I will be crowned king

Chapter 147 A report

The riot ended the moment the three-pounder infantry cannon shattered the factory door.

Faced with artillery that can smash solid wooden doors into pieces; faced with infantrymen who are much more numerous than themselves and loaded with live ammunition, facing the dilemma of having nowhere to escape...

The rioting workers, who were full of enthusiasm but lacked even decent weapons and the most basic organization and goals, chose to surrender just before the line infantry launched their charge.

The moment they walked out of the gate, almost all the workers couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the dozen companions hanging on the gate - they would rather commit suicide than surrender to the army that came to save Mr. Bognar.

In the cold wind of the evening, the ashen-faced workers stood in scattered lines in front of the roars and rifles. They walked out of the factory one by one with their heads in their hands, and then were roughly pulled aside and tied up with ropes. Their hands and feet were trembling. Squatting in the open space, waiting for their final judgment.

On the other side, the calm soldiers of the Storm Regiment, under the orders of the officers, occupied and controlled the entire factory to the beat of drums. A few good guys even planted the unicorn flag on the window at the top of the factory building, as if they had been recaptured. It was not a factory occupied by rioting workers, but an enemy fortress.

After thoroughly clearing up the commotion, reporters from various newspapers who were blocked outside the gate were finally allowed to enter the factory, but they were still required to be monitored by someone and only allowed to interview soldiers and prisoners with the permission of a small secretary. They interviewed.

Among the swarming crowd, no one noticed a young man wearing an old coat, sitting huddled in the rubble of the barricade. He took out a tattered shorthand notebook from his clothes and began to write in it. What:

[Finally, the proud soldiers waved military flags and stood on top of the factory, declaring victory over the riot - while their bullets were still in the chambers of their guns.

Everything happened so suddenly, just when everyone - perhaps including the security forces and workers - believed that there would be rivers of blood, just like every previous riot put down by the Guards.

But the fact is that the violent Guards not only failed to capture the factory, but had to leave in despair; Lieutenant Colonel Anson Bach and his storm group ended it all with "peace".

When the lieutenant colonel helped the somewhat embarrassed Viscount Bogner out of the factory gate, the scene was completely boiling; the soldiers had to threaten with their rifles to keep my dedicated colleagues more than one meter away from the Viscount.

Probably due to his imprisonment, this respectable old gentleman seemed a little depressed; he politely refused all interviews and staggered to the workers.

When all of us thought that he would be furious at the rioting workers who imprisoned him, destroyed those expensive machines, and almost burned down the factory, and accused them in the most severe terms of their shameless and despicable behavior, this lovely man The respectful old gentleman fell into a certain silence.

He stood there silently and looked at the workers who were also silent. After a while, he chatted a few more words with the workers and asked them about the situation at home. After getting some answers, he fell into silence again. , stepped onto the carriage that took him away.

The rioting workers were left in place, waiting for their final judgment.

And Lieutenant Colonel Anson Bach shocked everyone again - he announced that the rioting workers would be transferred to the court, but before that, the Church of Order would first pay back all the wages owed to the workers by the Bogner family!

The church will set up a new foundation to provide food subsidies to the poor in all welfare homes in the outer city, ensuring that each adult can receive at least 125 grams of black bread per day, and half the amount for children.

Not only that, Lieutenant Colonel Anson Bach, the commander of the security forces, also announced to everyone present that the church would increase its donations to the outer city and provide more and more favorable loans to all those who are willing to build factories to support the kingdom's war; Archbishop Luther Franz has gone to the palace in person to present the matter to His Majesty Carlos.

He promised that the Storm Team would not only undertake the security work of Clovis Cathedral, but would also appear in any corner of the royal capital that requested assistance from the church, and perform the duties of a devout believer for the good security of Clovis City tomorrow.

Does all this mean that the Church of Order will intervene in the security affairs of the royal capital, that the kingdom will begin to regard the outer city as part of the royal capital, and that the collapse of public security that has lasted for several months will usher in a new situation?

We don't know.

But one thing is clear - Lieutenant Colonel Anson Bach and his Stormtroopers, who were once suppressed by the Guards and the Army and were unknown, will officially enter the field of vision of all forces from this moment on, whether he is fully prepared or not... 】

The rapidly shaking pen tip suddenly stopped at this moment.

The young man in the old coat suddenly frowned, muttered something to himself, and then used a pencil to roughly cross out everything that followed "all this...".

He stood up, tore off what he had jotted down, and handed it to the artist beside him who was sketching for the newspaper: "I'll leave the rest to you."


The painter, who was biting bread and wipes, was stunned for a moment. He looked at the young man who turned to leave and said quickly: "What are you doing? We haven't interviewed the lieutenant colonel yet. How are we going to write the manuscript for tonight?"

"Just give that piece of paper to the editor, he will definitely be satisfied."

The young man who chuckled turned his head and looked calmly through the crowd at the messy factory building behind the gate. There were many bodies hanging inside, including supervisors and workers.

"how about you?"

"I have to go back and write another manuscript, which is a novel." The young man shrugged tiredly:

"Tomorrow is the day when the manuscript is due. The story is only half-written and we can't delay it any longer."

"Oh, then go back quickly!"

The painter nodded casually and returned his gaze to his masterpiece; this time he was very satisfied with the painting - the brave and fearless officers protected the viscount from the sea of ​​​​fire, and the soldiers escorting the captives greeted their commanders with their heads held high. , the flag of the kingdom flutters in the sky of the burning factory...

Of course, just the prints must be a bit monotonous, but coupled with the content of the young man's shorthand just now, the editor must be... huh?

Wait, didn’t you come alone? Who is that young man? !

The painter suddenly came back to his senses and quickly looked back, but the other party was already far away. He could only see a red-haired figure wearing an old coat and a sloppy hat, disappearing into the evening fog of Clovis City.


"...Nott Conan, captain of the royal fleet, was kicked out of the fleet in Saint Calendar 87 because he took it upon himself to expose the captain for stealing rum. In Saint Calendar 88, he started working as a private detective. Saint Calendar 9 Fifteen years ago, he was revealed to have used black magic to induce crime in the 'Beigang Incident'..."

In the dark storage room, Cole Dorian stood next to the corpse whose head was blown. He put away the small notebook in his hand and looked at Anson beside him with a smile:

"Who do you think exposed him?"

"Draco Vertes?" Anson shrugged casually.


The inferior inquisitor raised his lips: "Even many inquisitors don't know that our great detective not only solved the Beigang incident in the ninety-fifth year of the Saint calendar, but also solved an Old God sect murder case!"

"Oh, by the way, congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Anson Bach, you are rich."

"Am I rich?"

Anson didn't understand what he meant.

"Ever since Nott Conan's identity was revealed and he fled in the ninety-fifth year of the Saint's Calendar, the Church of Order in North Port has been placing a bounty on him, and the bounty is getting higher year by year." Cole explained with a slightly envious tone. :

"If I remember correctly, the latest reward seems to be three hundred gold coins, and it will also enjoy the qualifications of an honorary citizen of Northport for life and a special seat on the city council!"

Well, one day I can no longer survive in Clovis City, I can go to North Port and start over again... Anson twitched his lips: "Is the bounty amount so high because he did something terrible?"

"That's not clear, but the Truth Seeking Cult has been hunting him for five years. I'm quite happy to see his head blown off."

Cole Dorian put his hands in his pockets and pouted: "In short, this matter can be brought to an end now. There will be dedicated people to deal with his body and other trivial matters later. You only need to be responsible for collecting the money."

"Then I can leave?"

"Uh...yes, yes, but..."

Cole Dorian's expression suddenly became awkward, and he explained hesitantly: "You may need to go to the Bognar Mansion tomorrow."

"Why?" Anson asked confused.

"Because this case involves the Old God Sect, the Inquisition has the responsibility to investigate the matter thoroughly; Viscount Bogner agreed to be questioned by the Truth Seeking Order and is willing to hand over all letters for our investigation." Cole Do Li An sighed:

"But he also put forward a condition, that is, the questioning must be at his home, and it can only be you, Anson Bach."


An Sen's heartstrings tightened involuntarily as he revealed a look of astonishment at just the right moment.

If I could talk to Viscount Bogner one-on-one, I might be able to get information about the novelist from him, and whether his father really stole the "Great Magic Book" from the church in the seventy-fifth year of the Saints Calendar. Memory cards.

"The time we agreed with him is tomorrow afternoon, so there's no need to be too anxious." Cole apologized a little embarrassedly:

"Don't worry, we will prepare the questions for you in advance. You just need to follow the script. It doesn't matter if you can't ask. The relationship between the Bognar family and Clovis Cathedral has always been good. We are just doing it on a routine basis."

"Okay, I know."

Anson nodded, turned and walked towards the door of the storage room; Cole Dorian politely turned around and took off his hat to salute him in a playful manner.

In the slightly empty factory, the originally messy ground and several corpses hanging from the beams had been cleaned up by the Storm Regiment soldiers, and they were all piled outside the factory door together with the corpses of workers killed by the Guards. On the open ground.

As for the reporters who came to cover the scene, the clerk arranged for them to go to a cafe near the factory, and prepared steaming coffee, biscuits, grilled sausages, cheese and other snacks for them.

In this unpleasant cold winter season, sitting in a warm cafe box, drinking coffee and eating snacks, you must be able to write objective and honest reports, right?

Although from a military point of view, Anson does not think it is a good thing for the Storm Group to report so quickly; but if he wants the Franz family (Party A) to continue to invest more heavily, he must make a decision Get some results, even if they are just on paper.

The church hopes to form a security force with combat effectiveness, which is still relatively difficult at present; but Anson is relatively confident in forming a security force that "looks very combat effectiveness" and relies on numbers and firepower to scare ordinary people.

"What a wonderful plan and wonderful speech, Lord Anson Bach!"

The little clerk holding a briefcase at the side came closer and lost no time in boasting: "The workers' riot that even the Guards could not solve was calmly resolved in your hands, and not a drop of innocent blood was shed!"

"I have spoken with reporters from the Kingdom Loyal, the Post, Clovis Today and Clovis Truth, and they have agreed to continue criticizing the Guards' inaction in policing the outer city. , and put the content of your speech today on the front page of the newspaper!"

"Oh, another reporter from "Clovis Today" came to me and asked if you would like to be interviewed by them together with your sister, the lovely Miss Lisa Bach." The little secretary suddenly said:

"You may not know much about this - when you were rescuing Viscount Bognar, Miss Lisa stepped forward to take over the command and led the storm group to seize the factory. "Clovis Today" intends to use 'Girls Officer' as a selling point, do a series of reports."

"Let's talk about this later!" Anson quickly interrupted.

Just kidding, Lisa's identity has been exposed in the media, and the problem of her unknown origin can be solved easily. What if the black mage or other Old God organization discovers that she is of August's blood, that would be really troublesome. Got it!

"By the way, how did you get the Church of Order to decide to establish a new welfare fund and also promise to repay the workers' wages to Viscount Bognar first?"

When the little clerk didn't ask further questions, Anson changed the subject abruptly: "Is it a coincidence?"

"No, it's not a coincidence."

Clerk Allen shook his head invisibly, and suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Sir Anson Bach, I have to congratulate you on your good luck again!"

"When I applied for a loan from the cathedral at the beginning, I actually encountered some minor setbacks; five thousand gold coins was no more or less, but the procedures for loaning it out without any collateral were very cumbersome, even with my highest efficiency. , and it will take at least an hour.”

"Guess...who solved this problem?"

"Archbishop Luther Franz?"

"No, it's Miss Sophia Franz!" The little clerk's eyes flashed:

"She must have heard that it was you and immediately made the decision - this shows how much she trusts you!"

"..." Anson Bach.

No, I don't think it has anything to do with trust... He suddenly shuddered.

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