I will be crowned king

Chapter 145 Ten Minutes

When screams full of panic echoed through the factory, the unicorn military flag was already flying under the leaden sky.

Accompanied by long blaring sirens and long neighing of horses, soldiers riding in heavy carriages and the Guards jumped off the carriage one after another; nearly half of the company's soldiers were trained in front of an officer holding a saber and wearing a one-shouldered cloak. They formed four columns, with their rifles raised in both hands.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Guards, the workers who had just been cheering for the occupation of the factory immediately fell into panic; holding simple weapons modified with tools, they stared fearfully at the back of the man standing with a knife and wearing gorgeous clothes. .

Feeling the sight coming from behind him, at this moment, the annoyed Guards officer didn't even bother to look back - he was preparing to attend the Franz family's charity banquet today, but he was suddenly sent here as soon as he changed into his uniform. Do this dirty work.

These poor cockroaches don't even know when to rebel!


Following the concise and powerful orders, nearly a hundred soldiers inserted the daggers at their waists into the slots under the muzzles of their guns, and then swung forward suddenly.

The uniform action of splitting guns has a kind of shocking power beyond words. The workers hiding behind the barricades screamed and trembled like frightened rabbits.

But they still hid behind the barricades, clutching their crude weapons. They did not come out in a state of confusion and voluntarily surrender as the Guards officers imagined.

So he had no choice but to turn around, suppress the impatience in his heart and look at these ugly enemies, and stood in the cold wind and said solemnly:

"All those involved in the riots, hand over your leaders, release all hostages, put down their weapons and stand where they are, waiting to be dealt with!"

"Anyone who dares to continue to resist will be executed on the spot!"

After issuing a customary warning, the Guards officer with genuine disgust drew his sword, pointed the tip of the sword straight ahead, and then slashed in the air:


White mist poured out from the rows of flintlock barrels behind them, and the strong smell of gunpowder even made the Guards officers feel a little happy, slightly diluting today's bad mood.

The volley of bullets hit a few sparks on the simple barricade. An unlucky man who was hiding behind the barricade and peeking his head was hit by a lead bullet in the temple, and he collapsed to the ground before he could even scream.

The mixed red and white liquid sprayed on the faces of the companions, causing them to immediately wake up from the previous fanatical atmosphere and realize the seriousness of the problem.

So the barricade quickly "fallen".

Throwing down their weapons, some workers who were screaming and crying raised their hands and stood up, some turned their heads and ran towards the factory building behind them to escape; some looked at the corpses on the ground as if they were stupid, not waking up from their daze at all. come over.

But the "answer" they got was the same.

"Bang——! Bang——! Bang——!..."

Accompanied by the neat volleys of the Guards, the crowds behind the barricades began to fall one after another; dark red blood stains spread toward the factory along with the screams of desperate escape, and an exquisite pavement was laid in front of the gate to welcome the distinguished guests. red carpet.

After watching the last guy who escaped being shot dead and struggling in a pool of blood, the Guards officer nodded and made an elegant show with the saber in his right hand:

"Eradicate the thugs and rescue the viscount! Guards - advance!"

Soldiers with rifles held high lined up in a neat formation, stepping on the muddy blood under their feet and the twitching corpses, and advanced towards the factory gate.


It seems that the Guards have already invaded.

Listening to the chaos of the workers who had been cheering just now, filled with shouts of fear and panic, Ansen, who was leaning against the door, relaxed slightly, calmly took out his pocket watch, and silently counted the seconds in his heart.

In a messy storage room, the black magic detective whose heart and head were blown out was lying in a pool of smelly blood; Viscount Bogner, who had just been awakened by the gunfire, sat beside the body in fear, looking a little embarrassed. He remained silent. He maintained a certain aristocratic reserve and dignity with silence.

The deathly silence lasted for more than ten seconds. Listening to the increasingly panicked movement and faint gunshots outside the door, the old gentleman, who was breathing a little quickly, finally looked at Anson uncontrollably:

"Excuse me……"

"Anson Bach, commander of the church security forces, lieutenant colonel."

Anson, who kept his head still and raised his gaze, chuckled: "You can call me Anson."

"Lieutenant Colonel Anson." The old gentleman took a deep breath:

"Excuse me...what are we waiting for?"

"Time...uh...ten minutes at most."

Anson said a little uncertainly.

"ten minutes?"

"Yes, in ten minutes at most, the church security forces will arrive." Anson explained: "Please rest assured, we have prepared a perfect solution that can solve the problem while ensuring your personal safety and minimizing losses. All questions.”

The old gentleman nodded slightly, but still felt a little uneasy and said, "What if they haven't arrived in ten minutes?"

"Then the Guards will storm in, execute all the rioting workers, and then secretly arrest you or 'accidentally kill' you - you are an important supporter of the Public Administration Act, and you have a close relationship with Draco Vertes There are ten thousand reasons why they want to kill you."

Anson sighed: "I can only find a way to take you all the way out."

Viscount Bogner, who was trying to remain calm, had a stiff expression and was so nervous that it was difficult to breathe.

"Then... what about this person? Not Conan, I heard him mention his name, as if he was a detective... Why did he want to arrest me?"

"I don't know, but according to him, he is a fugitive from the Old Gods and a spell caster." Anson stared into his eyes and said with a hint:

"I guess...this means that the Guards are not the only forces in Clovis City who want to take advantage of you."

Viscount Bogner's expression suddenly changed. His frowning brows seemed to have thought of something, but he hesitated to speak.

Anson, who kept smiling, didn't ask any more questions, and his eyes fell back on the pocket watch in his hand.

After a while, the restless old gentleman suddenly stood up and looked at Anson uneasily:

"W-how about... How about you let me talk to my workers? They are all good and honest people. Many of them used to be tenant farmers in my territory. Old John, William, Hans... each I can call everyone by their name!"

"This matter is all a misunderstanding - I have been in the Privy Council or traveling abroad all year round, and I don't understand the factory. You are protecting me. As long as I make it clear to them and pay off the arrears of wages, they will definitely..."

"Viscount Bogner!"

Looking at the old gentleman who still had some illusions, Anson had to interrupt him: "I don't know how close your relationship was with your workers in the past, but they have already hanged your supervisors, and several of them may have been killed. The Guardsmen killed him."

"This matter is no longer something that can be solved by mutual understanding, do you understand?"

Just when the old gentleman was speechless, the sound of volleys of gunfire mixed with screams came from outside the factory gate - the Guards who had "cleaned" the barriers and protective walls around the factory began to formally attack the factory gate.

Opening the pocket watch, Anson's eyes fell on the dial again.

Seven minutes to go.


There was another round of volley, and a dozen workers who brandished crude weapons and charged towards the Guards fell to the ground wailing; corpses gushing with blood fell outside the factory gate.

The lead bullets that tore flesh and blood no longer made the workers scream, and the screams of blood no longer frightened them... With no retreat, they tried to block the Guards' attack with their thin bodies.

"Shoot, charge! Fight back at the thugs of these noble men, kill them, hang them! Let them pay for the bad things they have done!"

In the choking smoke, the rioting workers continued to fire back, or desperately rushed towards the Guards column that was still approaching step by step.

The Guards troops advancing in columns continued to fire rows of lead bullets, maintaining continuous firepower without even looking at it - if it were on the battlefield, firing volleys of guns in columns would be a stupid tactic, but in the face of only When rioters have rudimentary small arms, it's a nightmare.

Tight terrain, tight crowds, and constant firepower...each salvo can take away several lives.

Even with an absolute numerical advantage, in front of the uniform Guards, the fanatical rioting workers could not even rush within five meters of the column; just like the tide hitting the rocks, only a few workers could be left behind after each round of ebb. Some broken waves.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! There are fewer of them than us, it's them who should be afraid!"

"Rush over and avenge your dead brothers!"

Fierce shouts broke out in the tide of people falling down. Although they continued to retreat, they still caused some casualties to the Guards with the simple firearms and numbers in their hands, so that the Guards had to slow down; in order to The anti-riot workers tried to outflank them from Liangyi, and the formation also changed from columns to horizontal formations.

But that's about it.

Not only because the strength gap between the two sides was too great, but also because the rioting workers had no idea what they were going to do - they captured the overseers and the viscount, they occupied the factory, they smashed the machines that made them bleed and sweat, and burned them. goods that make them poor.

And then...gone.

Some people are trying to fight to the death with the Guards, some want to guard the factory, and some are protecting their families... They are unorganized and aimless, like fireflies circling around candlelight, one after another in the dazzling gunfire Fall.

After paying the price of seven or eight injuries, the Guards, whose number was only one-fifth or sixth of the workers, advanced outside the factory gate in just seven minutes in a streamlined massacre-like fighting style.

The workers who suffered heavy casualties had no way to escape. They retreated to the factory and closed the door, showing no intention of surrendering to the Guards.

This bug-like tenacious vitality made the Guards officer even more disgusted, and he decided to show some color to these thugs who did not know whether to live or die.

"Go to the nearest military camp and ask them to send someone over." The Guards officer said solemnly to the adjutant behind him:

"Tell them that the thugs are guarding the factory and are suspected of possessing heavy weapons. We need artillery support!"

"Artillery support?!"

The astonished adjutant widened his eyes: "Sir, this is in a city area. Isn't it too..." to use artillery?

"What are you afraid of? This is the outer city!"

The Guards officer looked at him coldly: "What's more, the number of thugs is several times ours. Are you going to let the brave Guards soldiers risk being killed to take back the factory?"

"But Viscount Bognar is still in the factory. If something unexpected happens..."

"It's nothing! Just because a noble was kidnapped by thugs, we should rescue him as quickly as possible, so as not to lose the kingdom's face." The guard officer who intercepted the interception snorted, and his expression suddenly turned gloomy. Get up:

"And even if anything happens to the Viscount, he must be brutally killed by thugs; a Guards officer who is loyal to the kingdom will never fire a bullet that will hurt the nobles of the kingdom... Do you understand?"

"Ming, understand!"

The adjutant who understood the situation immediately turned around. His staggering steps tripped over the corpses on the ground several times. He was covered in blood and ran away without looking back.

A minute later, the panting adjutant suddenly ran back, and the pale-faced and angry Guards officer explained the reason.

"Storm Group?"

The Guards officer was stunned for a long time, and then after being reminded by the adjutant, he remembered that this was the newly formed security force of the Church of Order.

Then he was even more surprised.

According to the information released by the church, it has only been half a month since the formation of this army, and the training of new recruits has not even been completed. How dare the Church of Order bring out such an army to show off its power?

Are they really not afraid that these homeless people will kill each other with guns and then mutiny and break up on the spot?

Despite this, the Guards officer decided to be cautious - the Guards had a bad relationship with the church, but that was a matter for the people above: "Let our people block the road with carriages to block them, and then tell the other side's commander The Guards can handle this riot alone, so don’t bother them.”

"Our people have blocked the road, but it's probably of no use!" the adjutant said with a pale face:

"There are a lot of them and..."

"And what?"

"And there are several reporters from major newspapers, and..."

"Reporter?!" the Guards officer looked surprised:

"Let our people stop them, stop them all - tell the commander of the storm group that everything can be discussed as long as reporters are not allowed in!"

What a joke, if a reporter saw him beating Viscount Bogner to death, the senior officers of the Guards would never "appease" and would definitely throw him out as a murderer to appease the public's anger!

By then, let alone the future, whether you and your family can survive is a big question mark!

"We've tried it, but it's probably of no use!" The adjutant shook his head desperately, his expression even more horrified:

"And they still have..."


A thunderous roar pierced the gloomy sky, turning the Guards' carriages and barricades into debris flying in the sky with unstoppable violence.

The stunned guards officer and adjutant turned their heads and looked at a little girl waving a rifle with a strange expression, running towards this direction, with a gray tide behind her:


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