... Anson put down the coffee cup in his hand a little helplessly: "Then since I am not completely sure of the power of my bloodline, how should I train it?"

Although there is no need to hide the fact that one has the power of blood, one can never have too many trump cards.

"It doesn't matter - the Inquisition has a complete and scientific training system extracted from the bloodline inheritance of many families." Cole said as if he was well prepared:

"Even if we don't know the type and ability of bloodline power, we still have ways to train you into a qualified talent."

As expected of the Church of Order... Anson's eyes lit up and he asked with some curiosity: "What exactly is it?"

"follow me."

The young inquisitor stood up and led Anson toward the spiral staircase at the edge of the living room with a mysterious expression.

The second floor of the club is a semi-open hall. The balconies on both sides and the sunlight shining into the room from the windows make the room look very spacious.

Anson, who was standing at the top of the stairs, was stunned as he looked at the furnishings in the room.

"What's wrong?" Cole turned his head and blinked at Anson.

"…I have a few questions."

Anson, who was silent for a moment, pointed to the black flat plate next to the corner, which also contained guardrails, gears and conveyor belt-like things:

"what is this?"

"This, this is called a treadmill." Cole hugged his shoulders and replied very concisely:

"It is said that it was designed by a certain inquisitor in charge of prisons and punishing prisoners. It is very good for warming up and exercising the heart and lungs."

"What about the one next to it?"

"That's a rowing machine, invented by an Inquisitor who was a sailor from Adran." Cole shrugged cheerfully:

"In addition to exercising muscles, this thing can also move the spine. It is Captain Lawrence's favorite."

"What's that shelf under the window?"

"That's called a blacksmith's stand - do you see the barbell on it? This thing can help you complete a lot of training. It is a very simple but particularly useful device."

Cole put his hands on his waist and raised the corners of his mouth with a little pride: "What, are you surprised? All of them are the best in the trial. As far as I know, in the entire Kingdom of Clovis, only the palace has condoms that are exactly the same as ours." .”

The silent Anson's expression froze.

So, the legendary Inquisition is used to train inquisitors, the blood power of many families is inherited, and the top training institution is integrated... is it a gym?

Although it is unlikely, but...could it be that his whereabouts and details have been exposed, and this inquisitor named Cole Dorian is trying to delay time, deceiving himself while informing the Church of Order?

Thinking of this, Anson calmly took half a step back, his right hand hanging naturally on the side of his thigh.

The young judge's eyebrows trembled slightly and he couldn't help but smile:

"Of course, I know that these look a bit different from the... uh, 'secret inheritance' of those ancient families in legends. They are neither mysterious nor fantastic."

"But if you think about it carefully, since the 'power of blood' is a part of our body, then its strength will also be reflected in our body; a rickets patient who coughs all day and can only sit in a wheelchair, even if he has the strongest What’s the point of the power of blood?”

"On the other hand, as long as our physical fitness is strong enough, it will strengthen the power of our bloodline. What's more, as talented people, even if we don't have the ability, our foundation and starting point are higher than ordinary people."

"As for the 'ancient inheritance' of those bloodline families, hehehe..." Cole's chuckle suddenly showed a bit of disdain:

"No disrespect is intended, but aside from the boring myths, these are probably just words of experience that say, 'I don't know the principles, but they seem to be useful.'"

"In short, as a young son who comes from such an ancient family and has heard these myths since he was a child, His Excellency Anton Bach, I sincerely suggest that you don't believe in those damn myths and believe in science."

Believe in science, a church inquisitor told me to believe in science…

Looking at the inquisitor whose expression was solemn and did not look like he was joking, Anson desperately resisted the urge to roll his eyes... although he probably understood what the other person meant:

"Then what should I do?"

"I'm not an expert in this area, Captain Lawrence...ah, he was the judge who killed Wissam in the newspaper building that day." Cole shrugged:

"Usually new inquisitors train four to six hours a day, but since you are from a military academy and have been on the battlefield, I guess you can save a lot of wasted effort."

"Let's do it this way. You can have some free time but try to come every day. I will tell Captain Lawrence about this and give you a detailed plan, including training intensity and dietary standards; there are many information about it in the library on the roof. Although I don’t think the collection of books introducing the differences and variants of various bloodline powers is meaningful, it would be good to learn more about them.”

"In addition, there is a small shooting range and fighting room in the basement of this club, which we will also open to you - although I don't think you should use it."

"That's not necessarily true." Anson chuckled and said:

"My marksmanship is terrible. I still need a place to practice where I won't be seen."

"You're still so funny."

Cole smiled, obviously not taking these words seriously, and said half-casually and half-invitation: "Want to give it a try?"

"Right now?"

"Of course, if you are not in a hurry to leave now." The young inquisitor shrugged:

"The order your secretary placed at the weapons workshop has also arrived, just in time to give it a try."

After hesitating, Anson did not refuse.

Under the leadership of Cole, the two returned to the living room along the spiral staircase, and walked into the shooting range in the basement through the small door behind the bar.


Cole Dorian took a suitcase from the corner and opened it in front of Anson; inside were a revolver, a whistle and a pocket watch.

"I have to say that your secretary is really well-informed. These three items are all standard equipment of the Inquisition." Cole smiled and took out the one Anson had seen before from the suitcase, which was better than ordinary equipment. A revolver twice as long as the gun:

"The first is this 'dagger' - a classic model from the 90th year of the Saints' Calendar. Since its birth, the inquisitors of the Church of Order have not changed their guns for ten years."

"Its biggest feature is that it is powerful enough. It uses the same type of paper-cased bullets as the Leopold rifle. It has a bullet capacity of six rounds. One shot can penetrate a solid wood door panel wrapped in iron or blow someone's head off. "

"The disadvantage is that the recoil is not small, and because it is too powerful, the lead bullet will often shatter when it hits the target... uh... although in our opinion this is not a disadvantage."

If the purpose is to blow the enemy's head, it is indeed not a shortcoming... Anson twitched the corner of his mouth and took the "dagger" from Cole's hand.

Feeling the heaviness in the palm of your hand, this revolver is not only twice the length of the ordinary gun, but also almost twice the weight. But what is amazing is that the overly long barrel is still balanced when held, and there is no center of gravity. offset situation.

"It's a nice weapon."

"As long as you like it." Cole smiled calmly and took out the whistle and pocket watch from the box:

"The Inquisitor's whistle has four scales; it comes with a music score, which can be used to convey information to the surrounding Inquisitors when necessary."

"The Inquisitor Pocket Watch...ah, this is the first version with only a clock and compass, but the time and stability are twice that of an ordinary pocket watch - both are very practical equipment." Cole introduced, pushing the suitcase to Anson before.

So why is it that only the revolver has its own name, and the whistle and pocket watch can only be prefixed with "Judge"... Anson, who couldn't help complaining in his heart, took the whistle and pocket watch and put them into his jacket pocket.

"These three pieces of equipment are all free of charge, which shows our sincerity in cooperating with you." Closing the box in his hand, Cole smiled at Anson:

"If you need some special weapons or equipment in the future, you will have to go to our weapons workshop in person or ask your secretary to place an order - of course, only the cost price will be charged."

"Thank you." Anson asked casually with a slight smile:

"Then where is the weapons workshop of the Tribunal?"

"next door."


"It's right next door to this club." Col paused and raised his finger to the top of his head:

"You know, that's 'Old Alfred's Tailor's' to the left of the club."

Um? !

Anson was really shocked - the Inquisition is a dignified institution, the headquarters is a club, the training institution is a gym, the weapons workshop is a tailor shop... Are you really a group of serious inquisitors? !


"Why... there is no reason." Cole blinked and smiled matter-of-factly:

"Sr. Alfred, who is currently in charge of the weapons and equipment of the trial center, used to be a tailor. After starting this business, he still did not give up his interest in this field. After thinking about it, we asked him to open a tailor shop next to the headquarters - this is very interesting. normal."

No, this doesn't sound normal... Anson changed the question: "Then if I go to this store to buy some clothes..."

"Of course, old Alfred is very good at his craftsmanship, and the charges are not expensive." Cole replied briskly:

"He usually only makes dresses or formal wear for banquets, but the business has not been very good in the past two years. He also makes ordinary coats and hats. All the clothes for our Truth-seeking Cultivator all year round are made by him... and what else? Problem?"

"...There's only one problem." Anson forced out a smile:

"How many properties does the Inquisition have in the city of Clovis?"

"Oh, so that's what you wanted to ask!" The young judge suddenly realized, and then smiled brightly at Anson:

"This is kept secret."

"..." Anson Bach.

Well, think about it too.

The two chatted for a while. While talking, they walked to the shooting range and shot at the fixed target that was already riddled with holes.

Cole Dorian's description of the power of the "dagger" was not an exaggeration: the lead bullet fired from the gun flame did not pass through the target, but directly opened a bullet hole in it. ; The fragmented lead bullets spread around like shotguns, smashing into pieces of sparks.

At the same time, the recoil was not that great. The impact from his palm and wrist made Anson almost think he was holding a real Leopold rifle.

It is very powerful and has a very stable trajectory. It is a weapon specifically targeted at spell casters - because probably only when killing the spell caster, you need to blow out the opponent's head or heart... Anson concluded this way.

When the smoke was so thick that no one could be seen, the two finally stopped shooting and left the choking basement with their extremely sore arms.

When I returned to the living room, I realized that it was already evening.

"Are you interested in having dinner together?" Cole, who looked at the rising moon outside the window and his right arm naturally drooped, enthusiastically invited:

"You know, there is a cafe next to our headquarters, where..."

"No need!" Anson quickly refused, fearing that the other party would tell him that it was also a secret agency:

"I have a sister who is still waiting for me at home. I can't let her wait any longer."

"Oh?" Cole's eyes lit up: "You also have a younger sister, I really envy you!"

"She is only twelve years old." Anson smiled calmly:

"But I am no longer her match."

"Haha... I can't tell that you love to joke so much."

Cole Dorian sent Anson to the door and took the initiative to open the door:

"Then we will see you tomorrow, Your Excellency Anson Bach."

"Okay, then..."

Anson, who was smiling, suddenly stopped talking.

A pair of slightly confused ice-blue eyes stopped outside the club door at some point.

"Anson Bach?"

"Why...are you here?"

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