I will be crowned king

Chapter 14 Prison Visit

With a trace of regret that he might not get the infantry cannon, Anson left Ludwig's camp; almost as soon as the officer guarding the camp saw him coming out, he stared at him with his eyes as fierce as a vicious dog. Anson.

The commander of the Grenadier Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Roman—it is said that he was Brigadier General Ludwig’s colleague in the same year, but the relationship between the two may be deeper than it seems.

Anson was stared at all over, and he didn't know how he could offend Captain Roman. He had a bad attitude towards him from the first time he had an impression of meeting him.

Although I didn't see him treating anyone well except Brigadier General Ludwig.

The problem is that he needs help from the other party now, because... Looking up at the other party, Anson had a smile on his face:

"Excuse me, Louis Bernard, the imperial knight who was captured, where is he being held now?"

Roman, with a fierce expression, stared at Anson without blinking:

"It's confidential."

"I know, but I need to interrogate him now." Anson responded politely:

"The Brigadier General asked me to come up with a plan to capture Thunder Castle as soon as possible. I need to know first-hand information about the imperial defenders in the fortress."

"Of course, if you are really worried, we will go in and apply to the brigadier general now." Anson turned sideways calmly and pointed to the camp door behind him: "Although I don't think he will object, but for such a trivial matter again It’s not a good idea to disturb the Brigadier… What do you think?”

When their eyes met, Ansen's expression remained normal.

It was as if the guy who just pissed Ludwig off had nothing to do with him.

Roman, as if staring at his prey, waved to a grenadier behind him:

"Take him to see the prisoner."


The grenadier replied, taking a step forward.

Anson nodded solemnly to Roman. Just as he was about to express his gratitude, he was intercepted by the other party.

"Captain Anson Bach, I don't know how you survived that battle." Roman said coldly: "But if you still want to continue to live peacefully, you'd better regard winning this siege as your The most important thing in life is to do it.”

"Otherwise...the power of the Church of Order and the Franz family is beyond your imagination."

What does he mean?

warn? threaten? Or do you want to "remind" yourself something?

Anson's heart was in turmoil.

Roman, who withdrew his gaze, didn't look at him again and guarded the camp door as loyally as a hound.

Ten minutes later, Anson arrived at the place where Louis Bernard was being held.

This was a cell that was temporarily transformed from a cellar. Only a faint light of fire could be seen in the dark cell.

The colleagues and the soldiers in charge did not give Anson the key to the cell. They chose a safer way - to put him in the cell.


Anson sighed as he heard the sound of the cell door being locked behind him.

"If you are planning to interrogate, I advise you to give up - on the name of the Bernard family, I will never tell you any information!"

A righteous and uncompromising voice sounded in Anson.

He followed the sound, and the dim candlelight illuminated the figure of the young knight sitting upright.

Although the other party's expression looked a little sluggish, and he was obviously trying to keep his spirits up; but the blood and dirt on his body and face were gone, and several wounds were bandaged well - it was obvious that Ludwig Xi knew very well the identity of the prisoner.

"It's you?"

Seeing the figure of the visitor clearly, the young knight frowned slightly.

"it's me."

Nodding, Anson sat down close to the young knight.

"Formal introduction, Anson Bach, Captain, Superintendent Adjutant, 1st Regiment; I am honored to meet you, Sir Louis Bernard."

After speaking, Anson took the initiative to extend his right hand.

Louis hesitated, but the instinct of observing etiquette still prevailed: "Louis Bernard, it is an honor to meet you, the winner who captured me through despicable means, His Excellency Anson Bach."

After shaking hands, Anson, who was smiling, said casually: "Then the situation is like this. I have something to ask you about..."

"Even if you defeat me in a duel, you will never get any information about the Thunder Castle Fortress from me!"

Before Anson could finish his words, the young knight suddenly sat upright again and immediately said impassionedly: "I will never bet on the name of the Bernard family..."

"I didn't mean to ask that!"


Louis was stunned for a moment when he was interrupted, and blinked, his immature face full of confusion: "Then what do you want to ask?"

Looking at the extremely innocent look of the young knight, Anson even had the urge to bully him.

But since it is an impulse, it goes away as quickly as it comes.

"During our duel, you once mentioned that 'talented people can sense each other'..." Anson's pupils shone with sincerity:

"Sir Louis Bernard, do you know much about gifted people and the power of blood?"

"Of course! It should be said that any imperial knight, any talented person - the successors of the seven knights should be full of awe of this ancient power."

Louis' face showed a look of admiration like a believer: "Sir Anson, you must know the legend of the Seven Knights, right?"

"Know a thing or two." Anson nodded.

This is a story that everyone in this world knows just like a creation myth: six knights from different places joined forces with the elves, united under the command of the Dragon Knight, and subordinated the dark creatures and fallen old gods to mankind. The world of Order was expelled and eventually seven nations were established in the territory of Rising Humanity.

Later, these seven knightly kingdoms gradually came closer and established the empire through marriage and alliance - so to a certain extent, this is also the founding myth of the empire.

"According to legend, the source of all bloodline power is the seven knights who saved the world of Order; their bloodlines continued to multiply, and eventually created countless different forms of bloodline power; although the Church of Order and many people, such as you Clo The Kingdom of Wei has some doubts about this, but this skeptical attitude is undoubtedly ridiculous!"

Louis said righteously: "For example, the power of my bloodline is inherited from one of the seven knights of my family's ancestors, the famous 'Sea Knight' Bernard. The evidence is conclusive!"

Anson smiled in response. Although he wanted to ask a matryoshka question like "Where did the bloodline power of the seven knights come from?", he thought about it and let it go.

"So... Sir Anson, what exactly do you want to know?"

"I want to ask you to teach me the power of blood." Anson said with great sincerity.

This is the purpose of Anson coming to see Louis.

From the beginning to the end, or in other words, the moment he figured out his time travel, all of Anson's plans revolved around the premise of "living".

Everything else can only be regarded as an extension of this premise.

He didn't dare to escape alone, so he had to find the army; he needed to conceal the secrets about himself, so he needed the background of the Church of Order; he didn't want to be wanted as a deserter, so he had to capture Thunder Castle...

He needs to protect himself from someone who wants to kill him, so he needs to master the power of blood.

Even if it comes from the enemy.

"You haven't mastered the power of your own bloodline?!"

Louis, who was surprised again, took a breath, but soon showed a "Sure enough" expression:

"No wonder... I thought you had been deliberately hiding your strength, waiting for a critical moment to win with one blow... So that's what happened?!"

"No, no! There's something wrong with this!" Louis said in shock: "Didn't your instructor teach you?"

Anson blinked and thought for a second:

"What mentor?"

"He is your mentor! Teach you how to become a qualified noble, an excellent knight, or - who taught you to become a qualified leader?"

"The Royal Military Academy."

"Academy...doesn't anyone there teach you how to master the power of blood?"

"As far as I know, no."

"..." Louis Bernard.

The young knight let out a long sigh and shook his head helplessly: "When I was in the imperial capital, I heard rumors that the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Clovis were obsessed with machinery and neglected the ancient inheritance... I never thought it would be so serious. !”

"Hmm...Is this serious?" Anson frowned.

"Of course it's serious. The fact that you're asking me this means it's very serious!" Louis' eyes widened with clear eyes and an exaggerated expression, as if he was afraid that Anson still didn't understand:

"If there is no bloodline, how can we prove the nobility of our bloodline? If there is no bloodline, how can we lead the weak and helpless people? If there is no bloodline, wouldn't the order of the empire and even the order of the entire world be completely lost?"

Anson opened his mouth slightly in surprise. He didn't know he was so great.

"So...Sir Louis Bernard, can you teach me the power of blood?" Anson said with a casual smile.

After the words fell, the upright young knight fell silent for a moment, his clear eyes flashing with struggle.

The dim candlelight flickered slightly, and the few remaining candles were already showing signs of burning out.

Only Anson’s smile remained:

"I understand your concerns. It is certainly not a good thing to help the enemy gain power - especially the enemy in front of you. But please think clearly: Even if I don't come, won't there be others?"

"You mean..." Louis was stunned.

"The Kingdom of Clovis must retake Thunder Castle. In order to retake this vital fortress, we will definitely not let go of you, the prisoner who knows the details of the defenders." Anson said patiently.

"I said it! I will never bet on the name of the Bernard family..."

"But! I can avoid this problem." Anson, who couldn't resist rolling his eyes, had to interrupt Louis, who looked innocent and was about to die:

"I can convince them to hand over all the interrogation work to me, so you don't have to snitch, because I will never ask you that!"

Louis looked happy, but then asked:

"So, what's the price?"

"You have to teach me the power of blood, and you must be sincere." Anson twitched the corners of his mouth to reveal a sincere smile. He felt that sooner or later the corners of his mouth would cramp if he continued like this:

"Let me master the power of blood within a week, and I promise not to let you reveal even a word about the defenders of Thunder Castle, including your brother, the commander of the defense, Kroger Bernard!"

Louis, whose eyes were wide-eyed, looked at the smiling Anson, and finally sighed softly:

"Actually, the person who was supposed to execute this plan was my uncle, but my brother..."

"Okay, let's not talk about this now!" Anson interrupted again: "Tell me, are you willing to accept this deal - using the knowledge of the power of blood in exchange for information about the defenders of Thunder Castle."

For the current Louis Bernard, it is obvious which one is more important.

Louis' expression was a little lost, but he quickly returned to normal as if he had made some determination: "First of all, let me correct you on a common-sense mistake - this is what my mentor once told me."

"The power of blood cannot be 'taught', because everyone's power is different, even if the power of the same kind of blood is the same; this is the power contained in your blood and belongs only to you; every share The power of blood is the proof of a gifted person.”

"Having said that, in fact, this kind of power can be traced, otherwise inheritance will be a problem; my uncle told me that every ancient family has a unique way of mastering the power of blood, but generally They are all similar." Louis' tone gradually became serious:

"Initially, through hard training, this power slowly awakened from your body; you are basically at this stage now, so I can be aware of the power of your blood."

"Understood." Ansen nodded clearly.

"The next step will begin to strengthen your body. You will find that when you activate the power of your blood vessels, your physical and mental strength will be significantly improved, and you will begin to show special abilities."

"Although I don't think there are strong or weak bloodline powers, many abilities are often displayed in ways beyond people's imagination: some focus on strengthening the body, some will affect the people around you, and some exist on the spiritual level. Some can even foresee certain things that are about to happen... and so on."

"And although everyone's bloodline power is unique, this ability may still change - according to my uncle, there is an inseparable relationship between the bloodline power and your understanding of yourself... "

When Anson stood outside the cell again, it was already dark.

Roman, with eyes as fierce as a hound, stood motionless in the middle of the trench, looking at Anson who came out with his hands behind his back.

"It seems to be going well." Roman narrowed his eyes:

"Have you gained his trust?"

There were only two of them in the empty trench, and the dark midnight made the cold wind blowing by their sides become eerie.

"The original commander of this imperial army was not Kroger Bernard, but his uncle... It's a good start."

Anson's tone was very flat, and it was meaningless to be polite to this person: "So can you please tell Brigadier General Ludwig that he will no longer arrange for others to interrogate Louis Bernard-this trust at the moment It is still very fragile and cannot withstand going back on its word.”

Roman's eyes narrowed slightly: "I will tell the general."

Throwing down this promise, which he didn't know if it was considered a promise, he turned and left.

It wasn't until the opponent's figure disappeared at the end of the trench that Anson finally let go of the left hand holding the gun behind his back; only when he was alone could he clearly feel how dangerous he was at the moment.

What if the guy who wanted to kill him had similar abilities? What if he had some kind of superpower or even magic that he didn't understand at all? A mere gun wouldn't give him much sense of security.

The power of blood, the old god sect, and the ability to "see" everything around...

One trump card is never enough.

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